How to Get Away with Murder...

By ghostwriterwho

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A new final mystery will unravel the hidden truths in Annalise Keating's life until the day of her funeral. More

1. It's Not the End
2. You're a Monster
4. My Father Killed Them Both
5. He Knows the Truth
6. I Wanted the Baby to Be Safe
7. She Didn't Deserve to Die
8. The Calm Before the Storm
9. Die. Die. Die.
10. Was It You?
11. I Know What Sam Did
12. Nobody Gives Anything for Nothing
13. No More War
14. It's Over Now
15. Annalise

3. We're Not a Family

131 4 0
By ghostwriterwho

August 29, 2017

Memphis, Tennessee

9:02 AM

Annalise's cab has just arrived.

<<Are you sure about going back to Philadelphia?>>

<<Am I ever sure of anything, Celestine?>>

<<Anna Mae!>>, Ophelia says, <<Tell Nathaniel that his father has a meal reserved just for him here at home.>>

<<I'll tell him, mama.>>

The two hug each other.

Annalise gets into the cab and drives off. After a few minutes, she gets a call from Celestine.

<<Do you miss me already?>>

<<Anna Mae...>>, Mac says.

There's a moment of silence.


<<That's the longest sentence I've heard you say in two months.>>

<<I know.>>

<<We always go back to being strangers when bad things happen in my life.>>

<<It's tough.>>

<<What is tough?>>

<<To be worried about you.>>

Annalise hangs up the phone.

<<Where are you going, ma'am?>>, the taxi driver asks.


August 29, 2017

Philadelphia Prison, Pennsylvania

11:30 AM

Jeff and Pam Walsh have just parked the car.

<<Jeff, it's the third time that we return here.>>

<<John Bowers called me yesterday. Trust me. I know what I'm doing.>>

<<Trust you? Last time you said something like that, you confessed you liked men. Sorry for caring about it.>>

<<Take it easy, Pam.>>

<<No, you take it easy! Perhaps, if you'd had been more present in Connor's life, things wouldn't have been this way.>>

<<You mean if he hadn't met his husband.>>

<<What does this have to do with Oliver?!>>

<<Ask Annalise Keating.>>

<<You can't be serious right now!>>

Connor's father received a call from John Bowers the day before. He informed him about Connor accepting to receive visitors.

<<Excuse me? My name is Jeff Walsh—>> 

<<And I'm Pam. He's my ex husband—he left me for a man. Just so you know.>>, Pam murmurs.

The prison guard is confused.

<<Okay. Let me check for a second.>>

There's a moment of silence.

<<Are you out of your mind or what?>>, Jeff murmurs.

<<Wrap it up, Jeff.>>

The prison guard reads something on the screen and says: <<Sure that Mr. Walsh is allowed to get visitors, but it's not you who—>>

<<Mom! Dad!>>, Gemma Walsh interrupts.

<<—is on his visiting list.>>, the guard finishes talking. 

<<Gem! What are you doing here?>>, Pam asks. Surprised.

<<Why are you and Dad here?>>

Pam turns to Jeff and says: <<Tell me you didn't know about it.>>

Jeff doesn't answer.

Pam snorts.

<<Dad, it is me who Connor asked to see as visitor.>>

<<Gemma, we are your family. We haven't heard from him in two months. Let us try.>>

<<I know it's hard for the both of you, but did you really think they would let you in with me? You really made Mom come down here for nothing?>>

<<I'm going to talk to John Bowers right now, Gem.>>

<<No, Dad. It doesn't work like that and you know it very well.>>

<<Poor me, I thought you were doing something right for once!>> Pam says, bothered.

Jef snorts.


August 29, 2017

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

2:30 PM

Annalise is at the airport.

<<There you are, Queen of Memphis!>>, Tegan says, welcoming Annalise.

The two hug each other.

<<Thanks for the ride, Tegan.>>

Annalise is happy to see her.

<<You hand me the suitcase. Let's go eat! I'm starving!>>

Annalise smiles.

The two get in the car.

During the drive Tegan shares news about Caplan & Gold and mentions that Annalise's office is currently occupied by another person.

<<Before you find out, Robert is working in your office.>>

Annalise gives her a confusing look.

<<I know. It was a shock to me too. Last month, he came out out of nowhere at my office begging me to give him a job. Apparently, one of his ex-wives filed a motion. He wasn't paying child maintenance.>>

<<Child?>>, Annalise asks.

<<Yes. Robert has a son with his first ex-wife.>>

Annalise is confused.

