When a Star Falls (SakuAtsu)

By teafortears_

13.7K 442 391

After suffering from a panic attack on stage, famous idol, Sakusa Kiyoomi, flees to the first place out of th... More

Sakusa POV
Sakusa POV
Sakusa POV
Sakusa POV
Both POV
Sakusa POV
Atsumu POV
Sakusa POV
Both POV
Sakusa POV

Atsumu POV

1.2K 40 21
By teafortears_

A loud ringtone woke Atsumu up too early for his liking. He groaned, I thought I put it on silent. He haphazardly reached for the phone, slapping things off of his nightstand, before finally picking it up. It was too bright for him to read, but decided to answer anyway. "Hello?" he answered, groggily, yawning as he stared at the time on his clock. It really is too early for this.

A long pause ensued, and he was about to give up and hang up the phone before a hesitant voice whispered. "It's me. Does your offer still stand?"

Atsumu shot up from the bed to a seated position. Am I dreaming or something right now?? No way it's actually him. He squinted at the number to find that it really was the hotel number. He was definitely awake now. He realized he had taken too long of a pause, but instead of wanting to apologize, he decided he wanted to have a little fun with him first. He did wake me up past five in the morning so... "I'm sorry I can't hear ya, sir. Can ya please speak louder and say yer name?"

He began to smirk as he heard a frustrated growl in the background. "Does your offer still stand, asshole?!?"

He covered his mouth from bursting out in laughter. "Uh ya still didn't tell me who ya were."

"Why you-" He heard a frustrated sigh and had to hold the phone away so Sakusa wouldn't hear Atsumu laugh. "It's me, Sakusa Kiyoomi."

He made sure to pause long enough to hear another frustrated noise. "Sorry, who?"

"Sakusa!!" He shouted and Atsumu flinched at the shout, deciding to put it on speaker to keep it away from his ear.

"Look, I'm sorry but I don't really know who that is. Is there any other name I might know ya by??"

A long silence passed and Atsumu had to use a pillow to muffle his laughter. Even this early and he's just too much. "....Omi-kun.." Sakusa mumbled quietly.

Atsumu smirked. "Hmm??"

"Omi-kun!!" Sakusa shouted, angrily.

Atsumu faked a gasp. "Oh Omi-kun!! I didn't know it was you! Ya shoulda told me that from the start!" Silence. He coughed a laugh. "See how easy that was? I bet now ya like it, and don't ya think it's cute? I thought so, especially when ya mumbled it like that-"

"Alright that's enough!!" Atsumu grinned, predicting that a faint blush was tainting his cheeks and wondered what it would look like. "So can I come live with you or not?"

Atsumu rubbed his chin in thought for a moment. "Hmm, I guess, but on one condition."

"What is it now?!?" Sakusa demanded as Atsumu could practically see the vicious scowl on his face.

Atsumu smirked to himself, hoping Sakusa could imagine it too. "Tell me that you want to live with me."

"What?? No!" Sakusa protested.

Atsumu yawned as he reached to hang up the phone. "Then I guess we have nothing left to talk about, goodbye-"

"Wait!" Sakusa interrupted and Atsumu's smirk widened, gotcha. "..I want to live with you.." He mumbled, even quieter than the last time.

"I'm sorry what?"

"I want to live with you!!"

Atsumu was preparing to laugh, but for some reason as he heard it, his heart thumped against his chest painfully. He purposely ignored it and went back to teasing Sakusa, blaming his rapidly beating heart on being woken up too early. "I knew ya couldn't resist me, and now I finally have proof."

Sakusa growled, "Agh I hate you so-"

"I'll see ya in a few, Omi-Omi. Try not to be too excited!" He immediately hung up, snickering to himself. He rose from his bed to throw on a shirt and thin athletic pants before starting up his old small, white pickup truck. This is gonna be an interestin day.

He knocked on Sakusa's door once before it was thrown open and Sakusa shoved his way out with his bags and his face set in a permanent scowl. "Mornin Omi-"

"Hmph, let's go." Sakusa ordered as he started down the stairs, not bothering to wait for Atsumu who ran to catch up to him. He led Sakusa to his truck where he threw the bags in the back and they both were seated inside and off on the road. Sakusa moved as far from Atsumu as he could get, scrunched in the corner by the door. "Where did you get this.. t hing ?"

