Demons for My Roommates (Card...

By BlueSnowDropz

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I saw her staring at me with those wide emerald eyes. Her pupil did not move. She did not blink. She has no e... More

Author Note
Chapter 1: Unwanted Guests
Chapter 2: Six Sense
Chapter 3: Living with the Demons
Chapter 4: No Ordinary Human
Chapter 5: Addicted to Flowers
Chapter 7: Sakura's Favorite Idol
Chapter 8: My Uncanny Roommates
Chapter 9: Cat Demon
Chapter 10: Pandora Box
Chapter 11: Two-Headed Crickets

Chapter 6: Secrets Out

409 17 3
By BlueSnowDropz

Syaoran sighed as he leaned against the living room wall. Yukito was sitting on the couch as Sakura sat across from him. Kero sat on the counter table in the middle as he sips his green tea. Eriol, who likes to stay in the darkness, stood at the darkness part of the living room.

"I don't know where to start Sakura. I'm so sorry what happened with Yue," apologized Yukito, embarrassed.

"I don't know where to start too. What am I supposed to ask? Are you guys really demons? And what are demons? Are they like aliens? Do aliens really exist?" thought Sakura as she bit her lower lips, nervously.

"I'm surprised you aren't scared. Usually when people see us, they freak out," said Syaoran.

"I guess it's helpful that I can't see..." blurted out Sakura, sarcastically. She wasn't sure if she should be grateful for being blind at this moment.

"I say she is dangerous. She brought out Yue, who didn't come out in ages," said Eriol.

"I guess that's my fault. I lost control of him," said Yukito.

"Where is he?" wondered Sakura.

"Yukito and Yue are the same person. When Yukito turn into his demon form, Yue appears," explained Kero.

"Great, and I really thought Yukito was a decent good guy. This guy has bipolar personality!" thought Sakura.

"You don't have to worry about him. I'll make sure he won't come out and harm you again, Sakura," said Yukito in a charming tone of voice.

Sakura couldn't help but blushed a little. "Thank you."

"I don't know why, but Yukito always make me feel calm," thought Sakura, shyly.

"What are we going to do? I'm not moving again," said Syaoran.

"Me too! I really like it here! And Sakura is my first human friend I ever had!" shouted out Kero.

"Human friend?" thought Sakura, strangely feeling a bit of warmth inside her.

"Well, she is our landlord. If she can't live with us, then we have no choice but to leave," said Yukito.

"What? Why can't we just get rid of her? I'll make sure I'll bury her somewhere nice!" yelled out Eriol.

"She is not your toy, Eriol. Don't do your weird hobbies of burying things with her," warned Yukito.

Eriol rolled his dark black eyes, annoyed. "Plus, how are we going to live with a human, who happens to know our identity?"

"Wait, so they will leave when I want them too? But how about my mortgage payment! But I can't live with these nonhuman beings. But then again, I might not have a home anymore if they leave! But what if that pervert Yue demon comes out again?" Sakura began to panic as her thoughts ran wild.

"How about we make another contract with her? A contract that benefit both sides," suggested Syaoran.

"Contract?" retorted Sakura.

"Yes, that's a wonderful idea!" said Yukito, excitedly.

Sakura thought long and hard. "I know this is crazy, but I can't lose them now. At least until Touya comes back..." Sakura took out her recorder from her pocket.

"I'm fine with making another contract," declared Sakura.

"Great!" said Yukito as he smiled brightly.

"A contract between a human and a demon. That's the first," mumbled out Eriol.

"I'll record everything for the record," said Sakura as she pressed on the record button.

"I guess I'll start. We will live here as your roommates and pay the rent on a timely manner, but you got to keep our identity a secret," said Yukito.

"Don't worry, I have no intention of telling anyone," said Sakura.

"Plus, who will believe me." Sakura thought to herself.

"I would like everyone to make footsteps when they walk in this house. And no more knocking me out, I really can't stand not remembering anything. And lastly, I would like to have my privacy, so don't follow me around like a lost dog," added Sakura.

"Lost dogs?" retorted Syaoran as he felt like she was referring to him.

"I must add; no killing, burying, or torturing our landlord. As long as we live here, we must protect her as she is now one of our pack," added Yukito.

"Eh?" Sakura stayed silent as she didn't expect Yukito's odd request to the contract.

"Sakura is part of our pack!" shouted out Kero, excitedly.

Syaoran sighed. "Just don't lose your temper, Yukito. I don't want to deal with Yue ever again," said Syaoran.

