saturnine ♡

By 8tarlost

46.1K 2.1K 530

♡◇○ completed a volcano that burns you when you try to reach out and everyone else runs away from self preser... More

1 ▪︎▪︎▪︎ Close
2 ▪︎▪︎▪︎ Close
3 ▪︎▪︎▪︎ Can you tell me about you?
4 ▪︎▪︎▪︎Can you tell me about you?
5▪︎▪︎▪︎ I've seen you from afar
6 ▪︎▪︎▪︎ I've seen you from afar
7▪︎▪︎▪︎ I don't want to just wait and see
8 ▪︎▪︎▪︎I don't wanna just wait and see.
9 ▪︎▪︎▪︎ Just tell me about you
10 ▪︎▪︎▪︎Just tell me about you
11 ▪︎▪︎▪︎ I see you walking from the distance
12 ▪︎▪︎▪︎ I see you walking from the distance
13 ▪︎▪︎▪︎Without Fear.
14▪︎▪︎▪︎Without fear
15 ▪︎▪︎▪︎ I approach you and ask you
16▪︎▪︎▪︎I approach you and ask you.
17 ▪︎▪︎▪︎ In a quiet tunnel, you're a sports car
18▪︎▪︎▪︎In a quiet tunnel, you're a sports car
♧▪︎ 19 ▪︎♤
20 ▪︎▪︎▪︎ A loud engine is ringing
21▪︎▪︎▪︎all the walls are painted black
22▪︎▪︎▪︎All the walls are painted black
23 ▪︎▪︎▪︎ I was stained with you and I was surprised at the first feeling I felt
24▪︎▪︎▪︎I was stained with you and I was surprised at the first feeling I felt
♧◇ 42 ◇♤
25 ▪︎▪︎▪︎Name, age where do you live
27▪︎▪︎▪︎ I know, too many questions. Excuse me.
28 ▪︎▪︎▪︎I know too many questions. Excuse me.
29 ▪︎▪︎▪︎ I will cross the line, just a little
30 ▪︎▪︎▪︎I will cross the line, just a little
31 ▪︎▪︎▪︎ as I finally
32 ▪︎▪︎▪︎as I finally
《 e p i l o g u e 》

26 ▪︎▪︎▪︎Name, age where do you live

907 46 10
By 8tarlost


The whole committee of the Kings we're in shambles. The whole room is loud with a group of people talking over each other at one table.

"What the fuck happened?

"Why is Lino, holding a Salem?"

Red Kings stormed in the simultaneous chattering of the meeting, kicking down the chairs and throwing things around. Reds are civil until they're not. They're as notorious as greens until Jisung, The entry of their "Hearts" made the whole organization swoon and adore the newcomer, implementation of Jisung's dynamics into their system, made Red's rose in the overall boards.

A school philosophy, that fits Jisung like a pipe as well.

Do not anger the Reds.

They will wage war if it's for Jisung.

"Whites and Reds are in a wager and under a contract and we are all forbidden to do underhand, who the fuck, dared fucking touch Baby red?"

"Calm the down." A man from blue ranks rubs his forehead and says to the numbers of red officials.

"Salem was commenced."

"Under the given condition, the witch hunt will start if the request wasn't met after 24 hours. So... which color messed up? Cough it up because this violation will only cause loss for all of us. War has no winners." Jaime, A yellow king stood up.

"We didn't fucking asked for a salem." A guy randomly punch someone on his way.

The unfamiliar king who never shows up raised his hands.

"Good ol' green."

"Mint told me it's ours, we're on this shithole, even if it's on us or not, I'm still conducting investigation with the parties involved."

"I was met by Lino, personally, demanding the information of the three students that made a misconduct and raised their hands against Red. He already did extensive searches and it pointed to our low ranks."

"Baby Red...?"



"Oh my god, how's the rooks?" A yellow King chimed in.

"Of course, they're in hospitals."