Atsumu chuckled as he patted the dashboard. "It was lent to me by a farmer that I work for because it's a far trip just by walking or by bike so he lent me this. Sometimes on the weekends when he needs more hands, I volunteer to pick in his fields."

"Of course you do." Sakusa mumbled to Atsumu's confusion. What's that supposed to mean?

He opened his mouth to ask, but Sakusa began to close his eyes as he leaned against the door in a stiff position. Something about the way he held himself warned Atsumu not to push it too much. "So why did ya agree to livin with me? You were very against it earlier."

He expected a glare thrown in his direction, but Sakusa only sighed, keeping his eyes closed. "Because I couldn't stay there anymore."

Atsumu glanced at him with a pang of guilt. He's the one that recommended the hotel to Sakusa, hoping it would be good enough, but every time he saw Sakusa, he had dark circles under his eyes. "Have you ever been able to sleep there?"

"Barely." Sakusa admitted, quietly. "I couldn't stand it anymore so I called you. I didn't have enough time to research for any other open, clean hotels so I had no choice but to call you."

Atsumu felt a small spark of satisfaction at that. "How do ya know my place is clean?"

"Because I didn't think you were that much of an asshole to invite me to stay where I wouldn't be comfortable." Sakusa yawned as his head kept falling forward as he tried to sleep.

"Really?" He smiled to himself, his guilt from earlier fading away. "And here I was worried that ya thought I put ya in that hotel to make ya miserable."

Sakusa was silent for a moment before opening his eyes. "I've never thought that."

"O-Oh good." Atsumu mumbled as he blanked on what to say next. "I uh- I ever thought you would trust me."

"Of course I don't." Sakusa snapped but not with his usual bite.

Atsumu turned to smirk at him. "Then why are ya here?" Sakusa purposely moved so that his back was to Atsumu and fell silent, but Atsumu chuckled to himself, relishing the feeling of a nice win. Gotcha.

When they were driving down the dirt road to Atsumu's house on the outskirts of town, he spared a side glance at Atsumu, nervously. Of course famous idols like him probably lived in ridiculously expensive mansions on the beach or condos overlooking the city, and was worried

Sakusa would look down on his home. He put his everything into building this house with the locals, and hated the thought of it being dismissed.

It was a small but spacious one story, beige house with large windows all around. It sat near the edge of a hill overlooking the ocean. He outlined the window in gold, and painted his door in a dark maroon. He had a small flower garden in the front that he tended and a rocking chair on the porch.

He spared a glance at Sakusa, who was squinting at it with his usual suspicious gaze, but nothing dismissive shined in his eyes. After parking, he led him inside and figured Sakusa would take a while observing it, but didn't give it another glance. "Where's my room?" He demanded as he clutched his bag.

Atsumu walked him to the hall, "Down here. It has its own bath so you won't need to worry about sharing one. No one has been in there so I promise the sheets are fresh and the bathroom is clean. If ya want to clean it yerself, the supplies are in-" Sakusa strode into the room and slammed the door in the middle of Atsumu's sentence.

Atsumu gaped at the closed door. Yer welcome, ya scrub! He clenched his fists before deciding to go back to his room to catch up on the sleep he missed. However, after fifteen minutes of tossing and turning, he knew he wouldn't be able to. Something about Sakusa being there made him too wired to sleep.

He made himself some tea and sat at the table in front of the window to watch the sunrise. When he first moved here, it took him a while to find himself a place, but when he stumbled upon an, old abandoned house on the hill, he knew that was it. It took him a year to finish it, and as he glanced around, he still felt so pleased with it. There were only two bedrooms with their own baths and balconies, a large living room with a couch, a chair, and a coffee table all in front of a tv. The walls and floors were all wooden, and leading to the balconies and backyard were sliding doors that he decided to include when he was homesick.

He stared at the door to Sakusa's room with a sigh. He never planned to be living with anyone, anytime soon, especially not a famous idol. He didn't know why he even invited him in the first place. It was just that almost every time he saw Sakusa, he could tell how exhausted and miserable he was. And then those eyes, those broken, desperate eyes, reminded him of himself when-

He shook his head with another sigh. It's too early to be thinking about that. He took another sip from his tea. He just couldn't say no to those eyes, and so when he finally saw Sakusa happy and laughing, he blurted it out without a second thought. Even now, he couldn't forget that look on Sakusa's face, or the way his heart pounded when he did.

