The Gunpowder Blade

By kaedehara_kenichi

5.4K 175 112

I've been wanting to do this for a while. Here it is, a Kinon fanfic. After Asuna left Japan to marry someone... More

What Happened?
Edge Of Death
Mixed Feelings
Behind Closed Doors
A Date?!
Lesser Evil
Give Me A Reason
End Of The Beginning
Hi! (Q&A)
Missing In Action
Fateful Words
Author's Note
The Legend's Homecoming
To Be And Not To Be
The Way You Remind Me
The Gunpowder Blade
Floor By Floor
Expect The Unexpected
Is It Really Over
A Reason To Live
Windows To The Soul
A Normal World

I Made A Promise

112 8 12
By kaedehara_kenichi


Hey, Familia of the Closet! I know I've said it many times already, but seriously, we're super close to the end. I've worked on this book for a rather long time. Compared to my others, at least. But anyway, here we go. Enjoy!




The drive was long and quiet. The rattle of the ambulance's well-used engine. The faint speech drifting from the radio. Asada's soft breaths arising from her uniquely petite frame. The car horns of impatient citizens desperately wishing to get home in time for dinner. Normal sounds. Although, through all of those sounds, nightmarish memories flooded my head, controlling me. I thought back to when I first woke up, the beam of light slowly eradicating my vision. How Kayaba had twisted my mind and bent my will. He tortured me to my very core, both in-game and in-real-life. That bastard got what he deserved, I think. What if all I gave him was an easy escape, from a true punishment? What if he wanted to die all along? Could I forgive myself for failing to achieve revenge for those who died 5 years ago?

"So, you mind telling me what you were doing in that place? I thought there were 'No Trespassing or Prosecution' signs put up everywhere on the lot." The paramedic asked. 

"The creator of Sword Art Online, Akihiko Kayaba, wasn't dead, up until a while ago. He booted up an old server and kidnapped his strongest player, yours truly. Then he used me as bait to get the rest of the gang and put us into that world. We fought our way up to the top floor and fought him, in-game. You're familiar with a certain "defect" in the system, right?" I explained, then stopped to confirm his knowledge. 

"Yeah, how players die in real life if they die in-game." He nodded. 

"Well, we killed him in-game, but somehow, he didn't die. When we woke up in that basement in the Kanto Mountains, our friend was dead. The prototype NerveGear that Kayaba had been developing before the original run of SAO was being tested on him. So we found our phones and called the police. Paramedics and Police came to get us, and the next thing I know, Asada and I wake up in that abandoned building. We were strapped to hospital beds, Kayaba had kidnapped us, again. I broke free from the restraints and fought him. Seeing as I'm here, it's clear who won." I finished. The paramedic had a shocked look on his face. 

"You know, I'm an SAO survivor." He said. I looked up and noticed tears running down his face. 

"You are?" I asked. 

"Yeah, I was a member of the Knights of the Blood Oath." He said nostalgically. "I remember you. Kirito. The Black Swordsman. The Guilded Hero." 

"Wow," I said, completely dumbfounded. "I wish I could say I remember you. Sorry." 

"Don't be. I never stood out much. I usually just stuck with my best friend, although I didn't know his real name, still don't. His username was 'Nautilus'." He looked at the ground, then up at me. He jumped at the sight, my eyes were wide with shock. 

"Did you say Nautilus?" I asked. He nodded sternly. 

"Why?" He seemed puzzled. Clearly, he didn't know Nautilus as well as he thought. And neither did I. 

"Nautilus' real name is Eiji Nochizawa. He was one of the two people responsible for the Ordinal Scale incident. And Eiji claimed that he was neglected by everyone. Except for Yunna." I explained. The paramedic had a destroyed look on his face. As if he found his family dead on the living room floor. 

"Really? Well, I mean, there were scenarios where Nautilus would get angry at me for following him, but going as far as neglected? No, no, many people paid attention to him. Because he sometimes yelled at townspeople. I didn't know where the anger came from. But I just looked the other way. He seemed so pent-up. I didn't want him to hate me too. But everyone would throw food at him when he passed through the town. All because he was an asshole. But enough about that. He was never neglected." He explained, deep in thought. 

"Well, seems like we both know things others don't." I chuckled softly. 

"Yeah, I guess," The Paramedic shook his head in shame as he looked at the cab of the Ambulance. Specifically, he looked out of the windshield. We were just pulling into the hospital. The Ambulance hopped over the speed bump as we skidded to a halt at the emergency entrance. As the back doors opened, there were paramedics already waiting at the door with a stretcher. They ran over to us and helped the Paramedic out before slowly lowering me onto the stretcher. I could walk, but I didn't want to. The Paramedic in the Ambulance got Asada out of the Ambulance then started pushing her into the building. One of the other Paramedics began bringing me into the building. Finally, a building with heat. The doors closed behind us. There was classical music playing on the speakers. I closed my eyes and allowed the soft music and distinct voices to fill my head as I was brought to a room in the back of the building. 


