Final Footsteps (Running Seri...

By Wingerz17

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We were all alive. We were all together again. Until... A knock on the door. "He's gone...He's really gone an... More

Chapter 1: Devastation
Chapter 2: Bueno
Chapter 3: Revelations
Chapter 4: Pierced Flesh
Chapter 5: Superman Squared
Chapter 6: Truth Reunited
Chapter 7: Sleep Interrupted
Chapter 8: Remorseful Error
Chapter 9: Take Me Home
Chapter 10: A Lurid Rerun
Chapter 11: Day Over
Chapter 12: Shattered Pieces
Chapter 13: Painful Features
Chapter 14: Malicious Tongues
Chapter 15: More Steps Forwards
Chapter 16: Independence
Chapter 17: Damaged
Chapter 18: Broken Chains
Chapter 19: Hollandaze
Chapter 20: River Cruising
Chapter 21: The Secret Door
Chapter 22: Zoo O'clock
Chapter 23: Rolling Punches
Chapter 24: Past Shadows
Chapter 25: Survival
Chapter 26: Minor Blips
Chapter 27: Those Days
Chapter 28: Suprise
Chapter 29: Faded Sleep
Chapter 30: Late Night Confessions
Chapter 31: New Memories
Chapter 32: Childish Antics
Chapter 33: Those Mini Pizzas
Chapter 34: In The Eye
Chapter 35: Fireworks
Chapter 36: False Start
Chapter 37: Welcome to the world
Chapter 38: Untold Stories
Chapter 39: Reunited
Chapter 40: More than you realised
Chapter 41: Tearful goodbyes, smiling hello's
Chapter 42: Healed Nightmares
Chapter 43: Past Demons
Chapter 44: Tropical Paradise
Chapter 45: Blissful Times
Chapter 46: Happy Birthday
Chapter 47: Relax and Celebrations
Chapter 48: A Capital Bang
Chapter 49: Last Day Blues
Chapter 50: Tired Eyes and Warm Beds
Chapter 51: Gunshots and Loud Bangs
Chapter 53: The Best News
Chapter 54: Family Fun
Chapter 55: YES!
Chapter 56: The Big Apple
Chapter 57: Family is Everything

Chapter 52: Running from Demons

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By Wingerz17

Song for chapter is Alright by Saint Raymond


Keane's POV

Tayte and I found Arlo, Angelo and Noah sleeping in bed at 9am and assumed that something had happened. I took a picture and Tayte smiled, Arlo then opened one eye.


Soon they were all awake.

"Morning," Noah grinned and then looked at Angelo and Arlo.

"What the hell were you three up to last night?" Tayte asked,

    "Best you don't ask," Arlo winked, I laughed,

"Seriously though, you know it's 9am, I'm assuming Noah isn't going to college, so something must have happened," I said,

   "Wait, you're letting me stay off from college?" Noah said happily looking at Angelo,

"Just for today, but you have to still do some work,"

"YESSSS, I LOVE YOU," He kissed him.

"I thought you two were meant to be at work right now?" Arlo asked, running his hand through his hair,

   "I rang Rory and asked if we could come in for the afternoon evening shift, had a feeling something was up,"

"I'll make us all some breakfast and we can explain," Angelo said getting out of bed. I looked at Arlo who also got out of bed, he smiled at me. Which meant it had something to do with him.

I couldn't wait for the day when we were all okay.


"French toast with bacon or scrambled egg and bacon?" Angelo asked,

    "FRENCH TOAST BABY" Noah shouted, dancing around the kitchen, "Please," he then added blowing Angelo a kiss,

"Your French toast is a fan favourite," I told him, "So definitely that thank you,"

   "I agree," Tayte replied,

"Anything cooked by you," Arlo told him.

So that was a landslide victory for French toast.

"Morning darlings," we heard Auntie call, coming in, "Though what is everyone doing home?"

"We had a little bit of trouble last night," Angelo replied,

   "The fireworks?" Auntie answered,

"The fireworks," Arlo agreed.

Were Tayte and I that much dead to the world that we didn't hear any fireworks. Wow, we must have been tired. She asked if we needed any food as she and Mum were going shopping, we couldn't think on the top of our heads so said we'd text her if we thought of something.

