Golden Sunset (On Hold)

By Newspirit123

745 152 12

Prachi never thought before that she would come in such a stage of her life where she would have to go throug... More

Words to my readers
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Author's Note
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Cover Suggestion
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
New Characters

Chapter 3

37 8 0
By Newspirit123

While marching in the office, Prachi couldn't help but feel scared. She was furious for being the scapegoat and she couldn't just accept Adam's words without fighting back. She was well aware of his accusations. But she also knew that nobody could win over the living monster ever. For the first time in her job, she was summoned by the devil himself in his office and it was not unknown to anybody in this office that once you were in the lion's den, you couldn't escape his wrath.

Standing outside his office door, she swallowed the big lump in her throat and tried to steady her accelerating heartbeat which was thumping so loudly that she feared even her boss from inside his cabin could hear it. Without delaying much, she knocked on the office door twice before entering but she immediately regretted it.

There was sitting none other than Mr. High and Mighty, Adam Torcelli in his chair as if it was his throne and he was the king himself. Well, it was quite true though. He was indeed the king of the company. Well, if not king, he was the prince, both literally and metaphorically. After all, he could easily surpass the title 'prince charming' for his gorgeous look along with his stunning green eyes. If it was not for his rude and arrogant personality, Prachi could swear she would crush upon this Greek God.

'Oh yeah? As if you are not drooling over him now although your job is at stake.' 

Ugh. Shut up Prachi. You are not making any sense. Damn this man!

Whoa..whoa..whoa..was she just ogling this stupid hot man even after everything else happened today? She came back to the earth as she heard someone clearing his throat. She couldn't help but feel ashamed as she realized that Adam also noticed her staring at him. Her cheeks felt hot as she felt like a stupid hormonal teenager who couldn't see beyond the look of a man. How could she forget his stinking personality?

Adam seemed to be already pissed off and her ogling him didn't help the situation much, rather it fueled his anger.

He snapped at her sharply: "If you are done eye-raping me, can we go straight to the point?"

Prachi felt so embarrassed that she began to stutter again: "N-no sir. I w-was not...S-sorry...I d-didn't...."

Adam cut her off with his words which took her breath away in anxiety: "Well, I don't need your explanation more. I guess your time in this company is over now. You have been working in this company for a few years now and you are not yet aware of the fact that discipline comes on the first row of requirements here. I can't compromise the reputation of my company for a mere employee. I am very sure that you do not fulfill this requirement at all. So you are terminated. No need to come here again after today. You may leave now."

Prachi felt like the earth beneath her feet was moving. couldn't be happening now. She wouldn't lose her job. She was not worried for herself but she had the responsibility of her little sister who had already been suffering from CAD ( Coronary Artery Disease ). If she lost her job now, she wouldn't be able to bear the expense of her treatment. Moreover, this job covered their house rent, food, and bills.

She began to panic. If she lost this job, she would have no other option than to go back to her country, India with her sister because nobody would give her a job after getting terminated from this company now. But she couldn't afford of going back there alone after so many years.

Suddenly she heard the unclear murmur of his boss something like "irresponsible Indians" and although it was not meant for her to listen, she heard it and just couldn't ignore it.

She might have been staying abroad for a few years now but she wouldn't tolerate anyone to badmouth about her country. She was fuming in anger and for a moment she forgot whom she was talking with.

She furiously asked him: "What just you said?"


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