High school Agents

By yamivee

97.4K 3.1K 3.4K

Korra and her parents work in a Organization as agents. Korra's Parents adopted, Bolin, Mako, and Kai and ma... More

Meet the...Smiths
untold business
the stepping stool
lover boys
The Memories
The Plan
Phase 2
The Unexpected
The Unexpected pt2
Mini Mission
Confesions Pt 2
After all these years
Family Reunion
Korra Alone
The Truth
A Promise
No More Secrets
The Flight
Welcome home
I'm Not Him
Misson Lotus
Top secret
Plan Kai
Plan Kai pt 2
The White Lotus
End game
A Two Sided Story
The old Korra
I Remember

Truth or Dare

3.4K 108 212
By yamivee

Asami explained the rules and how the game works. first they sit in a circle and spin a bottle, who ever spin the bottle gets to ask a question or give a dare to the person it lands on, if the person doesn't want to answer the truth they take a shot but if they don't want to do the dare they take two shots, if and only if they complete a dare the opposite person takes one shot. person who took the most shots loses, as is if they'll keep track

Asami: "alright who wants to go first" she put the empty bottle in the middle of the round table

Iroh: "I'll go first" he volunteered and gave the bottle a spin having it land on Jinora "ou, Truth or Dare"

Jinora: "lets go Truth"

Iroh: "i'm not going easy on any of you" he laughed "what's your biggest turn on in bed?" he smirked

Jinora: "ew why you wanna know" she gave him a disgusted look

Iroh: "I-...Just play the game" he shook his head

Jinora: "fine"she took a shot, then spun the bottle and it landed on Bolin "truth or dare"

Bolin: "Truth"

Jinora: "whats your body count?"

Bolin: "jeez..." he gazed at Opal then looked back at Jinora "0" he sighed

Opal: "really?" she questioned and earned a nod from the boy as he spun the bottle landing on Kai

Kai: "Dare" he made his brother smirk

Bolin: "take off your shirt and give it to a random person in the house"

Kai: "who the fu-...you know what..whatever" he took off his jacket as he got up and started to unbutton his shirt "someone from inside?" he asked earning a nod "alright, let's go" he walked away with Bolin as he finished up unbuttoning his shirt

Moments later a shirtless Kai came back with a laughing Bolin. He took his jacket and put it on as he sat back down next to a blushing Jinora.

Korra: "what he do?" she asked Bolin

Bolin: "he gave it to a older lady and said 'until next time my love' then gave her a wink and...and she said 'rawr'" he said holding his stomach making the others laugh as he poured himself a shot

Kai: "what? it would be boring to give to her" he chuckled as he gave the bottle a spin landing on Asami

Asami: "Dare"

Kai: "uh... Kiss the hottest person here" he smiled

Asami: "I- just give me two shots already" she turned bright red

Kuriva: "oh come on, we all know who it is" she smirked "don't be lame"

Opal: "yea come on Asami" she tagged teamed Kuvira making Asami roll her eyes

Mako: "come on, even I know" he chuckled making the green eyed girl blush

Asami: *takes both shots* "too late I took the shot" she spun the bottle landing on Kuvira

Kuriva: "Truth"

Asami: "lame" she rolled her eyes "who would you want a lap dance from in this group"

Kuvira: "easy, you" she laughed when Asami became flustered "or Korra" she smirked and spun the bottle landing on Wu

Wu: "you pick"

Kuvira: "Truth... what do you think of Mako's eyebrows" she asked making Makos siblings laugh

Wu: "they're not that bad...maybe could use help"

Mako: "i'll take it" he laughed

Wu laughed as he gave the bottle a spin having it land on Korra

Korra: "dare"

Wu: "give Kuvira her lap dance" he smirked making kuvira flustered

Korra got up from her seat as she unbuttoned her vest, leaving it on her seat, she walked up to Kuvira whose face was a bright red. Kuvira couldn't stop blushing as she moved away from the table because of Korra moving her chair making it face the shorter girl, she tried hiding her face with her hands but Korra removed them. Kuvira looked into Korra's blue eyes who placed her hands on the arm rest and moved towards her ear

Korra: "wanna serve me my shots?" she whispered into Kuvira's ear teasingly and moved back with a smirk to see a frozen bright red girl making her chuckle

Kuvira: "I-...uh" she was lost for words, her stomach did flips

Iroh: "I think you broke her" he laughed

Wu: "i called it" he stood up "Kuvira's a bottom!" he pointed at the frozen woman making the others laugh

Kuvira: "AM NOT!" she snapped back into reality

Korra: "whatever helps you sleep at night" she took her shots as she sat back in her seat, she gave the bottle a spin having it land on Mako

Mako: "i'm sorry are we just going to forget about you breaking Kuvira" he earned a laugh from everyone "and dare"

Korra: "let Wu wax your eyebrows"

Mako: "WHAT?! NO!"