"Honestly didn't hear anything last night," I said, "I told you I woke up feeling drugged,"

"You I'm amazed about, me, I'm a deep sleeper," Tayte said,

   "I take it you had flashbacks," I said,

"Yeah, freaked me out, but...Angelo came to my rescue,"

   "Sorry," I said sadly, walking out, because I was pissed I didn't wake up and be there to offer my support. Not at the fact that Angelo helped him.

"Keane wait," Arlo called after me.

   "I'm good," I said, stopping as he caught up with me,

"Don't be angry at yourself because you didn't wake up,"

   "How can I not, I'm meant to be there for you,"

"You are there for me," he told me, then I suddenly felt dizzy, I paused and closed my eyes, "Keane, what's going on?" I then heard his voice say and he touched my arm, I opened my eyes, it made it worse,

  "Dizzy...just...hold onto me for a minute," his eyes turned to pure horror,


"Give me a minute," I said again. Okay, that was weird. "Okay, I'm good,"

"What the hell was that?"

   "Nothing, I just got a little dizzy,"

"You don't just get randomly dizzy for no reason little brother,"

   "Guess I just did,"

"BREAKFAST IS ALMOST DONE," We heard Noah holler.

  "Keane you know I'm..."

"Not going to say anything," I interrupted. Noah then appeared, he looked at us both,

  "Did you not hear me?"

"Oh I think the whole of Malibu heard you," I winked and he grinned and skipped off.


"Arlo," I warned and walked off. I knew I was being a stubborn hypocrite, but I didn't care. I was fine. All eyes were on us when we walked in, I just smiled and we all sat down to breakfast.

  "So are you going to elaborate on the events that occurred in the early hours of the morning?" Tayte asked. Arlo glanced over at me, "Unless you don't want too," he then added,

"Just freaked out over the fireworks, flashbacks to a moment in my life I hoped to forget. I got a hold of reality and then Angelo came and made sure that reality didn't slip," he said, "I did not want to go back to sleep, I actually said I was going for a run, but Angelo shot that idea down. Then Noah appeared," Noah grinned at us all widely, "Told us we were going to watch a movie and that we had to make hot chocolates, so that is what happened,"

  "Thank you Angelo," I said,

"Thanks is never needed,"

   "So we had a three way slumber partaaaaaay," Noah shouted and then laughed, "He he," I rolled my eyes. "Can we do something today, something cool, not that we don't do cool stuff all the time, but because we are all currently not working,"

"You do know we're still going to work," Tayte said, "Just a bit later,"

"Then let's do something now then,"

   "Whilst you figure out what you want to do, I need a word with Angelo," Arlo said and I looked at him. I knew exactly what he was going to say,

"Arlo," I said,

  "Keane," he remarked with a smile and walked out,

"What's going on?" Tayte asked as Angelo followed him out, "Are you okay? Are you fighting? What's going on?"

  "No idea," I answered,

"Can we got for a walk in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreational area, please, even if it's a short trail, or we take two cars and you can go there from work. Please," Noah said.

Did I mention I loved my little brother.

  "I don't see why not if Angelo and Arlo are okay with it," he beamed at me,

"You don't mind do you Tayte?"

  "Not at all," he smiled, giving me the eye and I gave the finger and then looked at him innocently in which he just rolled his eyes and smiled at me.

Arlo's POV

"What's wrong?" Angelo asked,

   "Keane is what's wrong, he went all dizzy, closed his eyes and then clutched onto me one minute and then told me he was fine and it was nothing the next. Totally dismissed it,"

"Sounds like someone else I know,"

  "Seriously babe,"

"Do you want me to talk to him,"

  "Hell no, you didn't see the look he gave me. Like if I told Tayte or anyone he was going to murder me," Angelo smiled,

"I wouldn't let that happen," I glared at him,

  "I'm worried about him, does like being dizzy link with the fact he has half a spleen?"

"It would be that along with other symptoms and Keane is fine, dizziness can just come and go with no underlying problem,"

"I know that, but Keane isn't a normal person who hasn't ever been hurt, he almost died,"

  "Arlo," he said, placing his hands on my shoulders, "Take a breath for me..."

