Percy Jackson's New Side - Or...

By only_blue_tiger

232K 2.7K 1.9K

-ORIGINAL WORK- Perseus Jackson is reborn. And no, he doesn't get a new body. But his life changes. Not only... More

Prologue: Unusual Meeting
Chapter 1: Attractive Much?
Chapter 2: Time For Love
Chapter 3: A Little Hope For Everyone
Chapter 4: Wisdom Finally Helps Me
Chapter 5: Bad Luck Or Bad Destiny?
Chapter 6: Can We Not Castrate Anyone?
Chapter 7: I Couldn't Even Say Goodbye...
Chapter 8: Kiss Kiss, Leave Leave
Quick Research Page: Clearing Things Up
Chapter 9: The Torture Has Only Just Begun
Chapter 11: In the Deep, Dark Depths of my Great-Grand Uncle
Chapter 12: Real Freedom or Fake Freedom?
Chapter 13: Operation Chaos
Chapter 14: The Five Rivers
Chapter 15: One Word: Tartarus.
Chapter 16: Old Friends
Chapter 17: I Get Schooled
Chapter 18: So, Will You?
Chapter 19: The Choosing Ceremony
Chapter 20: New Life?
Chapter 21: Camp Eternal
Chapter 22: Training
Chapter 23: Flashbacks
Chapter 24: Preparation
Chapter 25: He Returns
Chapter 26: Blind
Chapter 27: He's A New Man
Chapter 28: His Fate and His Death
Chapter 29: Angel of Death
Chapter 30: And So It Begins
Chapter 31: Battle of New Rome
Chapter 32: Unite in His Name!
Chapter 33: WAR!
Epilogue: Reborn To Return
SEQUEL! Book 2 of Percy Jackson's New Side!

Chapter 10: Why'd You Lead Me On Like This?!

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By only_blue_tiger

One Day Later

Percy POV

"Ah, Camp Jupiter," I sighed. Zeus hasn't come to me. Not yet. I knew what he was going to do. Either way, my friends would believe him whether they saw me get punished or not. And Zeus would find me, whether he wanted to display it or not. It's best to get done with it.

 I walked towards the tunnel, where a guard stopped me.

"Halt. What is your name?"

"Perseus Jackson, son of Neptune." I met her gaze evenly.

"You may go." The guard let me pass through. I walked into the tunnel, and emerged in front of the familiar Little Tiber. Stepping into it, I let it give me strength. I breathed deeply as I heard a voice.

"Perseus Jackson!" Jupiter glowered.

I stepped out of the river, passed the cohorts and barracks, and came to the Field of Mars. Standing in all his glory was Jupiter, just a little above human size. 

Demigods started to gather, and started whispering amongst one another. They formed a circle around the field, giving space for a fight. I knew what he wanted. He wanted to humiliate me, in front of my friends. He wanted to defame my name. He knew what was holding me together, and he'd planned this perfectly. 

"You have been accused of the rape of three Olympians. I shall punish you, and the three goddesses whom you advanced on will decided your eternal punishment at your trial."

The demigods didn't even try to hide it anymore. They started talking louder, some looking at me with anger. 

Jupiter knew that the Romans weren't fond of Neptune. Now they have a a son of Neptune, Greek-born, getting what he deserves. At least, in their minds.

"Stop with the formalities, Lord Jupiter!" I laughed, shocking lots. "I know what  you've came for. I'm ready. Beat me up, in front of my brothers and sisters. Beat me up, in front of my friends. Beat me up, in front of my family if you dare." At that last sentence I snapped my fingers, and busted a pipe. Water came rushing out. I flipped a drachma into it. "Oh Lady Iris, show me Sally Jackson, living in her apartment in New York."

The iris message shifted to my mother, who was sitting on the couch.

"Lord Jupiter!" I turned to him, just knowing I got my mom's attention. I looked behind me and saw an image of the Olympians, watching attentively. I turned back to my tormentor and said,  "I know you wish to defame me. I know you wish to humiliate me. I know you think that I have tried to rape three goddesses. I do hope one day you will find out the truth. But that day is not today. And because of that and your betrayal, I will  NOT fight for Olympus, ever again!" I spoke with confidence, walking slowly towards him. I knew I definitely had all eyes on me now. 

