Boylesque (🇬🇧)

By april_writes1

19.3K 1.6K 508

Alec moves to New York after reluctantly coming out to his parents... to start a life of his own. In order t... More

I'm back
Not today but tomorrow
Lost in glitter
Please, don't hide
It's Boylesque
In the silence of the night
All or nothing?
Tea, strawberries or pasties?
Between broken pieces and new friendships
Tears of the past
Easier said than done
Perfect view
Please, don't leave
A bad morning (or maybe not)
Shadows of the past
A cocktail at the eleventh hour - part 1
A cocktail at the eleventh hour - part 2
Lost in the heat of lust - part one
Lost in the heat of lust - part two
One step in the right direction
To new beginnings ...
Enjoy the small (big) things
Happy Birthday, Magnus!
Let's have some fun!
An unexpected show at night
The touch of two hearts
When the heart calls
Whole lotta (love) sex
When the past won't let you go
A heart weeps a thousand tears
Can broken hearts be healed by love?
New opportunities and unexpected gifts
Money hangs in the air
When dreams come true ...
Arrived in happiness
Thank you

Oh fuck...

575 45 13
By april_writes1

"Oh come on, Alec. Where is it exactly that you're working now?" Izzy asked, prompting him for an answer.

She sounded impatient, but there was something else in her voice. Something that Alec had almost overlooked. Something she was trying to hide from him. Was it... disappointment?

Alec dropped his gaze as he buried his idle hand in the pocket of his jeans.

"I'll tell you soon, Iz. I promise."

Izzy made a frustrated sound and Alec almost felt contrite for not satisfying her curiosity right then and there.

"Please," she softened her voice in an attempt to tug at his heartstrings, dragging the word out so much that it almost sounded like two words.

A small smile tugged the corners of his mouth upward as an image of his sister popped up in his head. Izzy was probably lying on her bed right now, her legs stretched out against the headboard, most likely wearing one of his old, oversized and washed-out sweaters that he had left behind. He had seen her in that position more than once, lying on her bed while talking to one of her friends and Max had told him once she always looked for comfort in wearing his clothing when he wasn't home. A sad expression replaced his smile, the tender guise fading from his lips as he realized he couldn't call his parents house, his home anymore...

Leaning against the exterior brick wall of the Night club, he closed his eyes for a moment. Alec couldn't count how many times Izzy had asked about his new job throughout the past few days. Twenty, maybe thirty, or even a hundred times? He had stopped counting.

Today was only his sixth day as a bartender at Magnus club. It actually seemed a lot longer than that.

"Alec? Are you still there?"

Alec blinked once, then ran his fingers across his forehead. A gust of icy-cold wind billowed around the corner of the building prompting him to rapidly raise his shoulders, burying his face deeper into the dark green woollen scarf Izzy had gifted him last year for Christmas. It won't be long now until the first snow of the year would fall and bury the streets of New York under a layer of white powder, turning the city into a winter wonderland. It would appear to be early this year, considering it was only the beginning of November.

A shiver ran through his body and Alec would have liked for nothing more than to flee the cold for the warmth of the club. But as long as he was on the phone with Izzy, he didn't want to venture inside.

A glance at his watch told him that he had been standing in front of the club for over fifteen minutes already, trying to thwart Izzy's curiosity. No wonder he was freezing cold. He had most likely already gotten frostbite. At the very least, his balls didn't feel like they could withstand the frigid weather much longer.

"Uhm, sorry. Yes. What did you say?"

"Your new job. It can't be so bad, that you don't want to tell me anything about it."

Alec glanced up at the curved sign above the clubs' entrance and again, a smile promptly tugged at his lips. The letters dazzled in pink and golden hews, sparkling brightly through the approaching twilight. It wouldn't be too long before the neon colours would lure the first guests of the evening.

