Lamp and Milo (Camren AU)

By TobiJaurello

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In a world full of people where looks can be deceiving, and disguises are a must. How will you learn to trust... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII

Chapter XIX

1.7K 74 9
By TobiJaurello

A year later (Jan, 2018)

"Come on Camila!" Derek yelled.

"I am!" The 20 year old exclaimed.

"You got this!" Sinuhe exclaimed while Camila tried to hit Alejandro.

"One hit and you can go to Lauren." Alejandro challenged.

"Come on Camz!" The brunette quickly looked towards the direction where the voice came from.

"Camila!" Alejandro exclaimed.

"Oh! Sorry!" Lauren apologized when she realized that she interrupted the brunette in the middle of her training.

"Time flies so fast." Sinuhe chuckled, patting Lauren.

"You were both 17 when you got together. April of 2016 right?" Sinuhe said.

"Si Mami." Lauren chuckled.

"Ay Camilita." Alejandro chuckled when Camila fell over. Thankfully, he was able to catch his daughter.

"Get Camila and Alejandro away from there!"

"Mist" Lauren muttered, as soon as the fog appeared, Within a flash, Lauren was in front of the father and daughter.

"Oh my God." Sinuhe exclaimed when she saw a huge ball of fire land to where Camila and Alejandro was.

"Aunt Sinu." Normani whispered, before holding both Sinu and Derek.

"Are you alright?" Clara asked, looking at Lauren and the others.

"What was that?" Camila asked, holding the raven.

"They're starting." Damien said.

"My clairvoyance saw vampires scouting your training grounds." Damien informed them. Camila looked at them before looking at Lauren.

"Is that why you came early?" Lauren nodded.

"We wanted to make sure it was not that obvious that we know they're around." Normani said.

"Wait, you were there?" Camila chuckled.

"Yeah. The hunters know that Lauren only has three abilities. We want to keep it that way." Damien stated.

"So that explains the mist." Camila said.

"But how does she keep on getting extra abilities?" Alejandro asked.

"We're still learning why. As of the years, Lauren had mastered Teleportation, Isolation, and Telekinesis. We're working on her Element Control." Damien said.

"Remember Dinah's theory?" Damien asked Normani.

"Yes Primus."

"Upon my research there is a possibility that Dinah's right." Damien said.

"You mean, I could Imitate?" Lauren asked.

"Somehow, maybe yes."

"In order to know, I have to go away from a while and seek the Eldest Vampire hidden away in a different continent. " Damien informed them.

"Where is it?" Lauren asked.

"Somewhere near Europe." Damien said.

"I can teleport you there." Normani offered, while Damien shook his head.

"Your abilities have limits." Damien informed the woman.

"Then how will you go there?" Lauren asked.

"I'll travel like a normal being kiddo." Damien chuckled.

"Which means, you will be the acting Primus while I'm gone."

"The responsibility scares me." The raven muttered.

"You'll do great." Derek smiled, patting the raven. Camila on the other hand smiled and squeezed her hand.

"In the meantime, Normani kindly escort me to the airport." Damien chuckled.

"Michael, you know what to do." Damien reminded before disappearing with Normani.

"Alright. Since the attacks are starting, we're going to need to stick together."

"What should we do then?" Alejandro asked. Michael smiled before they started on planning their next move, while everyone listened and participated with the discussion.


"You okay?"


"Walz, I can tell when you're lying." Dinah chuckled, bumping her best friend.

"I know." Camila chuckled.


"How are you Chee?" Dinah let out a smile before shaking her head.

"I'm fine honestly. Uncle Derek's training me hard, and I like it. Even my parents are proud of me, I think there's progress."

"Are you happy?"

"Of course I am. I have you, I have new friends. Cool new friends to be exact. Wait up, why are you asking me that? Are you happy?" Dinah asked looking at Camila who seemed to be lost in thought.


"Sorry." Camila replied, shaking her head before hugging her knees and burying her face on her knee caps.

"Are you happy?" Dinah asked once more.

"I am.." Camila trailed off, her voice sounding unsure.

"Seriously though, what's up?" The brunette finally sighed and looked up before resting her chin on her knee.

"It's just..I find it crazy how our lives turned out like this." Camila said, looking around her surroundings.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if anything.. we should be at school now. In College, picking our majors. But here we are, in the middle of nowhere." Camila sighed.

"I know Chancho, but this is our life now." Dinah smiled, hugging her best friend.

"I know, but it could be better." Camila stated. Dinah was even more confused with what Camila was trying to say.

"How?" The Polynesian asked.

"Forget about it." Camila chuckled shaking her head and leaning on her best friend's shoulders.