Walking up to Jupiter, I got out my pen. He got in a fighting stance. I dropped it to the ground, and kneeled. Gasps were heard. "If you so wish to punish me, then do what you please. I know for a fact you will send me to Tartarus, with glee, won't you, Lord Jupiter?"

I had trapped him now. He was honor-bound to answer my question. I'd at least get something out of being wounded. If he said yes, the Romans would see him as someone who wants to torment and rule in fear. If he says no, people will still rebel, telling him it's not fair if he's saying the truth and whatnot.

"Yes," he said, and then clamped a hand over his mouth. No one rebelled. Not a single person. They believed Jupiter. Of course they did.

I stood up, and stared him right in the eye. I hoped my voice was deadly calm, but powerful and resonating. "Then hit me with all you've got! Because if I come back again, I won't be nice anymore." I said, arms wide-open. 

He screamed, a warrior-like scream. Except he wasn't a warrior, warriors don't lie. And warriors find out the truth. Jupiter struck me with his lightning bolt, which threw me across the field. He cackled, and the gods silently cheered, wanting to give us full silence. I got up, and walked towards him, arms wide-open. 


He struck me again with a sword, and then blasted me across the field once more. The pain was unbearable. I felt deceasing, like everything was going to end. I felt useless and hopeless, like I should just die there. But I couldn't. I shakily got sat  up, put one knee forward. Then the other. I stood up, and walked, slowly towards Jupiter.

Before I even reached him, Jupiter blasted me again. I stayed don the ground, certain I was going to die. The gods started cheering, some Romans too. I had to get up. I had to bear the pain. I wanted answers. The only way I would get them is if I faced them head-on. So I sat up and got up again. I started walking towards Jupiter. The cheering stopped, and Jupiter looked at me with hatred. 

He got his sword out as I reached him, and started scarring me. The whole time, my eyes would never leave his. I stood, silently, not uttering a single sound. All I did was stare. He cut me and cut me and cut me. My gaze never wavered. Then he thrust the sword through my gut. My breath stopped. I could feel it. I could feel my life slipping away. I continued to stare at him. He started smiling evilly at me, knowing he had won.

"Percy!" My mother's voice broke the silence.

I wanted to look at her. I desperately wanted to look at her. But I kept staring at Jupiter, until my hand reached the hilt of the sword. I pulled it out, letting my mind scream for my voice. Throwing the sword to the ground, I turned around to face the Olympians, with the same cold stare I gave them

It was so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

Then, I turned my face to all of the Romans and a few Greeks here for college watching. I stared each of them in the eye. Slowly turning around to meet every single face. Everyone who betrayed me. Then I faced my mother. She was bawling her eyes out. I softened my gaze, and walked up to the image.

"Bye," I whispered.

"Percy! NO!" She screamed.

I cut through the image, and faced Jupiter again.

"Are you done? Or do you want more? Huh?" I made sure I was in a stiff posture.


The silence was too much for me, so I broke it. "Believe who you want, I don't care. Later." I walked away, towards New Rome.



"Here's my pen." I put it in his little box, and walked inside.

"Perseus Jackson! I need identification!"

"You just stated my name. You know who I am. A rapist, right?" I stared at his literal-stone eyes. Then I pivoted on my heel and walked to the jewelry store.

"Pickup for...that." I pointed to something.

They nodded, and quickly gave it to me after I bought it. Now, how I bought it? I stole drachmas and cash. It wasn't like me, but it also wasn't me who raped three goddesses, or tried to. It was a lot to take in, but I really needed good news right now. 

I walked up to Annabeth's apartment and knocked. 

"Percy? Is it really you?" She opened the door, and hugged me.

"Yeah, Wise Girl, it's me. You doing ok?"

"I should be asking you that!" She pulled away, and I walked in. "What happened to you?"

"You haven't been told?" 

"No. What?"

"I've been accused of trying to rape your mom, Artemis, and Aphrodite."

"You WHAT?!"


"I know you didn't do it." She said, softer this time as she held my hand and pecked me on the lips. "I know you didn't."

