The Alpha's Rogue Mate Book 2...

By minkswriting

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Jinx and Sapphire are happily mated now, but trouble arises when the Moonshire pack finds out Sapphire is the... More

The Alpha's Rogue Mate Book 2
The Rogue's
Leaf Fall's Early Winter
Struggling to Live by the Merciless
Small and Helpless
Blood of The Young
Unexpected Planning
Middle Blood
The Calm Side of The Storm
Coming Storm
Battle of Berry's Hill
Four Packs Become 2: Rogue MoonsShire and Willow Ice Lake
Waiting For Battle
Cold Cough
Deathly Fighting
The Start of The Beginning


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By minkswriting


In the distance I heard a loud crack, and I could see a wave of fog break from where I sat on the hill sitting vigil for my lost of four pups. Only four remain, but surely they would make it through the rest of winter. A loud snarl from far away reached my ears and I braced myself as a strong gust of wind blew directly towards me. The wind was so strong I could feel it through my dense winter coat. So the fight had begun.


The wolves raced across the river with ease. 

"Don't be intimidated by size, there fighting skills will be delt with ease" shouted above the rogue wolves who were snarling and growling loudly. They ran towards us as their feet hit land, and I suddenly charged. The momment I charged everyone beside me charged. There was space between me, and the enemy. Fear flooded my body, and felt the urge that almost made run the other way, but I didn't. There was a brief momment of nothing, I didn't hear a thing, only my paws hitting thr ground, and finaly I heard the snarl of fury as I lunged for the nearest wolf. I heard snarls, growls, and yelps all around at once. I hit the ground rolling in a tangle with a large brown-red furred wolf. A loud yelp escaped it's muzzle when I landed on top and dug my teeth into its neck. I heard a yelp behind me from Buckeye, bood dripped down his back leg. He reared up on his hind legs, backing up dodge an attack, and lunged. His teeth tore into his opponents shoulder. To keep the wolf from twisting and biting at him I lunged, and dug my teeth into the wolf's neck. It fell over within a few seconds. The rogue's kept coming, and I noticed something moving within the mass of bodies, but not something, but someone. I ignored it thinking it was nothing, and focused my mind on fighting. 

Something landed on me and I felt the hot breath of another wolf snapping at my neck. I twisted and rolled furiously when I felt teeth yank hard on my fur. I yelped in pain, and finally worked up the strength to kick the wolf off and attack. When I lifted my head up from the now dead wolf I starred at the top of the hill behind us. Below was the camp, and on top of the hill was a wolf with brown fur. It's yellow eyes starred at me, and then turned blood-red.

"Brownie" I whispered the name. An old pack member that had left when I rejected her for my true mate, Saphire. She gave me a mischievious smile and disappeared down the hill.

"No!" I yelped and began to run through the mass of bodies when I felt sharp teeth on my tail. I would have to fight my way out to get back to the camp, but the question was would I make it in time?


A moss-like, flowery scent reached my nose. Makita had left to see help out Berry, so I stretched and stood up to greet the Willow-Grass refuge. I left and exited the snowy outside, and sniffed the air only for the cold air to burn my nose. I frowned, Makita wasn't out here, but... but then a new scent reached my nose. My eyes widened when I located the source of the scent. There lying in the snow was the bloody scent, Makita! Her tanish black and brown fur was stained heavily with blood. I dashed foreward, forgetting about the mossy scent when something slammed into me. I heard the sound of teeth clicking and I immediately saw huge jaws snapping at me. With a burst of strength fueld by my fear I struck out with my paws and nocked my attacker backwards. The huge brown fured wolf snarled furiously, its eyes glowed red and I realized the mossy-scent was coming from this wolf. 

"Brownie" I called to the wolf.

"So you remember me? I thought the high and mighty luna would have forgotten, but perhaps I was wrong" Brownie snarled.

"I wouldn't have forgotten you, and I don't think of myself high and mighty" I replied.

"Good because your not. Your just a lonely rogue wolf. You were never meant to be an alpha, you came here a rogue and always shall be" Brownie snarled in response. She began to walk around me, trying to get behind me, but I made sure I faced her with a bold and dominant stance.

"That is partly true, I did come here as a rougue wolf, but I am an alpha. I am the Luna of the Ice Lake Pack" I said. Brownie snarled and suddenly lunged with a near-blinding speed,

"You mean you stole the position from me. I dodged her attack narrowly and lunged. I nocked into her side causing her to stumble backwards. Brownie growled, expressing her rage.

"I never stole the position because you never were. You were perhaps the beta wolf, but I never stole anything from you" I replied, my voice was calm and smooth like the frosty snow.

"No, you stole everything from me. You stold my home, my mate, and my status as the alpha" Brownie snarled. 'That's right, I forgot how she thought it was. Brownie had convinced herself that Jinx was to be her true mate' I remembered.

