A Wizarding Romance

By Quinn5Hudson

833 28 15

A crossover between Glee and Harry Potter. Quinn is still same old same old Quinn. But Finn is a player who h... More

Permission to marry her
I love you
Marry you
Im leaving
Wake up
Im a father
8 Years later (background)
8 years later
I love you
3 years later
Ring shopping
Running Home To You
I Swear My Life

Your what!?

54 4 0
By Quinn5Hudson

Finn:(comes through the chimney) Hey


Finn:You look sad what's up?

Quinn:Umm you might want to sit down


Quinn:Im pregnant

Finn:Your what!?

Quinn:I'm having your baby

Finn:Are you going to an

Quinn:No I wouldn't be able to live with myself


Quinn:Please say something that your going to be here for me

Finn:(hugs her)Of course your my best friend I'm here I'm going to help you with this anything you need I'm here

Quinn:Thank you Finn

Finn:Come to my house I'll do everything I can to support you and are baby

Quinn:Really how about your parents and brother

Finn:There good people they'll understand

Quinn:Okay let me just tell San

Finn:I'll wait here

Quinn:(walks into the kitchen) I'm going to Finns I'm gonna get my stuff spend the night there

Maribel:That's good

Santana:I told you he was going to accept it

Quinn:Yeah I couldn't thank you guys enough

Santana and Maribel:(hugs her)

Maribel:If you need anything just a chimney away

Quinn:Thank you

Maribel:The floot powder is on the mantle

Quinn:Thank you (runs upstairs grabs her things and goes back to the living room)

Finn:You should have asked for help

Quinn:Finn it's fine

Finn:We need to make sure you and our baby are healthy

Quinn:It's fine and done with any way let's go

Finn:(takes her bags from her) Ready


Finn:We're under mistletoe

Quinn:(kisses him) Happy

Finn:Yeah your the best kisser

Quinn:Right I bet you say that to everyone

Finn:No it's different I actually like you

Quinn:Can we just go


At Finns house:


Burt:Uhh Finn who's with you

Finn:This is Quinn my


Carole:Quinn I've heard so much about you


Carole:Yeah how about we have a chat in the kitchen are you staying here

Quinn:It's fine if I can't

Carole:Your welcome here Quinn

Quinn:Thank you

Carole:How about we go to the kitchen have a chat

Quinn:Ya sure

In the kitchen:

Carole:I think Finn might like you


Carole:He cares about you want coffee

Quinn:Uhhh no I don't like coffee

Carole:Finn told me you liked dark roast

Quinn:I just not really in the mood

Carole:You okay


Carole:Quinn what's wrong

Quinn:A lot 

Carole:Want to talk

Quinn:(crying)My family is dead and there's nothing I can do

Carole:I know how hard it is (hugs her)

Quinn:Finn and I kissed then we hooked up and now I'm carrying his baby

Carole:Your pregnant

Quinn:I'm sorry it's all my fault I'm the one who wanted to do it please don't beat me up

Carole:Quinn I'm here have you seen a doctor yet

Quinn:No how come your not mad

Carole:I'm an accepting person my grandchild is inside of your womb how could I be mad at you

Quinn:We're 16

Carole:It's okay I'll book an appointment

Quinn:Thank you

Carole:(patting her back)Everything is going to be okay

Finn:(walks in)Hi

Quinn:I told her everything

Finn:Ohoo ummmmm

Carole:I'll book an appointment you two should talk about options (walks out)


Quinn:I'm keeping I can't give my baby away

Finn:I'm going to be in its life

Quinn:You sure

Finn:Yeah what about quidditch

Quinn:Ill quit the team this baby is more important

Finn:Yeah can I be at the appointment 

Quinn:Of course

Finn:My family is important to me I'm going to everything I can to be a good father to are baby

Quinn:(hugs him)Thank you

Finn:No problem

Doorbell:Ding dong


Finn:Yeah mom

Carole:It's Rachel

Finn:(walks to the door)

Quinn:(goes to sit down on the couch and opens text)

Finn:Oh hey Rachel

Rachel:Hello Finn I just wanted to drop off the vegan meat for thanksgiving

Finn:Uhhh yeah(takes it) Thanks I would ask you to come in but right now isn't really a good time

Rachel:Is everything okay?

Finn:Uhhh Quinn is actually here



Rachel:Okay see you later (walks away)

Finn:(closed the door puts the food away and sits next to Quinn)

Quinn:What was that about

Finn:Every year on thanksgiving are families get together

Quinn:Ahhh do you want me to go Sans or something

Finn:No you can have thanksgiving with us besides the day after all the kids go to Danny Davis's and we have a party

Quinn:What kind of a party

Finn:Don't worry it's lit just say your my girlfriend though

Quinn:Do you want me to

Finn:Do you

Quinn:I don't know its probably hormones I do want you but

Finn:(kisses her)I like you Quinn

Quinn:(kisses him then gets on top of him)How about you show me to your room

Finn:(picks her up and they go to his room and do it)

Laying there naked:

Quinn:We can't do this Finn

Finn:Why not Quinn I can support you

Quinn:We only have this connection because we're going to have a baby together

Finn:We can do this

Quinn:We can't be doing it anymore it could hurt the baby


Quinn:See you just want me for the (silence)

Finn:Fine but I want to be there

Quinn:Okay I don't even know if I'm keep yet

Finn:Adoption or

Quinn:Adoption and keeping are the only 2 I'm considering


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