"Wise Girl?"


"I really, really need good news right now. Like, seriously. Listen to me. A demigod's life is short. They end in tragedies. I want you to know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, or at least have our future locked together. Wise Girl, it's been 6 years since I met you. 6 years. I love you to the fullest, I really do. Your my mortal point, my... my brains, my beautiful girlfriend. Without you, I'd be dead. I'd go through Tartarus over and over again for you." I got up from the couch, and pulled a tiny box out of my pocket. I kneeled in front of her, and opened the box. "Annabeth, will you marry me? If you want a different ring, I promise I'll get you a different ring. Just say yes."

It was a diamond ring, but an image of our first kiss. I looked up, and Annabeth was crying.

"Hey what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Happy tears, Seaweed Brain happy tears. And, yes. Yes I will marry you."

"Oh, come here." I pulled her into a hug, happy that she said yes. I kissed her on the forehead, her hair smelling of fresh fruit.

"I love you." I put the ring on her finger.

"Me too," she sighed.

We sat down, and sat in silence. Each of us was enough for each other. Always and forever. That's what I'd hoped it be.

That day, Annabeth ordered pizza. We watched a movie together, too. It was amazing. And we even slept together. No, we did not make love. *shudder* She simply fell asleep in my arms, which were wrapped around her in love.

The next morning, I decided to get some fresh air.  So of course, I had to go out where everyone would see me. I didn't know what their reactions would be to yesterday, but I had to hope.

"Wise Girl?"


"I'm going out for a bit."

"How long?" She peeked from inside the room.

"Maybe five hours. Wanna come?"

"Sorry Seaweed Brain, need to get back to that project for my mother."

I frowned. She was still lying. "Hey, if you need to talk about anything, you know I'm here, right?"

She looked me up and down before saying, "I know, and I love you so much for it Percy." She gave me her signature smile, and I forgot all about it.

 Her smile just melts me away. It's beautiful.

"Well, I'll see you soon, ok?" I kissed her forehead.

"Ok." She pecked me on the lips.

I left, and thought I that I should get some brunch. I received glares the whole way there. The waitress was rude to me. The food was terrible on purpose. What were they doing to me? Why? Did they really just believe him like that? I mean, Zeus is their king. But if he told them that their kid was bad, would they still believe him? Probably, yeah.

I thought that maybe I should go see Frank, the now praetor. 

I passed by Terminus, who glared at me with his stony eyes.  Then I went to the Coliseum. I just knew Frank would be there, and how right I was! I waited for him to stop training, and started clapping to announce my presence.

"Per... Percy."

I knew he was going to say Perseus. I knew it.

"Frank, still got the skills." I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, thanks. So um... what brings you here?"

"Just asking for advice. I'm in a hopeless situation. Good thing is Annabeth accepted to marry me."

"Oh, yeah, that's.. great." He smirked.

I don't know why, but he did. Something was up. Something big.


"Did you rape them? Or try to?"

"No I didn't!"

"Olympians wouldn't lie, Perce. I couldn't imagine you doing that, but you being the center of attention really gets to you, huh? That you can do everything? Don't talk to me." He left, with me shocked. 

I walked to the wall, and slapped myself while sitting down. I was dumb. Really dumb. Of course everyone would believe the gods. Even my friends. They were the gods. Everyone worshipped them in fear, love, whatever. They would believe them until the end, even if it was a lie and removed someone who saved their thrones and places. 

That got me thinking. How was Annabeth the only one who hasn't betrayed me? Grover has, I know. We talked when I was on the way to Rachel's cave one day. Apparently he knew when the rest didn't. I guess nymphs are real gossipers. 

Plus, Annabeth has been a little distant, and she even lied to me. I needed to confront her, I really needed to. And I needed advice, and she's got the brains for all the advice in the world. I quickly jogged into 

"Sup Terminus." I walked past him, putting Riptide in the little box. 


I rolled my eyes, and started running towards her apartment. Moment of truth, I thought. Well, not exactly. I wasn't going to ask her yet. But what would I ask her? About why she hasn't betrayed me? No, that's too straight. Never mind, I knw what. I'll ask her why she doesn't believe the gods. That'll work.