"How the fuck, that every time, Baby red fights, no one exactly knew what happened. He would go into rampage and no one questions him?" The other ran his hands on his hair.

"Careful now, Jisung has done nothing wrong, Your people were caught in a middle of a sexual assault in the gyms." Information doesn't always slips from Kings but Jisung has been consistent, that's why they fear the small young King, Jisung never came at fault with all his problematic fighting.

"You should wash your hands, green, it's seemed purely coincidental. Drop those rooks and let them get their punishment."

"The fucking things is, the victim of the said assault is one of the King candidate that Red and White wagered on."

Everyone started chaos and grunts. Knowing it's too obvious of an underhand played in the wager.

The Green king told them the details of how the top rankers are targeted and it will surely be smeared on their reputation if not contained, they were the collateral and a set up with their own reputation, backfiring. They will fall this salem.

"White, never breaks promises."


"I'm telling you all, implicating us like this, I will drag you whoever you are." Green warned believing it was ploy to ruin the future king candidates.

"This Salem is unavoidable. The problem isn't just because Red got into trouble- the matter goes straight up to Kings and candidacy, there might've been a leak." A Blue King declared, and raised his voice to catch everyone's attention.

"There was a leak- the student was targeted the dame way Baby red was when he was a candidate."

"There no coincidence here. We never caught the snitch."

"I'll lose a whole branch that's affiliated to those rooks up to their very bishops."

"No green, You're fucked, you'll lose your whole house. just because of some rooks, that's so funny.." Then another for the house of black snickered. Everyone opinions in these matters will all end up into votes anyways.

"I gotta talk to Lino, you're all must be celebrating that I'm on edge."

"Prepare yourselves. Brief your houses of the upcoming Walpurgisnacht."

"Whoever did this will lose everything."

"Remember the salem, where Lino literally took down a family, because of some bullying matter."

"Aha! he did not stop at the expulsion, he devoured their shares in the market."

Salem can on be triggered by the highest house upon a grave conditions, it's an appeal needing the whole school officials signatories and agreement without the other houses and overthrows the whole king system as the gaining permission to do a culling and thorough investigation in each students, factions , colors and duly punish those who omitted any school violations.

The highest house will do the witch hunt upon their terms and conditions, methods and resources. It was all on the documents signed, and will deem appropriate  and unquestioned once passed.

Those proven of neglect of responsibilities, along with other crimes that violated the university laws will face humiliation, family name or not, influential or not, within the school. "Walpurgisnacht" is the process and it last a month or so depending on the top house's power and capabilities.

"Lino can't be bribed, one cannot simply ask for mercy when he finds fault at you. -

Also this school is, technically, his institution."

"Isn't that why he's the king of kings?"

"He holds too much power."

"Good thing, he's not the psychopath everyone thinks he is."

The committee was utterly thrown into chaos. It wasn't pretty. To those older students, already knew how Lino used to operate his salems. Only the letters of rustication from the university would find the parents with their sobbing sons and daughters, after the deployment of inspections and investigations. From cases of bribery to simple cheating is a contributing matter.

It's a witch hunt per sé. This also one of the reason's why the university is considered special. Who did the deed? They weed out people  they see unfit.

Jisung underwent trial, again from the other kings. At the very least it was the first time this semester. Strike three and his King status would be gone. He was quite in danger. That's why no one can even imagined that Red did it all to himself, he was battered, those are his bets, his status being on the line. It's out of the question.

A red line was drawn on the weekly board rankings, anyone dropping on those lines are immediately thrown out.

"I was just gone for a year, and everyone here is fucking vile to the core." Minho's word's pierced to the committee upon the declaration of salem.

"I'm the only one who can make your lives living hell, anyone here, no matter who. " He slammed the stamped document and binder copies to each one.

"So don't get caught." Minho warned.

"I can bring all of you down if I wanted to." Minho rattled all the houses in the meeting and left. The room went back into chaos as soon as Minho stormed off.

"You think this is right?" Jisung's voice followed creeping in behind Minho.

