The Forgotten

By Thy_Come

7.5K 236 113

"I loved you... but it's gone now" could words simply kill a person? because right now it feels like I'm dyin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 G!P
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 18

242 6 2
By Thy_Come

It was a dark and chilly night, the coldest month in Korea. Streets were vacant and people are all sleeping but not in Tongyeong-si, high school students are still busy partying and having the time of their lives. Graduation is only a week away and they're all enjoying their last moments of high school, in a few months, they'll be getting ready for university.

Tongyeong-si is a small town with a few schools, one particular school has one student who threw a farewell party for all of them. This is no ordinary party, it is the biggest party ever held! The whole club was rented out by Ji-won, son of the CEO, the company ran by the Kims'. He is a well-known kid, not only because of his family but because he is good looking, rich, and charming. A notorious playboy. The party was held in the center of town, the biggest club where everyone in high school is invited, underage even.

Alcoholic drinks were served from left to right, drugs such as weeds, LSD, and ecstasy are pass around like candies. Everyone is enjoying the loud music grinding with each other, sweats exchanging, people making out left and right.

"Yo! Lisa! Over here!" a handsome boy called out, a drink and smoke in his hands. It is clear that he has already been drinking a lot although his friend is just arriving. The girl being called is a skinny, brown-eyed, beautiful lady she has her blonde dyed hair completely loose, she's wearing a crop that shows off her well-toned abs.

"Wow, you're already drunk Hanbin" the girl laughed as she grabbed the drink from her friend and drank it in one go. Her face scrunched up when the alcohol traveled down her throat "Shit! What the hell is that? ugh!" Hanbin started laughing as he pulled his friend towards the booth

"I'm not that sure, a little something and something hahaha they're all over here" he led the way. They greeted some familiar faces and got bumped a few times. Ji-won really knows how to throw a party Lisa thought

When they finally arrived they were greeted by their friends. Jimin, Taehyung, Jeongyeon, and Momo are busy getting drunk themselves.

"Momo hand me a beer!" A short-haired woman ordered the other woman, the latter immediately opened a can of beer of gave it to the short-haired woman, Jeongyeon.

"Where's Ji-won?" Hanbin asked mixing another disgusting drink consisting of every alcohol available at the sight while Lisa grabbed her own shot of vodka

"One shot?! Come on you're better than that Lalice" Jimin teased grabbing Lisa's cup and pouring another hard drink 

"I'm driving later so I can't drink too much" she answered refusing the drink but Jimin insisted

"A couple of drinks won't hurt right TaeTae" Jimin nudged the handsome passed-out guy beside him. This group of friends is undeniably good-looking. Lisa hesitated but grab the drink nothing the less and they all partied the night away

3:01 am

"Leaving so soon Liz? You're not even drunk yet" the host of the party suddenly appear out of nowhere, a girl clinging to his arms, she looks pretty wasted her outfit not really protecting her from the cold weather. Lisa tried her best not to look at the very exposed cleavage of the girl but she was too late to evade her gaze the girl is already smirking at her

"Where have you been?" Momo slurred her words barely walking straight but still managed to reach Ji-won and grabbed his collar their faces inches from each other, the girl clinging to his arms a while ago is now glaring at the Japanese woman

"Shit I need to use the bathroom" she covered her mouth as Ji-won pushed her off not wanting to get puked on. Jeongyeon helped Momo and made their way to the nearest toilet before she makes a mess

"So why are you leaving?" Ji-won slumped his self on the booth and made himself comfortable, he rummages thru the bottles on the table and made himself a drink the girl not wanting to let go of the playboy helped him and fed him like a baby. Lisa can only shake her head at the scene

"I promised my mom that I'll be driving her later to help her get me some stuff for college" she shrugged already fixing herself to leave but Ji-won pulled her stopping her to leave

"Pssh you're not even drunk yet! And who cares? I also have something planned later" he lighted the blunt tucked behind his ear earlier. He offered her but she refused, Ji-won just shrugged and continued taking a hit

"Come on stay for a bit I just got here" he pleaded even doing aegyo which doesn't fit him. Lisa acted disgusted jokingly making the boy kick her lightly, Jimi snickered from the other corner with Taehyung sleeping comfortably on his shoulders. He sat there like a dol hareubangs making the two laugh at him. Lisa finally gave up and sat on the opposite side

"So how's Jisoo-unnie?" the boy smoking asked

"She's busy in premed school, I wish she's here tho" They were all close even when Jisoo is 2 years ahead of them. They've known each other ever since they were all in middle school

"I miss that weirdo but you're lucky, I heard you're going to the same school as her. Can't imagine you as a doctor" he teased chugging alcohol straight from the bottle

"I can't imagine you studying in the states...oh wait I can't even imagine you studying " she retorted annoying Ji-won, they teased each other back and forth when suddenly a boy appeared

"BAMBAM!!!" Ji-won stood up and hugged the boy "I didn't know you came here" he ruffled the boy's hair and offered him the blunt but Lisa kicked Ji-won hard that he winced in pain

"Yeah, it's my first time entering a bar" he smiled looking around the place, Ji-won nodded like a proud big brother who just introduced something new which he did

"So we'll get going now" Lisa hurriedly intervened and pulled Bambam waving goodbye to Jimin and Ji-won and the girl who they didn't even get the name

"Hey wai-" they couldn't hear him anymore, they bumped into Momo and Jeongyeon and bid their farewells as well

The two finally managed to get out of the club which is still packed with high school students. They made their way to the parking lot. Lisa shivered even if she was already wearing warm clothing, barely warm because of her abs exposed in the cold air. Bambam noticed it and removed his hoodie and threw it at the girl which surprised her.

