A Cat Called Kat

By GarethN

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Nonno was dead... and Master was in a stupid coma thing... And, once again, a poor little Kitten was all alon... More

Prologue - Hate
Chapter One - Kitten Walks Again
Chapter Two - On The Hatefulness Of Lettuce
Chapter Three - Terri has an Ache
Chapter Four - The Wedding
Chapter Five - Matters Arising
Chapter Six - I Have To Go
Chapter Seven - Madam Patricia Delores
Chapter Eight - A Terrible Confession
Chapter Nine - The Traitor
Chapter Eleven - Council of War
Chapter Twelve - The Chase
Chapter Thirteen - A Little Light Torture
Chapter Fourteen - Giulia
Chapter Fifteen - Interrupted Dinner
Chapter Sixteen - Life with Slimeball
Chapter Seventeen - A Vision of the Future
Chapter Eighteen - La Governante
Chapter Nineteen - Lunch in the Village
Chapter Twenty - The Party
Chapter Twenty-One - Captain Moretti
Chapter Twenty-Two - Caroline Captured
Chapter Twenty-Three - The Descent into Hell
Chapter Twenty-Four - The Torturer's Contract
Chapter Twenty-Five - The Non-Battle of Strangiato
Chapter Twenty-Six - The Vanguard
Chapter Twenty-Seven - How much are you Worth
Epilogue - Tony and Kat

Chapter Ten - The Punishment Fits the Crime

184 16 5
By GarethN

When the debrief session had finished, it was time for Terri's latest lesson. Mr Bossy had decided that, in her new rôle of head of house, she needed to learn about what he called 'enforced business practices'... all the fighting type stuff... the kind of thing Nonno would have taught her himself if he ever really thought she was going to end up as Head of the Family.

I mean... it was a fair bet that we were going to be fighting our way into the villa at some point and even if she wasn't going to be running the thing herself, she still needed to know what was going on.

Of course I asked if I could join them.

This time he was talking about the psychology of a military coup - the vital importance of establishing in everybody's minds that the takeover had already happened - as long as it remained in doubt, people might feel there could be safety in resisting.

I mean... the subject was pretty interesting but it was such a relief to be out of that car and back with my sister that there might have been a bit too much in the way of giggling from the two of us.

And of course it didn't take long before Mr Grumpy came out to play. "OK, you two, that's enough," he told us in his officially grumpy tone.

"Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir." I said in my best good kitten voice.

Except, of course, my sister said exactly the same thing at exactly the same time.

We tried to contain ourselves. We really did. But then we caught each other's eye and just collapsed into the helpless giggling thing again.

Of course Mr Grumpy was nothing like as amused. "Wrist!" he told me.

I offered it to him and received a painful slap that basically chopped off the giggles.

"You, too, Theresa!" he said to my sister and I was a bit shocked by that. I mean... she might be my silly sister who was in trouble for messing about but she was still Head of the Andretti Family and he shouldn't really go round slapping her even if she deserved it.

But of course he'd already thought of that. "With your permission, young lady," he said in a tone that made it clear it would be unwise to refuse.

Terri sort of nodded with her eyes and she received her own painful slap.

After that, the lesson continued with no more giggles.

A couple of hours later, at bedtime, another treacherous giggle - a nervous one this time - was threatening to leak out of me and get me into trouble.

Because I was blindfolded, gagged and lying, face up, on Mr Bossy's bed, naked, except for my collar, and spread out like a starfish. And, this time, because of his condition, I'd had to do the whole thing myself...

I guess that was what the treacherous giggle thing was all about.

But, of course, Master knew what was going on in my head - he always did. "You are here to be punished..." he reminded me in his official Mr Grumpy tone which made the whole giggle thing shrivel up inside me... "Punished for playing with my property without my permission. I find nothing whatsoever amusing about the situation. I strongly suggest you control yourself; the consequences of failing to do so will be distinctly uncomfortable."

I could hear him settling himself into his armchair, enjoying the scenery, I suppose.

"No matter what happens, Kitten," he went on firmly, "you are not to move until I give you permission."