"What's right?" Minho curled his brows as Jisung asked, he continued dashing in the hallways with Jisung running behind him.

"I expected you not to throw vague questions, you're smarter than that." Minho shrugs as he turns to Jisung, whose face is painted with worry and the lie that only a few can carry. "You don't have a say in this Jisung, I am just running my school."

"This isn't right. Minho."


"Let's just investigate the issue quietly. The whole school doesn't have to be involved." Jisung says, almost begging yet Jisung is still stunning, Everything must've been taxing. The boy is still on painkillers looking a lot better than these past few weeks. Minho would melt just by looking at him, lose all the anger and reason why he is throwing that Salem.

"No, I stood by all this time, That ends right here right now, you tale me for a patient person. It's now my turn to show you who I am."

"And Oh-

Wait till' I uncover them. These aren't just baseless culling.-

The timing is actually just right."

"I have always been rejecting this school."

"Turns out, I cannot even rely to the other houses."

-And I just left for a year and so." Minho ranted.

"The council does what they can, you can't simply control every living soul in this school."

"Watch me." Minho said.

"Lee Minho."

He saw Jisung's silent plead. The boy looked desperate more than he shows.

"Han Jisung." Minho returned the call out to his name.

"I've seen enough. Go home, Jisung." Minho held up an envelope to Jisung's chest and the boy grabbed it, opening a letter of suspension.

The result from the trial. Jisung got his- what seemed to be the 'punishment'.

Minho, did not like responsibilities at all.

But ever since hit the age of 13, His world suddenly became one of an adult, He never understood what exactly it was he's been preparing for until he all saw the men in suits encircling and surrounding him with his father, introducing him as an heir.

He never questioned anything he was told until it hit him.

He was accustomed to doing his best and striving for perfection to reach his utmost "potential" and so he did. He was being fed with applause, praises and even being the standard to other heirs.

Jisung suddenly grabbed Minho's wrist.

"Minho- I-" He can see how stiff Minho's face has become.

"Let go."

Minho's gaze pierced through and Jisung froze.

Jisung cannot utter a single word.

This is the first time he got this treatment from Minho.

Did he fuck up?

It was a month of tyranny. The students of the university dwindled in numbers as house of mints walked the halls like a military.

Jisung and the whole council went passive, like a martial law, he was recovering and heard that as soon as Minho and the mints took over, it was hell. Yes, He's already heard from the seniors of what happens during salems but he never thought he'd go through one.

They kept saying that Minho is fair and just go along with it, yet Jisung can't shake the feeling that this has been all triggered by the recent events. It was partly his fault. He has done a mistake. He never thought it would go so bad.

It is true that their authorities were challenged by means of going for the candidates and the houses seemed weak for such instances to happen.

Jisung still can't comprehend how does this school operated and got recognition for being like this. He didn't fully agree, he only conformed to it's rules for success.

The University tramples on the weak.

They just went on their days as if nothing's happening, like everything's a normal occurrence, Jisung can't even step foot on the school grounds, but his reds and Felix is keeping him well-informed, like the fact that a whole bonfire of someone's belongings was burning in front of the dormitories just the other day.

No one said a word. Everything about the salem contradicts itself, an irony, the ruthlessness of it while taking out those who were "wrong".

The hallways are bleak and grim.

Staffs and Officials we're already notified about fhe salem before even conducting it, and as well as everything in it's process.

It doesn't matter whether you're good or bad, the most important thing in salems, is that you're not caught.

For days, a week or two. Minho didn't show up.

They didn't talk.


None at all.

Jisung channeled his frustrations with Chan and Changbin as they continued through their recordings even if he was nagged by the two to not come at all, and days as the school's students and their classmates dwindled in numbers.

"You did thi, Jisung." Changbin says. "You've gone sa far."

"Would you believe me if i told you that I didn't mean it?"

"No." Changbin straight says as he raised his feet on the couch.

"Chan, at least, scold him. He fucked them up so bad, fucked everyone, so bad. Green is going down."

