My Hero, Your Villain

By Kimi_Aoi

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A Boku No Hero Academia Fanfic for my fellow Weebs out there... This is my first book and I hope you'll like... More



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By Kimi_Aoi

Date: 02/14/21

(A/N: Well I guess I'll be just posting some text of BNHA, cause I can't find anything that fits the part. :P)

Ashido's POV

Tomorrow is summer, my favorite season of the year, even though I love all seasons. But the real question is, will the tragic that happen last summer come again? Ugh! I don't want that to happen. If it will, please not on our class, maybe Monoma will be a great victim. Sigh.

"Mina-chan? Daijoubu?" Yaoyorozu-chan asked with a worried expression.

"Hai! I just remembered what happen last summer." I said starting to feel gloomy.

"You shouldn't remember those kind of things Mina. Those are bad memories." Kirishima-kun said. The way he tells it is so cute, I can't resist it, he's way to cute.

"Said by the person who definitely will risk he's life even if he doesn't have any experience from the Shigaraki Tomura." Kaminari-kun reminded.

"Shush. Don't remind that to her." Kirishima-kun said putting a finger in front of his lips signaling him to be quiet.

"Well, like that's the reason why All Might loosed his quirk." Sero-kun said.

"It didn't." Bakugo-kun said while reading his book.

"Huh?" Todoroki-kun asked.

"No one is at fault. Neither Shitty hair, Half n' half, Four eyes, Ponytail, nor Deku." Bakugo-kun said.

"So, you don't regret being saved by them too?" I asked.

"Like I have any other options." Bakugo-kun answered.

"Didn't you blame yourself for being a burden to All Might?" Todoroki-kun asked.

"Well, even though I blamed everything to myself, it won't change a thing. Even if I were saved or not, All Might will still lose his quirk any way." Bakugo-kun said still reading his book.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Kaminari-kun asked.

"I may be saved or not, All Might will still lose his quirk because he is facing All for One after all. But if you didn't save me, he will have a bigger problem to deal." Bakugo-kun said closing his book.

"So..." Sero-kun started.

"You don't regret being saved by us?" Kirishima-kun asked with a smile.

"No." Bakugo-kun answered.

"Even though Izuku-kun is the one who planned everything?" Yaoyorozu-chan asked.

"Yes." Bakugo-kun answered while standing.

"Eh?" Midoriya-kun said with his eyes starting to form tears of happiness.

"Oh, fuck shit, what the fuck have I done?" We heard Bakugo-kun murmured.

"Kacchan!" Midoriya-kun slightly shouted while running towards Bakugo-kun.

"STAY AWAY YOU DAMN NERD!!" Bakugo-kun shouted while using his quirk for defense.

"KACCHAN! DON'T BE SHY! KACCHAN!!" Midoriya-kun shouted trying to hug him.

Ahh. I wish everything will be alright tomorrow. Ahh. I can't wai-


The door suddenly opened revealing a lazy Aizawa-sensei.

"Everyone. Shut. The. Fuck. Up." Aizawa-sensei said while entering the dorm.

Everyone of us gulped from fear, well, except for Midoriya-kun and Bakugo-kun for what-so-ever reason why.

"We all be going to a far, far, Far, FAR, FAR place this summer." Aizawa-sensei stated.

'That's a lot of Far don't you think?' I said to myself.

"And you'll only know it after we get there." Aizawa-sensei continued.

'What's the use of not telling us? I doubt the league won't know where it is.' I thought again.

"We'll be leaving 8 in the morning tomorrow. So, all of you get ready, we'll be leaving behind the late students." Aizawa-sensei warned us.

'What?! No fair!!' I thought to myself again.

"We'll be having another guest, again, you'll know them once we get there too." Aizawa-sensei informed us.

'Hm, who could that be?' I asked to myself.

"This we'll be a week summer camp. If anything happens, rush your way back here. Even if it means to leave someone behind." Aizawa-sensei informed us one last time.

'Huh? Something is not right with that statement. I don't know what is it.' I told myself with curiosity.

