Dangan Ronpa: New Despair

By toastedbacon12

1.5K 32 26

14 Students are suddenly prisoned in an academy with no escape. All seemed fine, until the arrival of Monopug... More

Hello there!
Chapter 1 : Prologue
Chapter 2 : Curious Peers
Chapter 3 : Silent tour
Chapter 4 : Finding Hope
Chapter 5 : Disturbed Sleep
Chapter 5.5 : Corpse of a friend
Chapter 6 : Ink and Clues
Chapter 7 : Trial 1 ~ Secure Alibi
Chapter 8 : Trial 1 ~ Tears and insanity
Chapter 9 : Blood red petals
Chapter 10 : Sweet memories
Chapter 11 : Hidden eye's
Chapter 12 : Knitting music
Chapter 13 : Awkward silence
Chapter 14 : Party Problems
Chapter 14.5 : Pink Water
Chapter 16 : Trail 2 ~ Fake trust
Chapter 17 : Trail 2 ~ Despairing laughs
Chapter 18 : Check Mate
Chapter 19 : Colours of Despair
Chapter 20 : Weak secrets
Chapter 21: Exploration

Chapter 15 : Drenched evidence

56 2 2
By toastedbacon12

  [[Some A/N first, I fixed mistakes in the last chapter, Alice was supposed to be in the music room, and Adam in the decorating room xD, also this chapter has a video of the first scene as if it was from the actual game :D I have still written it, the video is like an extra, just because I love you guys so much <3 I say where the video starts from, and where it ends, so yeah...I'll stop talking now and let you read ~]]

  No-one's view ~

  Alfonso's lifeless body floated silently amongst the veil of pink. His eyes were drained of all colour, residing into a deep grey. His clothes were damp with blood and water, his skin slowly freezing. The corpse's neck sustained a deep gash which poured out endless amounts of a thick, pink substance. 

  A gigantic television screen descended from the ceiling, presenting itself in front of the group. "Attention attention! It seems like someone won’t be waking up this morning! That's right, someone has bit the dust, Upupu! You have half an hour to investigate and get all your clues, and then we will hold a class trial!" Monopug chirped, with the television suddenly shutting itself off, and retreating back into the ceiling.

*Where video starts*

  "Oh my god..." Maggie stuttered, clenching her fist tightly.

  "Looks like... it’s happened again..." Jessica followed, letting out a long sigh.

  "Another one bites the dust, I guess," Tim joked, a look of unease printed onto his face.

  "How, uh, could you even say that!?" Adam barked back at Tim.

  "Adam is right, our friend just died for god sake!" Dylan joined, pushing Tim backwards. Tim simply rolled his eyes, and continued to spectate the empty skeleton.

  "Who... Alfonso..." Geno stuttered, his face fading into a hue of blue.

  "I feel like im going to be sick..." Alice complained, covering her face with her hand, "This is horrible..."

  "Do... you think we need to do the... trial again?" Nick questioned, his face as blue as Geno's.

  The pool began to ripple violently. The gang took a step back in surprise. Monopug emerged from the tinted water, his felt soggy and damp. A smile was warped across his face.

  "Upupu! Ding! Correct, you are so clever!" Monopug chuckled, "You guys are growing up so quickly..."

  Mina looked directly at the body, sweat still bolting down her face. "You're creepy Monopug, that's why I love you ~" Heather chirped, her mind taken away from the corpse.

"Where Video ends... Y'all can read from here ~*

  The group knew what had to be done, and with the hourglass slowly running out of time, they had to get to work quickly...

  Topher's view ~

  I rapidly jumped into action, directing myself over towards Alfonso's body. Maggie was always waist deep in the pool, inspecting the deep cuts that formed into the deceased student’s body. I looked at his body closely, and noticed something about the fatal cut.

  "This cut... Seems very small..." I said, starting conversation with my despairing friend.