I nodded. I was distinctly nervous but not really frightened. I knew I could trust Master.

"You liked that tape, didn't you, Kitten?" he asked.

I nodded. I really didn't have any choice. I knew it was true and so did he.

At least this time he really couldn't get grumpy with me for not using words!

"And you were imagining that you were the one who was tied up and being punished weren't you?"

Again I nodded... and I was getting all... well... moist down below at the memory.

But then I heard the sound of the door being opened and I realised that there was somebody else in the room. Of course I wanted to panic and cover myself up but Master had told me not to move so I forced myself to keep doing the insanely vulnerable starfish thing.

Who could it be? Who would Master trust with me like this?

"Relax, Kitten," Master told me. "I am still here and will be supervising your punishment."

I knew I had no choice... and, anyway, knowing he was there made it feel sort of alright... sort of.

Then someone took my wrist and I felt something firm but gentle clip around it - I guessed it was one of the furry handcuff things and that sort of worked. I tried to work out who it was from the grip on my wrist - gentle but firm - it sort of felt like a woman's touch - maybe Caroline... maybe Terri... but, then again, it could be Dr Nil... or someone else entirely.

She... I guess I was sort of hoping it was a she... secured my other wrist and I quickly decided that it couldn't possibly be Terri. She would never be able to bottle up her own giggles if she was doing this to me.

So Caroline, then... I decided as she secured my legs in their starfish pose... probably... possibly.

Whoever it was certainly seemed to know what they were doing. They tightened up on my wrists and ankles, stretching me out until I was completely splayed out and helpless. That sort of worked with it being Caroline... Mr Bossy had hinted that she 'had form' with this sort of thing.

But any sort of thinking was basically pushed out of my mind as something started tracing the line of my collar... something quite hard... yep... it definitely felt a bit like the stingy whacker that Miss Behaviour had used. My body sort of wanted to move towards it and pull away at the same time but it didn't really make any difference what my body wanted to do because, stretched out like I was, there was absolutely nothing I could do anyway.

And then the thing started drifting slowly downwards. I had some sort of groan thing going on but it was being muffled by the gag. My concentration was completely locked on the thing as it crept down... between my breast then on down... down... over my completely taut tummy. I knew I was completely melting down below and I sort of held my breath... but the thing was going so slowly that I couldn't hold it for long enough and, by the time it reached the neat little tuft of hair that Mrs Waxy Lady had left for me, I let it out in a deep sigh.

But then, of course, the sigh was twisted into a gasp as I was given the lightest of whacks on the outside of my thigh. It didn't really hurt... I don't suppose it was meant to, really... but it did sting a bit and it certainly grabbed my attention!

And then the whacker thing was back up on my collar and starting its torturously slow trip downwards again. I guess I must have relaxed a bit because I knew I wasn't going to get a whack until it reached my bottom bits. But, of course, this time, when it reached my breasts, I received a light whack on one of them. I just wasn't ready for that, of course, and the shock sent a funny little pulse of moist pleasure shooting downwards.

And again it began its impossibly slow journey downwards... except this time it kept tracking on past my yearning, aching bits and, as I held my breath, it crept on down my leg until I received a little stinger on my inner thigh, just above my knee.

That one certainly made me gasp... and, this time, it wasn't the pain. I might not like it but I really couldn't deny that the whacks were dragging some freaky sort of arousal thing out of me.

And again the track downwards began... except, this time, Master shocked me by speaking. "On this occasion..." he told me and, as my concentration flipped across to him, I was shocked by a little sting on my tummy.

"I will not be expecting you to control your orgasms..." he went on and again my attention was flipped back by a little whack on my shin.

"They will be controlled for you." Another track downwards and another little stinger, this time on my side, just above my scar.

Then a pair of headphones was popped onto my head, filling my world with some lovely, flowing, Irish-sounding music with a peculiar dreamy, breathy, almost wordless lady singer. That cut me off even more from the rest of the world... there was just me with that strange music and those slow, slow tracks downwards from my collar and then those little stingy whacks.