"Anything else you like to add Sakura?" asked Yukito.

"Nope, I don't think so," said Sakura.

"Great! Now, let's eat lunch! Do you like coconut curry?" asked Yukito.

"Umm.., I do like curry," said Sakura.

"Yukito makes the best curry!" said Kero, excitedly.

"Great, I'll call you when I'm done preparing," said Yukito as he walked off toward the kitchen.

"Sakura, you don't know how happy I am to meet you! I always had to hide myself as a stuff animal around people," said Kero.

"Stuff animal? Like a teddy bear?" asked Sakura.

"How did you know?!" said Kero, surprised.

"Hehe... It's not a hard guess," said Sakura.

"I'll stay out of your business, just stay out of mine," said Eriol as he disappeared.

"Well, I got to go. Tell Yukito, I went to work," said Syaoran as he walked out of the house.

"Don't mind Eriol and Syaoran, they were never friendly to begin with," said Kero.

Sakura sighed out deeply. "I just wish this was a long dream," mumbled out Sakura.

-The Next Day-

Ring. Ring. Ring.

Sakura slowly open her eyes as she wakes up from her alarm clock.

"Is it morning already.... WHAT?! It's morning!!!" shouted Sakura as she quickly got up from her bed.

"I'm late again!" said Sakura as she quickly ran toward the bathroom. Sakura suddenly stopped herself as she stood in front of the bathroom.

"Wait, I don't live alone anymore. I should probably knock before I go in..." thought Sakura.

"Good morning Sakura!" greeted Kero.

"What are you doing in front of the bathroom?" wondered Kero.

"I was just about to knock before I go in," said Sakura.

"Knock? But everyone left early in the morning so no one is home," said Kero.

"Really?! I must be very late!" said Sakura as she quickly rushed inside the bathroom. Sakura skipped going into the shower. She just washed her face and brushed her teeth. Sakura quickly changed into her school uniform and rushed out of the house.

"Why am I waking up so late these days? Is it because of my roommates?" wondered Sakura as she roller blade down the street.

"Wow, how do you know where to go?" wondered Kero as he popped his little head from Sakura's bag.

"K-Kero?!" said Sakura, surprised.

"Hi Sakura!" greeted Kero, excitedly.

"What are you doing in here?" wondered Sakura.

"I always wanted to check out the school, but Eriol and Syaoran never take me with them. But now that I have you, I can go to school with you instead!" said Kero, excitedly.

"But what if someone sees you?" said Sakura.

"Don't worry, I'm very good at hiding himself," declared Kero.

"Okay, just stay in my bag," said Sakura as she continued to ride her roller blade. As soon as Sakura reached to her school, she quickly changed back into her shoes.

Ding. Dong. Ding. Dong.

Sakura gasp as she heard the school bell rang.

"Great, I'm late again," thought Sakura. Before Sakura ran inside the school, she felt a presence in front of her. Sakura stopped herself as she felt an unfriendly atmosphere.

"Finally, you came," said Hana as she stood in front of Sakura. Kero peaked through Sakura's bag.

"Who is she?" whispered Kero.

"Quiet Kero, she might hear you," Sakura whispered back. Not only did Sakura heard Hana's footsteps, but she heard couple of other girls too.

"Girls, grab her," ordered Hana. Suddenly, couple of girls grabbed Sakura and dragged her to a vacant area behind the school.

"Let me go!" cried out Sakura as she struggled. The girls pushed Sakura onto the ground.

"Want me to take care of them?" whispered Kero, angrily.

"No, I'll be fine," Sakura whispered back as she painfully stood up.

"Who are you talking to? Don't tell me you're talking to yourself? I mean, I knew you weren't normal, but this is way beyond my imagination," said Hana as she giggled.

Sakura glared at Hana. "What do you want, Hana?"

"Oh, you remember who I am," said Hana as she slowly approached toward Sakura.

"You know, I don't quiet remember what happened last time, but I was found unconscious on the hallway," said Hana as she walked closer to Sakura. Sakura gulped, nervously.

"But it was only the two of us at that time. So, who could it be that made me unconscious?" said Hana, unpleasantly. Sakura didn't know what to say. How can she explain it was actually Syaoran that knocked her out? She probably won't even believe her.

"So, I'm here for my revenge, Sakura. I'm going to show you not to mess with me," said Hana as she raised up her hand. Sakura could feel Kero moving around her bag. Sakura closed her eyes and held her bag tightly, making sure Kero won't fly out.