<<Well—he forgot to mention this on the first date.>>, Annalise says, sarcastically. 

Tegan chuckles.

<<Anyway, as soon as you get back to your office, I'll send him back where he came from.>>

<<That's not how to fight patriarchy, Tegan.>>

<<Try me.>>

Annalise acts like nothing happened.

There's a moment of silence.

Tegan thinks Annalise came back to Philadelphia for Caplan & Gold. Unfortunately, that's not the reason why.

<<Did he ask you anything about me?>>, Annalise asks.



<<No. The few times he spoke to me was to inform me about his Tinder encounters. I saw his profile. He calls himself "Macho Caliente". Ew!>>

<<I'm surprised.>>, Annalise says.

<<What you mean?>>

<<I'm surprised that you're on Tinder.>>

<<I'm lonely and single, Annalise. I need to clear my head sometimes.>>

<<At least you can do that.>>, Annalise replies, looking out the car window.

<<How do you feel about this meeting in the afternoon?>>

<<I don't know. All I want to do now is drinking a glass of vodka.>>

Tegan gives her an annoying look.

<<I was joking.>>, Annalise says.

Tegan raises her eyebrows and pretends everything is fine.

They get to the restaurant, sit down and order.

<<A glass of wine for me, thanks.>>



Tegan glares at her.

<<It's just one glass, Tegan.>>

<<And there will be two other?>>

<<I haven't had a drink for months. A glass won't bring me back to rehab.>>

Tegan thinks Annalise is lying, so she changes the subject very quickly.

<<When I told you about going back to Caplan & Gold, you looked perplexed. Why?>>

Annalise doesn't answer.

<<Did the news about Robert bother you?>>

<<Why would it bother me?>>

<<Why it wouldn't?>>

Annalise snorts.

There's a moment of silence.

<<The Board called me a week ago, Tegan.>>

<<Really?>>, Tegan asks, surprised.

<<They want me back to teaching Criminal Law.>>

<<That's fantastic news, Annalise! You could have told me sooner!>>

<<Soraya might have put in a good word.>>, Annalise says, looking at her.

Tegan pours herself a glass of water and drinks.

<<I know she called you, Tegan.>>

Tegan coughs, spitting out the water.

<<She only asked me for your phone number, Annalise.>>

<<I know. And that's fine, Tegan.>>

<<You sure you're not mad at me, Annalise?>>

<<It's alright. No panic.>>

Tegan exhales.

<<I'm not going to accept this job.>>, Annalise reveals.

<<What?! Why?!>>

<<Tegan, I'm not going back to Caplan & Gold either.>>

<<What?!>>, Tegan yells again.

The people around them turn to look at them.

<<Mind your business!>>, Tegan tells them.

Annalise sighs.

<<Listen—are you trying to ruin this lunch with bad news, Annalise?>>

<<I'm not ready to face dozens of legal cases right now.>>

<<I'll help you, you won't be alone.>>

<<You can do a great job even without me.>>

<<Annalise, are you serious? Are you quitting?>>

<<What's wrong with it, Tegan? It's not the end of the world.>>

<<What are you going to do then?>>

<<First, I'll buy a new apartment.>>

<<Since you won't see a dime at the end of the month by having no job, with what money are you willing to buy a new house?>>

There is a moment of silence.

<<I got paid, Tegan.>>, Annalise reveals.

<<What do you mean by that?>>

<<The insurance company. They gave me half of the money already.>>

<<For what?>>

<<Hannah and Sam's house.>>

<<Floyd Bishop [Hannah Keating's attorney] sent me an e-mail a few days ago. The bank got notified of Hannah's death.>>

Tegan is surprised.

<<Wow, it's great news. Well—they should pay you back every penny.>>

Annalise sighs.

<<What is it?>>

<<I wasn't planning to get my money back that way, Tegan.>>

<<Don't let your guilt twist the truth, Annalise. You had nothing to do with Hannah's death.>>

<<You really think so, Tegan?>>

<<The Governor did it.>>, Tegan murmurs. 

<<I'm not sure anymore, to be honest.>>

<<Listen—I won't have any more of this foolishness with you today. Are you done?>>

<<Here you go, ladies.>>, the waiter interrupts, placing the food dish on the table.

There's a moment of silence.

<<We've been through enough, Annalise. Let's start a new life, shall we?>>

Annalise nods.

<<Cheers!>>, Tegan says.