Alec was already looking forward to the next few hours, the hustle and bustle behind the bar. He had never felt so carefree and relaxed in his whole life. He could certainly say that the short time he'd been working at Magnus' Club had been one of the most exciting times of his life. He was finally able to live his life the way he wanted, without his parents constantly criticizing him or telling him what to do.

"No, Izzy. It's not. The job is okay," Alec replied, biting down his tongue to avoid singing a euphoric song of praise about his new job.

"Then tell me."

"Izzy ..." Alec pleaded, switching the cell phone to the other ear. He brushed one foot across the floor, kicking a few small stones away as his foot scuffed across the asphalt. Oh yes, he loved his dear sister, but sometimes she was just too curious for his liking. Of course, he knew that Izzy was only looking out for him. He would be lying, however, if he said that he didn't relish it a little, that she couldn't stick her nose into every part of his life anymore.

"I don't understand why you are being so cryptic about it," Izzy said. Another dissatisfied noise followed her words, coming through the phone when Alec didn't reply instantly.

To be honest, he didn't know either. He was certainly not uncomfortable with his new job. Alec also knew that Izzy would never judge him for working as a bartender in a burlesque club. On the contrary. She'd probably freak out, in a good way; she would be ecstatic. All the glitter, the cheerful and upbeat music, the exciting erotic dance and high-class performances were most definitely her thing. But yet, maybe he wanted to be able to enjoy this new life for himself, just for a few more days? Without anyone in his family knowing the details.

Perhaps he just wanted to have something all to himself: Be the only one aware of what he was up to, and especially where he was working. Or...

"I'm not being cryptic. First and foremost, I want to see how it goes. Who knows, maybe they won't be satisfied with my work and I'll be fired, faster than I can count to three."

"Why would you think that, Alec?"

Alec gazed at the floor and kicked another stone away, which promptly hit the bottom step of the stairs leading up to the club with a loud metallic vibration. He knew he was doing well in his new job. Maia had assured him of that, more than once. Sure, it would take a few more weeks before he was able to manage the bar completely on his own, even if just in an emergency. But in this short time, he had already gained knowledge of the many recipes for the club's special drinks and the rest wasn't much different from what he had mixed before. Still, there was this soft voice at the back of his head, nagging at him, whispering discouragements, that he wasn't good enough, that he'll most likely lose his job sooner or later.

"I don't know. It is just... "

"Stop it!" Izzy interrupted him before he was able to complete his sentence. "Alec I know Mom taught you to never be satisfied with yourself to doubt your own capabilities, that you were never good enough... But she's completely wrong, do you hear me?"

Alec sighed softly. His sister knew him too well. . .

"Izzy ..."

"No Alec. I know you. No matter what you do, you always give it one hundred and ten per cent. You give everything, and I am sure that it will be the same with your new job."

Alec knew Izzy was right. He also knew that he couldn't easily silence the voices in his head. But he could try, right?

"I know Izzy. I know."

"Good." There was a smile in her voice and Alec wanted nothing more right now than to sink into his sister's comforting and warm embrace. That was the disadvantage of his new life. He was alone in this big city.

"All right, Alec. I'll be patient and wait a few more days. But then I'd really like to know all about your new job."

Alec shook his head in amusement and snorted.

"Okay, Iz. You win. What do you say to coming over next Sunday, I'll tell you then?"

Izzy let out a squeak so loud that Alec quickly yanked the phone away from his ear.

"Jesus, Izzy. Why don't you scream a little louder?"

"Sorry," Izzy said, but the grin in her voice told Alec that she wasn't sorry, not in the slightest.

Alec checked his watch again.

"I have to go now. Give Max a warm hug from me, okay?"

"I will. Take care, Alec."

"Yeah, you too."

Alec hung up and stuffed his cell in the pocket of his winter jacket. Then he jogged up the few steps to the clubs' entrance and fished for his key.

Just like the last few days, the club welcomed him with a jarring white light that emanated from the fluorescent tubes, reminding him more of a warehouse's atmosphere than that of a nightclub. The many chandeliers would only be switched on shortly before opening to replace the harsh, cold light.