"Arlo..." we both turned to look, "I'm sorry I just dismissed my dizziness like that, but I promise it was just that, a wave of dizziness, I am honestly okay," Angelo let go of me and I hugged him,

   "I just worry about you,"

"I know, as much as I worry about you," I smiled. "Noah wants to go walking in the Santa Monica mountains,"

   "Of course he does,"

"OF COURSE I DO, SO GET READY AND LET'S GO BEFORE KEANE AND TAYTE NEED TO GO TO WORK," Noah hollered and we then heard him dash upstairs.

  "Let's go for a walk then,"


We ended up going in two cars and Keane and Tayte threw some work clothes in their car in case we were longer than anticipated, which I'm sure we would be. The car park was busy and I thought did no one work. Noah wanted to do one trail, but that would take hours, so we persuaded him to go on the other.

I had only been here once since I've been here and every time the views take my breath away.

"Wow, it really is something," I said out loud, to no one in particular. We trekked through trails and posed for pictures because Noah said we had too. I could have gone on for miles, add this to my list of places to go when I need to breathe.

Then before we knew it, time was getting on. Keane and Tayte had gone to work and Angelo, Noah and I had stopped for ice cream and were currently eating it in the car before we headed home.

  "Are you nervous about meeting Mali's parents later?" Noah asked,

"I'm sure I can turn my magic on and charm them," I answered, trying to deflect the question.

   "You will definitely charm them. You are so loveable," he grinned and that made me smile,

"That you are," Angelo said softly, but I heard him, though I don't think Noah did.

  "What time is dinner?" Noah then asked,

"Mali is coming to pick me up at 6.30pm,"

  "So we have time for another ice cream?" Angelo and I laughed,

"Baby you know I love you, but we're not having more ice cream," Angelo answered, he pouted but nodded,

  "Okay, I know I shouldn't push it, I wouldn't be having any as I should be at college," he grinned, "I love you both,"

"We love you too," we answered in unison.

We got back home around 4.30pm and I went off to write as soon as we got in. There was a tap on my door around an hour later and looked up,

  "Do you want to talk?" It was Angelo holding two cups of tea. I smiled, even though I wasn't in the smiling mood, but Angelo did that to me.

"Where's Noah?"

   "Occupied, he's pretending to do some college work whilst watching Chicago PD," he sat down on my bed and handed me a mug, I took it and sat down next to him, "I could tell you were deflecting earlier in the car, and I know you're worried about the dinner with Mali's parents,"

  "I just don't want to fuck it up," I answered truthfully,

"Babe you won't do that, you put too much pressure on yourself. All you have to do is be you, as you said, your adorable charming self. They are going to love you, how could they not,"

  "I wish you were coming," he smiled then,

"Sure you can manage one evening without me," he answered with a wink and I smiled , "You should tell Mali your worries when she gets here,"

   "I can't,"

"If you don't, I will, I'm sure she's worrying too and not about you, but about her parents,"

   "If I text you SOS you'll call me right?" He chuckled,

"I promise if you text me SOS I'll call you,"

"Thank you,"

He left me be after half an hour and I showered and then tried to psych myself out. I didn't have much time as I heard Mali beeping and she came in looking absolutely stunning.

  "Hey Quarterback, wow you look so handsome,"

"Crazy fan you are stunning," she blushed. Angelo and Noah walked into the room, "Can I have a quick word before we go?"

  "Of course, are you okay?" I nodded and she followed me out,

"Arlo is okay right?" I heard Noah ask Angelo before I disappeared from earshot.

  "Talk to me," she said softly, I sighed,

"I'm worried about dinner, that your parents won't like me, that I'm going to mess everything up," she took both my hands and squeezed them,

  "I'm worried to and not about you. I'm worried because I love you so much and I have never introduced my parents to  someone that means as much to me as you do. We're in this together QB and if it gets too much, tell me and we can leave,"

  "I love you Malena Turner,"

"I love you Arlo Marcelo-Linkoln"

We said goodbye to Angelo and Noah and I gave Angelo the look to say don't forget SOS. He just smiled.