"Well, that's all. Everyone pack-up and wake up early. We- no, I. Don't. Give. A. Shit. If. You. Are. Late. We will leave you and suffer for not waking up early." Aizawa-sensei warned us and left the place. Everyone is so silent not until someone spoke up with a weird topic.

"You guys should stop talking to yourself while Aizawa-sensei is talking." Midoriya-kun said.

"Huh? What 'cha mean by that Midoriya-kun?" Kirishima-kun said. I think he's sweating from nervousness.

'I guess I'm not the only one talking to myself in mind while someone is talking.' I thought one last time.

"It's written all over your faces guys. It's so obvious. It's even written what you are thinking." Midoriya-kun explained.

"Eh?! Really?!" Kaminari-kun asked.

"Yeah. You were thinking like 'Isn't that too far? What's the use of not telling us? I doubt the league know where it is. What? Who is it!' I think something like that." He said with a smile.

"Midoriya-kun..." Sero-kun said with a frustrated face.

"Hmm?" Midoriya-kun hummed facing our direction.

"Do you have a quirk that can read minds?" Sero-kun asked with an unhappy face.

"No. I'm just good at observing." Midoriya-kun giggled.

Me, Kaminari-kun, Kirishima-kun and Sero-kun were silent. It's obvious that the four of us thought the same thing.

"Well, let's get packing and go to sleep." Yaoyorozu-chan said.

"We don't want to get scolded by Aizawa-sensei." Todoroki-kun said while leaving the place.

"Oyasuminasai." Midoriya-kun said leaving with Bakugo-kun.

"Oyasumi!" I waved good night to them.

"Oyasumi!" Kirishima said while the other two just waved back.

Time-skip brought to you by Ashido's Horns⏲

*Ashido's POV*

"Ahh. Where do you think our summer camp would be?" I said while taking my seat. We haven't left yet cause Aizawa-sensei, yes, the mighty strict Aizawa-sensei, forgot his sleeping bag.

"Something far away from here I'm sure." Kirishima-kun answered my question while seating besides me. The only response I can give was a sigh, but before I can speak to him, Kaminari-kun spoked up to him first.

I sighed one more time. I've always had a crush on Kirishima-kun, since we were in middle school. The fact that he changed his hair to look like his own hero to looked up on. Thinking of him really makes me smile on public. But not until someone interrupts me.

"What 'cha smiling for Mina-chan~?" Jiro-chan asked in front of me in a teasing tone. Everyone knew who I had a crush on, well, except for the person I had a crush on of course. Now here I am being teased by Kaminari and Jiro that's just sitting in front of us cause the person sitting besides me is my crush.

"Well, how 'bout you Kyoka-chan~? Aren't you way to comfortable in there~?" I teased back. Jiro-chan had a crush on Kaminari-kun and all of us, except him, knows it too.

"You know what? I always envy you. I wish I known him since I was young." Jiro-chan said while taking her sit back.

"Well, I envy you too y'know. I wish he looks at me like that too." I said and I noticed that the two boys besides us are confused.

"What are you guys talking about?" Kaminari-kun asked.

"Nothing~." Jiro-chan answered.

"You guys are weird. Well, let's change the topic before it gets weirder." Kirishima-kun suggested.

"Remember All Might's birthday?" Sero-kun asked joining the conversation with us.

"Yeah! He was so surprised he even spitted blood!" Kaminari-kun said.

"But he always spits blood what ever he do." Jiro-chan said while laughing

"Oh! You guys remembered the time we joined the surprise party for Kaibara-kun from Class B?" I said.

"Oh! The time where Monoma accidentally tripped and dropped the cake into Kendo?" Sero-kun asked.

"Yeah! Kendo was so mad he almost killed him!" Kirishima-kun said and the five of us laughed.

"Well, let's don't forget my birthday!" Hagakure-chan reminded.

"Oh yeah! We were so dumb that we forgotten that you were invincible and spoiled everything right in front of you." Kaminari-kun sighed while the rest of us laughed from our stupidity.

