
By Jkieeeee

82.6K 1.9K 513

Y/n didn't agree to be married with someone that she didn't know that she didn't even meet,what is going to h... More

Sold pt.1
Sold pt.2
They almost got me.
I miss you
WAR pt.1
WAR pt.2
I finally found you
Vocation pt1
Fin pt.1
Fin pt.2

Vocation pt.2

2.1K 62 3
By Jkieeeee

We came back home and Jaehyun said good night to me,i walled to my bathroom took off my make up,and putted on my pj.

I fall asleep very fast and then woke up by someone whispering.

???:"we should wake her up"
???:"what if she gets mad and tells the boss?"
???:"nah i heard that she is very kind"
Y/n:"you could have just woken me up that is not a problem"
???:"u-uh yes ma'am"one of the maid said with embarrassment.

You got up from your bed and sew that your bags were ready for the vacation you walked to the bathroom and dressed up to go to the airport.

What you wore:


You said thank you to them while they bowed and said sorry for what happend.

You wore a pair of glasees instead of putting make up since you thought that it would be a little bit too much.

You walked downstairs and you found all the members in the dinning room having breakfast.

They greted you and you end up sitting next to Jaehyun since is the only available place.

You talked for a while and now it's time for you to go to the airport you heard the dream unit complaining to Jaehyun.

Saying that it's not fair that we get to go on vocation but they don't,Johnny warned them saying that they were complaining a bit to much so they just behaved.

We got in the car and since it was morning there was nothing to really talk about.

While i was listing to some music i sew that Jaehyun still have his gun on his pocket

i got a little bit mad since we promised that there was no work going to involved in this vocation.

Y/n:"i thought that we talked about this Jaehyun"you said pointing at his gun.
Jaehyun:"Y/n is just for protection,i promise that i am not going to use it unless we are in a very dangerous situation"

Jaehyun hugged you and suggested to cuddle till the both of you get to the airport.

He slided his arms on your shoulder and gave you a kiss on the forehead while you gave him a kiss on the neck.

After passing 30 minutes of drive you finally came to the airport,you did the check in and walked towards the privet jet.

After you walked inside the plane all you did was eat,watch some movies and mostly sleep.

On the other hand Jaehyun was talking with someone about the call that he received last night.

Jaehyun pov.

Jaehyun:"thank you so much for telling about this"
???:"your welcome Jaehyun,i hope you can have a great time there"
Jaehyun:"i will, i heard that you are also coming here with your gang"
???:"yeah Taehyung hyung kept begging Rm hyung to go on a vocation ans escape from this  stressing work"
Jaehyun:"i guess i will see you around Jungkook"
Jungkook:"okay bye have a nice trip"

I looked at Y/n and i sew that she was sleeping,she looks like an angel that fall from the sky and it's here for me.

I don't deserve her,she was very patient and didn't let this relationship go,

she gave me onther chance to show her how much i love her and i will do that for the rest of my life.

After watching a movie we finally landed i woke her up and said we were here.

She looked very tired so i just got her in bride style,she looked too sleepy to be even surprised.

We got into the car and then we went to our hotel,and there my mum called me.

Mum:"Jaehyun my son did you get your keys to the hotel room?"
Jaehyun:"yes mum it's very big and neat i like it"
Mum:"i am very happy,anyways you should go out,and if you need me you can call me or go to my room"
Jaehyun:"okay mum see you at dinner time"
Mum:"bye sweetheart"

I fall asleep next to Y/n sice there was nothing to do and i was bored,when i woke up the sun was gone and i sew that

Y/n was not on my side anymore but then i sew that she came out the bathroom with a towel covering her

Y/n pov

I woke up and Jaehyun was lying next me i was sweating becouse of the weather so i walked to the bathroom and took a shower.

After taking a shower i walked out and i sew that Jaehyun was awake too,

we made eye contact and i broke it becouse i was feeling a little bit shy since i still didn't wore any chothes.

Jaehyun:"why are you shy?we are married and plus i alredy sew your body"
Y/n:"i-is just"
Jaehyun:"that is fine,dress up darling"

I looked at him and he gave me a smile,i know that he want to have you know what,but it's just that i am still little shy even if we did it so many times.

I really appreciate that he is changing is just i still need time to recover for what happened.

I walked back to the bathroom after getting my stuff and then i started to dress up.





Make up:

After preparing for the night,i walked out the room and Jaehyun was wearing a simple shirt with bottoms and a pair of short jeans.

But he was still good looking,when he sew me he gave other one of his sweet smile and said.

Jaehyun:"you look gorges,well you always do but today you took my breath away"
Y/n:"y-you look good too"
Jaehyin:"shall we go now?my mum is waiting for us downstairs"
Y/n:"yeah let's not make her wait for more"

We walked out the room and there was a gruop boys that comment me about how pretty i am but they said it in a very perverted way.

Jaehyun wanted to talk to them but i said to him to ignored them and just enjoy the moment.

We finally walked down and i sew mum,i thought that she would feel a little bit lonely but no,she was with someone.

We finally got in to her vision and she started to yell our names i got the second hand embarrassment since the peaple in the hall started to look at her.

I was having a happy smile on my face but i sew that Jaehyun's face suddenly changed as soon as he sew that man with his mum.

Who is the man that Jaehyun's mum was talking too?
How will Jaehyun react?

Hi guys👋i hope that you all are having a good day and if not i hope that this made it a little bit better,i wanted to tell you that if you liked this chapter don't forget to vote and if you want to you can follow me to be always updated with my futer books.

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