Even though I didn't want to go to dinner, for reasons other than being scared. The evening was actually going really well. Lance and Mina, Mali's parents were easy to get on with and Mali had whispered that they loved me, so it seemed as if my fears were not at all needed.

Then it all went downhill, we were in between main course and dessert when we experienced a power cut. I felt Mali instinctively grab my hand and I took a breath. Amid the dark we're clattering noises, glasses smashing and people shouting. We were in our own private area as Mali said we would be. But it was as if I could hear the worried whispered and voices and everyone in the whole hotel.

Then another noise came, what sounded like a grumble of a low flying airplane. I tried so hard to control my breathing. I tried so hard to tell myself that everything was okay, that I was okay. But, everything was flooding back into the forefront of my mind and I didn't want to freak out or lose control in front of her parents. Then the lights shot back on abruptly and I blinked furiously. Though my mind wasn't in the restaurant.

"Arlo, QB, are you with me?" She asked softly and as much as I wanted to snap myself out of this nightmare and tell her that I was indeed with her.

I couldn't.

Another crash came as someone threw a grenade and it exploded, though of course that wasn't really happening. I flinched and then stood up and rushed out.

I ran, trying to fight with myself in order to get back to reality. I didn't hear the shouts of my name. I blocked everything out, both realities and I kept on running.

Angelo's POV

When I saw Mali's name flash up on my phone, I knew something had happened. My whole demeanour must have changed as Noah looked up at me and Keane said,

  "What's wrong? Who is it?" I answered my phone and didn't answer Keane,

"Angelo, I'm so sorry, Arlo he's, he ran off somewhere and I'm so worried about him, there was a power cut and a plane and other noises and he...I know he was having flashbacks and struggling with reality and...I couldn't, I couldn't help him..." She sounded so upset and frightened and helpless,

    "Hey, it's okay Mali, take a breath, you don't have to apologise, it's not your fault. Have you rang him? We'll all head out and help look for him. You are at Hotel Rouge right?" Noah, Keane and Tayte were all looking at me intently,

"But I am sorry, I...he doesn't have his phone, he left it in his coat pocket. Yes, yes, still at the hotel, my parents are worried too and...will one of you come and pick me up" she trailed off. As much as I was worried right now, I needed to be strong for everyone.

  "Mali," I said softly,

"Yes," she answered, her voice cracking,

  "We'll see you soon, try not to worry, Arlo's going to be okay and none of this is your fault,"

"Okay," she whispered  and I hung up,

   "What's going on Lolo?" My baby asked,

"It's Arlo isn't it," Keane said,

   "Yes, it is, from what I can gather from Mali, something happened in the hotel and it triggered Arlo. He's ran off somewhere,"

"Then let's go and find him," Keane said and I could hear the anger and fear in his voice. Noah took my hand and squeezed it, I looked at him and smiled. Keane didn't want to tell Rhina or Auntie and I agreed. For now anyway. We took two cars and tore off to Hotel Rouge. Mali was stood outside when we pulled up. She hugged me and then began to say sorry and ramble on with tears in her eyes,

  "We'll find him. I know he's okay," I told her.

Then after much debate and half an argument, I ended up going on foot and with much reluctance, Keane took his car with Tayte and Noah drove mine with Mali.

I had a feeling Arlo would head somewhere close to the beach. I wasn't sure how far the beach was away by foot, especially from where I was setting off. I just knew I had the best chance to find him.

And I eventually did.

Find him.

He was sat on a bench, head in his hands. My heart dipped in relief. Though this soon changed.

I took a seat next to him and he turned and looked at me, shock on his face, that matched mine. I clenched my fists. He had a nasty looking already turning a bluey purple, black eye, along with a few minor lacerations.

  "Who the fuck did this to you? What happened?" I snapped, trying my best to control my anger. He began to cry and I hugged him tight, despite wanting to see to his wounds.

He didn't say anything for a long time and neither did I. Then he sat up after composing himself.

"I'm sorry. I...I lost control, I got in a fight I...I'm scared babe," I took his hands in mine and ran my fingers over his busted knuckles,

"Don't be scared, it's okay to be, but you don't have too," I said, not yet mentioning his face because I'd just lose it.