August 29, 2017

Philadelphia Prison, Pennsylvania

2:40 PM

Connor walks into the visiting room, escorted by the guard. 

He has handcuffs on.

 Gemma bursts into tears as soon as she sees him.

<<I wish I could hug you right now, little brother.>>

Inmates are banned from hugging during the visits.

<<I hope you like what you see.>>, Connor says, disheartened.

Gemma snuffles.

Connor tries to hold back tears.

<<Mom and Dad are here.>>

<<I guess Dad was thinking to get in here with you.>>

<<You're not wrong.>>

Connor sighs and says: <<Predictable.>>

Gemma shakes her head.

There's a moment of silence.

<<How—are things going here, Connor?>>

Connor doesn't answer and looks down at the floor.

<<Please, don't make me that face.>>, Gemma says.

Connor feels ashamed and can't look in his sister's eyes. He feels like a disappointment to her.

<<We all make mistakes, Connor. I'm sure you didn't mean to hurt anyone. I know you.>>

<<If I'm in here is because it was my fault, Gemma. I deserve this.>>

<<You don't have to say that. It's not what happened. You're on the good side.>>

There is a moment of silence.

<<John Bowers called me yesterday. He allowed me to visit you again next week. He seems to care about you.

<<I'm not surprised if he turns out like Dad.>>, Connor says sarcastically.

Gemma laughs.

There's a moment of silence.

<<How are the kids doing?>>

<<They're good. Johnny is starting high school next year. He hates me for no actual reason. Jessica spends her afternoons doing Tik Toks.>>

Connor smiles.

<<What do you usually do during the day?>>, Gemma asks.

<<Sleeping. Walking in the yard. Reading.>>

<<You read law books?>>

Connor looks down at the floor.


<<I—I don't think I'm going to touch a law book never again, Gem.>>

<<Connor, there's a lot you can do in the future.>>

<<No lawyer would hire an ex-con, Gem.>>

<<I don't need to hear this. I won't.>>

<<What do you want me to do then?>>

<<Thinking about a new life when you'll be out of here. You have potential. You're smart. Don't forget that.>>

Connor snuffles.

There is a moment of silence.

<<I would like to ask you something, Connor.>>


Gemma sighs and asks: <<Why are not the others in prison, but you?>>

Connor doesn't answer.

<<I don't understand why Annalise Keating—>>

<<I don't want to talk about it, Gem.>>, Connor interrupts.

Gemma is confused, but she understands.

There's a moment of silence.

<<Well—we'll go back to it when you feel ready.>>

The visit ends and Gemma get back to her parents in the prison hall.

<<What did he tell you?>>, Pam asks.

<<He's fine, Mom. We just need to give him a little more time.>>

<<Is he eating? Has he shaved his hair? Did they rape him? >>


<<They punched him, didn't they? Is that why he won't see me?>>

<<Nothing bad happened, Mom. Don't worry. Connor is fine.>>

<<What did you talk about, Gemma?>>, Jeff asks.

Gemma turns to him.

<<What do you mean, Dad?>>

<<Did he tell you his side of the story?>>

<<He didn't. We talked about something else.>>

<<He made a different deal with the FBI, Gemma.>>, Jeff claims.

<<Dad, this is not the place to talk about it.>>

<<No matter what, I have to go through with this.>>

Pam and Gemma sigh.

They leave and will get back to Michigan.


August 29, 2017

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

3:45 PM

Annalise and Tegan have just finished to eat lunch. 

They leave the restaurant and head to Middleton.

<<Do you want me to walk in with you?>>

<<No, Tegan. Better you stay here. There's already much purgatory around campus.>>

Annalise gets out of the car and walks down to the front door. Some old colleagues and students recognize her and stare at her. She knows damn well that winning a trial doesn't mean to be innocent in people's eyes.

Before knocking on Soraya's door office, Barry Lewiston suddenly opens the door from the inside to leave.

<<Ms. Keating! What a coincidence.>>

Annalise pretends to be surprised.

<<It's an honor to see you again here on campus.>>

<<It's a honor for me too, Mr. Lewiston.>>, Annalise replies.

<<I know Ms. Hargrove informed you about the offer. Are you taking it?>>

<<Do you want me to take it, Mr. Lewiston?>>

<<Why shouldn't you, Ms. Keating?>>

Annalise looks at him suspiciously.

There's tension.

<<I should congratulate you for getting this far—>>

Annalise doesn't let him finish speaking, she walks past him, enters the room and closes the door in his face.

<<Good afternoon to you too, Annalise.>>, Soraya says, after seeing the scene with Berry Lewiston.