  "A knife would be too thick, so it must be something like a... skewer or something like that..." She replied, digging through the dead man's pockets. The blood was beginning to set onto Alfonso's pale skin, showing it was not too long ago he fell under such circumstances. Maggie raised her eyebrow suddenly, and motioned me to come closer.

  Her hands held tightly onto Alfonso's arm: "There are bruises all over his arm, what could that mean?"

  "Maybe... He was restrained? Maybe the culprit and him duelled it out?" I questioned, stroking my chin nervously. Maggie settled the arm back into the water, and continued with her search of the body.

  I can’t believe it happened again, I refuse to believe it. Even with the corpse lying beside me, I have no faith in what is going on. Why... are so many people dying? Why have people not learnt to get along? Dexter... Gel... James... My little brother Merlin, and now Alfonso, why won’t people just stop?

  Heather quickly brought me back to reality with a series of diabolical laughs. Her arm was soaking wet and stretched up towards the ceiling. A pin was withheld in her hand. Maggie face transformed into a smile, as she floated her way back to the victim’s neck. 

  "I have found the sharp-y sharp thing once again, two trials in a row!" Heather cheered, splashing around the murky water. Could the pin be the weapon? It certainly looks small enough, but the pool washed away any sign of blood on the tool, rendering it impossible to tell. Heather wore a smug expression on her face, as me and Maggie continued to investigate the departed body.

  No-one's view ~

 Geno crouched down next to the gigantic puddle of blood outside the girl's changing room, a look of determination on his face. Alice slowly scuttled behind him, careful not to step into the oozy pink liquid. Gingerly, Alice reached over Geno and attempted to push open the girl's changing room’s door, with no success. 

  "It won’t budge... stupid door..." Alice moaned, continuously pushing. Geno shot to his feet, and followed up Alice's attempts to open the door. 

  "It seems to be sealed shut..." Geno said, his eyes drifted down towards the ground. He abruptly noticed a line of glue spread out at the base of the door, "That must be it...”. Alice noticed the curious look on Geno's face, and instantly got the same thought. Without wasting a second, she scuttled to the boy's changing rooms. The brown haired girl pushed hard onto the door handle, with no success once again.

  "It's not any use, it's just the same..." Alice moaned, "There is a lot less glue on this door though, you would think it would be easier to open..."

  Geno nodded, and turnt over to Mina: "Mina, how did you open the back door?"

  Mina, who was testing out the girl's door, jumped back startled, and refused to speak. Geno rolled his eyes and attempted to open the boy's room.

  Mina kicked open the girl's door without warning, almost snapping it in half. Geno and Alice staggered back, both impressed and terrified at the same time. 

  "Hell yeah! That ta' girl! Ultimate karate fighter for the win!" Alice cheered, clapping at Mina. Mina blushed and entered the girl's changing room. Alice followed quickly behind, stranding Geno all by himself.

  Jessica's view ~

   The thought suddenly hit me like a hammer through a wall, the Monopads. They gave us information during the last trial, surely they would help this time round as well. I instantaneously walked over to Monopug, who was giddy with excitement, drool dripping from his felt mouth.

  "Monopug, are you going to update the Monopads, or what?" I demanded.

  Monopug let out a drawn out yawn, and turnt to face me. "I guess your right, let me just do that right now," Monopug stood idle in place, his empty stare piercing my confidence...

  "Done! Ain't I just the best?" He cheered back at me. I quickly retrieved my Monopad from my pocket, and checked the new information.  Just like the previous time, there was a picture of Alfonso's dead body, and another picture detailing his outline. The following text appeared underneath the two pictures.

  Victim ~ Alfonso Caprika                                                                                                                                     Time of Death ~ ???                                                                                                                                               Cause of Death ~ Deep gashes to neck                                                                                                           Place of Death ~ Pool                                                                                                                             Weapon used ~ ??

  The information displayed was only idea's we had already discovered, so the data was of no use, unfortunately. I felt angry, but somehow I knew the monochrome pug did it on purpose. 

