The High Seas [ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇ ᴄᴀsᴘɪᴀɴ]

By lalaladyplum

96.8K 2.7K 760

-- ???? ???? -- ☆꧁༒ oh darling let's be adventurous ༒꧂☆ ... More



4.2K 125 14
By lalaladyplum


        THE NIGHT HAD NOT LET RANI REST EASY. When she awoke her chest ached as it had never done before, only this time no bruise would show. All she could do was rub her wounded heart and choke back a watery sob. She knew she hadn't been fair on Caspian but his words had cut her deeply. Resentment and sorrow were nestled deep within her breast, neither quite ready to give up their hold.

  Gael slept soundlessly through the night, Lucy had slipped in later but Rani had had enough tact to refrain asking where she'd gone. The night, it seemed, had played with them all.

  Waking early and unable to sleep any more, Rani had slipped from the room and made herself useful on the deck. There was no use in lying around moping in her own sorrow when work could be done. It didn't surprise her one bit when she emerged only to be greeted with her brothers wide eyed and joyful face.

  "Up early I see?" His voice rode on the wind with ease, his fingers effortlessly winding and tying loose ropes. It was as natural to Rhian as flying was to a bird.

  Tension slowly seeped from her body and she rolled her arms upwards, hands reaching to the sky. A satisfied sigh left her lips at the pop that reverberated through her bones.

  "Well, at least some of us tried to feign sleep," Rani sent a pointed look her brothers way. She knew full well he'd had three hours sleep at best, the bags under his eyes said as much.

  "The sea was calling me," he grinned, spreading his arms wide, "Who am I to ignore it?"

  A smile tugging upwards at her brothers obvious deflection, Rani rolled her eyes. "Did you sleep at all last night?"

  Rhian's smile turned empty. "It was a rough night. Something dark was in the waters, I could feel it."

  "You and me both," Rani muttered, her arms instinctively winding themselves round her body. She didn't need to dwell on the past.

  "Jacob's still sleeping like a baby though," Rhian said, the shine coming back into his eyes. "Looks like someone on board had a good nights kip at least."

  "Jacob could sleep through a horde of angry centaurs if it came to it." Rani couldn't help but laugh as her brother feigned shock. Jacob was a very deep sleeper.

  "Did I hear my name and centaurs in the same sentence, or have I drunk too much sea water?"

  Rani and Rhian turned to face the bleary eyed ginger emerging from the shadows. Jacob looked pale and, though his smile said otherwise, Rani had known him long enough to guess he'd had a rough night too.

  He ran a hand through his wild hair and came to a stop beside Rani, watching aimlessly as Rhian continued playing with his ropes.

  "Do you think we'll ever find the blue star?" Said Jacob quietly.

  Rani glanced at him slightly. The problem was she wasn't quite sure herself, they hadn't seen any sign or indication such a blue star existed and doubts had already set in on her. But she didn't need anyone else to know that. Wishful thinking only went so far and Rani much preferred relying on what was actually real.

  "We'll find it," she placed a comforting hand on Jacobs arm. "I can feel it. Soon."

  Kind eyes turned to her and Rani was reminded that Jacob had never been born a sailor but rather a farmer. He had six brothers, two sisters and was the fourth child. The only thing he'd been destined for was a life of sowing seeds and eventually marrying a nice girl from across the road. Only he'd never wanted any of it.

  When he'd joined up to the Dawn Treader, Jacob had been much like Rani; running from his old life in search of something else. Only, Rani often forgot he missed his family dearly and the sea did not call him as it did to her or Rhian.

  "And when we find it," Rani looped her arm through her friend's, "We'll be back home before you know it."

  Jacob just about mustered a smile before Rhian threw mops at the two of them and told them to stop moseying around and get to work. Rani bit her tongue but from the look she shared with Jacob, they were thinking the same thing; Rhian was turning into Drinian.