Wu: "oh come on please" he begged and Mako gave in

Asami went up to her room to bring her wax strips and gave them to Wu. Wu happily waxed Makos eyebrows. And Korra took her shot

Wu: "is it weird i prefer it before we waxed it"

Kuvira: "it came out good" she said "but i don't think it fits him" she added

Korra: "hey pretty boy, say cheese" she held up her phone a took picture of Mako when he turned towards her

the 9 of them looked at each other and laughed at Mako while he made a shocked face when he checked himself out on his phone. The 10 continued the game, and they were drunk at this point.

Korra: "Truth" he laughed

Kuvira: "smash or pass all of us"

Korra: "jeez um... Jinora pass...Iroh pass...Opal maybe...Kuriva smash and Asami smash" she said slowly due to the fact she was tipsy

Kuvira: "ouu Asami, three way!" she earned laughs from everyone

Asami: "I'm down" she shrugged like it was nothing but if she wasn't 13 shots in she would have said otherwise

Korra: "woah I was not expecting that from..you" she pointed at Asami

Asami: "expect the unexpected" she gave her a wink as the blue eyed girl spun the bottle landing on Asami

Asami: "Truth"

Korra: "ugh now i have to think" she laid her head back on the seat facing the night sky, thinking "what were your first impresion when you first met me and my brothers?"

Asami: "to be honest, at first I was like 'WOW thats a attractive family' and then I saw you guys at the auction and was like 'They're rich too?' so over all you guys are wildcards, you never know what can happen with a Smith" she laughed "It's weird because you guys are perfect like too perfect to be real"

Kai: "how so?"

Asami: "I don't know" she shrugged "probably the fact that you guys are beyond smart, you guys are very attractive, turns out you have loads of money, you're so respectful, so kind, so honest and all of you have shredded bodies....what? we were all thinking it, someone had to say it" she put her hands up

Iroh: "I did not know she can get this drunk" he laughed

Opal: "she does have a point though" she aggreed with her friend "even the bond you 4 share is strong, I don't even have a bond like that with my brothers let alone Kuvira"

Kuvira: "WHAT!? I'm closer to you than anyone in the family"

Opal: "just because we have the same friends, doesn't mean we have a bond dumbass"

Bolin: "wait you and you are...sisters?" he pointed at both girls

Opal: "step" she corrected him

Jinora: "Opal's right though"

Wu: "But what I can't get out of my head is that you 3 ask Korra for permission to do things" he pointed at the boys "why is that? is Because you guys were brought into her family or something?"

Mako: "well uh..." he didn't know how to answer

Iroh: "what is it that she's older"

Asami: "isn't Mako the oldest?" she pointed at Mako

Mako: "I am" he sweated

Jinora: "so then what is it"

Bolin: "we don't ask her for permission to do anything" he tried

Opal: "oh really? you guys begged to go bowling with us, I bet you also asked if it was okay to take me and Jinora on a double date"

Kai: "you're wrong we didn't ask...well the bowling part yes but we had a reason to not to go, and the double date we didn't ask if anything she was the one that gave us the confidence we needed to ask you girls out" he argued

Korra didn't know what to say she stayed quiet not even listening to a word they're saying, 'This was the worst idea' Korra can already see her father standing over her with that one look on his face she hated to see, the one that scared her the most. but she was snapped back into reality when she heard her name.

Kuvira: "earth to Korra" she brought Korra back from her thoughts "don't you got anything to say about this?"

