How to Get Away with Murder...

Autorstwa ghostwriterwho

2.1K 44 22

A new final mystery will unravel the hidden truths in Annalise Keating's life until the day of her funeral. Więcej

1. It's Not the End
2. You're a Monster
3. We're Not a Family
4. My Father Killed Them Both
6. I Wanted the Baby to Be Safe
7. She Didn't Deserve to Die
8. The Calm Before the Storm
9. Die. Die. Die.
10. Was It You?
11. I Know What Sam Did
12. Nobody Gives Anything for Nothing
13. No More War
14. It's Over Now
15. Annalise

5. He Knows the Truth

105 4 6
Autorstwa ghostwriterwho

September 1, 2017

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

10:15 AM

Tegan is in her office at Caplan & Gold.

She's reading about the Jorge Castillo's case. The FBI is no longer working on it. Anyway, the surveillance footage didn't capture the identities of the men who attacked him in prison.

<<Do I need to contact one of our data providers?>>, Robert interrupts, walking in the room.

<<Never heard of knocking before coming in?>>, Tegan says, bothered.

<<I did, you didn't hear.>>

Tegan sighs.

Robert gives a hint of a smile.

<<What were you reading on the computer?>>, Robert asks.

<<Listen amigo, you and I made a deal. My private life is not your concern. And with ''private life'' I mean my work business too.>>

<<Never mind. I'll be out in a minute.>>

Tegan's phone rings.

Robert turns to her and asks: <<Is that Annalise?>>

<<Get!>>, Tegan says, raising her voice.

Robert leaves the office and Tegan answers the call.


<<Tegan—I'm going to Harrisburg.>>

<<What? Turn back now, Annalise! Are you insane?>>

<<I need you to know where I'm going, in case something bad happens.>>

<<Something like getting arrested or being shot by Bonnie's sister? Hell no!>>

<<I'll call you as soon as I get there.>>

<<Annalise, Lou told me that—>>

Annalise hangs up.

<<Hello? Annalise?>>

September 1, 2017

New York City, New York

11:35 AM

Michaela is at work.

Though she's banned from accessing the internet due to probation, sometimes she visits Laurel's social page, but there are not updates. Her last posts date back to one year ago.

She also types Oliver's page on Facebook, but she can't find anything.

<<Did he block me?>>, Michaela says to herself.

She looks up Gabriel Maddox and there's a picture with her mother, Vivian, uploaded in Chicago one week ago.

Eventually, Michaela scrolls through the pictures on Asher's memorial page which was created by his sister, Chloe.

She gets sad.

<<Ms. Pratt, did you sign the paperwork?>>, a work colleague interrupts, standing in the doorway.

Michaela quickly closes the tab and says: <<I was—I was just working on it right now.>>

<<And——you were working on Facebook?>>

Michaela is embarrassed.

<<They say ''in extremis, extremity.''>>

The work colleague looks at her, confused, and leaves.

<<And you were working on Facebook!>>, Michaela murmurs, mocking him.

She doesn't like working in there, to be honest. The workplace is too competitive.

She misses Caplan & Gold. She also thinks about Annalise sometimes and wonders if she should apologize to her for what happened at the trial.

However, she still believes Annalise is the one to be blamed since Sam's murder.

Time goes by and Michaela doesn't understand whether she's trying to drown her guilt or not.


September 1, 2017

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

12:30 AM

Annalise has just parked outside the police station.

She walks in, holding Bonnie's file.

<<Name?>>, the officer at the reception asks.




The cop pauses and stares at her.

<<If this is a dream, don't wake me up.>>

<<Excuse me?>>

<<Bryan! Stew! Annalise Keating here!>>, the cop yells, calling out his colleagues.

Annalise is confused.

<<Oh My God! Annalise Keating!>>

<<Is that Michelle Obama?>>

<<Annalise Freaking Keating!>>

<<Could you take a picture with us, Hannah Keating?>>

Annalise feels uncomfortable and embarrassed.

<<Is it true you sued the FBI?>>

<<Your class action was terrific!>>

<<Annalise, are you single?>>

<<Ms. Keating!>>, Officer Morris interrupts.

Annalise turns to him.

<<All of you, get back to work. Now!>>

Annalise sighs.

<<I'm sorry, Ms. Keating. You're——famous around here.>>

<<Famous for my class action or my murder charges?>>

<<Both.>>, Officer Morris chuckles.

<<Good to know.>>, Annalise says sarcastically.

