2:Fire & Ice || Yizhan Ff ||

By Script-Symphony

393K 27.7K 2.6K

Completed!! They were like Yin and Yang, good and bad fire and ice. Both from different world, different back... More

01; Just Wanted to Burn For Once
02; Only Family
03: Second Encounter
04; Coldness
05; Not again
06; New Job
07; An Asshole Boss
08; Triggered An Attack
09; Meeting The Brother
10; Short Tempered
11; Sharing a Bed
12; Furious Uncle
13; Hint of Jealousy
16; Ten Percent of The Truth
17; Defensive Xiao Zhan
18; What Lurks Within
19; Ambush
20; Different Direction
21; A Mob Boss
22; Mr Xiao Ying
23; Wang Haikuan
24; Forgiveness
25; Thunderstorm and Bedtime Stories
26; Her Boyfriend
27; His Ex
28; HeartBreak.
29; Savior
30; Gone Wrong
31; Pain and Anger
32; Too Late
33; Numb
34: Played With Fire&Ice
35; Ice
36; Talk With Uncle
37; Talk With Haikuan
38; The Club I
39; The Club II
40; One Down
41; Problematic
42; Fight It! 18+
43; A Taste of Her Own Medicine
44; Done Running
45; Gotcha
46; Another Twist
47; How Would it End
48; Chilling Feeling
49; A Sudden Betrayal
50; Her Point of View
51; Is It Over?
52; Five Years Later
Special Thanks!!!
Epilogue 01
Epilogue 02
Extra Chapter; A Happy Ending
Author Note

14; Taste of Craziness

7.4K 559 51
By Script-Symphony

Li Cheng?" Xiao Zhan stared gapely at one of his worse nightmares while in college.

The man name Li Cheng only smirked seeing the other's shocked demeanor. "Hey babe, what are you doing here?" he asked in a silly voice, annoying the crap out of Xiao Zhan with his presence as he frowned instead.

After so many years , the bastard still looked the same. Dark colored eyes, matching his dark hair, tan skill and a stupid smirk that Xiao Zhan loathed so much. Xiao Zhan eyed him, feeling nauseated.

Li Cheng was one of the few mistakes Xiao Zhan made while in college. They attended the same college together where one could say they dated. Xiao Zhan only went out with the asshole because he wanted to be among the crowd but it ended badly for him, when he found out the idiot only wanted to get between his legs. That night, Li Cheng invited him out to a club to hang out with his friends. That was the first time Xiao Zhan ever stepped foot into a club. Thinking back, he felt so stupid for trusting the bastard who drugged him but luckily he was able to escape before they could rape him. He remembered how the drug took effect in the middle of the road at midnight. Luckily, he was saved by a doctor whom he never met again after that night.

"I never saw you again after that night" Li Cheng continued with his silly talks, making Xiao Zhan's stomach turn. "I was thinking you died somewhere till I saw you earlier. And who was that man, your boyfriend?"

"You are such a bastard, you know that?" Xiao Zhan scowled at him but he was a little affrighted by him as he was defenseless if the bastard happen to do something to him.

Where was Wang Yibo, why was he taking so long...?

"You know, I would have grabbed you just now but I don't want to get on Wang Yibo's bad side" Li Cheng blurted, his eyebrows coming together in aggro.

Xiao zhan pupli widened, completely glozing the fact that the man outside his window threatened to grabbed him. One could say he was being ignorant. "You know Wang Yibo?"

Li Cheng smirked. "Everyone in the under world knows the beast"

"U-under world?" what was this idiot blabbing about?

"Seems like you don't know the man you are friending but I think it's better you are left clueless, you might end up running if you ever find out. Hope to see you again, Babe" he blew a kiss towards Xiao Zhan who could only frown in complete disgust.

Xiao Zhan immediately wined up the glass just in case the idiot decide to change his mind. But a few seconds later, Wang Yibo came into the driver's seat.

