Drums of the Revolution

By MeowingAngel

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It wasn't always like this. She knew this. She knew that something had to change. Someone had to stoke the fl... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
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Chapter Ten

464 25 1
By MeowingAngel

It's the first morning of our official war with Dream and his kingdom. I was fully expecting to wake up and get ready for any sort of battle prep for the day. What I wasn't expecting, was to see Tommy and Tubbo rushing into my room with cuts and bruises littering their bodies. My eyes widened in shock at the sight of the two boys roughed up.

"Tommy! Tubbo! What happened?!" I exclaimed. Tommy scoffs, however the expression isn't towards me.

"We got ambushed by Dream and his allies while we were attempting to get supplies outside our borders. We didn't want to concern Wilbur so we came here instead." Tommy explains as I patch the both of them up.

"They literally came out of nowhere! We didn't even notice they were there until it was too late and all we could do was run back here." Tubbo exclaimed. I frown at this. It makes me so mad that Dream is willing to endanger children all so that he can prove himself to be correct.

"Well, you're lucky these are only a warning. If they aimed to kill, you two wouldn't be here." Tommy jokingly rolls his eyes.

"Psh, you obviously haven't met the person who trained us. Or, me to be exact." I raise a brow at this.

"Oh? So are you referring to me, kid? Or is this mystery person someone I don't even know?" I ask, a small teasing smirk resting on my lips. Tommy huffs.

"You wouldn't know him, he doesn't live here." I hum, thinking about some people I know that do not live here either. What's the possibility that Tommy knows them? Probably slim, if I'm being honest. I pat his shoulder.

"Well then, kid. I'll take your word for it. Come on, we need to tell Wilbur about this." We soon find ourselves in the van, Wilbur rests his hands on the table with a map of the surrounding land mapped out. Who he had draw out the map, I'm unsure, but it's quite detailed.

"So you're telling me that the two of you were unable to get those supplies?" Wilbur asks, brow tense with worry. Tommy and Tubbo nod, confirming his words.

"Yes, sir. They had the two of us surrounded almost instantly. We just barely managed to escape with just a few cuts and bruises." Tommy explained to Wilbur.

"And so instead of reporting directly to me, you both stopped by (Y/N)'s place and got patched up by her? Do you know how that looks?" What? Why is Wilbur throwing this onto me?

"Wil, they came to me because they didn't want to worry you first thing in the morning!" I exclaimed. Wilbur's silent accusations against me have been adding up, and it's going to boil over before I can even convince him I'm not the traitor. It's funny, I didn't really face these accusations when I first came to L'Manburg. They were all weary, of course. But no one out right believed I wasn't truly on their side. Everyone in L'Manburg was welcoming for the most part. Guess it's better now than never to deal with these accusations.

"(Y/N), please leave the van for the time being." My eyes widen. Tubbo is shocked to silence and Tommy seems to have all the words for the situation at the moment.

"Wilbur! She doesn't need to leave!" Tommy exclaims, standing up for me. I sigh, rubbing my temple.

"No, it's fine Tommy. I'll go. Maybe it'll be better if I'm not here to deal with baseless accusations when we have a traitor to catch." I give a small, curt smile to the two teens and turn to leave, not sparing Wilbur a second glance. I could hear Tommy cursing Wilbur out as I closed the van's doors. I spot Niki and Fundy nearby, so I decide to say hello to them. Niki hears my footsteps and she looks over, giving me a bright smile despite the situation we're all in currently.

"Good morning, (Y/N)! I heard Tommy and Tubbo got into a scuffle with the SMP earlier. Are they alright?" She asks and I nod.

"Yeah, they're reporting back to Wilbur right now. I patched the both of them up, they're all fine. Nothing serious, only some minor cuts and bruises. They got lucky, if I'm being honest." I then frown. I've been blaming Dream and his allies for attacking children, but perhaps I should be shifting a portion of the blame onto Wilbur and ourselves for allowing them to go without someone else to look after them. I was just about to ask Fundy about the weapons logs, when the smell of smoke fills the air. Looking up, arrows with flaming tips shoot over the walls of L'Manburg. It's begun. I gasp, narrowly pulling Niki out of the way of one of such arrows.

"They're attacking! Fundy, go get Eret and meet us back up at the van! Niki, come with me because I kind of got into an argument with Wilbur earlier and I'd feel a bit better if you came with me."

"Got it!" Fundy takes off, likely knowing where the tall, glasses-wearing male already was. Niki looks back over at me.

"I know this is kind of not the time to ask, but you got into a fight with Wilbur?" She asks as we walk back to the van. I sigh, running a hand through my hair.