"It's not so bad, I was waiting for Minho to stop playing around and do his job, the university needed cleaning and I was tired handling the most fucked up things everyday. This is for the better." Chan says and bobs his head to the music.

"Well. I think that was for another color to rise."  Jisung thought about it. A downfall of a color house means a room for another.

"You're sick. Jisung." Changbin gave some slow claps.

"Thanks." Jisung hummed and sighed.

"That wasn't a compliment."

"Minho, is actually moving a lot faster than back then." Chan muttered as he wiggles in front of his laptop.

"You guys should talk." Felix mumbled as Changbin just supported with a "yeah"

Jisung mocked the two who can't even speak with one another back then.

"Shut the fuck up and kiss." Jisung said annoyed.

"Woah there, calm yo tits." Felix went his way from the table their sitting on in the good ol' backroom to the couch where Jisung is, and pulled him into a hug and cuddled.

"Hey!" Changbin shouted as Felix glared at him as Jisung snuggled up to Felix.

"You should just trust Minho." Changbin chimed in, tapping his pencil on the table.

"He's not bad."

"This still doesn't feel right." Jisung sighed.

"Wow, is that actual guilt? or are you afraid finally, Jisung?" Changbin calls him out.

"Nah, you just haven't seen him before." Chan felt like he needs to wake Jisung up.

"I think everyone here already knew how salems are."

"It's not that bad actually, the students became lax and thinks they can just do whatever since Minho's disappearance."

"The year you entered was simply the most chaotic times of this university and you got used to it."

"Minho's reign, were the cleanest times of this school."

"You see, even the seniors, didn't say a thing."

Chan continued to tell stories and how it was during Minho's first term as king. That even the previous King applauded him as being the King who has the most influence ever since the Helle's King system implementation.

"Also, rumor came up on Mints, since you two are awfully close, without any prior clues. They're saying Reds are manipulating Mints because you have Minho wrapped around your hands." Chan pulled Jisung out the balcony and talked to him.

"You know that man can't ever be controlled." Jisung hissed.

"You two need to setup a scenario."

"Nah, I'm not into that kinda shit you crows do."

"Rumors are rumors."

"Okay, you're on your own, don't come crying to me." Chan shrugged and left to go back inside their cave.

"I've warned Hyunjin enough. But it's still sad that he couldn't make it out unscathe." Changbin says gloomy. "You're too kind." Felix comes up thim.

"Just because I know how shitty everyone can get."

The discussions continued, Hyunjin drops by once in a while, He's mostly spacing out and coordinates with Han for the lawsuits, while Seungmin is still recovering.

They assisted Hyunjin and Seungmin, dealt with approvals, signatures of the professors and other kings for the letters of considerations and excuse, that as soon as he gets back on his feet his rankings was put on hold.

The same proceedings were already done with Han who's doing most of his work in their cave or back at home. His case is different, he got suspended and his stable ranking fluctuated. His grades hang in there as he still continuously complies and isn't missing any requirements using every bit of his resources to comply, clean and fairly.

He's thankful to Felix who has been the one who's checking up on him and keeps him company as well as taking care of him and are bringing in his notes.

Time passed and his suspension from the  brawl was almost over. The supension deducted jim so much in his points, thank fucking god, for being a King, he has chances of negotiating for his scoreboard.

As much as he distracts himself, Minho never left his mind.

He kept brushing it off under the rug but the kitten pops out and say hi every time in the back of his own pretty head.

He planned on looking for Minho in his house the moment his suspension is over. He went straight to the Red's lobby to check up on them, collecting infos and much to his surprise Minho hasn't attended classes ever since he conducted his salem, yet his points are untouched. He was welcomed warmly by his faction, and said he need to take care of this.

Jisung decided to pay the motherfucker a visit in his home.

Jisung took Minho's bike which he found at the school's parking space. He drove for minutes 'til he got to Minho's address, he had to double check, There's no house and he only saw a big ass gate.

