Far Away | A Lost Fanfiction

By onelesswriter

21.7K 907 389

"You can't run forever." The survivors of Oceanic 815 crash on a deserted tropical island. They are forced t... More

twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.

twenty three.

506 14 12
By onelesswriter

"I don't know. Can I go and do something else?" Walt grunts, annoyingly throwing his hands up in the air. "I can't do this."

Robyn pushes herself off the tree and strode over to Walt. "You can't just give up, Walt. Do you want me to show you again?"

"Yes, please." Walt says. Robyn smiled and took a seat next to him on the hard ground.

"Let's see," Robyn took the lighter from Walt and flatten with the palm of her hand the spot next to Walt's work. "There's a few ways to make a fire. We're lucky, because we got a lighter." Robyn flicked the lighter on.

"Didn't you steal that?" Walt questioned tilting his head to the side.

Robyn laughed. "I did, but, that's our little secret." Walt smiled as his eyes darted to Robyn's hand.

"Now, if you want to cook food or boil water this fire needs to be slightly bigger than this. Walt, can you tell me another way to make a fire?" Robyn questioned her young student as she enlighten her fire.

"Walt?" Robyn looked beside her, where he is supposed to be looking at her hands, but he was looking up. She turned her head and looked up to see what Walt is seeing.

"Hey." Robyn says to Hurley who is standing beside them.

"I'm not doing anything." Hurley mumbled.

Robyn wiped her hands off on her jeans and lifted her body up to stand. "What?"

"What?" Hurley asked.

"Are you okay? You seem nervous." Robyn asked.

Hurley looked down at his feet, mumbled something underneath his breath which Robyn and Walt couldn't hear. He looked back up. "Cool fire, bro." with that being said Hurley disappeared into the jungle.

"Hurley?" Robyn called after him.


With a long educated morning behind her Robyn reached the beach. Her head is spinning, breaking over how Hurley acted around her. Of course, Hurley always seemed nervous, but, this morning it didn't feel the same to her like he was hiding something from her.

"Hey." Jack says, disturbing her thoughts.

"Hey." She mumbles. Robyn turned her head towards him. "Uhm, have you seen Hurley?"

Jack shakes his head. "Why?"

"I'm worried about Hurley. He left in a hurry this morning." Robyn stopped death in her tracks. "He had this look in his eyes."

"He's probably just fine, Robyn." Jack says as he continued his walk. Robyn hopped after him.

"I don't-" Robyn wanted to say something, but, Jack wouldn't let her.

"Why didn't you go after him?" Jack asked.

Robyn sighted and threw her arms back. "I couldn't just leave Walt on his own. He's just a kid, Jack."

"You could take him with you. He wants to learn right?" Jack says.

"Oh no n-" Jack shushed Robyn and nodded his head to the side. Her eyes traveled to Sayid and Michael who were bickering about something.

"What's worse is you won't do your own dirty work. You get Hurley to do it." Sayid says as Robyn and Jack walked closer.

"Wait a minute," Michael says. "Hurley?"

"He was in my tent last night. Quizzing me about Rousseau. About the numbers she wrote, how I came to find her." Sayid explained.

Robyn turned her head towards Jack. "I want to say I told you so."

"What do you mean?" Sayid asked.

"I told Jack that I am worried about how Hurley acted this morning. I can't seem to find-" Robyn didn't get the chance to finish her sentence.

"My god." Sayid sighed. "He's going after her."


Robyn slid her arms through the hoops of her backpack and fastened her self-made gun holster around her leg.

"Where are you going?" Sawyer asked, squinting his eyes.

"We're going to get Hurley back." Robyn places the gun in the holster and the knife she got from Locke in her boot. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Sawyer says. "When will you be back?"

Robyn chuckled. "Why? Are you worried about me?"

Sawyer rolled his eyes and says, "Maybe."

"Robyn! We're going." Jack shouted. Sawyer squinted his eyes again.


"Be careful, okay." Sawyer says before he turned around to walk away not letting her finish her sentence. Robyn nodded to herself, feeling a warm glow burn inside her as she runs to Jack and Sayid, ready to bring Hurley back.

Thirty minutes into their hike Sayid opened his mouth to speak. "So, what's the deal between you and Sawyer?"

"Nothing." Robyn mumbled continuing to walk further.

"Really? Nothing." Sayid says surprised.

Robyn turned around to face Sayid. "What about you and Shannon? Seems to me that you're becoming a bit more than just a friend to her."

"Ah, so you admit that there's something more between the both of you?" Sayid smiled.

"I never admitted to anything." Robyn says.

"Guys, can you knock it off?" Jack says walking past them. "We need to keep going."

"Okay, boss." Robyn and Sayid shared a laugh and started to follow Jack deeper into the jungle.

One hour later, Robyn stopped death in her tracks, spread her arms so that Jack and Sayid wouldn't walk into the trap right in front of them.

"Don't move!" Robyn shouted as Hurley stepped unto the pressure point.

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