"You're surprisingly sweet" she teased wearing the hoodie that is too big for her but serves its purpose nothing the less

"Shut up" he scoffed. Lisa wanted to tease him more because it was very unusual for him to act this way. They both entered a 1969 Ford Mustang Fastback and left the premises

"I can't believe you're leaving" Bambam suddenly blurted out, Lisa looked from the corner of her eyes and hid a smile

"Seoul is only a couple of hours away so you could always visit me" she can't help but also feel sad that she's leaving her hometown but at the same time she can't help but feel excited that she's finally taking a step forward towards her dream

"Yah! Who said I wanted to visit you?!" the boy clearly realizing what he just said hid his reddening face. He is embarrassed to admit that he will be really missing her and this kind of moment with her. She's not leaving yet, they still have 2 weeks before she moves across to a whole new world, a big city, Seoul.

The drive suddenly went silent for a moment as both felt melancholy, maybe it's because of the cold wind, the snow-covered road, the alcohol in their system. 

"I'm going to miss you Pokpak"  he couldn't hold it anymore, he let his emotions free. Maybe tomorrow or when they both become sober they'll cringe at this moment but tonight he just wanted to say it. It surprised her to hear this from him but she really appreciated it.

"I'll miss you too Bam" the tears starting to build up but she didn't want to cry in front of him. She didn't want to look weak

"I do have something I want to tell you..." he looked at her and told her something

Pokpak's eyebrows creased after hearing it ready to get mad at him but suddenly a blinding light stopped her, it all happened so fast. A loud crash breaking every window in impact, the car went tumbling while the other spun until it was stopped by an old tree. The smell of burnt-out tires and gasoline woke the girl who went unconscious 

Her body ached all over, she couldn't move right arms well, try as she might but she might have broken it, the car is now unrecognizable it was cut into its original size. She coughed and ran her hands all over her body to check for any more injuries she may have. Her right shoulder is dislocated, a cut from the glasses on her forehead was not deep enough to be considered a delayed injury, her ankle is already swollen she might have twisted it during impact. She looked at the boy beside him who was unconscious and covered in blood, she tried waking him up but he didn't. She removed the seatbelt that left a bruise on her skin, opened the crumpled car door, and pulled herself to get off the car. 

When she got off she saw the scene and it made her light-headed for a second, the other car is upside down and a small fire can be seen, the condition of the car is far worst than there's, and whoever was inside is sure to be in a very bad condition, or probably already dead. She could smell the gasoline leaking, so she did her best to hurriedly get to the other side of the car and pulled Bambam out. She rested him on her lap and shook and tap his face lightly to waking him up, Lisa suddenly realized that he's pale

She felt uneasy and slapped him harder

"Bam wake up! Hey! Hey! It's not funny" but the boy didn't move she kept doing it as her voice cracked

"Bambam!" she finally has the strength to check his pulse but there was no sign of life. She broke down and hugging the lifeless body as she screamed in pain "NO! NO! NO!"

"I'm sorry Bambam... noona is sorry" she cried in agony as she held on to his brother's body

She stared at nothing in particular tears still pouring down her cheeks when she suddenly heard screaming

"Help me! Please save me!" It was indeed a cry for help. A desperate call for someone

"Wait here. I'm coming back. I'm sorry... I'm sorry" Lisa kissed his brother's forehead and gently laid him on the cold pavement and stood up to help whoever was shouting

She winced in pain as she took every step, she could see someone trying to crawl away from underneath the wreck. So even it was very painful she ran towards him

When she finally arrived her stomach turned upside down from the scene, the boy crying for help has a piece of metal gashed on his lower torso, impaling him the reason why he couldn't crawl away even if he tried. He's covered in blood and doesn't have a clue that pulling him is not an option, maybe he was already numb from the torso down. The boy lifted his face and Lisa almost choked when she saw her schoolmate Jungkook. They were never close but they bump into each other in school because of their common friend Ji-won

"Dear God I don't want to die" Lisa just stared at him, she felt so sick that the world feels like spinning too fast. Everything is happening at a very rapid pace, there was an accident, his brother is dead, and Jungkook might soon be

"H-hol-hold on Jungk-Jungkook, help is coming" she stuttered as she reaches for his hands to calm him down but her hands are also shaky, she wanted to switch places with Jungkook or even his brother, she's blaming herself

"Please I don-'' Jungkook begged with tears continuously streaming down his face. It was heartbreaking for her to see a man begging for his life so she cut him off

"Shh... you're not going to die. I- I can hear the sirens they're almost here" she choked on the words and forced a smile. She caressed his hands holding them tightly like it was the thread that holds Jungkook's life.

"Lisa!" he cried as the grip of life slowly breaks. The sound of sirens gets louder as Lisa stares at the boy moving his chapped and pale lips, the noise and voice sound like an echo in a big and empty room.

She burst to cry once again when she felt him slowly letting his grip go, help was too late. That night she witnessed two life slipping on the tip of her fingers. Both deaths were because of her, a result of a bad choice she made. The start of her sequential worsening. A night that was supposed to be fun has turned into a nightmare that haunted her for the rest of her life


A short update and gift for you all because I finally reached a thousand reads! Thank you very much for the continuous love and support! I really appreciate it!

Feels happy but at the same time sad because of this chapter. I hope you can feel the emotions of the characters as well

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