"Well, Sato's birthday was so lit. All of us gonna have cavities if he wasn't there. A whole table filled with a thousand three layers cake!" Jiro-chan said.

"Yeah! We're glad that he showed up. I thought we'll be starting a cake shop." I said and the six of us laughed.

"Well, how 'bout Juzo's birthday?" Kaminari-kun asked. The time we started the party he was asleep so he didn't joined the fun.

"Because of sheer happiness, he accidentally activated his quirk while holding the cake." I said while laughing.

"Well, what's worse than this boy's birthday." Jiro-chan said pointing at Kaminari-kun.

"He electrified himself and fainted after the surprise!" Hagakure-chan said and all of us, except Kaminari-kun, started laughing.

"What 'cha expect to happen?" Kaminari exclaimed.

"But Shinso-kun is such a bummer." Hagakure-chan pouted out.

"Yeah! We weren't even done and the he suddenly showed up leaving all of us in shock." I said.

"Well, Present Mic's birthday is so loud that even Aizawa-sensei locked him up to a sound proof cage." Sero-kun said and all of us laughed.

"But isn't Midoriya's birthday a little bit sad?" Kirishima-kun said whit a glum expression.

"Yeah. Despite of being the same birthday as the happy and smiley Mirio-senpai, even though everything is all referenced by All Might, everything didn't went well as to planned." Hagakure-chan said.

What did we do wrong? Everything went to according to plan. How did we fail Midoriya-kun's birthday?


*Ashido's POV*

It was July 15 and we are planning a surprise party for Midoriya-kun and Mirio-senpai. I can't wait! I keep squealing and squealing, I'm too excited for this. We're going to make a birthday party for the two best heroes and the #1 fan of All Might.

"Okay!" Sero-kun said looking at me.

"LET'S GET STARTED!!" I shouted with joy.

"Bring all the All Might pictures and let's display it everywhere!" Kirishima-kun said.

"This is one hell of a birthday party!" Kaminari-kun said.

"Are you guys really doing this?" Bakugo-kun asked.

"Well, of course Bakugo-kun. We always do this." I said.

"Well this isn't only Midoriya-kun's surprise party, Mirio-senpai is included." Kirishima-kun followed.

"Well, good luck in dragging Izuku here." Bakugo-kun said while walking out of the place.

"Did he just say Izuku?" Kaminari-kun asked.

"That's your problem?" I said with sarcasm but he just giggled it out.

"What does he mean drag him here?" Sero-kun asked.

"Yeah, I thought the same. We can't even see the both of them in any birthday parties in here." Kirishima-kun said.

"Well, don't be such a bummer, you guys!" Kendo-chan said. Yes, the Class B will be joining us, even Shinso-kun is joining.

"We're here to give a smile to Izuku, tears of joy and happiness." Yaoyorozu-chan said.

"So, let's go and finish the set-up." Shiozaki-chan said.

"Sure! Let's go!" I said joining the preparation.

It took as an hour and a half to finish the preparation. I mean, there's a lot of people here, and the senpai's and Eri too are helping us from keeping Midoriya-kun and Mirio-senpai away not until the surprise is finish.


We heard someone knocked in the door, we looked at the direction seeing Nejire-senpai and Amajki-senpai coming in.

"Guys! Togata-kun is coming with Eri! Let's get ready!" Nejire-senpai informed us.

"C'mon guys! Let's hide!" Kaminari-kun said.

All of us hide from our places, it can be in the couch, the kitchen, the table, and everywhere, Amajiki-senpai hid behind the door because of his laziness.

We heard the door open and saw Eri-chan and then-

"SURPRISE!" Everyone in the room shouted. Mirio-senpai has a surprised face in him, but he got more surprise when Amajiki-senpai came to him at his back

"Happy Birthday Mirio." Amajiki-senpai greeted Mirio-senpai.

"You really know where to hide don't you think Tamaki-kun?" Mirio-senapi giggled and then the party started.

It's been an hour, no, maybe 3, since Mirio-senpai came in but Midoriya-kun isn't still here.