The gate opened as soon as he stopped outside of it.

Jisung cranked the motorcycle's stand in the middle and went to the speaker.

"I'm looking for Mr. Lee." He removed Minho's helmet and spoke. The camera went on hi way. and the voice behind the speaker replied.

"Please proceed straight ahead and I shall meet you there. Mr. Han."

A seemingly old voice spoke.

And he met the other Mr. Lee.

Jisung felt like his heart will pop out, He didn't know he'll end up having lunch at Minho's residence with Minho's father, worst is it's just the two of them alone.

And that Lee Minho doesn't like being disturbed, so just wait until he comes out on his own. Jisung wanna argue or just head back, But the old fellow which seemed to be the Home's caretaker, held him there and smiled saying it will not take long

Jisung answered no, meekly as he has no appetite lately when the lunch was offered.

Yet he still ended up in front of Minho's old man in a big ass dining hall with attendants waiting in the sides.

The spoon and forks clanking on the plates subtly the silence was eerie.

"You we're suspended, Red, right?"

Han choked at his bread.

"I am truly sorry about that, Director. I have fully reflected and will do my best to be a better model student."

The man laughed.

"Don't be nervous."

"I know what happens inside the school, despite every powerplay, riches or whatever cover-up the rich brats do in there."

"Despite the system, us in the boards still has a say in every decision made by your council."

Han just listened carefully.

"How are the candidates? They are promising scholars. I like them very much."



"They're recovering. Thankfully." Jisung can't help but sigh in front of the food, remembering the incidents.

The director's voice was gentle yet something about it is intimidating. Jisung can fully say Minho got it from his old man.

"Thank you for taking care of them, My son and the school."

Jisung bowed, processing the details he just heard. He shook down to his bones.

He knows everything.

"Just avoid mixing personal matters, next time. I'll let you go just this time around."

Jisung's blood run cold.

"Do you understand?"

Jisung was speechless, he couldn't lie nor defend himself. "I...sir...yes. I lffer my sincerest apologies."

"Do you know what you did?

" not sure... Was I too much?"

"No, my son, Your mistake was your miscalculation. I admire your angle in the situation, a bit too destructive for my liking,  But such sumple miscalculation almost cost you everything, Little Red."

Jisung listened and already saw the kind of man he's facing. "I understand."

He was stiffly spooning out the soup with finesse as he tried to meet the director in the eye. The elder in suit just smiled at him, and he doesn't know if this is a good thing or not.

"And My Minho has  a very soft spot for you, dear."

"Mr. Lee-"

"Lino only behaved like that back when he had troubles with his mom. The recklessness- you both share that dangerous temper and the way you two hold your grudges."

"I took his advice to heart. I learnt it from him when he saved my life." The old man continued to smile, his eyes disappearing on the smirk.

"Did he now?"

"Yes, sir."

What's with the Lee family and their ability to shut people up while doing the bare minimum.

"Interesting, a history, i did not know of?"

Jisung met the man's eyes and nodded.

"It was before I graduated higschool, he picked me up when I was down. We met at the streets of my hometown. I did not know who he was by then."

Jisung thought hardly of what move is the safest, what words should he tell the old man. What more does he know? to what extent? Is it alright to discuss this without Minho's knowledge at all? He came for Minho. He didn't consider meeting his dad.

For the record, Everyone in the school kept saying that Minho is the proxy for the school board meetings whenever his dad is taking care of their company other than the institution.

He's always out.

Even Minho himself said that.

Maybe that's why Minho isn't around? No, his dad is here, he needs no proxy.

Jisung ended up just nodding instead of saying anything at all. He didn't affirm to anything nor deny in words... and didn't lie as well in his simple gesture.

Jisung was thinking too much.

"I see." The man waved for one of the attendants.

"Anyways, you supplied the last years, uniforms for the kid's academy, right? How about for next year, we've been planning to do a new and different set of uniforms depending on each majors, and a specific brooch for each rank. for our institution?"