Officer Morris notices Annalise is holding a file, waves his hand says: <<So——you called me for this, Ms. Keating?>>

Annalise looks around.

<<May we speak in private?>>

<<I'll be back in an hour. Is that okay for you?>>

Annalise suspects the man doesn't want to talk to her and that he made up an excuse, but she pretends everything is fine.

<<That's okay with me, Officer. I've got the whole day off.>>

An hour goes by and Agent Morris doesn't show up.

Annalise is still sitting in the waiting room.

<<Ms. Keating, Agent Morris is waiting for you in his office. Follow me.>>

<<At last!>>, Annalise murmurs.

Walking to Morris's office, Annalise notices newspaper articles about unsolved cases hanging on the wall.

<<Here's the door, ma'am.>>

<<Thank you.>>

Annalise knocks.

<<Come in.>>, Morris says from inside the room.

As Annalise opens the door, her eye falls on a woman standing beside the desk. 

<<Thank you for waiting, Ms. Keating.>>, Officer Morris says.

<<I thought we were alone.>>

<<This is Samantha Pitt, Ms. Keating. She's my lawyer. Do you mind if she joins us?>>

<<Nice to meet you, Ms. Keating.>>

There's a moment of silence.

<<A lawyer to talk to me?>>, Annalise asks, confused.

<<I beg your pardon?>>, Agent Morris replies, pretending to be confused.

<<You kept me waiting for an hour so that your lawyer could attend our meeting?>>

<<That's not the case, Ms. Keating.>>, the lawyer lady says.

<<Then why are the three of us in here?>>

There's tension.

<<Ms. Keating, allow me to introduce—>>

<<No one asked for your opinion, Ms. Pitt>>, Annalise interrupts, <<I'm here to speak with Officer Morris about an old case, not to speak with you.>>

<<You're not a detective, Ms. Keating. I need to defend myself in case things get worse.>>, Morris says.

<<Do you have something to hide, Officer?>>

There's a moment of silence.

Officer Morris snorts and asks: <<What case are we talking about?>>

<<Please ask Ms. Pitt to leave and then I'll talk to you about it.>>

Officer Morris and Samantha Pitt give each other a knowing look. She grabs her purse and leaves the room.

<<Ms. Keating—as you can see I'm not a fan of yours. I don't think I'm the right person to ask for help.>>

Annalise throws Bonnie's file on the desk.

<<Robert Winterbottom. He was arrested on child molestation and child pornography charges in 1994.>>

Officer Morris opens the file and flips through the pages.

<<We both remember this case, Ms. Keating. What's the point?>>

Annalise pulls out the newspaper article about Robert Winterbottom's arrest along with the picture of the man Frank circled.

<<The cop in this picture is not you, Officer Morris. Who is he?>>

The man doesn't answer.

The tension rises.


<<I don't know who he is, Ms. Keating.>>

Officer Morris closes the file and puts it on the desk.

Annalise shows him a picture of Frank.

<<Do you know him? His name was Frank Delfino. You gave him a copy of this article, didn't you?>>


<<He died. Bonnie Winterbottom too.>>

Officer Morris is confused.

<<Ms. Keating, I told Mr. Delfino there was nothing unsaid about the Robert Winterbottom's case when he came by my office one year ago.>>, the man reveals.

<<What did you tell him?>>

<<The truth. I arrested Robert Winterbottom and threw him in jail for the atrocities he committed.>>

<<The case was assigned to you after Robert's arrest. Why?>>

Officer Morris pretends to be confused.

<<What are you talking about, Ms. Keating?>>

<<I'm talking about Ben Mitchell.>>, Annalise says, <<The article says he was the one handling the case when Robert Winterbottom was arrested.>>

Officer Morris is confused.

<<Who told you about Mitchell?>>

Annalise doesn't answer.

Officer Morris snorts and stands up.

<<Ms. Keating, I think it's enough. I don't want things to get messy. I invite you to return to Philadelphia as soon as possible.>>

<<I know about the baby, Officer.>>, Annalise reveals.

Officer Morris is annoyed.

<<Tell me where Ben Mitchell is.>>

<<Leave, Ms. Keating. Please.>>

The tension keeps rising.

<<Why didn't you mention Ben Mitchell at Councilman's trial when you testified?>>

Officer Morris picks up the phone and dials the security number.

<<Vaughn, have our men come to my office right now.>>

<<Julie Winterbottom didn't bury the baby in the woods, didn't she?>>, Annalise asks.