"Yeah. He was trying to say I was being sketchy again. Tommy being Tommy stood up for me, but it's not enough. Not until we figure out who exactly the traitor is." I state, pulling the door open for Niki and she gives me a thankful smile, before stepping in and I follow behind her. Wilbur and Tommy both look a bit angry with each other and I can't help but wonder if it had something to do with me. Tubbo looks over at Niki and I in relief.

"Thank goodness the two of you are here. They've been like this since you left, (Y/N)." I sigh, shaking my head.

"Hey, both of you! Stop acting like children and start acting like the adults you are slash will be! I don't know if you could tell from inside this drug van, but we're kind of under attack so we need our leader and his right-hand man to get their acts together and lead us." Tommy gives me a small glare and I quirk a small smirk at him. I'm being serious. They're both acting like children and it's deadly to have this kind of mindset when we're at war. They need to think about others before themselves. It then clicks in their heads what I just said.

"Wait, what?!" Tommy exclaims. Fundy and Eret walk in, just in time.

"We peaked over the walls. We're surrounded. They're fully geared out in armor and weapons and are on all sides." Fundy states. Fully geared? How is that possible?

"What did the armor look like? Was it blue? Or was it a dark purple, iron?" I ask. Eret speaks up.

"Dark purple. Netherite." Shit! I refrain from cursing out loud. How the hell did they get enough netherite scraps to create ingots to supply their entire army a full set of netherite armor?! Netherite is harder and riskier to find than diamonds, being that you can only find it in the hottest place imaginable. The Nether. Then again, kind of in the name of the scraps. But besides that...

"We're not geared to fight them like this." I state, in all seriousness. I spot Wilbur frowning out of the corner of my eye. I continue, seeing as I have everyone's attention.

"I have no idea how they've managed to gather that much netherite for themselves, but it's concerning when we barely have a few pieces of diamond armor. And if they have netherite armor, it's likely they have netherite weapons and I know for a fact that they have enchanting tables crafted to enchant the arcane onto armor and weapons. So, unless someone has a brilliant plan on how we're going to win against them, I'd love to hear it." Eret speaks up, and all eyes are on him.

"I've got something I've been working on. A bunker filled with items and things that will help us win and turn the tide of the war in our favor." A bunker? An uneasy feeling settles over me. Wilbur looks over at Eret, a proud expression settling upon his brow.

"Eret! My friend! You've always been one to think ahead, haven't you?" Eret chuckles and he rubs the back of his neck.

"It's nothing, sir. I just wanted to do my part in helping form our great nation. I can lead the way to the bunker, sir." I shake my head, stopping everyone from going anywhere.

"Wait, what if we let them think we have nothing? If we use Eret's secret bunker too soon, we'll be showing our hand too early, right? And you haven't forgotten that they're currently out there, right?!" I ask, stalling for any sort of time. Something about Eret's bunker, or Eret even having a bunker in general, rubs me the wrong way. Wilbur, shakes his head.

"I disagree. If what you've said is true, (Y/N). Then we'll need everything we can get. How are we supposed to fight a war if we have no armor and weapons on the same level as theirs to even start with? We'll leave when we're certain they've let up on the attack." Wilbur has a valid point, but something just doesn't feel right. It becomes very apparent to me that nothing I say will dissuade Wilbur from leading to Eret's secret bunker. I mean, one of two things could happen. One: we get armor, weapons, and supplies to be able to fight against Dream in the war. Or two: this is all a trap and Eret has been the traitor all along, like I might have thought.

"We should bring our weapons and armor, just in case we get ambushed on the way." Fundy suggests and everyone agrees with it. Niki hangs back, Tommy and Tubbo with her. I walk up to her side.

"I'm going to stay here, keep an eye on things. Promise me, that the three of you will stay safe?" Niki asks, her eyes glancing over the three of us. I softly sigh and nod.

"Don't worry, Niki! I'll keep these two as safe as I can!" I pat both the boys on the head, or attempt to as they're both slightly taller than me. Niki breathes a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, (Y/N). Stay safe. You two as well, Tommy. Tubbo." We nod, and soon enough, we're setting off for Eret's bunker. Hopefully everything will be alright.

It's dark when we come upon a hill. It's reminiscent of my own bunker hidden away in the SMP's territory. Eret's redstone door is larger than my own, however. Two people are able to walk comfortably side by side of one another.