I opened the door, and went to my room. She wasn't in the kitchen or living room. Maybe she's stuck with designs for some building.

"Hey Annabeth why don't you believe the gods?" I opened the bedroom door. Ah darn it, that might've been too straight-up, I thought. Oh well, I already asked it. I fully opened the door and took in what I saw. Annabeth kissing someone else. The boy's back was to me, so I couldn't see who they were. But he had blonde hair.

'W-wise Girl?" 

"Percy?" She looked at me, a little bit with fear. "I thought... You weren't supposed to be here until in like, three hours!"

"Well, I'm here. You could've just told me. Why did I have to find out like this? Who even is this?" I slowly walked up to her and made the boy face me.

"Let me go!' He violently smacked me, and turned to Annabeth. "You had a boyfriend? I thought you said you were single?! I would've never hooked up with you if you had him! I'm so sorry, she never told me." He faced me a the last sentence.

"W-what...?!" She stuttered.

"Wow, Annabeth, I never knew you were such a slut." I turned my back to her and walked out, tears brimming my eyes.

The girl who I did everything for. The girl who I went through Tartarus for. The girl who had been my mortal point. The girl who I had denied immortality for. The girl I've loved for the past six years. The girl who I asked to marry. And she cheated, after everything I've done for her, she's cheated on me.

Now I know what to do. My only family left is my mom. I went online on a computer, knowing monsters can't get in here. Then I purchased a ticket to New York. A one-way ticket. Only my mom would know what to do.

After I got the ticket, I quickly started packing.

"Percy?" Annabeth came in what used to be our room. She was crying.


"I... I couldn't believe you. My mother wouldn't lie. She just wouldn't."

"So you had to cheat on me to prove your point? How long have you two been dating for anyway?"

"No, I just couldn't be with a rapist."

I stopped at that. My head slowly turned towards her.

"We've been dating since a month after your 17th b-day."

"ANNABETH! THAT LONG?! Why didn't you tell me? Why did you make me find out like this?"

"You kept leaving, hanging out with other girls. Heck, you had eyes for three Olympian goddesses, Percy. Three."

"Stop believing everything the gods say, and figure it out for yourself. I'll be long gone when you find out the truth." I zipped up my suit case and started walking out.

"Wait! Where are you going?" She held my hand, but I carefully swat it away.

"My mother's place." I turned to face her one last time, and sighed. "Annabeth, if he makes you happy, then be with him. Just know I want you to be happy. Just know that I am sorry for calling you a slut, you aren't. You're Wise Girl, even if we aren't together anymore. Bye...I love you." I hugged her and walked away.

I walked out, heading straight pass Terminus. I didn't even say "hello" or "bye". I just kept walking and walking, and everyone's voices became a blur in my mind. The only thing that was clear was that everyone had betrayed me. Everyone

"To the airport." I told a taxi driver.

I was going home.


"Mom?" I knocked on the door. It opened.

"Percy? What...why....I don't understand?" She hugged me.

"Everything will be explained. Come on." I sat on the couch, and immediately went into explaining things. About how I had hung out with them because they had problems, then about how three lied,  how the gods believed them, etc. I told my mom and Paul everything. About how Annabeth betrayed me, my friends did too, how I caught her cheating on me.

"Oh Percy, I'm so sorry." She hugged me again, tears in her eyes.  

"Mom, can I stay here? It's not permanent. Just until I can figure things out."

Mom and Paul looked at each other, sad looks on their faces.


"Percy... we've decided that we want Estelle to have a normal life." Mom started.

I knew what they were going to say next. After they said that, I would have no one. No one.

"To do that, she can't have monsters trailing her because she's the sister of a demigod. And they can track your scent. We don't want anything bad to happen to her. Sorry, Perce." Paul finished.

I turned cold. I didn't know what to say. I stared at the floor, and my mom came over. 

"Oh honey, I know. I'm sorry."

I didn't pay attention. Instead, I left my mother's embrace, deciding I didn't deserve it. Maybe the gods were right. I wasn't a rapist, but I was a bad person in general. I walked to the door and opened it, taking one last look at them. My suitcase was there. I quickly reached into a pocket and pulled out a picture of us. All four of us. Estelle, Paul, Mom, and I.