  The morning flew past quickly, with the sun rising up and up to loom above them. Events of the night seemed a far-away thought and keeping her hands and body busy allowed Rani to push them away from the forefront of her mind.

  More and more people woke from their restless slumber and work aboard the Dawn Treader began once more. Rani skilfully managed to keep herself at the very far end of the vessel, she wasn't quite ready to see anyone in particular yet. And it seemed they weren't ready to see her yet either.

  For the better part of the day, Rani scrubbed and mopped the deck, checking ropes, knots and containers aboard deck. She was painfully aware of how short on supplies they were, she wasn't sure how much longer they would last on the open sea. And it wasn't until Jacob pulled her up off of the floor that she's realised how much time had passed since she'd first woken.

  "Rani," he hauled her up, his grip on her arm surprisingly strong. "Look."

  She followed his gaze and to her surprise a large mass of land had appeared. It looked barren, almost like a wasteland in the middle of nowhere.

  "Surely we're not stopping here." Jacob's nose crinkled as he squinted onwards. "There's nothing living on that island. Not even a green shrub in sight."

  Rolling her aching shoulders, Rani grimaced. She completely agreed with Jacob but it was better safe than sorry.

  "You can't say for sure. Besides the Lords most likely passed through here."

  "You would've thought such mighty Lords would've been more savvy, no?" Jacob shook his head, "that island just oozes trouble."

  Rani could only nod in agreement. Something about it set her nerves on edge.

  "Well, if they ask for volunteers I won't be one."

  Rani bit her lip, glancing quickly towards the opposite end of the ship. Drinian stood as stoic as ever, his back straight but beside him was the dark haired Prince of her dreams. Without meaning to she found herself studying him. Even from as far away as she was, she could tell how weary he was. She could tell by the slump of his shoulders, the dimness of his smile.

  Stop. She wrenched her eyes from Caspian's form and clenched her hands into fists. Rani refused to pine over someone who found it easy to shatter her heart and walk away from it.

  "Neither will I."


  Jacob had been right, not long after their conversation Drinian had called upon a few volunteers to help him, Caspian and Lucy and Edmund search the island. Through the whole ordeal, Rani had cleverly managed to avoid Caspian's gaze by planting herself firmly between her broad shouldered brother and her tall and lanky friend.

  It was only when Lucy skipped to a stop beside her afterwards, Gael trailing shyly behind, that Rani felt guilt creep up on her. She'd been so preoccupied with what happened with Caspian that she'd forgotten to check in with either Lucy or Gael.

  Beside her, her brother grinned at the small girl, earning him a joyous giggle. No female, or male, was safe with Rhian around, apparently his face was far too charming. She could've even sworn a faint dust of pink swept across Lucy's cheeks as her brother turned his gaze onto her.

  "Rani," Lucy said cheerfully before turning to greet Rhian, her voice changing slightly as she found herself the focus of his gaze.

  Digging her elbow deep into her brothers side she coughed slightly, ignoring the mewl of pain the left his mouth.

  Lucy blinked, as though remembering where she was. "Gael said she wants to help around the ship, and I thought you were the best people to come to."

  A cheeky grin slid onto Rhian's face at her words and Rani forced herself not to step on his toes.

  "I didn't want to bring her to the island in case–" The young Queen stopped abruptly as she looked back at the island.

  "It's fine," Rani cut in quickly, flashing a warm smile Gael's way, "Rhian's got just the job for you."

  Her brother stepped forward, his frame towering over the small girl but as he bent down a shy smile crept onto her lips.

  "Follow me, my Lady." He offered Gael his hand and she delicately placed hers into his large one.

  As the two of them walked off, Rhian looked backwards and winked. Rani felt her eyes roll skywards but she couldn't help but smile at how gentle he was with Gael.

  She turned back to Lucy only to see her gazing dreamily after the two figures. It didn't take a genius to figure out which one her eyes lingered on.

  Lucy caught Rani's gaze and a deep red filled her face. She coughed slightly and offered Rani a sheepish smile. "He's really good with children."