Even as a teenager, he was never really into idols or bands. He rarely kept up with celebrities at all. It wasn't until a couple years after graduation that he heard Sakusa's song for the first time. He had a tiring day and was flipping through radio stations until he heard a man's voice singing softly to the piano. He began to choke up as he listened to those beautiful lyrics. Although he was singing the words softly, the words screamed at him. He rushed to the store to buy the album with that song.

However, when he listened to the rest of the album, he was disappointed. The rest of them were only generic, pop songs that had no meaning to it at all. He checked to see that the song he liked was the only one that Sakusa ever wrote. How sad, he thought, that they would silence a man who has so much to say.

The next day he offered to give it away to Osamu and Suna, who were weirdly into that stuff, but they forced him to keep it. They took this as a sign to tell him everything they knew about Sakusa and constantly keep him updated on everything. That's the only reason he knew anything about Sakusa, including his disorders which Atsumu remembered to respect.

When he first met Sakusa after bumping into him, he had no idea what to expect. He saw on the news about Sakusa's awful attack on stage, and Osamu and Suna would call him about it saying that even some fans recorded the whole thing and posted it to which tons of people commented horrible things about him. Luckily, they caught it quickly enough and deleted it. His mother and manager held a press conference to say that Sakusa took leave for health and would be back soon. Though by the way Sakusa was there alone, and hiding from everyone, it was obvious that wasn't the case.

He figured most idols were stuck up and spoiled, but Sakusa was just plain rude. It pissed Atsumu off, but he didn't hate him because Sakusa wasn't doing it because he thought he was better than everyone else, he was just like that. Even though he was an idol almost all his life, he wasn't a people person. Atsumu still never took that as an excuse to take his shit so he fought back, and was glad that Sakusa was never deterred by him.

Although he would try to get along, they would end up fighting, and yet it was really fun. He thought an idol would think they're above that sort of thing, but Sakusa would wholeheartedly mess with him back. He soon looked forward to seeing Sakusa every day, wanting to get a rise out of him. But then when he screwed up and touched him, he was worried they really would never talk again. Thankfully, Sakusa needed his help and he was let in again.

He still couldn't understand him, and hardly knew anything worthwhile about him. He debated calling Osamu up to learn more, but then remembered that Sakusa ran away here and didn't want anyone to know. He wondered what the rules were, and then remembered he needed to decide on rules for their living arrangement. I'll just wait until he wakes up to figure it out.

However, he did not expect for Sakusa to sleep for the rest of the day. By the time the sun was beginning to set, he stomped over to pound on Sakusa's door, but right before he did, Sakusa opened it with a glare. "What are you doing?"

Atsumu froze as he stared up at Sakusa, reminded of their height difference, pissing him off even more. "I-I should be asking you that! Ya slept almost all day!"

"And so you were going to pound on my door??" Sakusa snapped. "Are you really that idiotic? Do you not know how to be considerate or what rules are?"

"We didn't make any rules!" Atsumu retorted. "That's what I've been waitin all day to talk to ya about!"

Sakusa paused and eyed him for a moment before shrugging and walking past him. "Fine."

Atsumu clenched his jaw, trying to keep the curses he wanted to scream at bay. "Let's sit outside. Do ya want something to drink? I'm havin tea."

Sakusa nodded as he walked to the back door. "Tea's fine, thanks."

Atsumu watched him, pleased by the fact that Sakusa stopped to stare at the sliding door with surprise and just a spark of joy. After he poured their drinks, he stepped out onto the small, wooden porch with a round table and rocking chairs around it, shined on by the fairy lights he strung up when he first moved in. They watched the ocean in the far distance for a moment before Atsumu started. "So, have ya ever lived with anyone before? Already got rules set in place from then?"

Sakusa shook his head. "Mainly, I stay in hotels and buses. I rarely get to stay in my apartment, but in every place I do stay in, it's alone. Have you?"

Atsumu tilted his head in thought, "If ya count sharing my room with my brother until I graduated, then yes. After that, I lived alone. So then, you don't have any siblings?"

Sakusa shrugged as he stared down at his tea. "Yeah, older ones, but they left with my father almost right after I was born."

Atsumu mentally cursed himself for being so stupid. Why didn't ever listen to them when they told me about Omi? Then I wouldn't be so stupid right now.

Atsumu awkwardly mumbled an apology, but Sakusa waved it away. "I don't care, I've never met them and I haven't felt the need to."