<<Why was he here?>>, Annalise asks.

<<You mean Barry Lewiston?>>

<<Who else, otherwise?>>

<<Alright, Annalise. Let's just settle down, okay?>>

<<Does he want to show them the video of me slamming the door in his faces this time, huh?>>

<<Annalise—Barry read your name on my schedule and asked me if he could attend our meeting. I told him ''no'' and he simply left.>>

Annalise doesn't believe her.

There's a moment of silence.

<<Why are you looking at me like that?>>, Soraya asks.

<<Because I don't trust you right now.>>

Soraya snorts.

<<Let's cut to the chase, Annalise. Have you thought about our offer?>>

<<Yes. I won't go back to teaching.>>

<<Why?>>, Soraya asks, bothered. 

<<I'm not ready to face hundreds of students.>>

Soraya is confused.

<<Annalise, we need to star the Criminal Law class no matter what. Do you understand that?>>

<<You have many other professors who want to teach here. You ask them.>>

<<The students are asking for you, Annalise. Why not?>>

There's a moment of silence.

<<You don't fool me.>>, Annalise says.

<<What are you talking about, Annalise?>>

<<There's something else you're not telling me—>>

<<Annalise, if you do not accept the offer, the school board will fire you!>>, Soraya interrupts.

There's tension.

Annalise is confused.

<<I lied.>>, Soraya confesses, <<It's me who insisted to get you back in Middleton. They want to hire a new professor and I don't think it's fair.>>

Annalise grunts.

<<I didn't sue the Board two years ago when Simon Drake defamed me by putting posters around the campus. But now—you're taking it a step too far.>>

Soraya is confused.

<<Wait, what? Simon Drake? The student who got deported?>>

Annalise grunts.

There's a moment of silence.

<<Look, Annalise. You deserve this job more than anyone. I'm just begging you to take the offer.>>

<<You can't fire me for no reason.>>

<<Are you going to tell Tegan?>>, Soraya asks.

<<What's Tegan got to do with it?>>

<<If you're not taking the offer, the school board will fire Caplan & Gold too.>>, Soraya reveals.

<<I beg your pardon?>>

Soraya snorts.

There's a moment of silence.

<<Fine——you can turn down the Criminal Law offer, Annalise. I did everything I can, but—it's really hard for me to keep on this conversation with you.>>

Annalise sighs.

<<I was—the happiest teacher in the world when I started to work in here many years ago, Soraya. Everyone looked up to me. Now—it's just a place full of bad memories.>>

Annalise takes her purse and heads for the door.

<<Barry Lewiston is retiring by the end of the year, Annalise.>>

Annalise stops and turns to her.

<<Don't let him win.>>, Soraya says.

There's a moment of silence.

Annalise nods and walks out of the office.

<<So how did it go?>>, Tegan asks.

<<Get me a drink!>>, Annalise replies.


August 29, 2017

New York City, New York

6:30 PM

Michaela moved to New York City after Annalise's trial and now lives in a magnificent apartment.

She's currently working at her father's law firm, but she's still on probation.

<<Did you prepare the work sheets for tomorrow?>>, Solomon asks.

Michaela doesn't answer. 

She is sitting on the couch, distracted, looking out the window.

<<Are you coming to Finland?>>

Michaela turns to him.

<<What did you say?>>

Solomon laughs.

<<Where were you at, Michaela?>>

Michaela sighs and gives him a hint of a smile.

<<Is everything okay?>>

<<Yes. Yes, it is. I was—I was just thinking about work.>>

Solomon doesn't believe her.

<<Not even Iris was such a good liar.>>, Solomon says.

<<I took Iris to dinner once—>>

<<I don't want to talk about her.>>, Michaela interrupts.

There's a moment of silence.


Michaela sighs.

<<If you're not happy to be here, Michaela—>>

<<I am.>>

Solomon doesn't believe her.

<<I was just thinking about work. That's all.>>

Michaela gets up from the couch and goes by the window.

<<I can speak with some people about making a few changes on your probation.>>

<<So I can go back to Philadelphia and be a free woman? Wow, how exciting.>>, Michaela says sarcastically.

<<You've earned this by yourself, Michaela.>>

<<I don't call anything of this ''earning''.>>


Michaela doesn't answer. 

She looks at the Empire State Building from the window.

<<You must be proud that you left Philadelphia.>>, Solomon says.