  It seemed that was all Lucy was going to say as she squeezed Rani's arm before quickly scurrying over to where Edmund and Eustace, his usual grimace in place, were waiting. Running a hand through her hair she turned to see Jacob, scowling at her brothers back.

  "Jacob?" She asked, watching as he walked towards her.

  "He left me with a full barrel to push across deck." And then at her confused face, he exclaimed, "Do I look like I can push a barrel across the deck by myself?"

  Rani quickly glanced down at Jacobs freckled arms. Admittedly they weren't bulging with huge muscles.

  "I'll help you," she steered her friend away, his angry muttering lost in the sea of chatter.

  Together, they rolled the barrel across the deck, straining against the sheer weight of it. Rani wasn't weak but her body certainly wasn't built to push heavy barrels.

  By the time Jacob and Rani finally got the barrel to the other side of the boat, the two of them were flushed and beads of perspiration dotted their skin. Her back felt damp and she could feel her shirt plastered across her skin.

  "It's strange isn't it," Said Jacob suddenly.


  "I don't know. This quest, the Lords, everything." His voice trailed off as his eyes focused on the small boats rowing towards the island.

  Rani ignored the pang in her heart as she caught a glimpse of Caspian's face as he looked back. She turned her head and focused on Jacob.

  "Maybe we deserve this, the Mist I mean."

  Rani felt herself frown. "Why would you say that?"

  "There's just so much evil in the world already. I mean just look at the slave traders, the Duke... there's always someone somewhere."

  Silence fell upon them and Rani strangely felt Jacobs words resonate with something within her. She thought about her brothers scarred back, Jayah's hushed warnings, her own trembling, powerless body.

  "Maybe it is what we deserve," she moved to place a comforting hand over Jacobs own. "But I like to think there's more than that in this world."

  No more words passed between them and the breeze was a light relief as they stood together, watching the boats grow smaller and smaller.


  When Lucy and Reepicheep returned to the Dawn Treader, Rani could instantly tell something was wrong. Lucy's face looked tight and her eyes kept darting back towards the island.

  Quietly, she drew the young Queen away from the mass of people. "Lucy, are you alright?"

  "Yes, yes I'm fine..." she bit her lip before looking at Rani. "I feel like something bad happened to Eustace."

  "Eustace? But I thought he was with you?" Rani looked towards the island as though he would suddenly appear at the shores edge.

  "Well not the whole time, we went looking for the lords and Caspian and Edmund fought –"

  "Caspian and Edmund fought? Lucy what happened?!"

  Lucy opened her mouth to answer but her words were drowned out by an almighty roar that Rani felt right down to her bones. A chill ran across her body and a stillness spread across the boat.

  "What–" Rani and Lucy looked to each other, panic evident in their eyes. "What was that?"

  "Is it the volcano?" The words left Lucy's lips but Rani knew it was something much, much worse than a volcano.

  "Oh, no. That's no volcano." Drinian gripped the rail so hard his knuckles turned white. "All hands on deck there! Archers, arm yourselves!"

  Lucy ran to Gael, she clutched her in her arms as Rani frantically sought out Rhian and Jacob. Her eyes couldn't place their figures and before she could move to find them, a crossbow was shoved into her arms.

  She shouldered the weapon, pushing her worry away and focused on the skies. She didn't dare think of Caspian on that island. Dragons were the stuff of legends but Rani had heard enough stories to know even legends could be brought down.

  "Take your positions and wait for my command." Drinians voice carried across the crew and a frenzied stillness held them all.

  A strange shadow rose from the mountain peaks, the wind carried it up into the skies. Closer and closer it drew, until it was near enough that Rani could see the strong wings that carried a large golden body.

  It was magnificent and terrifying all at once. The fact she might die in minutes crossed her mind moments later and Rani felt instantly sobered.

