After footasylum locked in (s...

By eviemay1414

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A small YouTuber Evie May picked the opportunity to go on the footasylum YouTube channel and for 2 weeks she'... More



1.6K 11 3
By eviemay1414

Evie pov
We arrived and it was quite dark and I saw chuckz, Aj, loai, darkest man, one of sharky brother Shuceeb

"Long trip?"chuckz asked

"Yeah and it's cold"izzy said who was ahead of me because I was looking around trying to figure out where we was and where sharky was?!

"Where are we? and where sharky?"I said looking around they was laughing and I caught up and was stood with them

"You honestly don't know where you are"aj said

"No! Am I suppose to like what's going on!"i exclaimed

"wait! I think I know!"izzy said

"Don't tell her"Shuceeb said

"No! That ain't fair"I said they started laughing and so did I a bit and Izzy whispered to Chuckz

"Izzy got it"he said

"WHAT"I said they was laughing to much that they couldn't contain themselves

"Shall we just go take her so she doesn't like attack one of us"loai said and they all agreed I had to walk in between chuckz and Aj

"So Evie I had to pull some strings for this location so that might give you a clue"Chuckz said and I started to think but my mind was all over the place then as we got closer I realised this road I've been here

"You the dumbest person bro"aj said and they all started laughing and they stopped

"Right where you think you are?"chuckz said

"I know this is mad but this is where the taxi dropped me off for locked in house"I said and I looked at chuckz who had a smile was like your right

No way...

"We at the footasylum house?"i said

"You know your walk from here?"Aj said I nodded

"We gonna head back to the house now izzy you can come with us"chuckz said I started panicking it was dark

"Wait! I'm walking on my own"I said

"Not really"sharky said appearing out of no where I felt a bit more comfortable when he was here but also where he come from?

"Where did you come from?!"i said they started laughing and we all said bye and I hugged izzy and said I'll see her back at the house or apartment wherever I'm going! And they left and I looked at sharky

"You okay?"he asked

"Now your here I feel a bit better"I said and we started walking and we came to the house but it was all just lit up by candles it look so like romantic

"I never thought I be back here oh my god!"I said and we went inside and he brought me to like the middle and held my hands

"Why you think your here?"he asked

"Because your really cute and brought us back to where we met"I laughed awkwardly

"Well this might be the last official time we can come here luckily we have our like love story on YouTube but I wanted to bring you here to ask you something..."he said

I let go of hands not on purpose I was just in shock and my hands covered my mouth...he isn't gonna ask me is he?!? No! I can't believe this

"This isn't for any reason today I just think it's the right time to do it so..."he started to say I was hoping it was what I was thinking

"Will you be my girlfriend?"he asked I I smiled widely

"You being serious?"I said checking 100% he nodded

"Course I'll be your girlfriend"I giggled and I gave him a massive hug and kissed him I was the happiest girl ever and he spun me around and my legs was wrapped around his wait and after he stopped spinning me we looked and each other while he was still holding and carrying me

"I love you so much"I whispered

"Love you too baby"he said and gave me another kiss and let me down and I still held his hand

"This is mad but the cutest thing in the world"I said

"There another thing"he said and went to the kitchen and there was roses and ice cream like dessert sundae thingy for two of us

"You too cute"I said and we sat at the table and started eating

"If I knew all this would be happens I would have dressed better"I said he started laughing

"I like what your wearing what else would have to wore"he said

"I dunno like a cute tight black dress maybe"I said as I got a scoop of the ice cream in my mouth

"If you walked in with a little tight black dress I could have asked you and pinned you to that floor and that dress would be off"he said I started laughing but I had a mouthful of ice cream so I contained myself at eat the ice cream in my mouth

"Imma have to test that theory?"I asked

"You don't wanna I don't think you could handle it"he smirked and ate some ice cream I shook my head and I picked up the flowers and admired there

"This is amazing I've never been treat like....almost like a princess ever"I said he shook his head and swallowed

"Lair"he said I ate the flowers down

"Seriously I only had you and my ex in my life and I never got flowers nothing"I said

"Why?"he said while he was eating the ice cream

"Dunno the only thing I got was seeing a text on his phone from a girl and him saying it's not what it looks like and use to have sex to make up for it but is pleasure not mine"I said and he looked at me

"How many times did he cheat on you? If you don't mind me asking"he asked and turned me to face him on the chair his hands was on my thigh

"I lost count after when I didn't have enough fingers"