Alec stepped into the foyer and was enveloped by the warm air that flowed freely through the club. He pulled the scarf away from his face and ambled down the stairs to the clubs' main-floor. He could hear voices emanating from the bar and as Alec neared he saw Maia, and Bat already restocking, preparing everything for the evening.

"Hey guys," he said in greeting when he reached the bar, shrugging off his warm jacket, hanging it and his scarf on the back of an empty barstool next to him.

"Hey Goliath," Maia replied and waved to him happily.

Bat nodded briefly in his direction. Instead of a greeting, he just gave Alec a small smile of acknowledgement. Then he went back to his task, taking the remaining glasses from the dishwasher, after drying them carefully, he placed them on one of the display shelves behind the bar.

Alec knew that he couldn't take Bat's taciturn behaviour personally. Maia had told him on his first day that Bat was very shy, at least towards his colleagues. Only in his role as a bartender did he seem to blossom. He was like a different person, he would laugh and joke with the guests as though he'd never done anything else.

Maia, on the other hand, was totally easy-going and open. Consequently, Alec already knew that she owned a German shepherd called Taki and was also studying marine biology in addition to her job in Magnus' Club. She had also told him that she and Simon - the guitarist of the club's resident live band - had once been a couple for a few months last year. Now the two were just good friends. She also told the most incredible and funniest stories regarding the many regular guests, causing Alec more than once to laugh so hard that tears had sprung from his eyes. To cut a long story short: Maia was just pretty cool.

"You look tired Alec," Maia said, giving him a worried look.

Alec sat down on one of the bar stools with a frustrated groan and buried his face in his hands, resting his elbows on the counter.

"You would look tired too if you had to listen to the rhythmic creaking of your neighbour's bed and their loud moaning most of the night and half of the morning." Alec let out a disparaging snort. "They're worse than any pubescent teenagers."

Maia threw her head back and seconds later her laughter filled the empty bar. Alec peeked between his fingers and gave her a disgruntled look.

"It's not funny."

"Oh Alec, you've obviously never had someone in your life from whom you just couldn't keep your hands off, have you?" Maia asked, wiping a few tears from her eyelashes.

Alec straightened up and crossed his arms over his chest. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Bat just shake his head in amusement.

"At least I've never felt the need to entertain my entire neighbourhood with it," Alec said dryly.

Maia giggled softly.

"Have you ever had the hots for someone so bad that you want to rip off their clothes?"

Before Alec could reply, a picture of Magnus appeared in front of Alec's eyes, stretched out on the soft pillows of his bed while looking at him with pure desire. Uuuh... Alec made a choked sound that almost sounded like he was strangling himself. Maia's grin only got wider.

"Tell me!" she demanded.

Alec cleared his throat and ran a hand over the back of his neck.

"I'm not going to talk to you about my sex life," Alec replied gravely.

Before Maia could react in one way or another, Simon appeared at the bar and hopped on one of the vacant bar stools.

"Who is having sex with whom?" He asked, looking curiously between Maia and Alec.

Alec made a frustrated noise and threw his head back, looking desperately at the ceiling.

"Alec's neighbours danced the mattress mambo last night and half the morning and they were loud," Maia explained.

Alec glanced at Simon and saw a grimace run across the guitarist's face. He shot Alec a quick sympathetic glance. At least there was someone who pitied his cruel fate.

"Uh, that's awful. I also had a neighbour like that. Back shortly after I had moved from my parents home and into my first apartment. I'll tell you, he used to entertain half the neighbourhood and whenever he orgasmed... at least I suspect that he came then... he screamed her name so loud that you had the feeling he was going to drop dead right then. Fortunately, I only lived there for a few weeks, but in that short time, the guy changed his girlfriends like his underpants. I could fill a whole book with all their names... "


The guitarist interrupted his monologue and looked questioningly at Alec.