"No, I stole nothing from you. You gave all of it up; you left the pack, you killed your mate Flame, and you became the alpha of Moonshine pack" I replied, "You destroyed all of that" I reminded her. 

"Shut up" Brownie sharled and began to shake her head, "Just shut up because you lie! I'm going to strip away everything you love dearly before making sure you suffer a long, gruesome, and painfull death!" Brownie howled in anger. She lunged quickly, and I saw nothing but a blur. Brownie's sharp teeth tore into my shoulder and I was knocked aside. What I saw next made me leep to my feet; ignoring the trail of blood my shoulder was leaving. Brownie was trying to squirm into the nursery den! She probably would have made it in quicker if she weren't so large now, being a massive wolf.

"I will not let you harm my pups!" I growled. I bit down on her tail causing her to yelp. I shook my body and tore at her tail and she was forced to exit the den. Her tail was in shreads, undescribable and she was furious! I bit and slashed with my teeth at her back legs causing her to yelp, and she finally whirled around. I wasn't able to leap back quick enough though. Brownie lunged, landing on top of me, and I could feel her hot, rancid breath in my face.

"If your so willing to die so fast then I might as well kill you" Brownie snarled. Before I could make a response I felt her jaws at my neck. Something hot and sticky began to pool around my neck, there were little white dots, and then it was black all over. 

"I'm sorry Jinx, I failed" I murrmered the words, though they were barely audible over the sound of Brownie's cruel laughter as she found my death amusing.


I ran up the hill towards the flat clearing where the den was, when the scent of blood reached my nose. I reached the top, and the sight was gruesome. Brownie's tail and back legs were a mess; tail shreaded, and deep gashes in her back legs. A soft whimpering told me the pups were still in the den, but had been dsiturbed, but then the sight of the wolf with black and white fur in a still spilling pool of red staining the snow made my heart begining to feel heavy.

"Jinx, its so good to see you again" Brownie said, grinning as if nothing was wrong. She moved towards me, wagging her tail in a friendly manner. Brownie's eyes turned brown again, but I noticed her fur had turn as black as night, and even her scent smelled different. I smelled flowery, but the scent of blood from fighting, and the scent of death lingered on her. I growled at her,

"Stay away from me" I ordered and rushed to my fallen mates side. I sniffed her nose and her fur, but found that she was becoming cold. I couldn't say a word to her before she had parted, I was too late. Watery eyes watched in the darkness of the nursery den; Jasmine, Sweet Fur, and Chika. I noticed Makita's body lying in the snow, but I could hear soft breathing. Makita was injured, and couldn't move, and then my mate is dead.

"Why care for that rogue, that fea infested rogue" Brownie said, her voice blunt.

"Because she was my true mate" I snarled and I lunged, but only found that Brownie shifted her position and her teeth sank deeply into my shoulder. Pain flooded my entire being and I howled in pain and fury. I saw nothing for a momment, just a blur of blinding speed as Brownie attacked. I felt her teeth tear a shallow wound under my eye and my other shoulder and finally in pain and exhaustion I collasped as well. Brownie stood tall and proud above me, her head held high.

"I guess if you can't love me the way I loved you then no one can. You will die right here Jinx of Ice Lake pack" Brownie snarled, I could feel her hot and terrible smelling breath on me. I lowered my head in a finally show of deafeat,

"I couldn't care about my death, my mate is gone" I said softly, my voice barely heard even to myself. Brownie snorted

"You were always so noble, so-" Brownie began to say when I saw a bright flash of lightning from the sky. 'No way, it's the middle of winter. There can't be lighting flashes, but then how did I just see lightning flash?' I wondered.

"Such a noble leader" I heard a voice say, it was very familiar. I lifted my head to see the only medicine of the Moonshire pack, Luna.

"Your a noble leader" Luna said, her warm and friendly eyes on me. Brownie growled,

"I remember you, I always hated you" Brownie said.

"And I rememer you, a ball of hatred and destruction" Luna said, her voice blank and eyes as cold as ice with a hint of pity directed towards Brownie. These words angered Brownie, and Brownie left me to attack Luna, but Brownie went right through Luna! Her solid-like appearance wavered, revealing she wasn't completely here. I closed my eyes, and shielded my eyes when there was another bright flash and another. Eighty wolves appeared and I knew nearly them all except two red furred wolf. His eyes lingered on Brownie, they were full of compassion and sadness. There was a black furred she-wolf that had the scent of a rogue, they were full of hatred and a desire to kill.

"Chocolate, Lightning, Raven, Mako, Rose, and Hunter" I greeted the old alpha's. The old alpha's of all the packs; my pack, Moonshire, and Willow Grass. They looked my way and bowed once.