"Do you have regrets though?" Dinah asked, Camila remained silent. The Polynesian was about to ask again until,

"To be honest? I do." The brunette whispered.

"Do you want to tell me what those are?" Dinah asked.

"There are a couple." Camila said.

"We have time. It's been a while since we've talked like this." Dinah smiled.

"For starters, I regret imprinting on Lauren." Camila whispered.

"Walz.." Dinah said, completely shocked.

"It's true though. It's one of my regrets, why couldn't I imprint on the same kind?" Camila sighed.

"It's really tiring.." Camila added, Dinah looked down at her but hugged her. The Polynesian wanted to ask a few questions, but she remained silent.

"If I didn't we wouldn't be in this si-" Camila started before she heard a branch snap. Both of them turned around to see Normani with a mixture of horrified and hurt expression on her face.

"Hey.." Normani whispered before looking down on her hands. She had two sandwiches on one hand, and two bottle of juice on the other.

"Hi, how long have you been there?" Dinah smiled, The blue-haired woman sighed before looking to her left with a sad expression.

"Long enough to hear everything.." Normani whispered. Camila and Dinah followed her gaze, while Normani sighed and gave them the food.

"Fuck." Camila hissed before standing up quickly.

"I'm so sorry, I'll be back and explain later." Camila said, Normani nodded while looking at Camila who instantly followed Lauren's figure.

"Please tell me we heard it wrong." Normani whispered, sitting beside Dinah.

"I wish I could. I'm just as confused as you are." Dinah said.

"I know they haven't been communicating well the past weeks, but Lauren's trying." Normani whispered.

"I know she is, I don't know what's up with Walz though." Dinah said softly.

"I just hope they talk it out." She added.

"Do you regret meeting me?" Normani asked.

"Not at all. I'd go through this same shit if it meant meeting you." The Polynesian smiled.


"I promise Manibear." Dinah chuckled, hugging the woman beside her.


"I regret imprinting on Lauren."

"Damn." Lauren chuckled, gesturing something on thin air and watching the leaves fall down.

"Could've told me sooner." The raven muttered before resting her head against the tree branch. Apparently, she found herself up in the tree after she heard Camila say those words.

She didn't want to talk to anyone, she just wanted to have some spare time to think.

"Vampires don't have heartbeats. But why the hell does it hurt?" She mumbled, closing her eyes. She didn't need to let Camila explain, the words the brunette let out is a proof already that she is having a hard time.

"Lauren?" Lauren quickly snapped out of her thoughts, looking down to see Camila, looking for her.

"Lo?" She wanted to go down there and confront Camila, but she had just finished training. She was exhausted, she didn't want to fight.

"Stupid."Camila muttered, before closing her eyes.

Lauren felt confused, but instantly knew what Camila was doing. Quickly, the raven teleported towards another tree, in a higher branch. Once she landed on the new branch, Camila looked up to where she was previously located.

Being a wolf, the brunette had heightened senses. She could instantly smell Lauren's scent from afar. Camila's eyebrow furrowed before she decided to walk around the tree.

"Damn wolves and their senses." Lauren muttered before moving away from the tree she was in. Apparently, she made a wrong move. Because Camila's eyes landed on a tree branch, the same time Lauren landed there as well.


"I don't wanna talk." Was all Lauren mustered before sitting down on the branch, her back turned from Camila.

"Babe." Camila mumbled softly, Lauren shook her head before looking at Camila and disappearing into thin air after saying,

"Go back."

Camila sighed, before sitting down on the ground. Her back against the tree Lauren was first located in. The past few days, they barely talked. When they do, they argue.

"Stupid Camila, stupid." She muttered, obviously annoyed at herself. She hated that Lauren had to hear that. The brown-eyed girl quickly sensed someone coming, so she immediately stood up.

"Mila!" Dinah panted, alongside Normani. Camila felt relieved to see them, but she wasn't in the mood.

"She doesn't want to talk." Camila mumbled, walking past her best friend.

"What she heard does hurt." Normani whispered.

"She didn't hear me completely." Camila muttered.

"Mila, I know things haven't been alright with the two of you. But trust me, Lauren's trying and-"

"I know that. So am I." Camila stated, cutting Normani.

"Then why would you say such things?"

"Like I said, you didn't here me completely." Camila sighed.

"I'll get some rest." Camila informed them, before walking away.

"Don't." Dinah told Normani when the woman was about to open her mouth again.

"She'll come around, let's just hope for the best." Dinah whispered.

Camila found herself sitting on the bed, fumbling with Lauren's hoodie that she was currently wearing. It's been hours since she last talked with Lauren, it was dark already.

Their family members are asking her about the raven, but she doesn't have any clue. Normally she would panic, but her sense told her that Lauren was just near the area.