Helle did not have uniforms, and students can just wear anything up until now.

He then handed Jisung a folder of documents with the project details about the uniforms and gestured for him to go through it.

"About time that we, establish a bit of rules and for the beautification of our premises, a dwsignated day for non-uniform, other days for a proper image. what do say?

Startled, Jisung automatically went into work mode and flipped into the series of detailed specifications and estimations just like he normally does of the said proposal, the changes will take place in the upcoming semester, mumbling quietly as the old man watches patiently, waiting for his verdicts.

"I did do the foundation event special uniforms, and as for the kids. They are simple balls of energies it wasn't too hard to get them to wear the same thing."

"For the grown- ups however, especially these rich people but those are simple and the design didn't actually came from us, we only supplied it. It's not as extensive as providing the school the uniforms. And a lot of students actually liked the individuality of having no uniforms. To push the requirement and have it accepted, I'd recommend a collaboration to a top brand. " Jisung explained.

"Well, said. But I am specifically asking for you, dear."

"Yes, Sir. How about I propose a collaboration for a well known brand just to appease the majority of our demographics"

"Do whatever you see fit, I want you to handle it from scratch, We will soon approach you for the proposal letters, I would like it if we're in the same page."

"My meer opinion is not enough reason to decline, Mr. Lee. Truthfully, it'll be surreal honor and pride. however, I would want your personal comments as well as a survey from the students. We will be presenting you a series of prototype design in each majors and have you take a look at it...once the papers are signed then."

"Splendid. Please continue to do well, most of the institution's networks and partners are from the student's families and corporations. You're one of the figures as well."

"It is timely, you dropped by, I'll have albert here, give you the documents later."

"Also, your company might be partnered to Lee Felix's holdings, But you're still the owner without getting gobbled up by the angel. You're still pretty small, but you're self made. Keep it up, son."

"...T-Thank you, Sir for your grace." Jisung paused and smiled brightly upon the compliments, finally loosened his tensed muscles and shoulders, not only he got to meet the director one-on one, he also got complimented and got business project for surreal.

Felix will jump in joy if he hears the news.

"I will take care of it, Mr. Lee." Jisung bowed.

"Call me, Dad."


Jisung choked once again.

Albert the butler now stepped in and rubbed his back and gave him a glass of water in his coufhing fit.

Jisung now knew where Minho's broken humor came from.

"Dad?" Minho frowned, slamming the door as he entered the dining hall behind, Jisung and his Dad, who both turned to him, catching up with the "call me, dad." and he has never been that shocked and confused in his whole damn life.

"Puff?" Minho then looked at the familiar boy dining casually with his dad.

"Puff?" The butler helping Jisung, repeated after Minho.

Jisung eyes widened in the predicament they were in that he cannot fully process anything that happened yet.

"I told you to eat. I was getting lonely, good thing, Baby Red here joined me." The old man said acting all chummy to his son.

"Excuse us."

Minho just straight up grabbed Jisung and took him out of the dining table having a little bit of struggle fight as Jisung broke out of his grasps, bowed in 90 degrees to Minho's dad, while still chewing the food in his cheeks.

"Just... com-" Minho struggled

"Just let me-" As Jisung fought.

"Let me - for awhile."


They bantered and fumbled around in whispers as they fought for their grips.

"Thank you for your time, Mr Lee, I enjoyed the meal." Jisung said as soon as he got the chance and broke away for a second in his muffled words and he bowed.

"Dad." Mr. Lee corrected.

"Okay, Dad." Jisung says.

"Dad!- " Minho yelled.

And Minho continued to take Jisung and drag him out of there, Their shouting echoing and fading as the door behind them shut.




If you have read this in its most pristine forms, you would've known that i've thrown out daddy kinks in the smut in the first few chaps and it was rooted here, and actually has its own background and stemming but we scratched it because people complained when this was clearly a mature book.

I was invested in it, so sorry for my quick rant

Sorry loves.



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