"What a shame it you've come to, your just killing not just out of revenge, but in pleasure of it" said the male red furred wolf.

"Forget it Flame, you killed plenty of wolves in your time, too" Brownie shot back.

"And I regret that, I killed a litter of pups and if I could see my brother Rebel and his mate Sweet Fur I'd apologize, in fact I didn't want to kill them, and I know they have one remaining pup" Flame said, glancing at the nursery den, "I wish I could have been a better mate to you Brownie, and steered you off the evil path we went down together. It brought me down, and shall bring you down, and I'm sorry" Flame said, and I could see the tears in his eyes. At this genuine statement Brownie only chuckled at this.

"You killed your mate, and me as well. I won't care when you die" said the black furred she wolf I didn't recognize.

"Save your breath Vixen, your mate didn't care about you enough to stop me" I snarled. Vixen replied to this with a short snarl. Luna looked back at Sapphire with sad eyes, and then Hunter went to press his nose to the wound of my fallen mate.

"If we had judged correctly perhaps the evil of this rogue" he began, his eyes flickering to Brownie,

"Wouldn't have led to our downfall" he added. I gasped at this new information. To his downfall? Hunter and Rose had died, but in a hunting accident. The only one there was.... Brownie....

"Have the heart to judge correctly, so you won't fall in flames" Hunter said. He walked away and Mako, the old leader of Willow Grass walked up.

"And have the inteligence to make the judgements correcly. Judge wisely, and use your inteligence to lead your pack beside your mate" Mako whispered softly. He walked away for Lighting, the old alpha of Moonshire.

"Have the strength to lead your pack beside your mate, he has the wits to lead, but will need your strength as well. Forgive me when we exiled you from the Moonshire pack" Lighting said. Next was Rose, the ex-Luna of our pack.

"Love leading your pack with your mate with all of your spirit" Rose said. The wolves kept murrming words and then leaving for another wolf to come up.

"Care for your pack, your pups, your mate, and not only be able to judge well, but have faith in them because the strength of an alpha come from the pack as the packs strength comes from the faithfull alpha" Raven said, the old alpha of Willow-Grass.

"And have independence, so you won't always rely on others to fight your battles. My downfall was because I gave into evil, and accepted its help" Chocolate said, her eyes flickering to Brownie, "And I apologize also for sendign you into exile, my own daughter" Chocolate added. Brownie snorted at this statement and arogantly rolled her eyes.

"I don't know what you expect to accomplish by murmuring some words and she's alread dead so-" Brownie began to say, but Luna looked her way with a look of pure rage. The air wavered from Luna to Brownie and Brownie nearly collapsed on the spot. Luna then pressed her nose to Sapphire's wound, which looked different in some way.

"Let purity and goodnness fill the spirit, let it drown away the evil. Let you become a better wolf, the wolf of purity that destroys the destroyer" Luna whispered. I closed my eyes as I saw another flash of lightning and there was an all-white, glowing pale pink wolf beside me. I noticed it was a ghost-like wolf with wings, an angel. The wolf glanced my way, and walked by, its fur brushing my fur softly. I could barely feel its fur, or even smell the wolf's scent. The wolf stepped through my mates body and there was a light and the wolf disappeared. To my astonishement my mate's wound was gone, and she rose to her feet. Sapphire's wings were still visible, but fading away slowly.

"So your still alive?" Brownie questioned, starting to walk towards Sapphire. I made a move to attack, but Luna kept me back,

"Did you not hear me?" Luna whispered softly, "purity that destroys the destroyer" she repeated the last words she had said. I looked back at Brownie who was closing the gap between herself and Sapphire and I studdenly understood. Bronwnie was the destroyer; she had destroyed the alpha's of all the packs including the Luna of the Rogue wolf pack and even her own true mate. Then my mate, so pure, the purity. Brownie lunged, and then Sapphire lunged, but she lunged to the side. With one flap of her fadding wings before they faded completely, Sapphire lunged again while Brownie was still in the air. Brownie couldn't do anything because she was still in mid-air and Sapphire was in mid-air as well behind her. Sapphire's teeth clipped the  back of Brownie's neck. Sapphire landed on her paws, and  Brownie on her side. This battle was down, but Brownie's eyes were open, and glowed red.

"I may be finished" Brownie croaked, "But my lagacy will live on through Flame and I, just you wait" she growled, Brownie gave us all a mischivious grin, and finally her eyes shut, and she said no more. This battle was finished, and a loud howling a few momments later from the east told us the other battle with the rogue wolves was over meaning in total this war was over.


Luna raised her head and howled loudly, calling to the reader, 

"There's still another chapter to tie up the end!" Luna howled.

Ha there's still one last, closing chapter!

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