"It's been more than an hour but Midoriya-kun isn't here yet." I said.

"Yeah. Don't you think Bakugo-kun is right?" Kirishima-kun said.

"Please don't. We did all our best to make Midoriya-kun happy but he won't show up. Dude, no, that'll hurt my kokoro." Kaminari-kun pouted.

"But if he won't come, we'll ask him. But for now, let's have fun and wait for him." Sero-kun said.

"Yeah!" I said joining in.

The party is almost finish and Midoriya-kun is still isn't here.

"Well, we gotta go!" Nejire-senpai said.

"Say Happy Birthday to Izuku-kun for us, your senpai's and Eri!" Mirio-senpai said.

"Sayonara." Amajiki-senpai said while carrying Eri-chan.

"SAYONARA!" Eri-chan shouted in Amajiki-senpai's arms.

"Sayonara!" We all waved good bye to the four.

"Where do you think is Izuku-kun?" Yaoyorozu-chan asked.

"I'm sure there's a big explanation why he isn't here in any parties, most definitely his own." Kendo-chan said.

"I told you." Bakugo-kun said from our back.

"Huh?" Todoroki-kun asked in confusion.

"You better clean-up before Eraser-head comes here." Bakugo-kun said turning his back from us.

"Huh? Why?" Shinso-kun asked.

"Izuku won't come. He will never come. It's been like that for nine years. And it'll always be." Bakugo-kun said while leaving the place, again.

"What the fuck is he saying? Izuku won't come. He will never come. It's been like that for nine years. And it'll always be. What the fuck! Give me a cake and let me smash it in his face." Monoma-kun said.

"What does he mean by that guys? All I know that Bakugo and Midoriya are childhood friends." Kendo-chan asked.

"We..." I started.

"We don't know either." Kirishima-kun finished it for me.

"Then give me a cake and I'll sm-" Monoma-kun was cut off by a vine.

"Let's get cleaning then." Shiozaki-chan said.

And all of us started to clean-up the place, well of course, except Monoma-kun, he's planning on smashing the cake on Bakugo-kun once he escaped so the first thing we clean and put on the fridge is the cake. After an hour we're all done and rested in the living room.

"We should stay here for a while, can we?" Kendo-chan asked.

"Sure! We'll be glad to have your company!" Yaoyorozu-chan said. The two of them are like sisters, so cute!!!

"And once Midoriya is here I'll kick his ass an- WHAT THE IBARA STOP!! WAIT NO DO-" Monoma was tied by a vine and sealed his mouth by a tape.

We heard the door open and someone muttering, we all looked at the door and saw Midoriya-kun.

"Stupid Jin-kun. Stupid Tenko-kun. Stupid Touya-kun. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. The four of them are stupid." We all heard Midoriya-kun muttered.

"Midoriya-kun!" Kirishima-kun said bringing back his attention to the world.

"Oh! Guys, what's up? And what is he planning?" Midoriya-kun asked and pointed to Monoma-kun.

"Well, we were wo-"


I said but I was cut off by the door and saw Aizawa-sensei.

"Oi. Problem child." Aizawa-sensei called Midoriya-kun. It's obvious that it's Midoriya 'cause he always call him the cause of all his problems. Midoriya-kun sighed.

"Don't you sigh at me. Come here and let's talk." Aizawa-sensei used his capturing tape to drag Midoriya-kun out of the place.

"Don't you think Aizawa-sensei is calling Midoriya-kun to talk is too much? I mean, he always talks to him every day, EVERY day." Kirishima-kun asked highlighting the word every.

"Yeah. I think so too." I said.

End of Flashback

*Ashido's POV*

Thinking of it makes me even sadder. I yawned out and I think Kirishima-kun heard it, I just shrugged it off, I really don't care for now, I mean we woke up so early, ow I'm so sleepy. Let me just sleep for a while.

And the next thing that happened I fell asleep.

*Kaminari's POV*

"So, what are you planning to do, Ashido?" Jiro-kun asked but it's not her who answered.