Atsumu nodded, deciding to change the conversation back to before because he didn't want to ruin it anymore. "Alright, then I guess I'll start with myself and we'll go from there. I work a lot of jobs and have a different schedule and shift each day. I have it up on the calendar in the kitchen, so sometimes I'll have to get up early and sometimes I'll have to stay up late. I'll try my best not to wake ya up, but if I'm late then I can't help how loud I'll be." Sakusa rolled his eyes, obviously not surprised at that. "Oi, don't give me that, yer lucky ya came this week though. Ya know why?"

Sakusa eyed him warily to which Atsumu gave him his most infuriating grin yet. "I was forced to take a week off because I 'work too much.' Ya know what that means?" He laughed at Sakusa's horrified expression. "We get to spend the entire week together!!" Sakusa choked on his tea. "Ahh this is gonna be so much fun! I can share ya around the island, you can meet the people, and we can get to know each other-"

"Absolutely not. I don't like to go out that much. Plus, you will be keeping your space from me-" Sakusa began, but Sakusa waved it away.

"Oh shut up already, ya came here so ya like my company, stop tryin to deny it." Sakusa opened his mouth to retort, but Atsumu continued. "We don't have to go out all the time, but I'm sure ya want to see the best spots." Sakusa barely lifted his shoulder in a shrug. "The times we don't go out, we can just hand out here and I can cook ya some local dishes. Or you can cook is that's what ya prefer? Or wait, do ya even know how to cook?"

Sakusa threw him a glare. "Of course I do." He paused, staring back down at his cup. "...well a couple things, yes."

"Figured ya were a spoiled brat." Atsumu teased as Sakusa shot him another glare. "So since ya don't know how, I'll cook for the both of us. My brother taught me, and trust me, he's good." Another bout of homesickness hit him as he missed having Osamu's cooking. "Anyways, I'm not really particular about anything, just be quiet when I'm asleep and stay out of my room. Otherwise, make yourself at home and help yourself to whatever ya want."

Sakusa frowned at him, unimpressed. "Like I would ever want to go in your room anyway."

Atsumu smirked at him as he leaned his head on his elbow. "I thought ya said ya weren't a liar Omi-Omi, so stop lyin." He added with a wink.

Sakusa slammed his cup on the table, angrily, but Atsumu noted the way his fingers shook. "Okay, now it's my turn. You will stay out of my room. You will not touch any of my things. We will thoroughly clean this house every week." Atsumu groaned, but Sakusa chose to ignore it. "You will give me a day's worth of notice before you bring anyone over-"

"That won't be a problem cause I'm not goin to." Atsumu interrupted. "And the same goes for you. Actually, I'd really prefer it if ya don't bring anyone over. If ya really have to, go over to their place. I don't wanna deal or have to hear that." He added with a smug grin.

Sakusa choked on another sip of his tea as he blushed furiously. "T-That's not what I was talking about! I meant if you were bringing friends over, then let me know ahead of time." Atsumu chuckled at how flustered he was. "Besides, I'm not that kind of person so I won't be doing that." Atsumu chose to ignore the rush of relief that flooded through him.

"Anyways," Sakusa snapped, "You will not pound on my door, but lightly knock on it. And when I say I want to be alone, I mean I want to be alone. Understand?" Atsumu nodded. "I'm sure there will be plenty of other shit we'll have to figure out, but for now I think that's good."

Atsumu clapped his hands. "Great! So Omi-Omi, what do ya wanna do tomorrow? Surfing? Scuba diving? Hiking?" Sakusa didn't react to any of his ideas, making Atsumu frown with a pout. "Oh I know," Atsumu nodded to himself, "I should take ya around town to meet everybody first. I gotta introduce ya to everyone cause trust me, they'll notice, especially if we're livin together now."

"But you're not going to tell them who I really am, right?" Sakusa asked, quickly, and Atsumu felt a flicker of pain in his heart at the desperate look in Sakusa's eyes. "Just tell them I'm an old friend that's visiting for the time being."

Atsumu thought about it for a moment, seeing nothing wrong with it. "Okay, that's fine, but can I at least tell my brother and his husband about ya?" Sakusa cringed. "Ah come on, Omi! I hate to say it, but they're actually fans of ya and they would kill me if they ever found out ya stayed with ya and I never told them."

Sakusa let out a long sigh. "Fine, you can tell them, but only them." He added with a pointed look. "And I want to be there when you do. I won't feel good about it unless I meet them, and I'm sure you'll screw something up so I'll have to be there."

