Cartoon Universe: Season one

By 091607ag

840 33 6

A series is coming to a Wattpad near you. Join our heroes as they battle evil and explore the multiverse in t... More

Episode 1: The first pilot episode
Episode 2: The Halloween episode
Episode 3: Teleporter conundrums
Episode 4: The Trojan War
Thanksgiving special
Episode 5: Whom the bell trolls
Episode 6: New from Hell(Literally)
Cartoon Universe Christmas special
Episode 7: Mystery mayhem
Episode 8: Teen Titans Go!
Ep9: Deadpool and the hero of mighty nature
Ep10: Way of the Sayian
Ep11: Super Cartoon Universe Bros.
Ep12: A dime to kill for
Ep13: Mortal Bombad Kombat
Valentines day special
Mini short: The Pickle
Ep15: Gaston
Ep16: Arkham Mayhem
Ep17: The return of Mermaid man and Barnacle boy
Ep18: The hollow knight
Ep19: Doomsday Pt.1
Ep20: Doomsday Pt.2(Season finale)

Ep14: Superman, Mangle, & Knuckles

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By 091607ag

It was just a normal day in Multiverse City. A couple by the names of Clark Kent and Abigail Lori(Mangle's real name) were at a park sitting beside a wumbo tree. A wumbo tree is a special kind of tree that's as big as a 3 story building and produces special fruit known as wumbo fruit, fruit that if you eat it, will make your physical and mental attributes go up by 2 times  max. But the fruits are rare to produce in city parks and zoos and only produce in the wild because these trees are protected by the MC forest preservation agency, an agency that keeps wildfire safe from poaching and deforestation. Anyways, the couple were sitting by that tree just enjoying that moment they have together. 

Mangle: Mmm.*lays beside Clark* It's nice out here.

Clark: Yeah. I could be here like this forever.

Mangle: But, we don't have that kind of luxury when you're a hero.😏

Clark: Oh. Well, at least we can enjoy the moment while it lasts.

Mangle: Yeah. We can.

They rest on the tree trunk and slowly go into a deep sleep comforting themselves.


Clark: Huh?

Mangle: What was that?

A strange lump comes towards the two and suddenly it begins to form a hole in the ground and out pops an echidna and a rabbit from it.

???: I know I should've taken a left turn at albuquerque.

???: A thought we were going to Multiverse City, not whatever you just said just now.

Clark: Woah, Bugs?

Bugs: Superman?

Mangle: Knuckles?

Knuckles: Abigail?

Everyone: You know this person?

Bugs: Well of course I know this person, he's a superhero. Anyways*Chomps on carrot* what's up, doc?

Knuckles: What do you mean “What's up, doc?”, that's my friend.

Clark: Friend?

Mangle: Well, yeah. This is Knuckles. Knuckles the echidna.

Knuckles: I haven't seen you since the day you left. Man, You look different.

Mangle: It's a long story.

Clark: Well what are you doing here?

Bugs: Well, we came here to say hi, aaaand we also need your help.

Clark: Help? With what?

Knuckles: Can't tell you right now. We need to get going.

Mangle: Wait, who's gonna guard the master emerald?

Clark: Master what?

Knuckles: The Master Emerald. And don't worry, Abby. I got someone you know to guard it.

{Back at Angel island}

Scout: So uh, you got any 5s with ya?

Soldier: Ehh, go fish.

Patrick: Fish? I thought we were playing Uno.

{At Cartoon Universe HQ}

The four of them discuss what's been going on over some coffee.

Bugs: So like I said, doc. We need some assistance on a place that I used to work in.

Mangle: What's that place called?

Bugs: Can't tell ya. It's top secret. But you're good at keeping secrets though, right?

Superman: So where is this too secret facility at?

Knuckles: We're gonna take to the same way we got here.

Mangle: Digging?

Knuckles: That was Bugs.

Bugs: We're gonna take your on our new top secret jet airplane.

Superman: Where is it?

Bugs: It's in front of your house. It's invisible, which is why it's secret.

They leave the HQ into the jet piloted by a clone trooper blasting off to the American continent of the region.

Clone pilot: We'll be in Area 52 shortly, sir.

Bugs: Glad to hear it.

Mangle: Area 52?

Bugs: It's one of the most top secret facilities in the entire region.

Superman: Then shouldn't it be called Area 51?

Bugs: That's just our cover up name.

Knuckles: It's kind of a dumb name in my opinion.

Bugs: Well we did try to call it the MIB, but someone already took that name.

Superman: The men in black?

Bugs: So that's what that acronym means.

Knuckles: No kidding.