  The great beast swooped over the ship, casting a great shadow across them all. A shiver carried down Rani's spine and her eyes didn't dare move away from the Dragon. She could see its claws, as thick as the mast pole and as sharp as the finest blade. It was so close, too close.

  It circled above, with a strange sort of apprehension but Rani could only compare it to a shark, circling its prey until it pounced. And then suddenly shouts rang out, "Fire! Fire!"

  Arrows broke free and whizzed into the sky, Rani felt her finger pull her own trigger and the crossbow jolted back against her shoulder. Her arrow shot past her target, sailing through the air with a whistle. A sharp ache settled into her joints but she ignored it and instead reloaded and took aim once more. 

  The dragon roared once more, rearing its head and he landed upon the mast, his wings spread out clumsily, as though he wasn't quite sure of himself. The boat tipped, his weight throwing its balance and screams rang out. Wood splintered the ship groaned.

  "He'll break the mast!" The man beside her shouted.

  "Hold your positions!" Drinian's voice called out once more but it was barely on Rani's radar as she heard her heartbeat pounding in her ears. Her eyes were pinned above her.

  "Fire!" A voice shouted and Rani complied.

  Her eyes widened as her arrow bounced off of the mighty beasts scales. Dear Aslan, they really were going to die. The dragon seemed merely annoyed if anything.

  Where were Lucy and Gael? Rani prayed they'd gotten themselves below deck.

  "Take that!" It was Reepicheep who Rani suddenly saw beside the dragons deadly claws and she watched in disbelief as he stabbed it with his sword.

  The beast gave another almighty roar and like that, it flung itself from the mast. Rani fell to the floor, crossbow skidding across the deck, as the Dawn Treader rocked backwards and she watched, amazed as the dragon flew away. His golden scales glinted wickedly as his wings took him back from where he came.

  "What in the world..." the man beside her slumped further to the ground in obvious relief. She couldn't help but mirror him.

  Rani felt the world slow once more and she focused on her pounding heart, quietly taking a deep breath. How they were still alive she had no idea.

  Slowly, she pushed herself off of the floor and sought out Lucy and Gael. She knew her brother and Jacob would be fine. The two females were exactly where she had left them and they appeared fine other than the slight tremor that ran across Gaels body.

  "Rani," Lucy ran to her, eyes wide and her hands gripped at her shoulders. "Caspian, Edmund and Eustace, they're still on the island!"

  Wild panic suddenly flared up inside Rani again and her breath caught. The two women locked eyes and Rani nodded, swallowing her fear.

  "The boats, get to the boats."

  Lucy nodded and rushed towards the edge of the ship, stopping only to explain what was happening to Drinian.

  Rani looked across the deck and spotted her brother, his eyes found hers and an understanding passed between them. Before she could open her mouth, both him and Jacob were before her and looking towards where Lucy was climbing into the longboat.

  "They'll need all the help they can get, we'll go with you." Rhian clapped her on the back and eyed her crossbow still lying on the deck.

  Jacob nodded beside him and with that her brother marched towards Lucy, grabbing the crossbow as he went.

  "Are you okay?" Jacob asked quietly and Rani managed to send him a small smile in response.

  Her thoughts were running rampant about her head and she was struggling to even begin to form a plan. Was Caspian hurt? Was he okay? Edmund and Eustace, what if one of them was injured? How did they manage to wake up a dragon?!

  "Rani, they'll be fine." Jacob pulled her out of her thoughts and crossed his arms as he looked towards the boats. "We just need to get there and we'll figure everything out then."

  "Trust them to wake a sleeping dragon." Was all she could say as she settled into the boat and felt the lurch in her stomach as they were lowered into the water.


  The dragon was Eustace. Grimacing, moaning, harmless Eustace had been somehow turned into a great fire breathing dragon. Rani could hardly wrap her head around it. A dragon of all creatures?