(The Next Morning) (Kazuto) 

My eyes were still closed, but I could practically taste the bright ceiling light. I slowly opened my eyes and squinted. I was right. The light caused my vision to disperse for a good five seconds before coming back to me. I lifted my hand and rubbed my eyes, sitting up on the cold, yet comfortable hospital bed. I took a quick scan of the room I was in. A stereotypical hospital room. Waxed tile floor, cork drop ceiling, and an excessively large metal door with small bulletproof window. I was about to stand up but noticed something in my peripheral. I turned around and saw them. Aunt Midori, Uncle Minetaka, and Suguha. Midori and Minetaka were sitting on the loveseat against the wall. And Suguha was in her wheelchair right next to my bed. They were all still asleep. I looked around the room and found a set of clothes on the counter, probably brought here by Suguha. I slowly slipped out of the bed and crept up to the counter. I took off the hospital gown I was wearing. I still had boxers on. I quickly took them off and put on the new pair before anyone could see me naked. I put on the others as well. Black ripped jeans, a grey t-shirt, black socks, the new black leather jacket that I had hanging in my closet, and my monochrome black combat boots. I walked over to the mirror by the sink and ran my fingers through my hair, putting it back to its usual style. I walked over to Suguha and tapped her shoulder lightly. 

"Mnn..." She moaned and turned her head, still sleeping. I chuckled. 

"Wake up, lazy ass!" I spoke louder, flicking her on the forehead. She swiftly cupped her forehead with her hand, clearly annoyed. She turned and noticed me, standing over her. Tears fell down her cheeks. 

"K-Kazuto..." She cried, hugging my legs. I knelt down in front of her and gave her a genuine hug. "I was so worried about you." I rubbed the back of her head.

"No need to worry anymore. I'm okay now." I smiled. She nodded and backed away. I heard the rustle of Minetaka's iconic coat against the wool loveseat. 

"Kazuto!" He shouted, jumping from his seat. Midori shakily awoke and jumped up as well. They ran at me full speed and squeezed the life out of me. I laughed and coughed at the same time. 

"Can't... breathe..." I said wheezily. The two stopped hugging me and stepped back. We all stood there for about one minute before I spoke up. "What room do they have Asada in?" 

"She's in an emergency room one floor above us. She had to get treated for her face. Luckily, she didn't need stitches. She just needed to be checked for any diseases. You know, seeing as she was cut with a dirty blade." Suguha explained. I thought back to when Kayaba dragged that fated scalpel down her milk-white cheek. I shook my head, coming back to reality. "Do you wanna go see her?" 

"Yeah." I walked behind Suguha and began pushing her chair towards the door. Surprisingly, she didn't get mad at me for helping. Minetaka opened the door so we could leave. I pushed her out the door and towards the elevator, but a doctor stopped us. 

"Midori and Minetaka Kirigaya?" He asked. I've seen him before, somewhere, but where?

"Yes, we are," Minetaka replied. 

"My name is Dr. Suzuno, I just need you to sign on Kazuto's release." The doctor handed Minetaka a clipboard and pointed to a spot on the bottom of the page. Minetaka nodded and pulled out his lucky silver-plated pen. He hardly ever uses it. he signed the page and handed it back to the doctor. 

"Thank you, have a wonderful evening," The doctor said, returning to the room he emerged from. I pressed on towards the elevator. I hit the button and stepped back. The doors opened, the elevator was empty. As we entered, out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw... No... That's impossible... I saw... He can't... No... 

"Hey, you alright? You look like you seen a ghost." Suguha said. If only she knew how ironic the thing she said was.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I nodded. No, I'm not okay. If Sugu knew who I just saw... who I thought I saw... she wouldn't be able to handle it. After all, they had a thing. It would destroy her. I've concluded. It was just my mind fucking with me. He's dead. He's not wandering these halls. He's not alive. He died. He can't be alive. I saw his corpse. No, stop it. Stop arguing with yourself. He's not here. ENOUGH! KLEIN IS DEAD!


The elevator came to a sudden halt and opened its doors. Midori tapped my shoulder. 

"You alright, honey?" She asked. I nodded again, pushing Suguha out of the elevator. 

"Which room is hers?" I asked. 

"I don't remember. Go ask someone." Suguha replied. I continued down the hallway until I came across a nurse. 

"Excuse me, can you tell me which room Asada Shino is in?" I asked her. 

"Of course. She's in room 264." She smiled. 

"Thank you," I said, about to walk away. 

"Are you Kazuto Kirigaya?" She stopped me. 

