Demigods and others React

By johnson_yew

17.5K 166 117

Travis and Connor Stoll made a YouTube account to show how demigods react to videos. Some might feature Kane... More

Demigods React #1
Demigods React #2
Demigods React #3
Demigods React #4
Demigods React #5
Demigod React #6
Demigods React #7
Demigod React #8
Demigods React #9
Demigod React #10
Demigods React #11
Demigod React #12
Demigods React #13
Demigods React #15
Demigods React #16
Demigod React #17
Demigods React #18
Demigods React #19
Demigods React #20
Demigods React #21
Demigod React #22
Demigods React #23
Demigods React #24
Demigods React #25
Demigods React #26
Demigods React #27
Demigods React #28

Demigods React #14

317 3 2
By johnson_yew

Demigods React #14


Percy Nemo Jackson

Annabeth Chase

Super-sized McSizzle



Sun Angel



Hazel Levesque :)

KungFu Fai

Praetor Reyna

Vine Videos
First Vine: Will Sasso's Lemon

Grover: Okay. He's singing voice is so weird.

Nico: If you want to be the male version of Whitney Houston, try harder.

Jason: What's happening?

Hazel: What's he- OH PLUTO! HE'S PUKING A LEMON.

Leo: Vines.

Piper: Will Sasso's Lemon. He's a legend.

Reyna: How can he fit the entire lemon into his mouth?

Percy: I wish my mouth can really fit that lemon.

Annabeth: Usually lemons don't produce that amount of liquid.

Calypso: So this is called Vines.

Frank: He pukes out lemon whenever he sees one.

Juniper: He's the god of lemons.

Nico: Isn't this the goat remix? Woah what?

Will: Gahhahaha!

Annabeth: Geez! He can replace the goat remix!

Piper: Will Sasso's lemon remix.

Frank: Everything in there is hilarious!

Second Vine: Everybody spurts

Jason: What the-

Calypso: ....

Reyna: Is she alright?

Will: She needs to see a doctor, right now.

Nico: The **** is this?

Leo: Eww, that's disgusting!

Juniper: What about your clothes?

Grover: They don't care about their clothes anymore.

Percy: This guy looks like Dakota.

Annabeth: He reminds me of a wannabe vampire.

Frank: I don't like stuff like that.

Hazel: What's wrong with people nowadays?

Final Video: Ryan Gossling Won't Eat His Cereal.

Piper: Hi Ryan.

Reyna: Are those cereal?

Percy: Oh! This is the kind of stuff I did when I was a kid. Feeding food to the TV. Then Smelly Gabe sent me to bed after that.

Grover: I don't feel anything about this vine.

Juniper: Yeah, what's the point of this.

Hazel: C'mon baby. Mommy will feed you cereal.

Calypso: He doesn't want to eat the damn cereal.

Frank: Ahahaha. Okay, this is not funny and I don't know why I'm laughing.

Annabeth: The last one is real.

Will: Oh, that one's real?

Leo: The wonder of Vines. Thanks to the great one who invented this.

Jason: I wish I could sit here all day and watch Vines.

Question Time
Stolls: Where are these videos originally from?

Hazel: Definitely not YouTube.

Juniper: Tumblr?

Calypso: These are Vines.

Percy: Vines.

Jason: The famous Vine.

Stolls: What's about the one with the lemon, starring Will Sasso?

Nico: His name's Will?

Will: Oh hey Will, my name's Will Solace.

Piper: He's the King of Vines.

Frank: If there's the god of lemons, he will be the one.

Grover: It's impossible to fit a lemon into your mouth. He's the first dude to achive it. Congrats, Sasso!

Stolls: Why people want to watch people spilling liquid?

Leo: That's one disgusting vine!

Reyna: Mortals are weird.

Hazel: Who come out this idea?

Annabeth: The Internet is full of garbage. People love to spend time to watch every single garbage.

Stolls: What's happening to the cereal?

Percy: Oh gods! That's hilarious!

Jason: It's like watching Ryan Gossling's movies with cereal will make happy.

Piper: This is the exact thing kids will do. The purpose people making this Vine is to bring back the childhood memories.

Stolls: Do you have a Vine account?

Frank: Yes. Just watch the videos.

Leo: Yes.

Percy: Yeah.

Annabeth: Too busy to have one.

Will: I have one, but I like YouTube better.

Hazel: I have YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and the newest, Instagram. And now there's Vine. Holy Hecate, how many social networks are there!

Stolls: Why Vine is so popular?

Juniper: Vine is specially created for workers who want to be happy during lunch break.

Reyna: 6 seconds of humor, you can watch all of them in an hour.

Nico: Vine is a simpler version of YouTube. That's what I got from this social network.

Stolls: What advice will you give to new Vine users?

Grover: Be creative.

Calypso: Let your imagine flow, even only for a few seconds.

Frank: Make sure you really use the 6 seconds wisely.

Stolls:Finally, can you do us a favour?

Piper: Oh, what is it?

Stolls: (plays the everybody spurts)

Reyna: (spurts out red syrup)

Hazel: (spurts out honey)

Annabeth: (spurts out prune)

Frank: (spurts out orange juice)

Grover and Juniper: (spurt out water)

Jason: (spurts out chocolate milk)

Calypso: (spurts out pineapple jam)

Will and Nico: (makes out and spurt out Pepsi)

Percy: (spurts out coffee in a graceful say)

Leo: (spurts out yoghurt in a disgusting way)

Stolls: Eww!

Leo: Do you want an encore?

Travis: No!

Connor: Leo! Don't do that!

Calypso: Thanks for supporting our show! You guys are amazing!

Reyna: C'mon, we need votes and comments.

Frank: Love Vine and YouTube!

Percy: Follow ma Vine!

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