Beau Babies / h.s

By nightstars_

340K 5.7K 470

Bobbie Beau is abandoned, if you exclude the three babies inside her. She's lonely apart from the company of... More

The Visit
Prove It and Twitter
New Home
Christmas Eve Party
They Don't Want Me
Nialls' Great Idea
Back Again
He's Back
A Walk In The Park
The Other Woman
The Kiss That Ruined Us
Definitely A No
Twinkle Twinkle
Never Ending Arguments
A Lot Of Hate...A Bit Of Love?
Where Is He?
Picking Up The Fallen
Court Case Part One
Court Case Part Two
A Little Bit Of Lovin'
Where To Go...
Unexpected Phone Call
Second Chance...Taken
Public Announcement
What Future?
First Words
I Dreamed...
Pretty Please
The Letter
Everything's Going To Be Ok...?


6.6K 119 6
By nightstars_

   Yawning, I made a moaning sound and tried to push myself further underneath the covers. Suddenly, I found my body being constricted tightly. Pulling my eyes open, I discovered another pair of eyes staring back at me,

   “Morning,” I croaked finding my voice,

   “Morning,” Harry smiled, his arms still wrapped around my waist, “How are you feeling?”

   I sniffed, “Tired,”

   Harry smiled kindly, “I’m not surprised,”

   Smiling back, I snapped upright, “Are the girls alright?”

  “Relax,” Harry told me pushing me on my chest so that I was back into a laying position, “They’re fine, Louis and Eleanor have been practicing their parenting skills with them,”

   “Oh,” I sighed allowing my head to sink back into the pillow,

   “What happened yesterday?” Harry whispered into my hair,

   “Huh?” I asked turning to face him,

   Harry sighed, he inhaled, “What happened yesterday? You were gone for hours…” He trailed off not wanting to talk about it anymore,

   “I don’t want to talk about it,” I muttered,

   “Well I do,” Harry said propping himself up resting his elbow in the cushion and his cheek in his palm,

   “It doesn’t…” Tears threatened to spill over my eyes, “I need a shower,” Tipping myself out of the bed I grabbed armful of clothes and padded drowsily into the bathroom,

   Tearfully, I stripped off my pyjamas which I don’t even remember changing into last night, turning on the water. My body burned from the temperature, I was so cold, the water was so hot, my skin was almost sizzling,

   I stood under the water letting the steam rise up and clog the air, rubbing my skin, it became hard to breathe with all the steam, but I didn’t want to move, I didn’t want to face realisation,

   To my unknown knowledge, the bathroom door had opened and Harry leant against it, on the inside,

   “How long do you plan on standing in there for?” He asked,

   As his voice hit my ears, I subconsciously jumped, “What are you doing in here? Get the hell out!” I exclaimed,

   “Relax Bobbie I can’t see you, the steams misted up the glass,”

   “Fine,” I growled, Harry telling me to ‘relax’ was really starting to annoy me, I heard Harry click his tongue, “Do you want to talk or are you just going to stand there?”

   Harry clicked his tongue again, “I still want to know what happened after you ran away from us yesterday,”

   “It doesn’t-”

   “It does matter, Bobbie,” Harry sighed,

   We were silent for a moment, “Let me get dressed,” I said quietly over the running water, “And I’ll explain everything, alright?”

   “Alright,” Harry sighed, and hesitated before leaving,

   I slipped silently out of the shower, rubbed myself dry and pulled on my clothes, when I emerged back to my bedroom, Harry wasn’t there. I dried my blonde hair but then pulled it back, I then looked at my face, god, I looked awful. My face was gaunt, my eyes sunken and vacant, it was like I wasn’t there. Like I was dying all over again,

   “Come on Bobbie,” I mumbled to my grey reflection, “Pull yourself together,” With another yawn, I walked through to the girl’s bedroom, they weren’t there, so I tiptoed downstairs,

   “Bobbie!” Niall exclaimed as I reached the kitchen, he lifted me up into a huge hug, my feet dangled just off the floor, his arms were wrapped around my waist and mine were around his neck so that I didn’t slip off,

   “Breakfast Bobbie?” Liam asked,

   “I’m not hungry at the moment,” I murmured, “Thanks though Liam,” Liam nodded but licked his lip nervously as he did,

   Eleanor appeared at that moment smiling with Annalise in her arms, Liam and Niall left, “Hey Annalise, look who’s here to see you,” She pointed at me, Annalise smiled even with the dummy in her mouth,

   I breathed a smile, “Hey Anna,” I grinned at her, Eleanor handed Annalise over to me,

  “Jaime and Noelle are in the other room,” She smiled then placed a hand on my shoulder, “You alright now?”

   “Yeah,” I sighed, she didn’t look too convinced, “Of course I am, I’m fine,”

   Eleanor nodded with a wider smile, “Good, you don’t know how worried we all were when you got back last night,”

   “Sorry,” I muttered, just then Harry appeared in the doorway with crossed arms, he raised his eyebrows at me, I shook my head, he threw his arms up and stormed into the other room,

   “What’s wrong with him?” She asked her eyes following Harry as he barged past Zayn in the hallway,

   “What crawled up his arse?” Zayn asked,

   Eleanor gasped, “Language Zayn,” She pointed to Annalise, “Fragile ears,”

   Zayn tickled Annalise under the chin, “Sorry little bubba,” Grinning at him Eleanor and I caught each other’s eye, “What’s wrong with Harry anyway?” Zayn asked,

   I sighed and shook my head, “I’ve just got to talk to him, that’s all,”

   “Oh,” Zayn said, he bit his lip, “The others are in the other room and Perrie keeps talking about this Christmas party…”

   “Oh god,” Eleanor gripped my arm, “Come on Bobbie,” The four of us walked into the front room, Louis had Noelle on his lap and Danielle was holding Jaime,

   I sat on the floor with Liam, Perrie and Zayn, Eleanor snuggled up next to Louis, Harry was staring at me from across the room,

   “Bobbie thinks the Christmas party is a good idea,” Perrie said turning to me, “Don’t you Bobbie?”