<<You're a lunatic.>>, Officer Morris says.

<<Wait till the press gets a hold of this.>>

<<Listen to me, Ms. Keating!>>, Officer Morris says in a threatening tone, <<This isn't Philadelphia. Things don't work there the same way they do here. Is that clear?>>

Annalise leans towards him and says: <<It might be a long shot, Officer, but we'll see how well you can keep a secret.>>

Officer Morris grunts.

Annalise takes the file on the desk and walks out of the room.

<<Don't ever set foot in here again, Ms. Keating! Did you hear me? Never again!>>, Morris yells from the doorway.


September 1, 2017

Philadelphia Prison, Pennsylvania

1:02 PM

Connor calls his sister from the prison telephone.

''Press 1 to accept the call from detention center number 00675 in Philadelphia''

Gemma Walsh accepts it.

<<Connor! It's so good to hear you!>>

<<Me too——Um, I'm allowed to make one call a day and I—I wanted to call you.>>

Gemma smiles.

<<You can call me whenever you want, Connor. I know that you know that.>>

Connor smiles and asks: <<Were—were you having lunch?>>

<<No, I just got home. Kids are at school. Johnny is probably on the way back home right now. Any ideas for lunch?  Help me!>>

<<Um—tomato pasta and a chicken salad sounds great?>>

<<You're basic, Connor!>>, Gemma chuckles, <<I remember why you'd rather be a lawyer than a chef!>>

Connor smiles.

There's a moment of silence.

<<Are thereupdates?>>, Gemma asks.

<<Apart from the fact that my cellmate might have murdered his family—no, any news.>>

<<Are you serious?>>, Gemma asks, confused.

<<No, Gem.>>, Connor replies, pretends to be joking.

<<If you told mom, you know she would have died of palpitations! She actually believes you're dead and that we're afraid to tell her so!>>

<<Just tell her I'm fine, Gem. I don't feel like talking to her. She would probably ask me about Oliver and I don't want to speak about him.>>

There's a moment of silence.

<<Did Mr. Bowers speak to you?>>

<<Spoke about what?>>

<<I—I can't visit you next Friday, Connor. They don't give me the day off.>>

Connor is upset.

<<Tell me you're not upset, please.>>

<<No, it's okay. I understand. Michigan isn't around the corner.>>

Gemma exhales.

<<When—when will you be back?>>, Connor asks.

<<Next week. I already told Bowers.>>

<<This thing that you talk to him more than me is kind of—weird.>>

<<He gave me his private number. I guesshe enjoys keeping a special eye on you.>>

Connor is suspicious about it, but pretends everything is fine.

There's a moment of silence.



<<I forgotto tell you something last time we met.>>

There's tension.

<<If it's about Oliver, please, I don't want to know.>>

<<No, I respect your choice not to talk about him, Connor.>>

<<So what is it? Is Dad filing a lawsuit against federal prisons in Pennsylvania?>>

There's a moment of silence.

<<It's about——Ryan.>>, Gemma reveals.

Connor is confused. He hasn't heard of him since many years.

<<His mother stopped by my place two weeks ago. She left me a letter.>>

<<A letter?>>

There's a moment of silence.

<<It's for you, Connor.>>

Connor wonders if something bad happened.

<<Why would she leave a letter to you, Gem?>>

The tension rises.

<<I'm so sorry to tell you this on the phone but——Ryan died a month ago.>>

Connor is shocked.

<<It was an accident. A truck ran him over while he was crossing the street.>>

Connor doesn't say a word.

<<I'll bring you the letter next time in caseyou want to talk about it.>>

There's a moment of silence.

Connor is sad.

<<I—I need to go, Gem. See you next week.>>

<<O—okay! See you soon, little brother. I love you.>>

<<Love you too.>>

Connor hangs up, but he still holds the receiver in his hand.

Ryan was Connor's first boyfriend from high school.


September 1, 2017

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

1:45 PM

Annalise receives a call from Tegan.