"Oi!" Atsumu retorted as he glared. "Fine, guess I'll Skype them or somethin." He glanced at Sakusa, with a sincere expression. "Thank you, Kiyoomi."

Sakusa startled at the use of his full name, and Atsumu was pleased by the growing blush on his ears. "S-Sure."

"Okay, now that that's settled, make sure yer ready to meet everyone tomorrow." He tilted his head in thought. "Do ya have enough masks and gloves cause if not we can always go get some."

Sakusa shook his head, brushing the long strands of hair in his face away. "No, I'm good for now." He continued to angrily swipe at his long hair. "Is there a barber shop or some place that can cut my hair?"

Atsumu thought of the man that ran a small butcher shop that offered to cut people's hair on the side of the street and figured Sakusa would not be interested in that. "Yeah but ya probably wouldn't wanna go there."

Sakusa sighed, defeated. "Great.."

"I can cut it for ya." Atsumu blurted out, without a second thought. "I normally cut my own, and I used to cut Samu's so I know what I'm doing."

Sakusa narrowed his eyes at Atsumu's hair. "Are you sure about that?"

"Shut up, my hair looks amazin!!" Atsumu picked up his cup roughly, before stepping back inside. He started to wash his cup before the door opened.

He heard a quiet chuckle from behind him as Sakusa closed it. "So are you going to cut my hair or not?"

Again, Atsumu was shocked that Sakusa took him up on his offer. He turned around slowly to see Sakusa leaning back against the wall with a smirk on his face, challenging him. "O-Of course I am and yer gonna love it!"

Sakusa rolled his eyes before peeling himself off of the wall and walking towards him slowly. He leaned down, dangerously close to Atsumu. "Great," he hummed with a teasing smirk, "then you can wash this for me."

Atsumu blinked to see that Sakusa had reached out to put his cup in the sink, and before Atsumu could get a word out, Sakusa had stepped back and strode for his room silently. Atsumu slouched against the counter behind him and grabbed a hold of it, shakily. He covered his burning face with his other hand. W-W-What was that?!? He couldn't get the image of Sakusa just mere inches from his face, staring down at him with a smirk he hated to admit, was just so hot. I-I thought he hated being close to people, and especially without a mask. What's up with that?? He tried to calm his racing heart, deciding that he couldn't make sense with what just happened and should move on. Don't think I won't get ya back for that!

He rushed to his bathroom to get all the necessary supplies and placed them on the dining table. He stood there waiting until Sakusa came out of his room with an old, navy blue cotton shirt and loose black pants, with a towel slung around his neck. He sat down in the chair Atsumu put out. "So how do ya want it cut?"

As Sakusa explained it to him, he nodded as he imagined it. "Okay, I think I got it. Now," he drawled in a low voice as he leaned close to Sakusa's face, "I need to get ya wet."

"Excuse me?!?!!" Sakusa sputtered as he flinched back with a disgusted face. His cheeks were covered in bright red flush, and Atsumu mentally raised his fists in victory. Knew I'd get ya back.

He shook his head, feigning disappointment in Sakusa. "Who knew you were so dirty minded? I was talking about needing to get yer hair wet." He drew out a sigh. "Gotta say, I thought you were better than that-"

"Shut the fuck up." Sakusa snapped as he rose from his seat. "I can't believe I actually agreed to this-"

Atsumu quickly grabbed his wrist, grateful for remembering to put on gloves beforehand. "But ya did, and here ya are." Sakusa stared down at Atsumu's hand but said nothing. "Now go rinse yer hair in the sink or rinse it in yer shower."

"Fine." Sakusa grumbled before shaking off Atsumu's grip and headed back for his room.

"I can join ya if ya want!" Atsumu shouted after him to which Sakusa flipped him off before slamming the door. He chuckled to himself as he walked over to put on some music and pulled out Sakusa's album. Shit, he hurriedly shoved that in the back of the bin, the last thing I need is for him to think I really am a crazed fan.

"What're you doing?" Sakusa asked behind him, making Atsumu freeze.

He kept his back to Sakusa as he forced out a laugh and threw in the closest cd, which was luckily an instrumental one. "J-Just putting on some music." He quickly ushered Sakusa back to his seat and wrapped the towel around him. He combed through Sakusa's long wet hair, trying not to hurt him, but his curls were not easy to comb through.