As for the Jaureguis and her parents, they were calm since Lauren had no port of exit, unless she has the wolve's realm. Which in this case, was held by both Derek and Alejandro.

"What happened?" Michael asked, looking at Dinah.

"Some love stuff. I'm not really in the place to spill tea Uncle Mike." Dinah whispered apologetically. At the moment, they were currently located in a huge mansion in the middle of nowhere.

Dinah's family were in LA, while her grandmother was staying at her Aunt's house. As for Normani, her parents and younger siblings were in Texas. Since both girls are like family, they're included.

The Mansion was owned by Alejandro's late father, it was a mansion but also kind of like a beach house. It was big enough to fit both families, and even more.

Camila snapped out her thoughts when she heard noises, and her senses heightened. She looked at the balcony to see Lauren sitting by the railing, looking at sea.

Lauren on the other hand was pulled away from her thoughts when she heard soft knocks from the glass door behind her, she turned to see Camila standing there on her hoodie, just her hoodie or maybe some shorts underneath the hoodie.

"I'm sorry." Camila whispered, hugging Lauren when the raven opened balcony door. She could've opened it herself, but she didn't know if Lauren was ready to talk.

"Do you really?" Lauren whispered softly.

"I do." The brunette whispered.

"But listen to me first." Camila added when she felt Lauren's body stiffened.

"I do regret imprinting on you, I do wish that I imprinted on someone else. Yes I am tired Lo, but that's not because of you." Camila started.

"I don't understand."

"Of course you don't." Camila chuckled, pulling away from Lauren and looking into her favorite pair of green eyes.

"I wish things are different, because if it was. You wouldn't have to go through all of this." Camila whispered, placing her hands on Lauren's cheek.

"I'm tired of seeing you overwork yourself because we need to be ready. Because I know that you're doing that to make sure you can protect me." Camila added.

"Baby, I love you, so fucking much that is." The brunette whispered.

"But sometimes I wished I never met you, or imprinted on you." Camila muttered.

"Then you we wouldn't be in this situation. You could be living happily with someone else." Camila added earning a soft chuckle from the raven.

"Do you really wanna see me in someone else's arms Camz?" Camila paused for a second before shaking her head.

"Fuck no." She mumbled.

"Call me crazy, but no. You're only mine Lauren. I marked you already. You're fucking mine, I'll kill whoever tries to get you." Camila growled.

"But you said I could be-"

"I know what I said Lauren. Hell no, you're only mine. Forget my thoughts, you're mine. You're my Lamp." Camila muttered.

"I'm kidding, I understand." Lauren chuckled, placing a kiss on Camila's forehead.

"Baby, no matter how many times you regret meeting me. You're bound to end up with me." Lauren added confidently.

"What makes you think of that?"

"Your wolf prophecy said it so." Lauren chuckled.

"Even if you wouldn't wanna meet me. You will still meet me, because I already liked you before you even felt the same." Lauren added.

"Do you not regret being my imprintee?" Camila asked.

"Not at all. I wouldn't trade anything else for this." Lauren smiled.

"And here I am regretting." Camila looked down, sighing.

"You're regretting it for a good reason, and that's not bad." Lauren said, lifting the brunette's chin.

(A/N: Warning)

Looking up, Camila went in to connect their lips in a slow yet passionate way. She pulled Lauren inside the room, while the raven locked all the doors with her ability, and pulled the balcony curtain down.

Lauren gently lifted Camila up, while the brunette instantly wrapped her arms around her neck, her legs on the older ones torso.

"Baby." Camila whispered when Lauren gently placed her down their shared bed.

"I missed you." Lauren whispered, before closing the gap between her lips and the brunette's neck. Training had been very selfish, taking both away from each other.

"Trust me, I missed you more." Camila replied in a low moan, her fingers digging on the skin of Lauren's neck.

Satisfied, Lauren went in to suck on her girlfriend's neck, earning another moan from Camila. It's been a while since they last shared an intimate moment, and both of them knew they needed it.

"Damn." Lauren growled when Camila switched positions. The brunette was now above her, smirking while she seductively teased Lauren.

"Fuck." Lauren whimpered, when she felt her girlfriend's core on top of her now hard self.

Camila on the other hand knew what she was doing, and enjoyed torturing Lauren with her antics. Smirking to herself, she went in to attack Lauren's lips.

Lauren instantly moaned at the contact, she loved it when Camila takes dominance. It was a side of the brunette she rarely sees, but enjoys.

"Interruptions." Camila muttered against the raven's lips before a sound was heard, and Lauren felt bare hands touched her skin. With her wolf strength, Camila had tore her shirt into two and tossed it in different directions.