"Who was that guy earlier?" Wang Yibo liked casually, not wanting to scare off the other man.

"Li Cheng, he was a friend back in college" Xiao Zhan answered.

"Li Cheng, that name sounds familiar" Wang Yibo commented as he started the engine and drove off, towards his condo.

"He seems to know you, he mentioned something about you being famous in the under world. But knowing that idiot, he was probably blabbing gibberish" Xiao Zhan continued speaking, failing to notice how Wang Yibo's shoulders tensed up.


Two Days Later

Xiao zhan walked out from the kitchen with a bowl of mouth watering noodles to the table and placed it along other different type of food, a yellow apron around his body. Xiao Zhan beamed from ear to ear, admiring his work with sparkling eyes. He was in a good mood today, he decided to surprise his baby's Daddy with a hearty dinner. Xiao Zhan's own specialty.

Checking the time on his phone, he grinned more when he saw that Wang Yibo would be arriving any second. Heading back to the kitchen, he was stopped half way when the door bell rang. Wang Yibo finally arrived.

Without any procrastination, he pulled the apron over his head, throwing it somewhere in the kitchen before rushing to the door. He took a deep breath before opening the door with a wide smile but it suddenly died when he saw that it wasn't the person he was expecting. Instead of Wang Yibo, there was a good looking woman wearing expansive clothes and jewelry, with a black hand bag standing at front of his door step.

"Exuse me Ma, if you are looking for Wang Yibo. He's not here" Xiao Zhan kindly said as he had obversed that She did not seem like someone who had lost her way, knocking on the wrong door as she kept staring at him intensively from head to toe, before shaking her head with disapproval.

"Yibo will be here in a few minutes which is why I came earlier because I wanted to see the man who had finally captured his attention but am disappointed with what I saw" the woman said in a calm and smooth manner but her words were heavy, stabbing through Xiao Zhan's chest. He felt insulted.

"Am sorry Madam but I don't know who you are" Xiao Zhan tried to be polite but his voice wavered at the end.

The woman smirked cunningly. "Am his mother"

Xiao Zhan gazed at her blankly, trying to see if she was lying or not as he remembered Yibo's mother was dead but he only got a snort from her.

"Am his step mother, Mrs Wang Hua" she finally revealed when she noticed how he wasn't buying her tale. Seemed like he wasn't completely simpleminded as she contemplated.

Xiao Zhan gulped as he realized who she saw. Without a second thought, he held the door opened widely for her.

"Am sorry Mrs Wang, I didn't realize" he apologized while stepping out of the way.

Mrs Wang snorted before she stepped into the house, Xiao Zhan shut the door behind her, he turned to find the intimidating woman scanning the house from everything corner before placing her butt on one of the couches, crossing her legs elegantly as if she owned the place without proper invitation.

"Whats your name?" she asked the young man seriously who remained standing, his hands held nervously in front of him. She scoffed inwardly. So naïve and innocent. Clearly wouldn't make it alive.

"Xiao Zhan" he answered.

"Xiao, I used to know a few Xiaos but they were killed. Am sure they had no child" She stared at him, her eyes turning a darker color as her lips curved into a sadistic smile. "Are your parents still alive?" she queried darkly, making Zhan feel extremely excruciating.

Why was she asking such a question...?

"Yes, they are alive" He didn't know why he lied but he just did. He didn't regard this woman, she represented a very dark aura and vibe, darker than Yibo's.

She soughed in solace. "That's good. But, I don't know what my son saw in you. I mean, look at you, you have nothing to offer. I can't believe he rejected all those models just for this" she said the last part to herself but Xiao Zhan heard her perfectly as his vision started to get blurry from tears.

Being pregnant sucked as he was now emotional than others. But, he blinked his tears away, giving her the delectation she was combing for. "Did I hurt your feelings, dear Zhan" she tilted her head, staring at him with derision and the tears from Zhan's eyes came bursting out like a waterfall. So weak...!