<<What about my guilt, though.>>

<<Guilt? Those people were toxic, Michaela.>>

<<Those people were my friends!>>

<<Annalise too?>>, Solomon asks.

There's tension.

<<What's she got to do with it?>>

<<They weren't real friends. They wouldn't have left you alone otherwise.>>

She doesn't answer.

<<Look at you! You're working in a prestigious law firm in New York. Yes, you're on probation, but you're legally allowed to live your life in the city as normal as possible. You're starting over, Michaela.>>

<<It's because of you. Not me.>>

<<Is helping my daughter a sin nowadays?>>

<<Every morning I get to inform the Philadelphia courthouse about all the things I'm going to do during the day. This is not the life I dreamed of.>>

<<It will get better. I promise, Michaela. You have me, you have a wonderful apartment in New York City, your colleagues are nice—>>

<<I actually have some thoughts on that last point!>>, Michaela interrupts.

Solomon sighs.

<<Michaela—my job here is to help my family.>>

<<We're not a family. Stop saying that.>>, Michaela says.

There is a moment of silence.

<<So what are we then?>>

<<I didn't know you even existed until one year ago.>> Michaela says.

<<Not because of me.>>

Michaela is annoyed.

Solomon sighs.

<<I'm going home. See you in the morning, okay?>>


<<The probation officer will be checking on you later.>>

<<I know.>>

Solomon nods and leaves.

Michaela keeps looking out the window, thinking about Asher, Connor, Oliver, Laurel, and even Wes.

She misses them so much and wishes she could talk to them once again. 

Everything changed for her in the last few months and it's hard to accept the reality, but she's strong as ever.


August 29, 2017

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

7:30 PM

After hanging out at the pub, Tegan drives Annalise home.

<<Do you want me to help with your luggage?>>

<<You've already done too much for me today, Tegan.>>

Tegan sighs and hugs her.

<<Call me if you need anything. I'll see you tomorrow.>>

Annalise nods.

<<Night.>>, Tegan says, driving off.

Annalise's heading for the elevator when she decides she doesn't want to go to her apartment. 

She feels the need to go somewhere else.

She asks the doorman if he can't look after her suitcase for a few hours.

<<Thank you, sir.>>

<<No problem, Ms. Keating. Welcome back!>>

Annalise nods and calls a cab.

She's heading to Bonnie's house.

Annalise gets out of the cab and immediately notices the ''for sale'' sign.

She still has a copy of the keys.

Her hands are shaking.

She inserts the key in the lock, turns it and walks in. 

It's like time never stopped. Like someone is still living there. Like Bonnie is still living there.

Memories quickly return to the surface.

Annalise slowly comes up the stairs and notices that the bedroom's door is wide open. 

She walks in. 

Bonnie's clothes are still in the closet and Annalise wonders why her sister, Julie, hasn't stopped by to pick them up. 

She then sits on the bed and something strange happens.

Annalise notices there's a file on the night stand. 

She grabs it and reads a sentence on the front page.

''Forgive me'', signed by Frank.


June 30, 2017

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

4:30 PM

He's leaving a message on Bonnie's voice mail.

<<Hey, Bon. It's Frank. I'm calling from a different number. ——I got rid of all my stuff. Sorry I left like that last night. I'm not mad at you. And nor at Annalise. ——My aunt, Bev, told me about Hannah and Sam. I can't stand it. ——Many bad things happened in our lives because of me. ——You have always been by my side and I owe you forever for this. ——I stopped by your place a few minutes ago. I left something in your room. ——Forgive me, Bon. I did everything I could to protect you. ——So, please. Don't hate me.——I love you.>>

August 29, 2017

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Annalise is confused.

She takes a quick look at the documents, but she can't connect the dots. 

All of a sudden, Annalise hears the door slam from downstairs.

She jumps.

<<Who's there?>>, Annalise yells, getting out the room.

She walks down the stairs, intimidated,  and notices that the kitchen window is open.

There's no one there.

Maybe it was the wind, she guesses. 

Annalise leaves, bringing along the file with her and gets back to her apartment.




January 7, 2018

Caplan & Gold, Filadelfia

9:15 PM

The elevator doors open and Tegan, with a bleeding head wound, steps outside. 

She is shocked.

<<Help! I've been attacked!>>

She's in the private parking lot of the Caplan & Gold building. 

She looks around, but there is no one that can help her. 

She looks for her cell phone in her purse, but she can't find it.

Tegan runs to her car - panicking - opens it and locks herself in. She empties her purse onto the seat and realizes her phone is not there.

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