"Too tight?" Camila smirked, gently palming Lauren's hard shaft above the older one's sweatpants.

"You're killing me." Lauren growled before lifting Camila's hoodie up. Her eyes switching from light to darker, licking her lips at the sight.

"You naughty girl." Lauren smirked before switching positions and pinning Camila on the bed.

The brunette knew how crazy she drove the green-eyed girl. I mean who wouldn't? She was not only in her laced underwear.

"Oh God." Camila moaned when Lauren attacked her new prey, her breast. The wonders her girlfriend's tongue could do drove her wild.

Lauren was sucking on one, and playing with the other. All Camila could do was try to suppress a moan. They can't be too loud, or else the others will know.

"Lauren." Camila whimpered when she felt the raven trail down soft kisses towards her wet center.

"Babe." Camila whimpered once more, Lauren smirked while she rubbed her girlfriend's clit above the fabric of her laced panties.

Lauren felt herself throbbing at the sight. Camila had both hands gripping on the sheets, her eyes closed while she enjoys the sensation the green-eyed girl's fingers were giving her.

"Stop fucking teasing me." Camila moaned, biting her lip as she made eye contact with Lauren who was looking down at her amused while she slowly glided down Camila's only cover before throwing it somewhere in the room.

Camila's eyes landed on the bulge in between her girlfriend's legs. Her lips curving into a smile when she noticed how hard it was.

"Come here." Camila mumbled seductively, pulling Lauren's hand to her. Once the raven was situated above her, Camila didn't waste time in reconnecting their lips in a hungry kiss.

The brunette's hands trailed down Lauren's sweatpants, gently tugging it down along with the raven's undergarment. Once she couldn't reach it anymore, she used her foot to gently slide it down while they continued to kiss each other.

"Easy tiger." Camila whispered when she saw how hard the raven was, Lauren smirked proudly before positioning herself on the brunette's entrance.

"Don't you fucking dare." Camila groaned in frustration when she felt Lauren tease her.

"Fuc-" Camila moaned a little too loudly, before Lauren went in to drown out her voice with a kiss while she entered her smoothly.

They had been sexually intimate for years now, but the feeling of being inside Camila still drove Lauren mad. The feeling of her girlfriend's tight walls around her shaft made her into a moaning mess.

"So..tight." Lauren moaned in pleasure, while Camila gripped both her girlfriend's hair and the sheet.

"You're too fucking big." Camila muttered in pleasure when Lauren started moving her hips, thrusting in an out of her girlfriend's wet core.

"Don't stop." The brunette moaned, arching her back while Lauren continued to please her. Camila found herself on cloud nine when she felt Lauren's lips attach themselves on her swollen nipple. She wanted to scream out in pleasure but she couldn't.

"Oh God." Lauren moaned, hissing after she realized she isn't supposed to mention it.

"Right there baby." Camila muttered, gripping on Lauren's shoulder before pulling her down for a sloppy kiss.

Minutes of moans, and groans, Lauren found herself under Camila, while the brunette moved on top of her.

"I'm close." Lauren whimpered, gripping on the younger ones waist. Camila did not respond, rather she continued with the pace as she was near to hers as well.

"Come for me." Lauren moaned, when she felt Camila's walls tighten around her shaft.

"Oh God." Camila moaned when she felt herself came around the raven.

"Fu-" Lauren started but was cut off when her hips jerked forward, meeting Camila before she felt her load shoot out of her. Camila cursed, before frantically laying on top of Lauren with her body shivering from the climax she had reached.

"No regrets." Camila mumbled against Lauren's shoulder, placing a light kiss on it before passing out. Lauren let out a soft chuckle before gently moving, her legs and pulling the duvet on top of them.


"Hello sleepyhead." Dinah smirked, looking at Lauren as she walked down the stairs.

"Did something happen?" Normani commented in a teasing manner, before Lauren flipped her off.

"Rude." Normani laughed.

"Oh. The Elders went out to buy groceries, so we're stuck here until they return." Chris said, walking out of the kitchen.

"Wild night?" He teased, while Lauren shook her head in disbelief.

"Food's in the oven!" Chris informed her, before walking towards the living room.

"Where's Mila?" Dinah asked.

"Still sleeping." Lauren mumbled sleepily.

"So, did you two made up? How did you made up?" Normani asked. Lauren nodded before sitting down on the stool.

"Sex." Lauren muttered, earning a choke from both girls.

"I'm kidding." Lauren laughed.

"Then how did it go?" Dinah asked.

"We talked, she was regretting things because she thinks I deserve better." Lauren informed them.

"Then what?" Dinah asked.

"I told you already. Sex." And once again, Norminah choked at the sudden revelation.

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