She bursted out laughing. "So imbecilic and wimpish"

Xiao Zhan become voiceless, he felt intimated by her presence. He felt like she was going to harm him and no one would be able to find any evidence to trace back to her. He only feared for his baby's life.

"How much do you need, I will give you any amount if you disappear from Yibo's life" she offered causally, as if she was having an unexceptional conversation with him.

"Thanks for the offer but I don't need your money" he replied her in shaky voice. No matter how poor or desperate he was, he would still have his pride and self-esteem intact.

Mrs Wang stood up blurtly, her eyes glaring and challenge, turning a much darker color matching her energy. She took a threatening step forward, Zhan consciously stepped backwards. His warm eyes now showing nothing else but terror and dreadfulness

He felt trapped, he felt invigorated, felt suffocated. He felt like running out of the room, screaming for help, but his body had a mind of its own as it remained there, waiting for her to do whatever. She stretched her hand out and grabbed him tightly on his arm, making him wince in pain.

"You are hurting me Mrs Wang!" Zhan cried out but she only added more pressure, pricing his skin with her sharp nails, making his arm bleed.

"You dare to say no to me, you useless piece of shit" she pushed him harshly and he ended up failing on the hard floor, on his butt. He stared at her dreadfully as his breathes quickened, his chest rising up and down forcefully but she only smirked sadistically.

It was like she had suddenly turned into a maniac.

But, at that same moment, the door opened to revealed Wang Yibo, carrying two grocery bags but they fell out of his hold when he saw the horrible scene before him.

Almost an instance, Yibo rushed towards a weeping Zhan and helped him on his feet, he examined his body, trying to see if he was hurt anywhere and his eyes darken dangerously when they landed on his bleeding arm. Putting Zhan behind him securely, he faced the monster before him.


The sound echoed through out the apartment, shocking Madam Hua and Xiao Zhan to the core, as no one could believe their eyes anymore.

Zhan had his mouth on the floor as he grabbed Yibo's arm, pulling him back a little before he kill his own step mother as he had calmed down in Wang's presence. For a moment, he had forgotten the hell she had put him through. "Yibo, she is your step mother. How could you hit her?!" he scolded the other man.

"She is not my family" he gritted through this teeth, throwing ballistic draggers towards the witched, brave enough to touch what belonged to him. Slapping her wasn't enough, she deserved a bullet hole through her head.

The woman recovered from her shock state and laughed out sadistically, a complete sociopathic. "You became so bold after five years, Yibo. Am impressed" She clapped her hands praising.

Now, Xiao Zhan confirmed his theory. This woman had completely gone mad.

"I thought I promise to get rid of you if you ever show your face in front of me again" Wang Yibo kept his voice low and sadistic just like her. They were a perfect match for each other.

Xiao zhan gulped as he realized, he was in the midst of mythomaniacs.

She laughed out loudly, her voice making an annoying echo in Zhan's sensitive ears. "Your lover seems so naïve, Do you really want to show him the kind of monster you are!" She screamed in his face. "One by one they will come after him and they won't rest till they get their hands on your precious pleasure. Your worse mistake was having a weak spot Yibo. And he..." she pointed at Zhan, who shuddered at her words. "Is going to be your doom." She finished, a sob escaping from Zhan as he was completely at sea on what was going on. What were they talking about? Everything was so confusing for his innocent brain.

"Get out before I do something you will regret" he roared in a low and dangerous tone. For once, Zhan found a twinkle of fear in her eyes but it vanished as it appeared.

"Get prepared, you won't be waiting for long, Wang Yibo" the mad woman picked up her bag and matched out of the apartment. Almost immediately, Yibo pulled his phone out and called a number. He pressed the phone to his ear when the person answered the call.

"You are Dead"


Hello fellas, how y'all doing. I hope you are having a wonderful time.

I decided to post this before tucking in for the night. Hope you guys loved my surprise package for you because there's more from where that came from.

Catch you later.

Good night/day.

It's 3am in my country.

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