"What? "

"Too much information," Alec said, rolling his eyes. Maia put her hand over her mouth to hide a soft laugh. Alec noticed that Bat was nowhere to be seen. He had wisely slipped away.

"What do you want to do about your neighbours?" Maia asked.

Alec helplessly shrugged his shoulders

"Uhmm... Nothing I can do?"

"Why don't you take someone home with you, give them some of their own medicine, a little payback?" Simon suggested, tapping his mouth thoughtfully with a finger.

Alec winced and shook his head. It wasn't that he didn't have any sexual experience before coming out to his parents, but they could all be counted on one hand. On two fingers, to be precise. The most intimate thing he'd tried so far was giving someone a blowjob.

"No, Simon. ...I am not going to get my dick wet with some random guy," Alec replied with a huff.

It suddenly went very quiet. So quiet you could have heard a pin drop. Alec stiffened, suddenly realising what he'd just said. Oh fuck... Had he inadvertently just come out to his co-workers? Shit.

Alec buried his face behind his hands and made a desperate sound while Maia and Simon started laughing so hard their bodies shook violently, both were holding their bellies.

An uneasy feeling rose and fell into his stomach. Alec glanced between his fingers at his co-workers. Were Maia and Simon laughing at him? Didn't Magnus say that no one in this club would judge him for being gay?

It took a moment for Alec to comprehend that they were just reacting to his choice of words and not about his sexuality. Relief flooded him and the fear of not being accepted dissipated. He didn't need to hide who he was anymore.

Alec blinked as the realisation dawned on him for the very first time... He can be himself! Finally!

And it felt good, almost like an invisible weight had been lifted from his shoulders. It felt like a natural thing, and it is good... It felt right. He felt taller, lighter.

A freeing laughter grew inside his chest bubbling over until it spilled through his lips, shaking his body. It didn't take long until tears were running down his face.

"Yes, I'm gay..." Alec said after he had calmed down. He wiped the tears off his cheeks with the palm of his right hand.

Maia looked at him with a soft smile.

"We could all come over to your place and make it sound as though you were, how did you put it. Getting your dick wet!" Simon snorted.

"Simon, I am not going to have sex with some random guy just to get back at my neighbour... to demonstrate how thin our goddamn walls are. I'm not that kind of guy," Alec said, shaking his head. "So... please, can we stop talking about my neighbours' sex life now," he pleaded desperately.

Maia leaned forward and propped her forearms on the bar counter. The grin on her face told Alec that she wasn't going to let the subject drop that easily. Oh yeah, she and Izzy would definitely get along very well.

"Then why don't we talk about yours?" she asked again.

"As I said... I'm not talking about it."

"Gosh, you are so boring," Maia replied, rolling her eyes, but the laugh in her voice showed him that she wasn't really being serious.

Still, Alec leaned forward and reached for a damp rag, which he threw at her. Maia deftly ducked out of the line of fire, getting to safety, snickering softly.

"No, but seriously now. Do you have someone in your life?" Maia asked while she picked up the rag from the floor to clean it.

Alec pursed his lips thoughtfully and for the second time that evening, an erotic picture of Magnus appeared in his head. Yup, his brain was definitely no longer trustworthy.

Before Alec could answer Maia's question, though, Simon leaned in close to him. He stared at him without blinking an eye and Alec suspiciously knitted his eyebrows at him.

"Stop the nonsense," Maia said after a few seconds and gave Simon a playful slap on the back of his head. The guitarist rubbed a hand over the spot Maia had hit him with an indignant ouch.

"Why did you do that, Maia?"

"You are scaring Alec."

Alec snorted softly and raised an eyebrow in amusement as he looked back and forth between Maia and Simon.

"I was just trying to find out who Alec was thinking of."

"I wasn't thinking of anyone," Alec replied quickly. Too quickly, because seconds later two pairs of eyes focused on him again.

"So there is someone you like?" Simon asked, eyeing him again attentively.