  "I didn't want to run off, I tried so hard to bring myself back, I didn't want to disappoint Mali, but, I just..." I took his hand and squeezed it, "Then this group of drunk men, I wasn't fully in reality and they just became in the way,"

"You didn't disappoint anyone," he sighed, "Arlo, look at me," he did, "I promise you, that you didn't disappoint or embarrass anyone, ruin or spoil anything," he nodded, "But a group of men against you, even with your training, is wrong and I want so much to find those motherfuckers and beat the shit out of them," he actually smiled then and squeezed my hand,

"I love you,"

  "I love you too babe. Right now I need to call the gang because everyone is out looking for you, but not sure whether to deal with your injuries first,"

   "I'm in the shit yet again," he looked at me and I cut my eyes away, fuming at the state of him, "I'm not in pain, I have a headache, other than that it's all superficial," my face still didn't look impressed, "Where's your sling?" He then said and that did make me smile, I pulled out my phone and called Keane, dropping our location so they could find us and then doing the same for Noah. "Okay then, how's your shoulder?" He then asked with an innocent look,

  "Better than your face," I responded,

"Is it really that bad?"

  "Let's just say, everyone is going to notice babe," he sighed,

"I am sorry Angelo," he said seriously, "I can still see the pain in your eyes, the anger, worry. I shouldn't have ran away, I should have just rang you and..."

  "Don't be sorry, you don't need to be sorry. Am I worried about you, yes. Am I angry you got hurt, yes. But you dealt with this yourself, even if you did run and fight," I smiled, "And that, I am so proud of you for,"

Two cars then pulled up behind us and Keane, Tayte, Noah and Mali rushed out and over to us.

Arlo's POV

Their faces as soon as they saw me literally made me want to disappear from this earth. I swear I've just put my family through pain since finally meeting them.

I wasn't worth it.

"You are more than worth it," Angelo whispered and then stepped back for the onslaught.

They spoke altogether, a jumbled mess of relief, anger, pain and worry. I couldn't actually fully decipher what anyone was saying. The giant pile on hug though said all I needed to know.

  "I am sorry. I am sorry to you Malena for running off like I did, I shouldn't have been such a coward. I am sorry to you Keane and Noah and Tayte for being such a burden of worry you have to carry around all the time. I know I've said it a million times before to myself or to you all out loud. But I promise, this time is the last time anything like this happens,"

"You are not a coward Quarter Back and you shouldn't be sorry. All I care about is that you are okay, even though your face doesn't look entirely okay right now, I know that you and it will be," I smiled at her, and she kissed me softly, hugging me tightly.

  "I'll speak for myself, Noah and Tayte in saying that you are not and have never been a burden and have nothing to be sorry for, except for maybe getting into a fight, that I'll deal with later," he said and winked at me, making me smile, "And I don't know how many times I have to tell you, but since you have been in our life it has become better, since you came into our life we have finally felt complete. So I don't want you to ever think you are a burden and um...have you met me, you aren't the only one this family worries about,"

"Amen sister," Noah added with a grin,

"We love you Arlo," Tayte inputted,

  "I really did get lucky,"


It was 11pm, Mali was back home, Angelo and Noah waited in the car whilst we dropped her off earlier and I spoke to her parents. We all then went home and spoke to Mum and Auntie, where I fully explained the little scuffle I had which resulted in my face looking like it was used as a punchbag. I could tell Keane was angry and wanted to go hunt them down and beat them to a pulp for hurting me. He'd have to get in line behind Angelo because the look on his face when he saw mine. If looks could kill. Truthfully though, I instigated the fight, just thought it would be best for everyone to leave that part out. Then we retreated back over to our house and to bed.

Taking me to now.

Led awake staring at the ceiling, praying for sleep.

Because I was ready, ready to face those demons that I'd been running from for most of my life.

Ready to stop running.

I climbed out of bed and onto my balcony. It was starry night. I took some deep breaths and closed my eyes.

I could do this.

I could do this.

I heard my phone buzz and came back inside;


I smiled widely, he just always knew.


I replied and closed my eyes and for the first time, alone, for years, actually fell to sleep and stayed asleep.



Much love always


Copyright © Georgia T R Wing 2021

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