  The shock had still not worn off and what made it worse was the Rani had been so ready to run to Caspian and make sure he was alright, his words forgotten. She had been the first out of the boat and had sprinted forwards, desperately searching and hoping Eustace, Caspian and Edmund were okay, only to be faced with two perfectly healthy and uninjured men standing beside the very same dragon that attacked their ship.

  Caspian was more than okay, in fact the more she thought about it, Rani figured a large bruise on his face might improve his overall appearance. He was just lucky Rhian had appeared beside her moments later before she had the chance to throttle him. The overwhelming feeling of anger mixed with panic had almost tipped her over the edge but instead, Rani chose to silently seethe.

  "He must have been tempted by the treasure." Edmund was the first to speak as everyone was still taking Eustace's new form in.

  The weight of familiar eyes fell upon her shoulders but Rani refused to look Caspian's way. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her worry – and anger.

  "Anyone knows a dragon's treasure is enchanted." Said Caspian, before glancing at what was now Eustace apologetically. "Well, anyone from here."

  Rani gnawed at her lip, watching as Eustace struggled with the golden band wedged into his arm. It looked painful. She started towards him, only to pause as Lucy brushed past her. Eustace stilled, his eyes trained on his cousins movements.

  With a sharp tug, Lucy pulled the band from the dragons arm, smiling slightly as Eustace yelped. Maybe that would teach him to stop touching things on enchanted islands.

  Edmund glanced towards Eustace once more. "Is there any way to change him back?"

  "Not that I know of." Caspian looked to Drinian, the Captain usually had answers to things such as this. He could only shake his head.

  "Aunt Alberta will not be pleased."

  At the sight of Eustace's downcast eyes, Rani felt a tug at her heartstrings. She couldn't imagine how scared he was. And she'd even shot multiple arrows at him. Safe to say, Rani felt awful.

  Reepicheep stepped forward slightly, a sheepish smile on his face. "Sorry about the hand, old boy. I can be a little overzealous at times."

  "The boats are ready, Sire." Tavros called.

  Lucy frowned, "We can't leave him alone."

  "We can't bring him on board, your Majesty." Said Drinian.

  Caspian paused, looking towards Eustace. "Drinian, you and the others take one boat back." He held out a sword for Drinian to take. "The rest of us will stay here till morning and work out what to do."

  "But you've no provisions, and no means of staying warm, your Majesty." Gael's father protested.

  He was right. The chill of the air had already began to set in, if they didn't have a fire–

  White hot flame suddenly shot from Eustace's mouth and set the small log before them alight.

  "You were saying?" Reepicheep grinned and Rani couldn't help but laugh slightly.

  The dark began to set in quickly after that and Rani, alongside her brother, Jacob, Caspian and Edmund, gathered enough wood to keep the fire burning through the night. All the while, she managed to continue stealthily avoiding Caspian.

  She set up camp beside Lucy and Gael, making point to turn so that her back was facing a Caspian. A little voice within her protested against her pettiness but she silenced it.

  Darkness bled into the sky until no blue remained. One by one, tiny lights of silver began to appear in the sky, mesmerising Rani for she had never seen a more beautiful sight.

  "I've never seen these constellations before." Edmund said later, his voice carried across the silence of the night.

  "Me either." Said Caspian quietly. "We're a long way from home."

  He paused, the crackling of the fire filled the space and Rani willed her breath to remain even.

  "When I was a boy I used to imagine sailing to the end of the world... finding my father there."

  Oh Caspian, her heart whispered as she lay still. Her cruel words reverberated through her mind and the pang of sorrow and regret tasted bitter in her mouth. She wanted to gather him in her arms and run her fingers through his hair, make the night seem warmer somehow, no matter how much he hated her.

  Only the distance between them was too great. So it was Edmund that said, "Maybe you will."

  And with a heavy heart, Rani closed her eyes, curling further into herself as a small tear ran down her cheek. She let the crackling of the fire lull her into sleep, where she dreamt of dark waters, flying beasts and broken men.


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