   “Um…” I hesitated, Danielle was nodding frantically, “Yeah,”

   “See!” Perrie exclaimed with a screech for a voice,

   The rest of the day past with Perrie, Danielle, Eleanor and I making plans for the Christmas party, we settled for it to be on Christmas Eve, as long as no one drank too much,

   Later, the girls left and I decided to put the girls to bed, once I was up there, I went up and down the stairs twice more to collect the other two,

   I changed their nappies and put them into their sleeping baby grows which I could’ve sworn looked like Nialls’ onsie.

   Shrugging that off, I kissed Annalise, then Noelle, and then Jaime on the forehead, shut the curtains, turned the lights off and left,

   Deciding then that I was tired enough to go to bed, I changed into my own cheque pyjamas and collapsed onto my bed cover,

   In nothing less than fifteen minutes, Annalise began to scream hysterically, sighing, I kicked my legs out and opening my bedroom door, I met an annoyed looking Niall staring at me like I was the devil in the corridor,

   “Hi,” I scrunched up my forehead questioningly, “Niall?”

   “Yes,” Niall hissed, “Can you please stop them crying?”

   Smiling I nodded, “I’m going to try Niall,”

   “Thank you,” Niall sighed before galloping back into his bedroom and slamming the door,

   “How are they supposed to sleep if you keep making so much noise?” I muttered into the darkness,

   Walking into the girls room, I picked up Annalise, “Come on little baby,” I bobbed her up and down, “Now why are you crying? Are you hungry?” I suggested, “You don’t need changing do you?” I sniffed the air, “Nope, I’m just gonna do this now alright?” I was talking to her as if she actually knew what I was saying,

   “Why don’t you sing to her?” A voice in the darkness suggested,

   “No Harry,” I told him, “I think she’ll be alright,” Annalise seemed to scream louder in protest,

   “I don’t think she agrees,” Harry told me shutting the door behind him,

   I sighed, “I don’t think…”

   “What’s the problem?” Harry asked perching himself on the window seat,

   “I don’t like to sing in front of people,” I whispered but still loud enough to be heard over Annalise’s wail,

   Harry leant forward on his knees, “I’ve heard you sing loads of times, you’re great,”


   “Of course, I’ll sing with you if you want,” Harry suggested,

    I nodded and carried on bobbing Annalise up and down, “Hush little baby don’t say a word, mama’s gonna buy you a mocking bird…”

   “And if that mocking bird don’t sing, mama’s gonna buy you a diamond ring,” Harry sand for me, so those were the words I could never remember, we carried on singing the verses and eventually Annalise drifted off in my arms,

   As carefully as I could, I lay her down peacefully in her cot, “We should do that again sometime,” I sighed, “We should go…”

   “Not so fast,” Harry leapt up and grabbed my arm, his hand felt good on in skin. I mentally slapped myself for thinking like this,

   He pulled me down so that I was next to him on the window seat, his touch was mesmerising, I pulled my knees into my body and wrapped my arms around them, “You owe me an explanation,”


   “Really,” Harry nodded, “So spill, what the hell happened yesterday?”

   I licked my lips, “If I tell you, you promise not to tell the others, at least for the moment?” Harry nodded in agreement, “Then I’ll explain everything,” Harry sat and watched my patiently, “Yesterday, I saw Rhys,”


   “My…Their…Their father is Rhys…”

   “So he’s your ex-boyfriend?”

   I sighed, “No, he was never my boyfriend, just a…fling…” I coughed, “But he found me yesterday that’s why I left you in such a hurry, sorry about that by the way…” Harry waved it off,

   “It doesn’t matter,” He whispered,

   Carrying on, I found where I was in my story, “He wants to see the girls, well actually he didn’t even know there were three of them so he wanted to see his ‘child’ but then I told him there were three and…” I was babbling, “I told him no,”

   Harry nodded as if he understood, “What did he say to that?”

   Tears threatened to jump overboard, “He said that he’d fight for custody in court and that he’d make sure he’d get them,”

   “But he can’t do that, can he?”

   I nodded, “Yeah,” I bit my lip, “And with my bad past, he’s bound to have them taken off me…” That was it, tears spilled down my cheeks, Harry pulled me into his arms rocking me back and forth,

   “What was so bad in your past?” He whispered, I don’t know whether he expected me to tell him, but I did anyway,

   “I’ve always been one of those girls, the ones who…who…do drugs and smoke and drink, go to late parties, sleep around…Rhys never did that, apart from the last part… He said he’s going to rake it all back up and then, I’ll never be able to see them again…”

   Although Harry still held me in his arms, he seemed frozen, “I’m sorry I never told you before,” I whispered to him,

   At that, he snapped out of his ‘trance’, “Don’t be sorry,” Harry started to rock me again, he then kissed my forehead, “It’ll be alright, I’m going to help you through this alright, you won’t lose them. I’ll promise you that,”

   “Are you sure?” I asked looking up into Harry’s loving eyes,

   “I’m more sure of that than I am of anything,” He smiled and then, leant into me kissing my lips. Not being able to control myself, I kissed him back and eventually, we fell asleep in each other’s arms on the window seat.


Hey guys, just to let you know the next chapter is going to be the 'Christmas Party' so be prepared!

Happy reading xxxx

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