After gathering the ends, he began to chop off a good amount of length. He continued to cut it and make sure each of the ends were even. Then he combed most of it to the left side, just like how Sakusa asked. He began to buzz off the ends on Sakusa's neck and next to his ears, and brushed away the hair with the towel.

He moved to bend in front of Sakusa, leaning close as he started to cut a lot of Sakusa's right side off. He impulsively placed a hand on Sakusa's shoulder as he cut with his other hand, and was pleased that Sakusa didn't smack it away. As he cut off chunks of hair, he would lightly brush it off of Sakusa's cheek, staring right into his eyes as he did so. Sakusa would scowl, but the redness of his ears told Atsumu another story.

After cutting it and showing Sakusa what it looked like from the mirror, he approved it and Atsumu began to work on the other side. He combed it again, and gathered the ends to make sure they lined up as he cut. He made sure it was right above Sakusa's eyes before he stopped. He leaned back as he grabbed Sakusa's chin and turned his head back and forth. He nodded to himself before stepping back, hesitantly letting go of Sakusa's chin.

"There, all done." He held out the mirror for Sakusa, who stared at it for a while before nodding as well.

"It's just what I ask for, thank you." Sakusa stared at him with a small smile.

It just now hit Atsumu what Sakusa looked like. Now that his hair was much shorter and styled out of his face, you could see him much more than before. Somehow, that long hair kept that boyish charm from when Sakusa was a teenager, but now, he definitely wasn't boyish anymore. He was hot, like really hot. Like why was Atsumu so stupid as to invite Sakusa to live with him hot.

He felt his face burning up as he stared at Sakusa. "Y-Yeah, sure."

Sakusa narrowed his eyes at him in confusion, but shrugged it off as he walked back to his room. "See you tomorrow then."

"S-See ya." Atsumu rushed to clean the room before sprinting for his bedroom. After taking his shower, brushing his teeth, and finally lying down in bed, he couldn't get the image of Sakusa's beautifully sculpted face out of his head.

As they were walking into town after taking forever to get out of the house, primarily due to Sakusa critiquing everything Atsumu did as he cooked their breakfast, causing Atsumu to snap at him and drop their pancakes on the ground as he forgot to catch it. It took even longer to make a whole new batch because this time Sakusa wanted to try. And that had not gone well.

Atsumu sighed to himself as they were about to enter the town. "So why do you live so far away from the city?"

Atsumu turned to see Sakusa adjusting his mask with a frown. "I like to be alone and need my space sometimes, too." Sakusa blinked in surprise. "Just cause I'm close with and can talk to a lot of people doesn't mean I want to be around them all the time. I needed a place to myself to breathe." Sakusa just stared at him in surprise, but made no move to comment.

Just as Atsumu said, he introduced Sakusa to everyone. He started with where they first met, and brought Sakusa to meet the owner of the flower ship, a kind elderly woman who constantly kept trying to give Sakusa a hug even though he kept dodging her arms.

Then he introduced him to the people at the grocery store he worked with, who kept pestering to know more about his friend, but Atsumu pushed them away before they could touch Sakusa. He slowly led him down the streets to meet the various people he knew that worked in the restaurants. He stopped at a souvenir shop where all the usual local women would gather to gossip and so when he brought Sakusa in, he was about to turn around and leave, but they pulled him in right before he could.

"Ah Tsumu, Tsumu!!" They exclaimed as they hugged him. "It's so good to see you! Oh, who's this?" They all stared at Sakusa with eager looks on their faces to which Sakusa fidgeted.

"He's an old friend from Japan, Sakusa Kiyoomi. Just call him Sakusa-san." They nodded, but stared back at him with a teasing glint in their eyes.

"Just a friend? You wouldn't lie to us right? He's not a secret lover of yours, right?" They all giggled to themselves as they waited for his answer.

He sighed, and Sakusa moved closer. "What are they saying?" He snapped, impatiently.

Atsumu waved away his concern. "Nothin important, just asking who ya were. They don't recognize ya, so don't worry." Sakusa nodded as he adjusted his clothes under their scrutiny. "No, ladies, he is not my lover, but he is handsome isn't he?"

They giggled even louder as they nodded, staring at Sakusa, who scowled back at them. "If we were together, we'd make a great couple now, wouldn't we?" He added as he slung an arm around Sakusa's shoulder as he smirked up at him. The women squealed even louder at that, and Atsumu watched a vein on Sakusa's forehead bulge and could tell he was about ready to explode.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Sakusa hissed as he slapped Atsumu's arm off of him. "What are you saying to them?!?"