Alec slowly shook his head, but his brain bombarded him again with images of Magnus. How he would kneel on his bed, legs spread, hands wandering down his own body. Shit ... Was there a place in New York where one could get one's brain back on track? His brain definitely seemed to be broken.

"Why are you both staring at Alec as if he held the answer to life, the universe and everything...?" A warm, honeyed voice promptly asked.

Alec almost choked. When you speak of the devil - well, think of him ...

"Hey boss," said Simon, swivelling around to face Magnus.

Alec also glanced in Magnus' direction to greet him, but whatever he was going to say, vaporized on his tongue, leaving his mind completely vacant. What the...? Alec let out a choked gasp.

His boss was literally covered from head to toe in glitter, so much so, that he would likely outshine a disco ball. His black pants and elegant matching jacket sparkled in varying shades of blues and purples. Making Alec think of one of those magical photographs of a vast sparkling galaxy.

Underneath, a dark cobalt blue shirt, very similar to the shirt that Magnus had worn when they had met on his third day, and Alec was sure he could see glitter beneath the transparent fabric, as well, applied generously to his smooth bronze skin. The makeup that Magnus had put on that evening corresponded with the rest of his outfit. Small rhinestones placed under his eyes, literally made them shine.

Alec swallowed hard. He'd not seen Magnus look so dressed up during the time he'd known him. Heavens above, even his hair was covered in glitter again, almost as though he had bathed in it.

"Hi," Alec greeted him breathlessly, ignoring Maia's soft snort behind him. Alec cursed inwardly. Why couldn't he act like any other normal person in Magnus' presence? He had thought that he had put his initial awkwardness aside.

Over the last four days, he and Magnus had talked on a few occasions and even though he had stunned Alec with a few flirtatious come-on's or a compliment every now and then, Alec had managed not to blush like the virgin he was every time. He had quickly discovered that it was just Magnus' nature, that he gifted almost all of his employees with varying compliments from time to time. The last few evenings, however, Magnus hadn't dressed up as though he were on a mission to seduce every single person who crossed his path.

"Alexander," Magnus sing-songed in greeting as he shot him with a beautiful megawatt smile that Alec couldn't help but reply.

Then Magnus turned towards Simon and crossed his arms over his chest. There was no way Alec was staring at Magnus' biceps, which were now clearly visible and bulging against the fabric of the jacket. Nope. He definitely wouldn't do such a thing. He... Jesus, there was certainly not much give left, the fabric of the jacket would tear apart given any more strain.

"Maureen is looking for you, Simon. Apparently, she has problems with the lighting system again," Magnus said.

In addition to his role as a musician, Simon was also responsible for the club's lighting and sound system. But since he couldn't man the system during his performances, Maureen was responsible during the shows as his assistant. The word was, however, that the young New Yorker had a talent for blowing a fuse now and then. How she managed it was not very clear to everyone. But despite her little mishaps, she was a good co-worker, or at least that's what Maia had told Alec.

Simon swore under his breath.

"The woman is driving me crazy. I'll deal with it in a moment, boss."

Magnus nodded in response, then turned to Alec.

"I'll see you later." He winked at Alec and then walked away without giving any further explanation.

Alec looked after Magnus as he made his way to the rear area that was accessible only to the staff. He bit his lip as his eyes landed on Magnus' butt. Jesus, was there anything about him that wasn't perfect?

"What does he mean, I'll see you later?" Alec asked as he turned back to Maia and Simon, but not without taking one last look at Magnus' perky ass.

"You don't know?" the guitarist asked. His voice shifted up a few octaves and Alec had the feeling that Simon's eyes would fall out any moment if they widened further.

"What don't I know? "

"Well, today is Saturday," Simon said as if that explained everything.

Alec raised an eyebrow.

"And tomorrow is Sunday," Alec deadpanned.

