Being Brooklyn

By livelaughluv99

15.8K 335 77

What happens when one girl gets the chance to spend time with One Direction? What if that moment becomes a ye... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
A/N (In Honor of 9/11)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 13

538 14 0
By livelaughluv99

Hey Rosies,

I''ll dedicate my previous chapter to @KaylaLindsay.

I'm dedicating this chapter to those affected by the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre.

To the survivors, to the teachers who died fighting, to the staff and faculty, to the children who will be missing more than one Christmas, to the families that have lost loved ones, to the children who have lost classmates and friends, to all the heroes who died that Friday morning. I'm so sorry to all of you.

@KaylaLindsay had guessed the song in my previous chapter correctly. It was Like I Would by Megan and Liz Mace.

On a slightly brighter note: Yay! We all survived the zombie apocalypse. But to scare our grandchildren one day, we should tell them the story of rebuilding our lives after the zombie attacks. Yeah?

Sorry I didn't get to upload sooner. But since it's my holiday break, I'll be uploading more! A few days ago, I uploaded Broken Tears, so please check it out after reading!

I hope y'all have a wonderful Christmas if I don't upload before then.

Two favorite songs of the week, Feel This Moment and the Live While We're Young Remix done by Jump Smokers, which is the YouTube video in the side bar..

What's your song of the week?

Now, go get reading. Don't forget to vote and comment afterwards!

"M'am. We have arrived in California." I opened my eyes and saw a blonde flight attendant staring back at me.

"Okay, thanks." I forced myself to smile as I unfastened my seat belt and stood up in the aisle. I reached down and picked up my tote, then I stood on my tiptoes and swung my hand around, trying to find the my duffel strap. I mentally slapped myself for pushing it back so far.

"Would you like some help with that?" I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around to find myself face to face with a pair of gorgeous, deep brown orbs.

"Stop it, Brooklyn. You just left Niall because you weren't ready for a relationship. You can't go liking this guy." My common sense scolded.

"But, being friends with him can't hurt!" My heart cried.

"No. You won't be friends with him. Unless he tries to be friends with you." My common sense said firmly.

I recognized gorgeous eyes to be the boy sitting across the aisle from me. Suddenly, I found myself staring and I looked away. A deep chuckle arose in his throat. I flushed bright red and nodded. He grabbed my duffel and handed it to me. I grabbed it, muttered a quick thank you and raced down the aisle towards the bridge.

"Wait up!" the brown haired beauty called after me. "Duffel girl!" That was his nickname for me? I spun around and placed a hand on my hip. "Ooh. We've got a sassy one over here." He laughed. His laugh was adorable. It was like a throaty, chuckle.

"You think you're funny!" I laughed lightly.

"Yes, I do think I'm funny, nameless girl." Ohmigod. Was he flirting with me?

"I do have a name." I replied curtly, before heading towards the nearby Starbucks.

"Hey! Hey! Wait up!" Chuckles, yeah, I did nickname him that, chased after me.

"One caramel macchiato with 2% milk please." I handed the cashier my credit card.

"No. I'll pay." The guy upstairs was really liking me today! The boy handed the cashier his credit card and gave me mine back. "But, I can't pay unless I get to know your name."

"Nope." I folded my arms over my chest and sighed.

He pouted and gave me a puppy dog face.

"How can any resist that?" I sighed, "I'm Brooklyn. You are?"

"Cody." He said with a proud and defiant smile.

"Nice to meet you Cody." I stuck my hand out for a shake. He engulfed my hand in his large one and shook it, my hand lingering in his for a moment too long. I pulled away and grabbed my macchiato off the counter, said yet, another thank you and sprinted down the corridor towards the luggage pick up.


Minutes later, I was standing at the front of the airport, tote slung over my shoulder, duffel bag perched on top of my suitcase. I hailed a taxi and headed off to Sophie and my old house. "Gosh. I can't stay there. People will track me down!" I thought sadly. "Well, it's not like I have a better choice. I can get a new apartment when I have enough money."


I hopped out of the taxi, handing him a twenty dollar bill and bounded down the pathway to our front door. I wiped my shoes on the mat that had once read "Home Sweet Home" but was now faded, it was a force of habit. Mom always made me and Sophie do that. I shuffled around in my tote for my house key and jammed it in the door, turning the handle.

When the door opened, I fell face flat on the hard wood floor. "Ow."

The house was eerie. It was dark and quiet, like nothing had been living there for years, even though it had only been like, what a month the most? There were spider webs everywhere, and just the thought of them were creeping me out. Just kidding, there weren't any spider webs, but it was dark, quiet and cold.

There wasn't any spirit or cheer left in our house.

I flipped on all the light switches in the house, illuminating it quickly. Then I bounded up the stairs to my old bedroom to unpack and settle back in.

*Niall's POV*

"Dear guys,

I'm sure that by the time that you all find this note, I will be long gone. I'm so sorry." I took a deep breath. "Guys she left." I started to shake as tears slipped down my cheeks. Louis stooped down to my side and started rubbing my back and Liam took the note to continue reading.