Sharky pov
This girl is still in pain from what he did I know she doesn't care but it still hurt I can see it in her face but hopefully I can provide her with the care, love and protection she really needed a long time ago I kissed her forehead and my hand traveled down her cheek and my finger brushed across her lip she looked down and I gently lifted her head to face me by us using my thumb to gently press her chin to look up she was looking at me

"I can promise you with me you will never feel like that ever, he couldn't see what I could see what I could see"I said

"And what do you see?"she asked innocently I smiled and gathered my words I don't even care she needs to hear these words

"An amazing girl who is now mine and inside and out your like beautiful like your so gorgeous and the amazing thing is your so caring and ambitious and ambition is a thing attractive to and how hardworking you are and your so innocent and sweet and would never hurt a soul in your life because all you want is people to accept you and be happy and the fact that your mine just wants me to always care for you and make sure your happy and okay like I know I can fully trust you and all you've ever wanted is to feel important and happy and make new friends and your my baby and I love you so much....I could go on honestly but I think you get my point"I said

She got up off her chair and wrapped her legs around me and sat on my lap and cuddled me while I was sat down almost like a sloth hugging a tree and she just cuddled me so so tight

"I honestly so lucky I met you"she said and I moved so I could look at her and she was crying

"Don't cry baby!"I laughed trying to wipe them tears away

"There happy tears! I promise!"she said laughing and so did I and I started wiping her tears still

"No but like I fully know you won't make me feel my last it's just I don't believe I found you like I don't deserve you you've done all this for me"she said looking around and she looked back at me

"You do deserve it and me"I whispered

"I don't your seriously too amazing your thoughtful, funny and pretty fucking gorgeous as well"she said laughing and so did I And we just looked at each other

"Kiss me"I whispered and she kissed me and my god this girl can kiss the most sexist passionate kiss she ever gave me I had to pull away because I couldn't contain myself she tried to kiss me again

"Nope I can't control myself"I laughed

"What do you mean?"I asked and I looked down hinting and she knew what I was on about

"You can if I help you"she said I looked at her

"I like the language your talking but where we doing it there no beds upstairs"I said and she got up and moved the roses and ice cream over near the kitchen counter near the sink and I knew what she was doing but for some reason I followed up behind her and I spun her around to face me and I started kissing her and we walked to where we sat at first while kissing I picked her up and sat her on the table

"Baby"she moaned out and I was hovered on top on her I couldn't contain myself and I was kissing her neck and in doing her jeans

I've never wanted her so bad....


She walked out of the toilet from cleaning herself up and I cleaned up to make sure it didn't look bad or anything happened we just got caught up in the heat in the moment and I got rid of the ice cream and everyone and I grabbed her flowers and she looked like she was struggling to walk already only a bit

"Baby can't walk"I teased as I hand her the flowers

"Somebody did that to me she said and placed a kiss on my lips honestly I could do it all over again

"Come on Uber round the corner "I said and we headed out it was pitch black but we could hear the car she held my hand I looked at her looking around the dark night and I pulled her in closer to me as me was walking and we finally came to the Uber and we got in said hi and such and she moved to the middle seat and I placed her flowers next to her

She yawned and I pulled her closer in and wrapped on of my arms behind her and the full way home she just had her eyes closed I checked my phone and my messages was blown up by the group chat and eveyone that knew

Aj:so we agreed not to say anything to izzy?

Niko:correct rat

Aj:imma bout to come in your room and fight you rn

Chuckz:wag1 sharky answer your phone brother!

Kenny:bet he just shagging her bro leave him


Chunkz :yeh kenny bro Jesus your right I think but Jeeze realm bro

Kenny:so you boys don't wanna know the details...

Aj:acc kenny your right 100% right

Niko:we do need to know but not in detail

Chunkz:yeh so


I laughed and replied with yo and instant replies came through



Chunkz:we haven't said anything to izzy but yeh did you do the ting

Niko:I cba tbf I'm working cya when you get gone brother I'll still real the messages just cba to text

Kenny:bit harsh

Niko:Ik but idc

Sharky:anyways basically she's my ting and we did the ting


Kenny:go on sharks, good on ya

Sharky:I mean it's not the first time we've done the ting so yeh 😂

Aj:wait say wallahi?

Sharky:wallahi we did at her places a few weeks back anyways we aren't far from home

Chuckz:we have questions when you get home, btw is Evie seeing this chat?

Kenny yeh bro code n that

Sharky:okay fine fine

Sharky :no she's a sleep on me so we find




Niko:I hate you all

I hate them but love that at the same time I was just laughing to myself while Evie I think she was officially asleep on me

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