"Uh. I think Mina-chan is asleep." Kirishima-kun said. We both looked behind and saw Ashido-kun sleeping beside Kirishima-kun.

"Oh." We both said in the same time and took our seat. Once we were seated, we looked at each other and smirked. I took out my phone and chatted Sero-kun.

I looked at Jiro-kun and we both nodded. We peeked at the little space in between our seat and saw a floating shirt, well, of course we know who it is, Hagakure-kun, and Sero-kun peeking behind the seat.

We waited for her to push Ashido-kun's head into Kirishima-kun's shoulder. After a few seconds, we noticed her head moved its way into his shoulder. We all took our seat and I texted Sero-kun again.

We peeked back behind our seat and saw Kirishima-kun sleeping. Well would you look at that, it's our lucky day! We all took pictures. A picture of a pink girl and a shark boi sleeping. Time to post it on Snapchat.

(A/N: *insert picture of Ashido and Kirishima sleeping while Sero and Kaminari photobomb in there that was post on Snapchat* Well I can't find a picture so yeah.)

What should I caption? Ah! I know! 'Shipping two horned buddies :P'. Hah! They'll kill me if they saw this.

I looked back behind me and saw Sero-kun holding a marker.

"What should I write?" Sero-kun asked.

"How 'bout 'My crush' and an arrow below it pointing at each other?" Jiro-kun suggested.

"Sure." Sero-kun said and write in their foreheads. Written on Kirishima-kun's forehead 'My crush' and an arrow bellow it pointing at Ashido-kun. Same goes to Ashido-kun's forehead but pointing at Kirishima-kun.

We took a lot of pictures and post it on Snapchat. Oh, we're gonna die if this two see this. Well, this'll be a long ride, might go to sleep too.

Time-skip brought to you by Dunce Face

*Ashido's POV*

I woke up feeling I'm leaning on something. I opened my eyes and looked up and saw a sleeping Kirishima-kun, and then I realized that I was sleeping on his shoulder a while ago. I looked at the time and it was 9:20.

'It only took me an hour and a half to sleep peacefully, huh?' I thought.

I looked around me and realized that almost everyone is asleep. I saw Midoriya-kun staring outside the bus with a sleeping Uraraka-chan on his shoulder behind Aizawa-sensei's seat. Todoroki-kun and Yaoyorozu-chan talking besides Midoriya-kun's seat. And Bakugo-kun glaring at Midoriya-kun behind Todoroki-kun's seat.

I peeked in front of my seat and saw Kaminari-kun with a charger on his mouth that is connected on Jiro-chan's phone that is connected to her, maybe listening to music, the two of them look so cute together, most definitely while sleeping.

I peeked behind me and saw Sero-kun on his phone while Hagakure-chan sleeping.

"Psst." I called out to Sero-kun. He looked up and saw my horn.

"You know that I can see your horns, right?" He said.

"I did that on purpose. So, you've been awake the whole time?"

"Nah, I slept like for half an hour, I guess. How long did you sleep?"

"Just an hour and half. How far do you think the place is?"

"Dunno. If it's near, they'll let us leave at 10 or 10:30."

"We'll be there in 5 minutes!" We heard Aizawa-sensei.

"Then what's the use of leaving so early?" I asked.

"You kids are clumsy, most definitely the four of you, and you know who." He said. I looked at Sero-kun.

"Me, you, Kirishima and Kaminari." He said.

"Rude." I said.

"You should wake up everyone, will be there any second now." Aizawa-sensei commanded.

"Hai!" Everyone said. The time we're gonna wake up everyone, the bus stopped.

"Okay. You awake extra's get out." Bakugo-kun said.

"Kacchan? Naze?" Midoriya-kun asked.

"Just. Get. Out." Bakugo-kun commanded.

"Hai." Midoriya-kun agreed. We all get out of the bus and the next thing we know-


A loud explosion came from the bus.

"Who let him do the job on waking all them up?" Aizawa-sensei asked.

"C'mon it's summer." Midoriya-kun said while walking. We all looked at Aizawa-sensei glaring at Midoriya-kun and gave all of us some chills.