Korra: "I uh...huh?" she was cinfused

Iroh: "you got to be kidding me" he groaned

Jinora: "Are you okay?" she asked the girl

Korra: "I'm fine...I was just thinking about something"

Kuvira: "I would like to continue where we left off"

Korra: "why?" she asked in a angered tone giving Kuvira a look "what do you get out of it? do you think I threaten them? or hurt them? maybe I abuse them, or maybe I'm a bad guy and these are my goons"

Kuvira: "I didn't mean it like tha-" she was interupted

Korra: "then why else would to want a answer?" she clenched her fist "what? you want to take them from me? save their lives? I already saved them!" she snapped, everyone went quiet "you don't know us, you don't know what we've been through together, You don't know what I have gone through to protect them" she got up from her seat and went inside the estate

Kai: "Kor" he called for her as he was about to go after her but Bolin stopped him

Bolin: "let her go"

Korra pushed her way to the bathroom, she shut the door with her back as her eyes began to water, she slid down the door having her butt hit the ground 'I saved them, and they saved me' and with that thought she brought her knees to her chest and cried into them.

At this point reality hit everyone making them sober up in a way. They remained quiet at the table once Korra left them behind, Iroh's phone broke the silenced as it buzzed.

Iroh: "looks like my rides here" he sighed as he got up waving everyone bye

Hiroshi: "are we setting up any guest room?" he asked as he came outside

Jinora: "Would love to stay but my dad would flip since its a school night" she laughed "well he'll most likely already be flipping since it's already 2 in the morning and I'm not home yet"

Kai: "i can take you home if you like" he gave her a smile and earned a nod form her

Hiroshi: "what happened to your shirt?"

Mako: "long story" he smiled as he shook his head

Hiroshi: "you look different..." he looked down at Mako

Bolin: "also a long story"

Hiroshi: "what about you 3" he pointed at Wu, Opal, and Kuvira

Kuvira: "I drove over here so me and Opal are fine"

Opal: "we can take Wu too since he's on the way to the house"

Hiroshi: "Alright then....wheres miss Smith?" he looked around

Asami: "no clue"

Korra was about to leave the bathroom but as she opened the door she saw a short young woman, about Korra's age maybe a year or two older standing there about to open the door.

Korra: "oh, my apologies" she got a good look at the girl "Isabelle, right?"

Isabelle: "surpised you remembered my name Korra" she smiled as she pushed some of her brown hair behind her ear exposing a cut with blood on her arm

Korra: "Jesus, are you alright?" she asked as she looked at the woman's arm

Isabelle: "oh right, yea I'm fine, I was just about to clean it"

Korra: "here, let me" she brought the woman into the bathroom closing the door. "so what happened?" she asked as she turned sink and placed a small towel under the running water

Isabelle: "oh you know, got into a sword fight with a fish" she gigled as she sat on the tub

Korra: "haha very funny" she said sarcastically with a smile as she started to whip the blood

Isabelle: "one of my friends broke his beer bottle and one of the guys from the backyard was on his phone leaving the estate, I guess he didn't see me but he bumped into me making me bump into the beer bottle" she sighed "don't worry it wasn't one of your brothers"

Korra: "i'm glad it wasn't" she chuckled finishing up with cleaning the cut

Isabelle: "you know you don't have to do this" she watched Korra look through the cabinets looking for a first aid kit

Korra: "no I insist" she took out a bandage and started to roll it around the woman's arm "there, all done" she looked down at the woman

Isabelle: "my hero" she smiled as she stood up, meeting a pair of blue eyes

They stayed like this for a good minute until Isabelle leaned in closer to Korra's face. Korra looked down at her lips and back up to her eyes, she slowly closed her eyes as she closed the gap between them, connecting their lips. Isabelle wrapped her arms around Korra's neck as Korra wrapped her arms around the woman pulling her closer. Korra broke the kiss and looked into the woman's purple eyes, she went in for another kiss with tongue as she lifted the woman onto the counter of the sink. Isabelle wrapped her fingers around Korra's short brown hair smashing each other's faces together as Korra lifted the woman's dress.