"Sakura!" Someone shouted out loud. Sakura opened her eyes as she heard a soft voice called her.

"There you are, I was looking all over for you!"

"Wait a minute, this voice..." thought Sakura, surprised. A tall girl with long violet hair, rushed in front of Sakura.

"Tomoyo?" called out Hana, surprised.

"Hana, what are you doing here in the alley with my friend, Sakura?" said Tomoyo, angrily.

"Friend?" retorted Hana, confused.

"Yes, my friend," said Tomoyo as she glared at Hana.

"I didn't know you guys knew each other," said Hana, suspiciously.

"Of course, she is in the same class as me," said Tomoyo. Hana bit her lower lips as she felt irritated with Tomoyo unexpected encounter.

"I guess I'll see you next time, Sakura," said Hana as she walked off. Tomoyo sighed out as the girls walked away.

"Don't get involve with Hana, she is trouble," said Tomoyo as she turned around toward Sakura. As soon as Tomoyo glanced back at Sakura, she noticed Sakura tearful eyes.

"Are you okay?" asked Tomoyo.

Sakura eyes were round and watery. "I can't believe it's you."

"Do you know me?" asked Tomoyo.

Sakura eyes widen. "How can I not know you?! You're the most popular girl in class. You have the most beautiful voice! And plus, you just saved me! How did you know I was here?" asked Sakura, curiously.

"I was just passing by and saw you being dragged here. Knowing Hana, I knew it wasn't anything good," said Tomoyo.

Sakura blushed. "You're so nice and brave."

"Stay away from her, she is known to bully around with the girls," said Tomoyo.

"You don't have to worry. I wasn't afraid of her," said Sakura, confidently.

"I see," said Tomoyo, amused.

"Um... Is it okay if I ask for your autograph?" said Sakura, shyly.


"To be honest.... I AM YOU FAN!!!" shouted out Sakura.

"Fan? What do you mean?" questioned Tomoyo, awkwardly.

"I love all your song! Especially, the one called-" Tomoyo quickly blocked Sakura's mouth with her hand.

"How did you know?" asked Tomoyo, nervously. Sakura mumbled behind Tomoyo's hand. Tomoyo slowly moved her hand away from Sakura.

"Your voice, I can tell by your voice," said Sakura.

"My voice?" retorted Tomoyo.

"Since I don't have my sight, I have great hearing skills," explained Sakura.

Tomoyo gulped, nervously. "Sakura... no one knows that I'm an idol here..."

"WHAT?!" yelled out Sakura, shocked.

"Please keep it a secret!" pleaded Tomoyo.

"Umm... Sure," said Sakura as she glanced toward her bag.

"Great... I'm sure Kero heard it too. But I guess it will be okay. Wow, so I'm the only one that knows Tomoyo is actually a famous Idol singer!" thought Sakura, excitedly.

"So, you knew all along?" asked Tomoyo.

"Yep," answered Sakura.

"But you haven't told anyone?" said Tomoyo.

"Well, I tend to keep my space with people. Don't worry, I didn't tell anyone," said Sakura.

"Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Tomoyo Daidouji," introduced Tomoyo.

"Sakura Kinomoto," said Sakura as she smiled.

"Nice to meet you Sakura, should we head to class? I bet Mr. Terada will be upset at us for coming in late," said Tomoyo. Sakura took out her long stick and walked with Tomoyo.

"By the way Sakura, did you also notice about him too?" questioned Tomoyo.

"Him?" retorted Sakura.

"One of the new students from class," said Tomoyo.

"Oh, she must be mentioning about Eriol or Syaoran. Are they really that hot for even an idol star to notice?" thought Sakura.

"What about him?" wondered Sakura, uninterested.

"His stage name is Little Wolf, but of course I seen him off stage too. So, I actually know what he really looks like and I bet he knows who I am too," said Tomoyo.

"Little Wolf?! Of course, I know Little Wolf!" said Sakura, excitedly. Little Wolf was a famous known guy idol and also Sakura's most admired singer.

"Then, you must have notice that Syaoran Li is him," blurted out Tomoyo.

Sakura suddenly stopped walking.

"Sakura? Are you okay?" asked Tomoyo.

Sakura always process information a lot slower than most people. But as soon as she heard that one of her favorite artists is actually one of her abnormal roommates, Sakura heart stopped for a moment. Kero peaked through Sakura's bag, wondering what was going on and heard Sakura screamed out loud.


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