Purity: Jealousy


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Two Parents decided to take care of one child better than the other one. But the other grew twisted and angry... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: A Kid's Jealousy
Chapter 3: Misfortune
Chapter 4: William's Fury
Chapter 5: Rochelle's Anger
Chapter 6: Starting The Fight
Chapter 7: The First Encounter
Chapter 8: Testing The Waters
Chapter 9: The Past Of The Artifacts
Chapter 10: The Hell Givers
Chapter 12: Purity

Chapter 11: Separated

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They're Just two Kilometers away from William's House! The Current artifacts they hold are The Angel's Fury, The Source of Awaken, And the crusader, they couldn't get the soul of destruction because they didn't have anytime to do that. They just wanted to finish this and kill William and just rest and live on like a normal human being. 'If I just see that Bastard William, I'm going to slice him! I won't give him a chance to live He will die and his corpse will be one with the ground! I will totally kill him!' "Jake, Don't get so excited, even in his weakest situations he can get a plan down from his sleeve just to save himself or those whom are around him. That's why you should never underestimate him, he's a real bastard!" 'Hahahaha, I knew it, that's why I was saying it actually, I wanted to see what your reaction is going to be. That's why I said that. I don't like underestimating my enemy, didn't you see what I did to Karam? He was totally nothing the dude didn't even take half an hour to die and make the assassins probably more careful and precise at making a plan, I guess we're not an easy target after all right Rochelle?! Rochelle! Can't you hear me Rochelle? What The hell is wrong with your ears?! Rochelle are you listening to me?' ''''What About no?!'''' 'That's not Rochelle's voice!' ''''Of course it isn't! Rochelle isn't in with you! I've put you in a separate universe while you were just a Jerk and didn't notice that! I'm sure my friend Should be taking good care of her! You can't help her and she can't help you!'''' 'Do you know that I acknowledge all the artifact's names and what they do?' ''''No you bastard you don't know even a one bit about my damn artifact!'''' 'Oh yeah? Its name is Targeted Demon, and it can separate the opponent from the current reality, and it grants you super strength!' ''''You're not joking! You actually know a thing or two, but does your girlfriend out there in the actual reality know about the hell denier artifact?'''' –I should probably Kill him quickly to help Rochelle! I just hope he doesn't fully acknowledge his abilities! If he acknowledges its full powers he will be able to create an entire parallel universe, and when he creates an universe he will get a lot of my clones to attack me! If the same man is using Angel's Fury twice in the same reality the man should burn! That's why I should stop him before he can Create parallel universes!- ''''So What are you going to do? Cry Until I recognize my artifact so well? Or what?'''' 'Let's fight a man to man. If I kill you then I can get out of this reality, take your artifact and use it against your boss. But if you could kill me Then I won't trouble anymore I guess? I mean what else should I add about it I mean you kill me and it's my end.' ''''Very well, Let's start, use your crusader artifact!'''' –I don't think that he knows about this Artifact's negative side. If the holder stays for more than 10 minutes in the separate reality the holder will die!- That's why I should never give him any chance to go to the real reality!- 'Come on come and get me you stupid piece of trash.' He started using the crusader to fight. But in the real reality Rochelle was wandering in the streets of the town to find Jake. "Jaaaaaaaaaaake" –Jeez Why am I calling him like if he was in my house I'm in the freaking streets I should notice how I talk!- '''Jake isn't here Miss Rochelle, He's in a separate reality. He won't help you in this fight sadly!''' "Who are you?" '''I guess my real name isn't really important, but my artifact's name is important. Its name is The Hell Denier!''' "It's so easy to guess what it does....! You can't die right?" '''Splendid! But you actually look very pretty.''' "Please just leave me alone. I'm waiting for my friend to be done with that separate reality he's experiencing right now." In the Separate Reality. -7 Minutes have passed! Come on! Only three minutes remain! How could I tell? Well it's simple! I count from one to 60 for 10 times. Come on I'm almost there!- ''''You bastard I started getting ahead of you!'''' –Time passes faster in the separate reality, the 60 seconds passed faster! Only two minutes remain!- ''''Why am I getting slower! Why is the world getting faster what is happening?!'''' –This is my Chance! I'm sick of this!- He started Punching the holder crazily! As the holder couldn't keep his body's balance! 'You Fool! You stayed here for 10 minutes! You will die!' ''''No! Impossible! How could this happen!'''' 'Targeted demon. Give me this damn artifact!' The Separate Reality's effect is actually over, and since that Rochelle couldn't kill Michael, And his artifact just took death from him, she convinced him to just leave them alone and he actually left them alone. 'I'm finally back from hell! That separate reality is trash! Hey Rochelle Got a new Artifact, what do you think about it?' "I just met the kindest holder in my life, he had the hell denier artifact and he was easily convinced to leave us alone. I guess William's not the best at picking hunch-men." 'Do you know that there's a way to kill them?' "What????" 'Just throw him in fire and his artifact will burn and then he will die.' "Well he won't be a trouble he is kind of useless actually." 'We don't have a lot of time let's go kill William Rochelle!'

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