"I  love you guys so much and I'll miss you all dearly. Don't think I didn't have a wonderful time staying with you, it was much appreciated." Liam continued. By this time Harry had entered the room, carrying Lux on his hip, Paul following behind him.

"Have you guys found-" Harry stopped short. "Why's Nialler crying?" He whispered. "She's gone isn't she." He answered his own question, as he passed Lux off to Paul.

Lux reached her arms out and called, "Uncle Haarry, why can't you carry me?" To Paul she said, "Uncle Harry and Uncle Niall are crying?"

"Liam, thank you for staying up with me that night I couldn't sleep and giving me someone that I could confide in. You will always be remembered as the greatest friend someone could ask for. Take good care of the boys for me." Liam continued to read, and he forced himself to smile even though we could all tell it wasn't really there.

Liam passed the letter to Zayn, who read the part of the letter meant for him.

"Zayn, I didn't get to know you as well as I had hoped. We didn't share any bonding moments, but I hope you won't forget me my vain buddy. Maybe I will see you again soon. Continue being the beauty queen!" Zayn frowned and walked away, I think to go get a tissue.

Louis stood up and picked up the note, continuing from where Zayn stopped, "Louis, please don't give the lads any trouble. Leave the protesting for Jimmy, kay? I won't ever forget how many times you cheered me up when I was down. You always managed to take my mind off Sophie. Take pride in that." Louis' normally cheerful grin had vanished and now a solemn look had washed over his face. He looked at the ground and wiped a tear from below his eyes. By now, Harry was shaking in hysterics and I was just sitting on the floor blubbering like a cry baby.

"Harry, goodbye my cheeky lad. I will miss you dearly. I won't forget that day I woke up by falling on you. Tell Cristina that I'm sorry that we didn't get to go shopping and hangout. Maybe if I come back we can become the great friends that fate made us up to be." Louis smiled at Harry, who couldn't return the gesture.

Louis passed the note back to me. "Niall, my sweet innocent leprechaun. I will always love you with the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much for taking me on that tour of London. It was the highlight of my trip. Thank you for the pictures of us, I will always cherish them. I hope you can forgive me for all the pain you have to endure. I promise, you will find a princess that is worthy for everything I'm not." I read softly, while Liam slung his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close.

Liam took the note from my hands and continued, "Uncle Si, thank you for giving me the honor of watching the boys record. It was a moment worth remembering. Continue to guide them down the right path in life."

"Lux," At her name, the little girl peeked her head up from Paul's broad shoulder. "My sweet little cutie pie. I won't ever forget the day that you greeted me in the airport. Or the day you smacked me. Hehe. I love you always. Continue to grow into a strong woman. One day, I will be seeing you in the news for being the wonderful little lady you are."

Though she didn't understand much, the twinkle in her eyes had disappeared and she poked my cheek. "Is Uncle Ni okay?"

"Uncle Paul, thank you. Thank you for taking me in when I had nobody left. Thank you for being there for me. I love you always." Liam continued.

Even Paul, the tough guy, had shed a few tears.

"I am running away, far away, so that I won't cause you any more troubles. Don't try to look for me, I have left behind no clues. Please continue to thrive in the music industry as you all do. Tell all the band members that I'm sorry that I didn’t get to properly meet them. Thank you all for a wonderful experience, yours truly, Brooklyn Higgins" Liam struggled to finish.

"Lads, we need to find Brooklyn. I don't care if we have to stop recording this damn album. We need to find her." Niall said, sadly.


An hour later, we had our stuff packed and loaded into the car and we were headed to the airport.

"Guys, where exactly are we going? Brook said she didn't leave us any clues."

Goddamn. Louis was right. Where were we going?

Haha, I think I might have this weird obsession with Cody Christian. Is that awkward? Nah. He's really cute… LOL if any of you are wondering what that has to do with anything, Cody will be playing Cody, the guy from across the aisle.

For those of you who don't know who he is, you better get to the nearest internet resource and Google him, otherwise I just might ban you from reading this story.

Okay, also I just found this really amazing Instagram account, and she has the best fashion sense, like ever. She posts pictures from WeHeartIt and her own fashion collages. They are amazing. So go spam her with likes and follows! @stilettosintheghetto

Her goal is to have 400+ followers by January, and she only has 190 so please help her and pass it along!

I will be dedicating the next chapter to the comment that makes me smile the most. So go comment. Maybe it'll be you!

Also, I am writing another story, Broken Tears, if you guys could please check that story out as well. And I will be starting two new stories when I get further into both stories: They Call me Karma and Falling To Pieces, which I have prologues, introductions, and a first chapter up. Please check them out!

Don't forget to follow my Twitter: @livlaughluv99 (without the E in live)and my Instagram: @livelaughluv99 (with the E in live).

Yours truly,


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