A kiss Isn't Just a Kiss


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JJ has always has feelings for Emily but could never admit it to herself or Emily. After a long case JJ gets... More



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I was woken up by someone putting their hand over my mouth. He had a gun, so I couldn't scream or make any noises. I looked out of the corner of my eye, and I saw Emily wasn't there. He must of taken her, but I'm pretty sure she would have tried to wake me up so I could get away.

"Get up girl," he said. I complied. We walked down the stairs. Then I remember Emily and I installed a device that would alert the BAU if i pushed it. It was a small button attached to the railing. He probably wouldn't notice if I hit it. 'Is it to risky,' I asked myself. 'It would take the team about 15 minutes to get here, and if I don't press the button who knows when they'll find out? So if I press the button it could save Emily and I, or get me killed and Emily could live. If I don't press it the team won't know we've been taken. Also where THE FUCK are the agents sent to protect us?' I thought. In the short time, I weighed out my options and decided to risk it.

I touched the button. "Girl what the hell are you doing?" the man yelled. "I-I'm sorry I slipped," I said, barely able to get the words out. He scoffed and mumbled something underneath his breath. We made it out to a van, and he opened the door. He pushed me in, and slid the door shut. "Emily," I breathed out. "How did she get you? She hasn't left the van," Emily asked, her tone was unlike one she has ever used. "She?" I asked, in a very confused matter. "Yeah she," Emily said, now in a confused tone. "The person who got me was a man," I stated. "A team," we said in unison.

We heard the two people arguing up front. Something along the lines of, 'Why didn't you tie her up. 'Well she's not gonna run if we have her girl.' 'We'll go tie her up.' Then they both came. The man had what looked like gags, and the woman zip ties and rope. They put the ropes and gags on Emily first. Probably because she was most likely to try and hurt them. She hasn't tried to fight back once, but I can tell she really wants to. 'She's holding back because she knows they'll hurt me,' I thought.

         They did the same with me. I didn't fight back, but I did lounge forward when the man put his hand on my face and called me beautiful. Emily did the same thing, except she actually made him flinch, causing him to fall. He stood back up and kicked Emily in the stomach. She didn't make a sound, but I know it hurt like a bitch. "Why would you hurt her she's MINE. Do it again and I will end your life," the woman yelled, while getting out of the van. Her words made me cringe, because Emily isn't a possession, she's her own person. Also MY girlfriend.

Hotch's POV

It was late when I heard the alarm go off. I recognized it as the one Emily and JJ set up for if they're in danger. I called the team as fast as I could. After I called them, I called the agents I sent to protect them. No answer.

"He got them," I said, once everyone was here. Everyone's face went pale. Garcia was holding back tears. "We are going to get to work now. Morgan and I will go to the safe house and look for the agents. Reid and Rossi look for some places he could take them to. Garcia stay put and will call if we need you," I said.

Morgan and I got into the black suv, and went to the safe house. I was driving as fast as I could, without putting anyone's life in danger. "When we get there I'm going to try to find the agents, and I want you to find out how he got them both out," I said. He nodded.

We got there, and we both went our separate ways. I called the agents phone, to see if I could hear it ringing. I did, it was towards the tree line. I walked over there and saw the two agents laying in the dirt, hopefully not dead. I kneeled down to check for a pulse. They both had one. "Agent Genkigig," I called. He grunted. He slowly sat up. "What the hell happened?" he asked. "You two idiots wandered over here and now the unsub took Emily and JJ," I said, with a firm voice. Shock to over his face. "Wake up your partner and come into the house, to actually be useful." I walked into the safe house, and Morgan was upstairs.

         "There is a broken glass," he said pointing. "My guess is he tried to get Emily's attention. He took her first. Then coaxed JJ with a gun," Morgan said acting things out as he spoke. "I'm not sure Derek. Emily would try and wake JJ up to give her a chance to escape," I said. I was trying to think of different ways he could get both of them, when my phone rang.

"Hello," I said. "Hi, Hotch we think the unsub is a female. A male wouldn't waste time tying up Garcia, instead he would just kill her," Reid said through the phone. That gave me an idea. "What about a team. The female unsub was the first stalker, and needed help with a few things so she called in the male," I said. Reid was going to speak up when I heard a thud. "Reid I will call you back later,"I said hanging up the phone.

I walked downstairs to see Derek pinning an agent against the wall. "Morgan what the hell!" I yelled. "The idiots let him take Emily and JJ, and get away!" he yelled back. I pulled him away and said, "That doesn't give you an excuse to attack them," I said. "Reid called we suspect that it's a male female partner." Morgan, the agents ,and I left and headed back to the office.

Emily's POV

The ride to wherever they took us was about 30 minutes. They slid the door open. The man took me, and the woman took JJ. "You try and fight I'll shot her," he whispered into my ear. My hopes of JJ and I getting free were slim to none. I won't fight back, because I don't want him to hurt JJ, and vice versa.

We walked into and abandoned building. It looked like an old police station. I looked around and all I saw were abandoned buildings. My bet is no one lives around here. The girl took JJ one way, and me the other. I fought back, because I didn't want them to take her away from me. The man grabbed me tighter. "Don't forget what I said." The woman took me to a cell. It was closest to the door. I couldn't see JJ from where I was.

In the cell was a sorry excuse for a bed, a that didn't work toilet, and a sink that didn't work. I looked around the cell, looking for anything that could get me out. Nothing not even a window. I sat on the bed, which was even colder than the cell itself, just thinking of things I could do.

'I could play along with their fantasy, safe choice, and hope the team finds us. I could play along with their fantasy gain their trust, then escape, a little risky. Or I don't play along with their fantasy and most likely die,' I thought.

"Your girlfriend wanted me to tell you not to do anything stupid," the man said. "Okay," I said pausing. "What did you do to get sucked up in this plan, because it wasn't yours was it?" I asked. 50/50 chance I got that right. He doesn't seem like the stalker type. His jaw dropped, only for a second. "I didn't do anything to get sick into this plan," he lied. "Did she tell you to say that?" I asked. He didn't answer, so I said, "Damn must be some heavy blackmail." I smirked knowing I was right, because once again his jaw dropped, but before he could say anything the woman came back. I sat up slightly.

"Hello I never caught your name," I said. 'I have to pretend I like her. No matter how much I want to punch her in the face,' I thought. "Uh yeah, it's Reese," she said. She pulled the man to the side, but I could her them talking. "How long do we have to keep them apart for, they're a cute couple?" Reese asked. "I don't know, long enough to assert dominance," the man replied. Reese walked back over to me. "Goodbye Emily," she said. I have her a 'curt' nod.

         They came back once that night to give me and apple, and JJ something else, but I'm not quite sure what. 'At least they're feeding us,' I thought. I fell asleep in the rock hard bed, still thinking about ways I can get out.

A/N: word count: 1605! The unsubs aren't assholes. Anyone here watch the 100 bc I started writing a ff about it (Clexa). Oo I also started working on a jemily au, but this book will be my first priority. Neither of the ffs are up yet. Anyways i hope you liked this chapter. P.S your loved 🥰!!!!!! Btw I didn't reread this so there may have been some mistakes.

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