Atsumu shrugged, feigning nonchalance. "Nothin, Omi-kun, nothin at all. They just like how good of friends we are." He turned back to the ladies with a devious smirk. "Wanna see if I can get him to kiss me?" They bobbed their heads up and down eagerly.

He turned back to Sakusa with a calm expression. "Omi-kun, come here." He gestured for Sakusa to lean down, and he squinted at him, but Atsumu did his best to keep his features neutral until Sakusa finally leaned down. Atsumu gestured for him to remove his mask and he scowled but did it anyway. His expression remained confused as he leaned closer, expecting Atsumu to whisper something in his ear. However, just as Sakusa was turning his head, Atsumu moved his face in the direction Sakusa was going and he didn't have enough time to stop before Sakusa's mouth touched Atsumu's cheek. It was more of a faceplant than a kiss, but it made the women squeal all the same.

Atsumu burst out in laughter as he waved at the women goodbye before sprinting down the street. Sakusa was right on his tail, shooting daggers into his back with his stare. Atsumu didn't even need to turn around to know just how furious Sakusa was, but couldn't stop laughing as he remembered Sakusa's shocked expression earlier. It was priceless.

Sakusa and Atsumu were sitting at a table of a restaurant at the edge of the city. After meeting up with more of Atsumu's friends and coworkers they decided to take a break and eat. It took forever to get Sakusa to forgive. It was almost an hour long apology that consisted of plenty of bowing on the ground and promises to make it up to him.

Atsumu snuck a peek at the idol, his brows were still furrowed in irritation from before. "Come on, Omi-Omi, won't ya ever let that go?"

"Hmph." Sakusa grunted as he stared down at the menu. "I can't. Not until I can burn off my mouth and grow a new one."

"Oi!! I washed my face this mornin so I know it's clean!"

Sakusa crossed his arms. "Hmph."

Atsumu threw his hands up, exasperated. "What can I do to make it up to ya? Oh, how about tomorrow?" He offered, eagerly. "We can do whatever ya want, wherever ya want, just say the word."

Sakusa glanced at him for a moment. "Fine, I'll stay at the house and you stay somewhere else for the day."

"Omi-kun!!" Atsumu whined as he slumped onto the table. "Yer no fun."

Sakusa didn't reply, and Atsumu was about to agree to it before Sakusa spoke up again. "Fine, I'll agree to one thing only, and it's going to be just us. No else around that I have to deal with and that you will put on a show for."

Atsumu straightened in his seat, excitedly. "R-Really?!?"

"You have a minute to think of something before I change my mind." Sakusa stated before staring back down at his menu.

"Ahh Omi!!" Atsumu whined, but Sakusa didn't look back up. His mind raced with thoughts of all the different places to visit. "Do ya like the beach?"


"W-What?!? Who doesn't like the beach?!?" Atsumu was shocked, he had never once heard someone they didn't like it. It was the beach!

"Forty seconds."

Aghh!! "Umm... what about heights? Do ya mind that?"

Sakusa shrugged, "Not really."

That doesn't narrow it down. "Uhh, what about underground or in like a cave? Would that bother ya?"


Yes! "Okay, I got it! Now come on, we need to book our trip before anyone else does. I know him so I'm sure he'll make it an exception for just us two." He grabbed Sakusa's shirt and pulled him up out of his seat and down the road.

"Wait, you haven't told me what it is!" Sakusa protested as he tried to slow Atsumu down.

Atsumu beamed back at him. "Just trust me, you'll like it!"

"I've already said I don't trust you."

Atsumu smirked and asked the same question as earlier. "If ya didn't, then why are ya here?" Sakusa's silence spoke volumes, and was all the confirmation Atsumu needed.


For some reason, I really wanted Omi's hair to stay like it was from high school, and Atsumu would be one to cut his hair into timeskip Omi. I just thought it would be really cute xD

I know this was a pretty heavy dialogue and Atsumu though process, but I really wanted you to understand where Atsumu is, and to start on their friendship yet not a friendship, bond yet not a bond, flirting yet not flirting relationship.

Hope you liked it! I'm excited for the next one to start their adventures, are you? Thank you so much for taking the time to read it!! <3<3

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