#1 Hero: Dekiru

By lucarioacero

18.1K 354 106

Izuku was pronounced as quirkless when he was four at the hands of that one doctor. However, unlike in the an... More

Chapter 1: Dream
Chapter 3: The Most Powerful Quirk
Chapter 4: The One, for All
Chapter 5: True Heroes
Chapter 6: Train For UA High! Part 1
Chapter 7: Train for UA High! Part 2
Chapter 8: UA High Entrance Exam
Chapter 9: The Hopeless Endeavor
Chapter 10: First Day of UA
Chapter 11: First Taste of Combat
Chapter 12: Next Step to Strength
Chapter 13: The Hangout
Chapter 14: USJ, Traitor
Chapter 15: Symbol of Peace, Desire
Chapter 16: Past, Sports Festival Training

Chapter 2: The Girl of Ice and Snow

1.4K 32 4
By lucarioacero

(Disclaimer: Any and all photos in this fan fiction, in any way shape or form, belong to their original creators. In no way shape or form do I own them. The same could be said about BNHA or any of the other series I may mention in this story.)

Timeskip, 7 years, Aldera Junior High

In one of the many classes of the public middle school known as Aldera Junior High, there was 2 students that seemed to particularly stick out from the crowd. One had sandy blond hair that spiked out in many directions, crimson red eyes, and a moderately muscular figure. He looked to be 12 years old at 5ft and 7in and held a look of superiority or overconfidence. This was 12 year old Katsuki Bakugou. Quirk: Explosion. His body secretes a special chemical known as nitroglycerin that gathers on the palms of his hands that can be ignited in order to create, well, explosions.

The other one had a body of a slightly taller figure, at around 5ft 8in, yet under his baggy uniform was a highly trained body that had incredible capability. The boy had dark green messy hair with spots of black in them, had seemingly emerald green eyes that held almost every positive emotion in the world, and his signature diamond shaped freckles on each cheek. This was 12 year old Izuku Midoriya. Quirk: N/A. His abilities are relatively unknown, however he is known for his incredibly smart and intelligent mind.

Over the course of 7 years, Izuku has been through a lot of training and preparation to become the world's first quirkless hero. He first started by creating his famous 'Hero Analysis for the Future' journals. You see, Izuku takes being a nerd to a whole new level. He writes down quirks that belong to other people and pro heroes and writes them down in his journal before writing down the quirks weaknesses, drawbacks, advantages, and even uses. Then, he would take into account what type of physical attributes the heroes have that aren't caused by their quirk and try to copy them.

One thing that many heroes and even himself have agreed on is that the fastest heroes, are usually the best heroes. That's why Izuku paid extra attention into what went into his body and what his body was doing as far as exercise went. At a young age, Izuku started to run on the beach near Musutafu called Dagobah Municipal Beach and would pick up all the trash that showed up on the shore. He has pretty good endurance because of that, being able to run at about 13 mph for about 30 minutes before stopping. Izuku also picked up several different ways of fighting, from weapons like swords, knives, bows, axes, and even gauntlets, Izuku knew how to use them all as if he were experienced in using them. He also became adept in many martial arts of the world. Usually, he'll learn the forms of the fighting styles before putting them into practice by sparring against Katsuki. This has allowed both of them to become highly acquainted with combat and mid fight scenarios. Izuku has currently mastered and familiarized himself with 6 different martial arts styles.

He has also been steadily increasing the total amount of weight he can fully lift. Since he started using dumbbells with Katsuki when they borrowed it from his dad, they could both lift an above average 70 lbs with each hand alone. Both he and Katsuki were incredibly fit for their age, with both of them being very athletic in more ways than one. Izuku and Katsuki had been exercising their bodies to the limits for a long time. Though in terms of pure athletic prowess, Izuku did have the upper hand.

They were both currently sitting side by side next to each other, with Izuku next to the window at the back of the class. Katsuki was sitting there with a smirk waiting for class to start so he could tackle the next step to becoming a pro hero. Izuku was nervous and more or less anxious. Aside from Katsuki, he had zero friends his age, either because of his apparently well known quirkless status, or because of his rather nerdy personality.

As he was transfixed with the window, the rest of the kids took their seats as the teacher had finally made his way into the classroom. There was only one seat that was open, the one in front of Izuku. As the teacher spoke, Izuku quickly broke out of his trance as his attention was peaked.

"Today, we will begin your first day of the second semester of your first year. I know that all of you will most likely be successful in life, but you should all study to your hearts content in other subjects as well. You never know what life has in store for you. Speaking of which, we have another student joining us. She was homeschooled until now, so let's show her a warm welcome." The teacher spoke out in a slightly excited tone as he motioned to the door where a certain girl came in.

The second Izuku laid eyes on her, it felt like Katsuki had straight up just walked over to his desk and punched his stomach and knocked the air out of him. The girl was incredible. She was cute, beautiful, and everything that a person could complement about.

She had icy blue eyes and snow white hair that went down to her mid back. Her hair was done in a way that made her look stunning yet cute. She wore the normal school uniform required, but she looked stunning in it. She had a palish skin, but it only added to her beauty, along with how pretty it looked. She stood at the appropriate height of 5ft 6in.

(Picture her without the ice and wearing this)

"Hello there. My name is Yuuki Todoroki. I hope we can all get along." The now known Todoroki announced.