I looked back at the bus and saw a half conscious Kirishima-kun and Kaminari-kun being kicked by Bakugo-kun out of the bus.

"Well, at least everyone is awake now." Sero-kun joked.

"Yeah." I laughed with him. I looked back at my three friends but I noticed something written on Kirishima-kun's forehead.

"Sero-kun. What's written on Kirishima-kun's forehead?" I asked.

"Uh, ask Kaminari." Sero-kun said while walking away from the place. I looked at Kaminari-kun smiling at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He answered while walking away to Sero-kun. Not until I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked behind me and saw Yaoyorozu-chan holding a mirror and pointing at her forehead.

I took the mirror and checked my forehead and saw something written, 'My crush' with an arrow pointing to the left on the bottom of it. That's when it hit me.

"KAMINARI DENKI! SERO HANTA!" I shouted. When they heard me shout their name, they started to run away and I chase them.

'Oh, those two are dead!' I thought.

*3rd Person's POV*

"It's so nice to see them energetic." A boy said.

"Yeah." A girl replied.

"Well, not until evening comes." Another boy said joining the conversation.

"Your right." The first boy said with a sad tone.

"You better tell them now." The girl said.

"Sure, let me just call them." The boy replied.


A phone started ringing from nowhere.

"Moshi moshi?" A girl said on the phone.

"Oha-" The boy was cut of by someone in the phone.

"Give me that! What 'cha want?" A man asked.

"Nothing. Just reminding you about something that'll happen at 8 in the evening."

"Don't worry. We'll be there in two hours and a half early form the designated time, okay?"

"Well, that's good to hear. Sayo-" But before the boy could say goodbye he was hung up.


It's a normal summer in U.A. and the students. But what awaits them in this peaceful summer? And who are these strangers talking? What are they planning? Would this affect the students? Or maybe even worse? Stay tuned for more.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A/N: *word count: 3671*


Izuku: Kon'nichiwa!

Heh. Sorry for the late update guys.

Izuku: Aoi-chan's internet connection went crazy but everything is okay!

Well, now here's an update for everyone who is reading my book!

Izuku: This chapter is unexpectedly long too, don't you think Aoi-chan?

*sighs* I know! All the chapters I made using MS Word usually takes only four to five pages. While this one took nine pages. But not only this chapter, even chapter three!

Neito: I'm shock that you didn't lose your temper while making a lot of pages in one chapter.

Hitoshi: Well, what's about the next chapter?

Oh! About the next chapter! It's just a continuation of this chapter.

Shoto: If Aoi-chan made the two chapters into one, the word count will be more than 6, 000 words.

Momo: You're right!

Denki: You're amazing Aoi-chan! *thumbs up*


Katsuki: Well, how are you doing Aoi-chan? How 'bout your grades? Aren't they failing? Didn't you escaped us when we tried to teach you? I'm shock that you didn't fail any class. Or maybe you hid it from us?

*sweats* He he he.

Izuku: Let's not talk about that!

Ejiro: Do you have any compliments in the latest chapter of Boku No Hero Academia, Aoi-chan?

*hyped* The story is great! There is just one tiny problem.

Mina: What is it Aoi-chan?

*down-hearted* It's killing me virtually.

Tetsu: Aoi-chan. Please don't cry.

*tears starting to form*

Itsuka: Aoi-chan. Please don't.

*tears rolling down*

Ibara: Aoi-chan. No.

*more tears*

Tsuyu: Aoi-chan.

*cries loudly*

Izuku: Aoi-chan! No! *hugs her and cry with her*

Ochako: Aoi-chan!! *hugs and cry with her*

*unstoppable crying* *Tetsu, Denki, Ejiro, Mina, Tsuyu, Tooru, Momo, Pony, Itsuka went to hug her and some cried with her*

Katsuki: *sighs* Well, that's all for today.

Neito: The next chapter is just a continuation of today's chapter!

Hitoshi: Most of it will be No one's POV

Shoto: That's all for today! Stay tuned for more updates! Arigatogozaimashita! Sayonara!

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