"Yes. Why?" I asked. 

"Oh, I was just wondering because you're her main contact. Since her family doesn't live near here, we call the closest thing to family, which is you. According to her, at least." She explained, walked away from us. I looked down at Suguha who was doing that stupid eyebrow thing. 

"Shut up," I chuckled. We continued down the hallway until we reached her room. I gestured for Minetaka to get the door. He nodded and reached for the handle, but stopped. He turned to look at me, directly in my eyes. 

"You really love her, don't you?" He asked. I was thrown off by how random the question was, but I still answer. 

"More than anything," I nodded. 

"Look, I'm not the greatest role model. I mean, Midori isn't even my first wife. Hell, I'm not your real father. But the one thing I've learned over the years? Is 'Never wait too long for something you truly desire'." Minetaka explained. "I love you, Kazuto. And I know you love that girl in there." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small paper bag. He put it into my jacket pocket and smiled. "Now, Kazuto Kirigaya, do you know what you desire?" I thought for a moment, fidgetting with the paper bag. I pulled it out and opened the top, looking inside. It's exactly what I thought it was. I looked at Minetaka with determination.

"Yes, I know exactly what I desire," I nodded firmly. 

"Then grab it, and never let it go." He said, pulling Suguha and Midori away from the door, giving me a subtle nod. I nodded back and walked into the room where Asada was. Before I went any closer, I threw out the paper bag, leaving just the object in my pocket. I continued on towards the bed, Asada was softly snoring. She sounded like a kitten. I stood next to her and admired her beautiful features, then sat in the chair next to the bed. 

"Hey, Asada," I said, softly gripping her hand. She stirred awake, taking a glance around the room, then laying her eyes on me. She smiled sweetly and sat up in the bed. 

"Kazuto." She whispered, caressing my cheek softly. I noticed the bandage across the small cut on her cheek. 

"How are you feeling?" I asked her. She lifted her hand to the bandage. 

"They disinfected it, so it stings a little. But other than that, I feel fine. What about you? I'm pretty sure that those bruises and cuts on your face hurt. I reached to my face and felt bandages, followed by a strong stinging sensation. 

"I feel just fine, only hurts when I touch them." I smiled. I looked behind her and noticed clothing on the counter. I stood up and walked over to the pile, picking it up and bringing it back to Asada. 

"Thanks. I'll use the bathroom." She smiled and walked over to the bathroom. I shook my head in shame. Why didn't I notice the damn bathroom? I sat back in the chair and put my hands in my pockets. I remembered the bag that Minetaka gave me. I pulled out the object and examined it. My mind filled with surprise as I opened the white, cube-shaped box, revealing the ring that I was going to propose to Asuna with. I closed the box and put it back into my pocket. This is what I want. I want to spend the rest of my life with Asada. I want to hold her and comfort her. I want her to have proof that I love her more than life itself. And Minetaka was right. This is the best way. I love her. And I've made up my mind. The bathroom door opened, revealing Asada in a red button-up shirt, a blue skirt, and thigh highs. She was wearing her favorite pair of Converse as well. Along with my jacket that she wore all those months ago when I made her breakfast. I didn't move out of the chair. I sat there, staring, speechless. "Wh-What? Is my skirt on weird?" She checked her outfit. 

"No, no. It's not that. I was just thinking how beautiful you look." I stood up and walked towards her. She blushed immediately. 

"Th-Thank you." She smiled. I placed my finger under her chin and lifted it up, placing my lips on hers. The kiss only lasted for about thirty seconds, but it felt like an eternity. This is it. The perfect moment. No better time than now. 

"Asada, a long time ago, I made a promise. I promised my uncle that, no matter what happened, I'd be a proud Kirigaya. I took to the name, and it kinda stuck. And here we are. Thanks to him, Kirito was born. But that's not it. I promised him one more thing. I promised him that I'd carry his name for generations. Now, I'm not one for sentimental. But that one hit me. The man has brothers with kids that could carry the name. But no, he trusted me with that task. And if you know me, you know that I never break a promise. And there's one thing I need to do before I can carry this so-called 'Kirigaya Legacy'. Asada Shino..." I got down on one knee and pulled out the white box from my pocket, opening it, revealing the tear-shaped emerald encased in a rose-gold base. I swallowed my pride, looked into her eyes, and opened my mouth. 

"Asada Shino... 

Will you marry me?" 


Hey, Familia of the Closet! It's been a hot minute, hasn't it? But oh my god, we're so close to the end. How did you like that ending? I think it went pretty well. Aside from that, I decided that there will be one more chapter, possibly two, depending on how much I decided to fit into the next one. And then, there will be an Epilogue. I've been planning this Epilogue for a while now. But anyway, thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed! Love you all!<3



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