"I.. I understand. You guys want what's best for Estelle. Best for all of us."

I said I understood, but didn't. I didn't know what to think. I just felt so many things, I didn't know what to say, or to do with so many emotions bundled up inside me.

"Sweetie, know this isn't the end, alright? We'll.... we'll visit." Mom said.

It was the end. I'd have my trial, and they didn't know that the punishment was Tartarus. "No, it is mom. It's the end." I closed the door and ran away from my mother's crying.

I was lost. I was betrayed. I was so angry, yet so guilty and depressed. Hopeless. I kept walking, aimlessly. I didn't even know where I was going. I just walked out, and kept walking and walking. My mind was blank, but it was also very emotional. I had nothing left to live for, or to do.

The gods lied. They ruined my life. My own friends believed them and betrayed me. My own ex-fiancee said "Yes", but then cheated on me and also believes the gods. My mother. My mother of all people abandoned me in my time of need.

But I also felt sad. They believed the liars. My good memories with them have been replaced in an instant. Gone were the good times, the kisses, the hugs, the quests. I was saying hello to hell now.

I kept walking, until I bumped into a familiar place. The desk at the Empire State Building.

Without even thinking, I said, "Key to 600th floor please. Lord Zeus wants to see me, a son of Poseidon."

He handed me the key, and I went to the elevator and went up quickly. Heading to the Throne Room, I opened the doors.

As soon as I walked in, the gods flashed to their thrones.

"Perseus the Rapist! Why are you here? For your trial?" Zeus sneered.

"Actually, yes."

"It's not until next week." Athena stated. 

I ignored her and continued, "My trial is now moved to today. Go on, do your victory dance or whatever. Happy that the sea spawn is finally 'getting what he deserves'?" I used air quotes in the last sentence.

Zeus stroked his beard, pretending to be wise. "Alright."

"Good. Now, open the portal or whatever."

"What portal?"

"The one that sends me to Tartarus for," I used air quotes again. " 'trying to rape three Olympians'?"

"Do not mock this! You have tried to. I know."

"Ok, geez." I raised my hands in surrender. "So..... can we start now?"

"One question," Athena started again.

"What, oh so great and wise wisdom goddess?"

Athena smiled at the title, even though we all knew my voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Why are you rushing it?"

"That's not for you to stick your nose in." I sneered back.

"Now I really want to find out! Answer her question, Perseus!" Zeus ordered.

I came up with a quick-fix for my answer so I could avoid telling them about my mom and Annabeth. "Um, why delay the inevitable?"

"Hmph." Was all Zeus said, before moving on.

I glanced at each Olympian carefully. Everyone looked between a mix of angry and happy. I guess the sea-spawn is really getting what he deserves. Though my father looked just the littlest bit of sad.

"Since he said to open the portal, I declare Perseus guilty. Everyone agree?"

All the Olympians raised their hands.

"Well, the majority vote is that Perseus is guilty! Something we an finally agree on!" 

All the other gods cheered in agreement. 

"Hades, you have a portal to Tartarus, don't you?"

Hades nodded.

"Then please send him there. If he is still living in 100 years, we'll have him come back!" He broke into a fit of laughter with the other gods.

"Any last words?" Athena spat.

"When the time comes, I won't help you. When you battle for your lives, I will not come. When you need me most, I will not be there in your time of need as you betray me in mine. When I find you again, I won't hesitate to unleash my rage. Hear me, Olympians. Hear me, betrayers. Hear me, the gods who do not honor their dead children. Hear me out carefully. Hear me when I say you are liars, deceivers, unruly, and stubborn. Hear me, Olympians, hear me."  glared at each one of them before Hades tapped me on the shoulder.

"Let's go, sea-scum." Hades grabbed my hand roughly and flashed me somewhere. I saw huge, black doors. The doors of Death. He would be able to open them, and then quickly close them right after.

"Bye, Perseus." He pushed me inside, and I started falling and falling towards the pit of Tartarus.

(3706 words)

I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter! Bye! ✌

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