The jet flies over to a desert terrain and lands closely near a mountain facing it from the sides. The heroes get off and walk out into the front of the desert mountain.

Superman: What are we doing here, Bugs?

Knuckles: And where's this “Area 52” at?

Bugs: Well I'm glad you asked. Just follow me.

Bugs goes towards the mountain and then suddenly disappears. The gang doesn't know where Bugs is or where he went.

Knuckles: Where the hell did he go?

Bugs:*Warps out* Come one, guys. It's perfectly safe.

Knuckles: What the hell?!

The three of them walk to where Bugs was and warp themselves in to the secret facility. The facility itself is vast and large with unknown technology and structures of metal and other advanced alloy lining them.

Knuckles: Holy crap! This is Area 52?!

Mangle: It's so...technologic.

Superman: This should put the Batcave in shame.

*Intruder alert. Intruder alert.*

Knuckles: Uh oh, we're in trouble.

Guards come out with plasma staffs and surround them in a circular position.

Guard: Holt. Whoever you are.

Superman: My name is Superman. I came here in someone's request.

Guard: And who are the others?

Bugs: Eh, they're with me, doc.

Bugs tells them to stand down and let them pass with him.

Knuckles: I thought you don't work here anymore.

Bugs: It's a part time job now. Look, I'll show you where to brief at and I'll tell what we need you to help with. Sounds good, doc?

Superman: Um, yeah I guess.

Bugs: Good. Follow me.

They walk to a dark room the had a hologram of a ruins illuminating. Bugs chimes in on them what they are to deal with.

Bugs: You see, we had some intel of several unkwown creatures that were spotted down at old Mayan ruins of Mexico. Some witnesses have claimed it to be the old spirits of the past, others said that there were alien monsters roaming around the place, while some believe that demons have trespassed the old ruins and have haunted it for a while now.

Superman: Any idea what these creatures are?

Bugs: Our intel says they have no clue to what they are. They're either of the supernatural or completely from another dimension.

Knuckles: And we're here because?

Bugs: Because you all have had a history dealing with these kinds of things. Mangle and Superman battled with a bunch of perademons while Knuckles had to deal with the mythical mothman during his vacation in Wisconsin.

Knuckles: That was meant to be private since that thing scared the hell out of me.

Bugs: Right... So anyways, since they're at Mexico down in the old ruins, we'll get you there with our invisible jet to avoid detection.

Mangle: Thank you Bugs. We'll make sure those creatures know who they're messing with.

Mexico, 3:40 P.M.

A jet lands on a flat surface in the jungle where it's safe to land. Superman, Mangle who is carrying a satchel of gadgets and equipment, and Knuckles head off to the forest with a map Bugs handed to them to see where the ruins are at.

Mangle: Okay, so the ruins should be deep in the jungle just north up ahead.

Knuckles: Where even is north? We're just in the middle of nowhere.

Superman: I'll see if there's anything up ahead.

Superman flies into the air and scans the area with his x-ray vision. For several minutes, he looks around the trees and rivers, the vines and mountains until he finally spots the ruins where the rivers splits.

Superman: I found it.

Knuckles: Finally. Let's go.

Superman takes Mangle and Knuckles and flies overhead to the ancient ruins. Landing in, he drops the two of them on the temple grounds and he walks out to search around the ruins.

Mangle: See any anomalies, Supes?

Superman: Nope. Just trees and old temples. No strange creature in sight.

Knuckles: We can't sit around and just wait for them to come. We gotta go out there and find them.

Superman: It might be dangerous. We don't know what they're capable of.

Knuckles: (Annoyed) Hm. Fine.

Knuckles goes down the temple stairs into the solid ground. Mangle follows and grabs out a heat detecting radar from her satchel. The radar starts up and pings around for anything living in sight. It was her, Knuckles, and Superman at the moment when she decides to head to another temple with Superman. After going inside, Superman used x-ray to see anything in hiding. As they go deeper, Superman sees a wall with something inside it.

Superman: There's something behind that wall.

Mangle finds a fake wall with a out of place structure sticking out. She pushes it in and the wall backs up and slides to the left revealing a secret room that was recently digged up.

Mangle: This room was recent. What happened here?

She goes through the room and finds that the room is filled with technology that dated back to the Clone Wars. Weapons, armor, blueprints, and even small replicas of vehicles and starships were inside with a hologram in the table with blueprints. She picks up the hologram and it activates showing Dr.Vindi in the hologram.

Superman: Vindi?

Knuckles:*Comes in* What's wrong?

Dr.Vindi: Hello, heroes. Yes. You're wondering in your little minds why there is Clone Wars era stuff here. We, the Black Legion, have been recovering some artifacts of the era to salvage and renew them in our image. Many of the things you see now is all fake and were to lure you here for my creatures to destroy you.