Mako: "I wonder if she's okay"

Kuvira: "I should've just let it go"

Kai: "you think!" he snapped "you guys should've just dropped when we didn't answer you" he clenched his teeth "because the truth is...I would be dead if it wasn't for her! she has been there for me since the beginning, she has kept me safe for so long" he clenched his fist "so yes Kuvira, I ask if it's okay to do certain things, to show my loyalty to her" he confessed "to us she's more than a fucking sister, she's home" his eyes teared up but his face was red from anger

Kuvira: "Kai, I'm sorry, I had too much to drink i was thinking"

Wu: "i'm sorry too, I asked the stupid question"

Kai: "we're not the only ones who deserves a apology" he said in a angered voice

Korra buttoned up her shirt looking at the mirror, noticing all the hickeys on her collarbone and neck as Isabelle fixed her dark blue dress and hair.

Isabelle: "so umm"

Korra: "don't worry, you're boyfriend won't know a thing" she said as she tucked in her shirt "that is if course he doesn't see how bad I marked your neck and chest" she chuckled

Isabelle: "wait you knew i had a boyfriend" she was confused

Korra: "i saw your lock screen mid way" she pointed at the woman's phone "anyways, I need to get going" she gave her a smile and walked out the bathroom

She notice people were leaving the estate while some were passed out on the couch. She made her way to the backyard to get her brothers.

Korra: "boys, let's go" she walked up to the door not getting closer to the table

Mako&Bolin&Kai: "yes ma'am" they got up from their seats

Kai: "you ready to go?" he asked Jinora and offered his hand, with a blush she took it

Korra waited outside the back door for the boys to head into the estate to live through the front, Mako and Bolin passed her going inside with their head down. Jinora and Kai were about to go in but only Jinora made it through, due to Korra grabbing Kai's arm.

Korra: "look at me Kai" she said sternly and he obeyed "did you cry? and don't try lying to me because I already know the answer" she earned a nod from the boy and released him "go, i'll catch up"

With that Bolin and Mako got into the green truck while Kai and Jinora got into the red car. the two brothers waited there for Korra while Kai drove off since he was taking Jinora home

Korra: "what happened?" she asked the girls and Wu sternly

Asami: "well first we wanted to apolo-"

Korra: "I don't want a stupid apology... I want to know what you guys did to Kai" she clenched fists avoiding eye contact

Kuvira: "he just snapped" she admitted "I felt bad for trying to push you guys to answer a stupid question and when i admitted to it he snapped"

Opal: "he was talking about you and how he would be dead if it wasn't for you and he broke down"

Wu: "I don't know what you did but I can tell he's grateful to have you" he gave her a smile even though she wasn't looking

Korra: "alright then" she relaxed letting out a sigh "goodnight" she walked away making it to her car and drove off with Bolin following behind her

'what a day' Korra's phone buzzed but she of course ignored it since she was driving but even if she wasn't she still would've ignore it. They made it home, Kai and Bolin managed to find parking late at night while Korra was able to fit a second car in the driveway. once they made it in the house they all went straight to bed except for Korra.

She stayed up looking at the ceiling, she didn't feel tired. She got up and went into the office and grabbed a large suitcase the was in the corner. She opened it and set up whatever was inside, it took her a good hour to complete putting it all together. She pressed a button making 8 screens turn on and showing the inside of the Sato estate, she pressed another button showing the backyard camera that she placed when everyone was watching Mako get his eyebrows 'fixed'. She notice that it was just Asami sitting there by herself in the same spot, she saw the woman staring at her phone as she was cuddled up with a black fabric thing. Korra looked at her phone and saw that the text earlier was from Asami.

Asami (2:28am)
Hey I know you might not want a apology but you're still getting one
I'm sorry if we hit a nerve, we didn't mean to offend you guys or anything, we had a lot to drink

no worries, you're all good.

Korra looked at the monitor and saw Asami's phone light up. Asami grabbed her phone and replied

You're still up?

so are you
can't sleep?

not really
i don't like sleeping until everyone is gone

aren't there people passed out on your couches

Wait! really?!
great guess i'm stuck with staying awake
wanna keep me company?


korra looked back a the monitor to see a smiling Asami who had her knees to chest still hugging this random fabric. Korra smiled when she notice what the fabric was.

Quick question
have you seen my vest?

no i have not


you sure?
I took it off when I was dared to give Kuvira a lap dance

I really thought you were going to give her one
I would have love to see that

'is she changing the subject?'

Alright i'll make sure to make it up to her

they stayed up texting each other all night happily, even though Korra 'lost' her 40 dollar vest.

sorry for any Errors-yami out

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