"Well then, the only seat left open is in front of Midoriya, so sit down and we'll begin class as normal." The teacher said. And so she started walking over to the empty seat while Izuku was keeping his head down to stop the new girl from seeing his blush. As he heard the chair being pulled back before being pulled in again, he could have sworn he heard Katsuki snickering at the situation.

Unfortunately, Izuku would be forced to feel slightly guilty, as he along with Katsuki would hear some of the other students in their class whisper about her being next to 'the quirkless kid.' Izuku felt a rising feeling of sadness about what that would cause Yuuki.

Later at lunch

Yuuki was walking towards the cafeteria with her lunchbox and sat down at one of the many tables. Soon, the cafeteria began to grow louder with noise and other things, so Yuuki tried to ease the sound a bit by spacing out while eating. However, her spacing out moment came to an abrupt end when 2 other female students sat down at her table.

"Hey, new girl, I got to ask you. Do you know who that boy behind you was?" One girl said. Yuuki seemed perplexed before answering. "I think the teacher called him Midoriya, right?"

The 2 students laughed before speaking again. "Not his name, I mean who he is. Since you don't know about him, let me give you some advice: you really shouldn't associate with him, he's quirkless." The other one replied, saying quirkless as if it were a disease. Now Yuuki was really confused. "Why is that a bad thing, he seems like a nice person. And what does him being quirkless have to do with him as a person?"

The 2 girls were now the ones confused. What exactly was this girl thinking. "Quirkless people are freaks. They really shouldn't even exist at all." The one who first started the conversation said as if it were the simplest answer in the world.

Now Yuuki wasn't just confused, she was completely and utterly lost. "But quirkless people make up a large 20% of the total world population, which may not be the majority, but that is still 1,800,000,000 people. They aren't freaks, they are just as much of a human as any one else. Do you really think we should hold someone accountable for something that they had no control over?"

The girls just rolled their eyes. "It doesn't matter if they chose it or not, they are still weak and pathetic, it's just the rule of nature. Those who have power, win and live. Those who don't have power, lose and die. As they say, don't hate the player, hate the game." The other girl said.

Now, Yuuki knew exactly what type of person these students were. They were exactly like him. "Sorry, but if you honestly think that someone should be judged solely off of their quirk, then I think I should associate myself with people who aren't you. Excuse me." With that Yuuki got up from her seat and left to another table, leaving the 2 girls to scoff at what they viewed on as a stupid choice.

Timeskip, end of the day

Izuku and Katsuki had just exited the school building and were talking. "Try and take your mind off of that new girl. Tell you what, how about we go to the beach to train and workout, you know, to get your mind off of things. We can even spar all out, just, try not to feel bad about this." Katsuki said trying to cheer him up. Izuku's mood was in the dumps though. One of his least favorite things to do was to cause someone else to go through a bad experience because of him. Katsuki himself already had a hard time as it is. He had acquaintances sure, but nobody wanted to be friends with someone who thought a quirkless person could become a pro hero. Izuku however, still nodded nonetheless and they started walking on their normal path to go to the beach.

They had been walking for only a few seconds when they both heard "HEEYY WAIT FOR MEEE!" They turned around only to see the new girl running up to them. She stopped to catch her breath before talking. "Hello, sorry about that. I just thought that you 2 may want someone else to walk home with. I heard about you 2 from other students, but I don't think you 2 are bad people." What she said just caused them both to feel surprised. Nobody in 7 whole years had ever approached them both with the intent of just being friends.

"We'd love to walk home with you, but we are actually walking to our training spot. It's a beach called Dagobah Municipal Beach, we've been using it since 5 years ago. You can come if you want though." Katsuki replied with a smirk while Izuku was stuck blushing and stuttering in nervousness.

Yuuki however just nodded before smiling. "Thanks, I think I'll come along, I don't have to be back home until before 8 anyway, so I'm free. Who knows, maybe I could join you 2. I want to be a hero, so I may as well exercise with others who have the same goal." She said with her smile never leaving her face. Both Izuku and Katsuki noticed how she spoke the word home as if it were venom, but didn't question it.

"My name is Katsuki Bakugou, my quirk is called Explosion, which allows me to use the nitroglycerin that I sweat explode off of my palms. I like Izuku and training, along with heroes. My dream is to become an incredible hero like no other." Katsuki introduced himself with a smile.

"My name is Izuku Midoriya, I... am quirkless. But I like working out and Katsuki and heroes as well. My dream is to become a hero, even if I am quirkless. If you don't want to hang out with us now, we won't hold it against you." Izuku introduced himself, but after saying quirkless, he took on a downtrodden tone.

Yuuki however looked on as if she was confused. "Why would the fact that you're quirkless stop me from being friends with you. I mean, if anything, that makes you even more interesting, since technically you are a part of the minority. So, with that being said, I think I'll be friends with you until you show otherwise. Oh right, my name is Yuuki Todoroki, my quirk is called Freeze, with it, I can create and manipulate a massive amount of ice and snow, and recently, I learned that I can generate and manipulate very cold wind. My dream is to become a pro hero even greater than Endeavor." She spoke the last word with unrelenting hatred, so the 2 boys didn't ask about it. But her quirk was one of a kind, and yet her personality showed nothing but softness and caring.

And so, this was the start on how the next top 3 heroes would become the best of friends.

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