<<You finally picked up!>>

<<Sorry. I was busy whipping Office Morris's ass.>>

<<You're serious?>>

<<Tegan, please. Don't start.>>

<<Annalise, I don't mean to say "I told you so", but I do, actually. Can you come back in here, please?>>

<<Tegan, I drove my ass all the way down here for a reason. You know I'm not going to do that.>>

<<I don't want you to get in trouble with the Harrisburg police, Annalise. We just can get Lou to help us from home.>>

<<It's up to me. I have to put an end for good.>>

<<So what's your plan? Tell me!>>

<<I need to find Ben Mitchell. I'm sure he knows the truth about what happened.>>

<<Don't go to Bonnie's sister, Annalise. Please. I don't want you to get shot in the head.>>

<<It's more likely that is me who is going to shoot her.>>

<<What?! Are you seriously considering speaking with her, Annalise? This is crazy!>>

<<Ask Lou if she can get me Ben Mitchell's address. Maybe he's still in town. Or dead.>>

Tegan is hesitant about Annalise's plan.

<<I'm afraid this whole thing has nothing to do with Bonnie, Annalise. You've got other business to take care of in your life.>>

<<Frank would never have left a file at Bonnie's for no reason, Tegan. Do you get it? It's the least I can do for her. I do want to dig. I do want to find out. Whether you agree or not.>>

Tegan snorts.

<<Let me call Lou. I'll call you back.>>


Tegan hangs up.

[If Ben Mitchell is the cop who arrested Bonnie's father, why was he taken off the case a week after?]

This is the question Annalise keeps asking to herself. There must be a reason why.

Fifteen minutes later, Tegan calls Annalise again.

<<Lou found an address.>>

<<Let me get my pen out of my bag.>>

<<You don't need to.>>


<<Ben Mitchell is a patient at the McLean Mental Hospital in Harrisburg.>>, Tegan reveals.

Annalise is confused.

<<You can't get into that place unless you're a parent.>>

Annalise thinks fast.

<<You got any ideas?>>, Tegan asks.

There's a moment of silence.

<<I call you when I get there.>>

Annalise hangs up the phone.

Tegan is worried about her.


September 1, 2017

Philadelphia Prison, Pennsylvania

1:55 PM

Connor is lying on the bed.

He thinks about Ryan and he's devastated by the terrible news.

<<Brother, are you okay?>>, George asks while sitting on the bed.

Connor doesn't answer.

<<What's up? You look like someone just died.>>

Connor doesn't say a word.

George snorts.

<<All right, brother, no more talking.>>

<<Can you not call me ''brother'' for once?>>, Connor says, bothered.

<<What did you just say?>>

Connor doesn't answer.

<<Say it again, brother!>>

Connor grunts.

George stands up.

<<You got problem, brother?>>

There's tension.

<<Hey, I asked you a question!>>, George says once again.

<<Just fucking leave me alone!>>, Connor yells.

<<Wow! That's the time when you go balls out, brother!>>

<<What do you want? Hit me?>>

<<Hit you?!>>, George chuckles, <<I don't hit faggots!>>

Connor gets nervous.

<<What did you just say?>>

<<Easy, brother! I don't care if you like sucking dicks. I'm no homo.>>

The tension rises.

<<I don't mind sucking dicks. At least——I don't murder families.>>

George gives Connor an angry look.

<<You know what, brother? You smell like a privileged pussy from Beverly Hills! Since the old cunt from the yard got into your head, you look at me like those white men see black people. Scared they gon' rape their wives.>>

George spits in the ground.

<<Hey, you two! Stop playing husband and wife!>>, one of the prison guards yells.

<<You don't know shit about me, brother! I know you cry every night because mommy and daddy won't pay your bail! You'll have no job when you'll be out of here—>>

<<Shut up!>>, Connor yells.

<<Hey guard! You know that Mr. Walsh has a thing for dead husbands, don't you?>>

In a fit of anger, Connor attacks George.

The two get in a fight.

The prison guards intervene to break them up.

<<You're going to pay, brother! You're gonna pay! Like those assholes in here! You'll pay! >>, George yells.

Connor has a nosebleed and he's in handcuffs on the ground.

He will be taken to the infirmary later whilst George will be put in isolation.


September 1, 2017

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

2:30 PM

Annalise is at the McLean Mental Hospital.

<<Hi. I'm here to visit my cousin, Ben Mitchell.>>

<<Second floor. May I have your ID, ma'am?>>, the nurse at the front desk asks.


Annalise shows her the document.

The nurse is suspicious.

<<Let me check one more thing, please.>>

There's a moment of silence.

<<Um—you said you're a cousin of Mr. Mitchell, right?>>

<<Yes. I come from Philly.>>

<<You never showed up here, ma'am. Not once.>>

There's tension.

<<What's the matter?>>, Annalise asks.

The nurse sighs.

<<Ben Mitchell was hospitalized here 20 years ago, ma'am. Do you really expect me to believe you're a parent?>>

<<That's none of your business, Miss——Tolleson.>>, Annalise replies, reading the nurse's badge.