Knuckles: Those were yours?!

Dr.Vindi: Yes. We have been making more of the S.R.M. serums and made even more powerful mutants. I do hope the experiment goes well for you all...well, for me mostly. *Laughs maniacally* Bye bye.

The hologram deactivates.

Knuckles: Aw great! It's that smartass that led us here. This was all a trap.

Superman: If we hurry, we can see if can find a way to beat Vindi's mutants.

Knuckles: Then let's go already.

The three of them run out of the temple to the entrance.


Superman gets smacked by a giant hand and flies to another temple wall. The mutant appears to be a giant man, other mutants having crab bodies and deadly claws, and some with an upper minotaur body and a lower horse body.

Knuckles: Aw crap.

Mangle: So these are Vindi's mutants.

Giant: That's right, missy. We are your end.

Knuckles: I don't think so. For someone as big as you, you sure do have a big mouth to say something like the emerald guardian.

Giant: No need to get personal, little man. I have some fun stuff planed for you. Which involves me squashing you like a bug.

Knuckles: Even bugs can pack a big punch, biggy.

Superman gets up and flies to get the giant's attention. The other mutants begin to attack as the minotaurs charge in.

Knuckles: You take the crabs, I'll take the bullheads.

Mangle: Got ya.

Knuckles starts to dig deep in the ground and Mangle dodges the minotaur's charge attack. She pulls form her satchel a modified disruptor blaster pistol and aims at the crab mutants. Knuckles digs back up and land a punch on the minotaur and kicks its horse body down. The other minotaur charges in and Knuckles jumps up and slams the ground staggering the minotaur. He goes and throws fast punches at the minotaur, and with great strength he greatly wounds the minotaur, but more come in to attack Knuckles. Mangle charges up her blaster and the crab mutants are more quick with thier movements and she needed to run up a temple to get time to charge up her blaster. Superman flies around with the giant trying to swat him and he laser beams around his body taking small hits on the giant as he evades every swing of the giant's huge hands. Mangle finally charges up the disruptor pistol and shoots at one of them with a charged up shot at the mutant piercing its thick armor at its abdomen. She charges up another to shoot its head, killing it. She shoots more less charged up shots at the crabs but still powerful enough to pierce thier armor. Knuckles fights the minotaurs with kicks to the faces, jabs to the horse body, and uppercuts to beat the mutants. Mangle runs down the the temple with crab mutants chasing her. Knuckles jumps on a minotaur and grabs it by the horns and rides it towards the crabs.

Knuckles: Jump on, Mangle!

She jumps on with Knuckles and they run down the crabs crushing thier shells and heads. The ride towards the giant as it's still swatting off Superman.

Knuckles: Hey, biggy!

Giant: You again? I oughta smash you!

The giant puts his attention on them instead which gives Superman the upper hand.

Knuckles: Take the wheel.

Mangle: What?!

Mangle tries to handle the minotaur and it keeps kicking up as it tries to get her off. She manages to kick it in the stomach making it stop. Knuckles jumps high to get on the giant's clothing and Superman lands a punch on the shoulder staggering the giant. Knuckles climbs up to his head and with one strong punch, hits it in the nose. The giant screams in pain and Superman super uppercuts the giant and he falls to the ground very hard on a temple that collapses on him.

Superman:*Lands down* They're tough.

Knuckles: Yeah, but not as tough as me.

Mangle: Yeah, you did good.

Superman: What are gonna do with the minotaur?

Minotaur: Listen, I don't want to get beaten by you, so I'm gonna go.

It leaves into the forest and immediately gets jumped by a group of gorillas.

Minotaur: Oh god! This was bae idea! *Gets dragged away*

Knuckles: That was... awkward.

Superman: Yeah.

Mangle: Well at least we now know who's had these creatures here. Dr.Vindi. We should tell this to Bugs.

Superman: Good idea.

{Back at Area 52}

Bugs: Good job on your mission, guys. I didn't think that an old seperatist scientist would make something like this. Now we know where these creatures are coming from.

Knuckles: They didn't give us much trouble, even that giant.

Bugs: There was a giant? You know, I met a giant once, and his dog. And some giant carrots too.

Mangle: When was that?

Bugs: It was on the old looney tunes show, so you wouldn't remember.

Superman: Hey Bugs, now that we got our mission complete, you want to come with us to the Wumbo burger to celebrate?

Bugs: I've heard of that place. Of course I will.

Knuckles: I'm not gonna pay if your gonna go full buffet on that place.

They laugh it off and Knuckles just shakes his head in embarrassment and he too lights it off.

The End

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