  "God dammit, give us something useful you damn bear!" Geno barked at Monopug. Monopug spun round towards Geno, and let out a demonic chuckle.

  "I needn’t remind you what happened to the last one that rebelled, now do I?" Monopug smirked, his eyes overwhelmed with despair. Geno gritted his teeth, and clenched his fist tightly.

  Adam's view ~

  I timidly followed behind Dylan, careful not to get lost. He thought it would be better to travel somewhere in duo's, then someone won’t pull a fast one out of the shadows. We both travelled slowly down the winding corridors, the ominous darkness shrouding our every step.

  We stepped just outside the medical, its door closed firm. I could feel the presence of another person already located inside the small room. I hid rapidly behind Dylan, fearful of what lay inside. My fellow companion grabbed the handle, and pushed open the door.

  From the corner of my eye, I could see Tim, kneeling down to what seems to be a pile of spilt pills. The red haired boy jumped to his feet, and swiftly started to greet us.

  "I came in here just a moment ago, there are pills everywhere..." Tim started, but I could tell Dylan wanted the answer to a different question.

  "Why the hell are you in here alone?!" Dylan barked, sweat beginning to form on his brow.

  Tim looked to the side: "I don’t know, I just had a feeling... I don’t know how to explain…Maybe he knows..."

  What did Tim mean by 'he'? As if the situation was not scary enough by itself. "Who, uh, is this unknown person?" I asked quietly, trying not to draw too much attention to myself.

  "My... other half... we have separate memories..." Tim said slowly. It was the first time I had heard Tim be scared, not even that, terrified...

  "Hold on, you have 'split personalities'", Dylan questioned, his face looking a lot calmer than before.

  "Yeah, but whatever happened, it was not good, look..." Tim sighed, pulling down his maroon scarf. Hand bruises was formed around his neck, all dyed a deep purple. Dylan raised his eyebrow, and I backed away in fright.

  "Back to what happened here, it seems like these drugs are something called 'Persherin'..." Tim started, pointing towards a brown pot, its lid unscrewed and placed lazily beside it.

  Dylan walked over to the pot, and briskly picked it up. "Persherin, pain soother, side effects may include dizziness, hallucination and paranoia if overdosed..." Dylan muttered, his finger smoothing out the bent label.

  "Why would they be all over the floor?" Tim questioned, still inspecting the pill closely.

  I chimed in, not wanting to be a burden: "Maybe the killer overdosed him?" 

  "That, or Alfonso could have overdosed himself," Dylan followed, his eye's focused on the label...

  Our conversation was suddenly interrupted by two new faces, who both swarmed into the medic.  Jessica and Nick stood in front of us, and I retreated backwards once again behind Dylan. Nick held a Purple hat in his hand, presenting it towards us.

  "We found this inside the music room, alongside a pot of glue..." Nick stuttered, handing over the items. It was pretty obvious it was Alfonso's hat, which explains why it was not at the pool.

  "Alfonso would never leave his hat behind, so the culprit must have moved it on purpose," Jessica added, spectating the hat's condition. 

  Before anyone could ask any more questions, the television at the side of the room lit up brightly, and began to play its usual video...


  "Hello! Investigation time is over! Haul your lazy arse's over to the gym, I’ll be waiting!" Monopug announced, and then the television turnt off abruptly. We all gave each other a rue-full glance, and we headed to the gym for the second time, unprepared for the events that awaited us...

  [[Who dunnit? Who sent Alfonso a watery grave? Feel free to leave a comment on your guesses, reason or not, I would love any feedback :D More evidence is to be revealed during the trial, so be sure to keep up to date! ]]

  [[For y’all that watch the video, sorry for the horrible drawings, quality etc... But hey, it's an extra, and I was actually working when I should have been procrastinating, so you can’t complain ;)]]

[[Thank you so much for reading this chapter, if you enjoyed it, feel free to leave a comment, or even a little like. Until next time tiny pugs!]]

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