<<Mr. Mitchell got sick five years ago, ma'am. He can't speak properly. Did you know that?>>

<<Listen—I just want to know his room number.>>

The nurse sighs.

<<I'm calling my superior, ma'am. Just sit there and wait.>>

<<I'm outside.>>, Annalise says, annoyed.

Annalise walks out of the facility and calls Tegan.

<<Hey, they won't let me in.>>

<<I told you so.>>

<<Tegan, I need to talk to him. Ask Lou if she can get me his room number. He's on the second floor.>>

Tegan sighs and says: <<Just give me ten minutes.>>

Annalise stares into space for a moment and thinks fast.



<<Text me the number as soon as possible.>>

<<What are you about to do, Annalise—>>

Annalise hangs up the phone, walks up the stairs and gets in the facility again.

She walks down the hallway and gets past the front desk without stopping.

<<Ma'am, you can't go in there! Ma'am!>>, the nurse yells.

<<Call your superior then.>>, Annalise murmurs, walking as iconic as she is.

<<Security, we have a situation here! That woman is here!>>, the nurse says on the phone.

There's tension.

Annalise gets out of the elevator and receives a text from Tegan.

''115. Room number. Be careful.''

Annalise heads to the door and walks in.

Ben Mitchell is lying on the bed. He's awake.

<<Mr. Mitchell, my name is Annalise Keating. I need to ask you some questions.>>

Ben Mitchell doesn't seem aware of what is going on.

Annalise shows him the article about Robert Winterbottom's arrest.

<<Mr. Mitchell, are you the man circled in this picture?>>

Ben Mitchell keeps staring the ceiling, not saying a word.

<<Mr. Mitchell, I know you can't hear me, but just touch my hand to answer my questions. Please.>>

Annalise takes his hand and he turns to her.

<<I'm here for the Robert Winterbottom's case. I know you arrested him in 1994. A week later, a cop named Morris took over the case. Is it because of the baby?>>

Annalise shows him Jake's picture.

Ben reaches out and touches the photo.

The tension rises.

Annalise thinks he knows what happened.

<<Is Jake your son?>>

He doesn't respond.

The guards are coming for Annalise. It's just a matter of time.

<<Mr. Mitchell, this woman kidnapped a baby from St. Lincoln Hospital in 1994. Her name is Julie. Do you know her?>>

Annalise shows him a picture of Julie Winterbottom.

Ben Mitchell looks at it and touches Annalise's hand.

The tension keeps rising.

<<Is the baby alive, Mr. Mitchell?>>

The man grabs Julie's picture from Annalise's hand.


Annalise realizes he's saying something.

<<What? Say it again!>>

Annalise leans an ear towards him.


The tension keeps rising and rising.

Ben Mitchell is revealing something important to Annalise.

<<Mr. Mitchell, tell me!>>

All of a sudden, Ben starts screaming: <<Heather! Heather! Heather! Heather! Heather!>>

Annalise is shocked.


August 30, 2017

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

9:30 AM

<<There's a name Frank wrote on this page, Tegan. Just read.>>

Annalise hands it to her.

<<Heather? Who's Heather?>>, Tegan asks, bothered.

September 1, 2017

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Annalise is shocked.

Julie Winterbottom is identified by Ben Mitchell as Heather.

There's something more about Bonnie's dead son and it's about to be revealed.




January 7, 2018

New York City, New York

11:16 AM

A woman in a long black coat approaches Michaela's desk.

<<I'm looking for Solomon Vick. I have an appointment in his office.>>

Michaela is working on her computer.

She doesn't look at the woman's face and answers her by pointing the finger at the hallway that leads to Solomon's office.

<<Straight ahead, then right, ma'am. Please, knock before you come in.>>

<<Thank you, Michaela. You're very kind.>>, the woman replies.

Michaela lifts her head, giving the woman a look.

<<What did you just say?>>

<<Pardon?>>, the woman asks.

<<You just—called me by my name.>>

<<No, I didn't.>>

Michaela is confused.

<<I think I heard you.>>

<<You're wrong. I said Thank you, ma'am. You're very kind.>>

Michaela chuckles and apologizes.

<<I'm sorry—I was distracted. Work is hard today.>>

<<No worries, ma'am. Bye.>>

The woman winks at Michaela and moves away.

Michaela looks at the sketchy woman as she walks to Solomon's office.

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