I was becoming so beautifully soggy down below that, when a wonderful, gentle, kitten purrer thing was slipped inside me, it went in with no problems at all. That felt particularly delicious because, with every one of the little whacks, everything was sort of clenching up down below... and now I had something to clench up on.

All of a sudden, there was a much sharper whack. I mean... it still didn't quite hurt but it was definitely much closer to pain. I tried to flinch, of course, but I was spread out and trapped and totally helpless.

Then my tormentor carried on with the little stingy whacks, except now the lines weren't being drawn down from my collar any more. They were criss-crossing my body instead in some strange pattern that seemed to be centred on where the purrer thing was continuing its lovely gentle work.

But, when I thought about it, someone had nudged that smooth and gentle purr up a touch... and with it, the tempo of the music had increased too. I hardly noticed it though because... well... my own tempo had nudged up too!

But then my attention was grabbed by another one of the firmer whacks... and this one was high up on my inner thigh so it certainly did a lot of attention grabbing.

More of the gentle whacks followed but their rhythm was mounting now, as was the tempo of the music and the intensity of the purrer. Of course that drove my own rhythm too and I did everything I could by way of squirming as my breathing quickened behind my gag. I began to lose focus on the individual blows... and I was starting to lose control of my body as I was consumed by the mounting excitement within me.

But my excitement was shattered by an impossible blast of something - probably pain - as a blow landed on my most sensitive bits. I thrashed wildly in my restraints then just lay there, gasping in shock and outrage. They couldn't do that to me... it just wasn't possible... it wasn't fair

But I wasn't allowed to luxuriate in my outrage for long. Something was happening to my left breast... to my nipple. Something was squeezing it... and the pressure was growing... and growing. It certainly had me gasping but I wasn't quite sure whether it was pain or sexual arousal.

And then, as the same sort of thing was tightened onto my right breast, the music changed too to some driving, pulsing film type music. The intensity of the purrer had risen too until it was filling my mind with its rising tension.

But my attention was ripped away from that as something pinched my inner thigh really hard. The shock made me buck and twist and thrash. And then my upper arm... my side... This whole thing was much more intense... much closer to really hurting.

And still they kept on with those cruel pinches. I mean... they were happening pretty much at random so I never knew where the next one was coming from but, in a way, they were spiralling in towards my very core.

As they focussed in, a wave of utter helplessness washed over me. Particularly with the wild things the purrer was doing inside me, the treatment was dragging the arousal out of me whether I wanted it or not... whether I liked it or not. The only comfort was that Master was there, supervising things. And I knew that he would never give his kitten more than she could handle. My breathing quickened and I lay there simply trembling with the intensity of my impending orgasm.

But again it was cruelly ripped away from me by another firm blow to my most sensitive spot. This time, I was beyond even responding... I could do nothing but lie there, shivering in shock and outrage.

But before I could even recover from the shock, the headphones were filling my world with some sort of wild, discordant heavy metal stuff with overwhelming drumming and screaming guitars. The rhythm of the purrer mounted even further and seemed to become much more wild and unpredictable.

Then something hit my shoulder hard - I didn't know what it was but this one really hurt... an intense, focussed pain. Then there was another one, this one to the outside of my thigh... The blows were landing with a steady rhythm and I hardly had the chance to get over one before the next one landed

And slowly the rhythm of the blows increased and again they were centering in on the very crux of my being... and, as my breathing started to rise again, there was a whole series of the blows, working their way up my inner thighs... and I knew what was going to happen if I let myself go but I still couldn't help myself.

But suddenly the blows stopped, the purrer was taken out of me and the music was gone. There were moments of complete nothingness, almost as shocking as the blows that had cut off my earlier climaxes.

Then I felt somebody climbing on top of me...

And then I felt a man driving himself furiously inside me, as if making up for lost time...

And, of course, I couldn't really be quite certain who it was...

I mean... I really knew that Master would kill any man who even thought about using me in that way... but there was still the slightest smidgen of doubt inside me... and it made me feel unbelievably filthy and nasty and cheap.

And, even though my brain hated the idea... hated it... my body embraced it with a completely overwhelming wave of pleasure.

I really, really don't understand me, sometimes.

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