"They'll never suspect a thing!" Eret jokes. The mood is light, however I can sense an undertone of tension building. Or perhaps it's just me. The path leads straight into an open room. The walls and floor are lined with blackstone brick. The lanterns on the walls glow a chilling blue, lighting the room in a cool tone that screamed ominous. Soulfire lanterns. These are all things that just so happen to only be harvestable in the Nether. All along the blackstone brick walls lay chests with signs marking which chest belongs to which person.

"Gentlemen and woman, this is the Final Control Room. Everything we need to win the war is in here." The others all gaze in awe. I'm the only one who hangs back and watches everything. The others run up to their chests, excited to see what Eret has gathered for us. Seeing that nothing has gone wrong just yet, I walk further in. When I do, something catches my eye. A pillar with a button lies upon it. It's strange and stands out. Eret watches as I walk over to the chest with my name written on it. When I open it, it's too late to warn anyone.

"Hey Eret, what does this button do?" Tommy asks.

"Tommy, don't!" Just when I'm about to warn him to not press it, he does so. He looks back at me in shock, his hand resting on the pressed button. Hidden trap doors open, revealing an all too familiar masked man and his allies pop out of the hidden rooms. A quick glance tells me that the way we came is shut.

We're trapped in here.

From there, it's straight up chaos. Their ambush was so sudden, that we had no reaction time to fight back. You know that feeling of where everything happens so fast it feels like it's going in slow motion? Like your brain can't keep up with everything happening? That was me in that moment. Wilbur was cut down by the blonde I've come to know is called Punz. His netherite sword dripping in the L'Manburg leader's blood. Tommy and Tubbo were knocked over, barely conscious by Dream and Sapnap. George held Fundy hostage with a sword to the fox hybrid's neck. In the midst of it all I spotted Eret smirking.

"Down with the revolution, boys. It was never meant to be." Eret didn't know what he'd just done. An anger burned within me. All I could see was red and I wanted it to be Eret on the floor instead of the people I've come to know as my friends. Just when I was about to swing at Eret with the sword I unsheathed, a certain masked man cut in front of me. His shield caused my sword to bounce off and knock me back from the power of the swing.

"Step away, Dream." I growled, lowly. Dream's slightly raised mask exposed his smirk.

"I can't do that. Eret is one of our people, and I'm not about to let you have your way with making him into your next training dummy." Dream taunts and it pisses me off. I lunge at him, swinging unpredictably at him. I managed to knick him in the arm with my sword. He hisses with pain, but doesn't let it stop him. In fact, it only fueled him on even more so. Sapnap's voice distracts me.

"Hey (Y/N), you wouldn't want anything bad to happen to these people you left us for, right?" He calls out. A quick glance over at Sapnap was all Dream needed to over power me, knocking me to the floor. I fall to the floor with an 'oof'. I try to get up, but the blade of Dream's axe rests dangerously close to my jugular.

"(Y/N), stand down." Wilbur calls out. I flinch, not expecting him to cut into this fight.

"Yeah, listen to your leader. Then again, that's one thing you've had a hard time with. Listening to your orders." Dream taunts as he kneels to my level.

"By the way, this doesn't count for our little duel. So don't worry about that. We'll have that battle soon." I glare up at him. Dream has a sick smirk on his lips as he stands up, turning over to Wilbur. Inspecting everyone shows that Wilbur is the only one who has suffered any major wounds. Tommy and Tubbo are both okay for the most part. Some new cuts mar their skin, however they seem to be alright. Fundy's uniform is scuffed up from his own fight with George, blood falling from his own various thin gashes.

"Wilbur, I have a proposition for you. Have your men surrender all of your current weapons and armor on hand in exchange for your lives and we'll let you go. Your choice." Wilbur glares up at the masked man. The smile on the mask almost seems to taunt the Brit. Wilbur glances around the room, taking in their losses.

"Fine. Everyone, take off your armor and give them your weapons. It's the only way we'll get out of here in one piece." Wilbur commands. Tommy's voice cuts through the silence that settled for a moment.

"But Wilbur-" Wilbur cuts him off before he can start.

"Tommy, do it. We have no choice." I sigh, shaking my head as I join the boys in taking our armor off and placing it in a pile in the center of the room. I watch as Dream picks up a sword from the pile. My sword to be specific. The blue blade shines in the cool lighting of the lanterns as he stares down at it.

"Thanks for the supplies. Really saves us the trouble of going and getting it ourselves." George speaks up, everyone from L'Manburg give angry glares at Dream and his allies. Tubbo finally speaks up, looking at Eret in confusion.

"Eret, I don't get it. We've farmed together for hours!" Tommy struggles to sit up, yet it doesn't stop him from glaring daggers at the tall male.

"Eret, and I mean this in the nicest way possible... You fucked up." 

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