"Alec, man!" Simon scolded as if he were hard to understand. "Magnus is part of tonights' show. As in, every Saturday night, by the way. You will definitely like that. He's amazing. Almost like a second Dita von Teese. No, much better actually. And not as feminine as her. Actually, rather more and very masculine. Well, he's a man. And the people... It's absolutely sensational every time. Everyone loves him. Everyone wants to see him. And you have the best view of the stage from behind the bar, as you've probably noticed already and ... "

"Jesus, Simon!" Alec stammered.

"What? "

"Stop. Please! "

Simon opened his mouth to say something, but Alec gave him such a pointed dark look that the guitarist closed his mouth immediately.

Alec put his forefinger and thumb to the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes for a moment. Then he took a deep breath and realised it slowly.

Magnus is dancing in the show. Yes! No! Oh, God...! Simon was just making fun of him, right? For sure. Then why didn't the guitarist look like he was joking?

"This is a joke, isn't it?" Alec asked hopefully.

"Why would I joke about it?"

"Magnus is dancing in the show tonight? "Alec asked.

"Yes, he's our star in every Saturday evening performance. "

"Every Saturday?"

Simon leaned against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest and studied him carefully.

"Yes, every Saturday. Am I mumbling?"

"What? No. Sorry. I...."

Oh fuck ...

Simon looked at him as if a second head had sprouted from his neck and Alec realized that Simon was indeed serious.

Alec suddenly felt as if someone had cut off his oxygen supply. His thoughts began to race, planting one erotic image after another into his head.

Magnus will dance and undress. Tonight. Here in the club. In his own damn burlesque show. Right in front of Alec's eyes. Was it too late to call in sick for the evening or better still, quit?

"Alec, what's wrong with you?" Simon asked, pulling him out of his thoughts.

Alec straightened up and wiped his slightly sweaty hands over his thighs.

"N-nothing. Everything is fine."

"Yeah, sure. And I am Obi-Wan Kenobi. "

Simon rose from his stool and shook his head, a grin on his face as though he knew what kind of panic Alec was in right now.

"I have to see Maureen before she takes the lighting system apart again."

He patted Alec encouragingly on the shoulder and then disappeared behind the curtain that still enveloped the stage in its slumber.

"Interesting," Maia said and Alec met her knowing gaze. Damn it. She leaned against the counter with her arms folded over her chest, scrutinizing him. Alec bowed his head to hide the blush he could clearly feel rising on his cheeks.

"Simon really wasn't kidding, was he?" Alec asked quietly.

Maia cocked her head and looked at him thoughtfully. Then she shook her head. Oh shit. . . Alec straightened up and wiped his sweaty hands over his pants once again. Maia raised an eyebrow and her lips stretched in a wide, knowing grin.

"Just, do me one favour tonight, Alec."

"And which one would that be?" Alec asked, eyeing Maia suspiciously.

"Please don't break all the glasses tonight okay?" Maia asked and before Alec could react in one way or another, she walked over to the other end of the bar.

At the same moment, as if on command, the bright neon lights were switched off. For a short moment, Alec sat in complete darkness before the numerous chandeliers were switched on, bathing the room in dim, romantic light.

Alec peered over to the stage. In less than an hour, the curtain would be raised and the show would begin. In less than an hour, Magnus would be dancing on the stage, gradually ripping his clothes off. Just by thinking about it, Alec could feel the temperature in the club heating up a few degrees.

A low, desperate groan fell from his lips and he closed his eyes for a moment. How was he supposed to get through this shift? He could only hope that the guests were plenty tonight and that he wouldn't get a chance to see the show. Because, Alec was not sure if he would survive the sight of Magnus in nothing but tiny pasties covering his nipples and sexy lingerie that showed more than it would hide.

Alec swallowed hard and ran a hand through his thick hair.

Oh Lord in Heaven, give me the strength to survive this night.

He had never really been a believer before, but he was sure that he would send many more quick prayers up to heaven tonight. His mother would certainly be very proud of him... for that at least.

Oh fuck...

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