Bereft (h.s)

By tpwk-gatsby

376K 7.9K 4.1K

Alycia is making a name for herself in the music world after one of her songs goes into the top 5 on billboar... More

1. Carolina is my favorite.
2. Lovely to be an inspiration.
3. Thats the last time I do drugs.
4. Little one.
5. Be Careful Alycia.
6. What do you wanna know little one?
7. Take it away little one.
8. I can be nice you know
9. Don't have to tell me twice.
10. An aquaintance.
11. Whatever you want baby.
12. I like having you around.
13. I really needed it.
14. Love, D.
15. I gave you one job.
16. Whats his name?
17. You live in daydreams with me.
18. The truth isnt always the best option.
19. Always.
20. What page is that?
21. Lets go.
22. Who's gonna cave first?
23. No funny business.
24. Would she not like it?
26. Chester.
27. I like you a lot.
28. Alycia...
29. All my days.
30. So pretty.
31. Push.
32. Always got me.
33. Did he just say...
34. Maybe more than like...
35. Rockstar.
36. From the Dining Table.
37. Won't get tired.
38. Harlem Shake.
39. Right now.
40. Let myself be.
41. It's what we do.
42. Close.
43. Two More.
44. Party.
45. Where Do I Go From Here?
46. Not telling me.
47. I need you.
48. Baby.
49. Names.
50. Promise.
51. Never Be.
52. Come A Little Bit Closer.
53. Finally.
54. Well, I love you.
55. Opposite.
56. Leave it.
57. Why wouldn't it be?
58. It's Still There.
59. Always Knew Better.
60. Tomorrow Will Be Better.
61. Have the time of your life.
62. Good girl.
63. I Dont Think Im Okay.
64. Hate Me.
65. Back To Myself.
66. I'm Back.
67. Nice.
68. Hands On The Wheel.
69. Lose It.
70. A Friend.
71. That's Love.
72. Hypochondriac.
73. Vulnerable.
74. Can't Be It.
75. Sense of Home.
76. Some Are.
77. Alright, fuck it.
78. London.
79. Surprise.
80. Dreaming.
81. Lets go.
82. More.
83. Ya'Aburnee.
84. 'Till death do us part.

25. Content.

4.9K 113 46
By tpwk-gatsby

So there is a POV change for the first time in this story at the very end. Just a heads up so you don't get confused :) this chapter is one of my favorites

Chapter 25

Alycia's Pov.

I woke up to very loud knocking on my front door.

I groaned as my phone rang at the same time so I grabbed it first before getting up to go to the door.

"Hello?" I answered. "I'm at the door. Quick, open up! You're gonna be late!" Candice exclaimed on the other side of the phone and I winced at the loud voice coming through my phone.

"Candice it's still morning. The video shoot isn't until 4pm." I groaned over the phone as I opened up the front door and hung up the phone.

"Yes. But I have to go over some last minute things with you. Also, I brought your two outfits for the final fit. We need to make sure they fit so if they don't, I can take them back by the costume designer so she can fix them before the shoot at 4." She said and walked in with a huge smile and way too much energy.

I groaned and closed the door.

The next hour was spent trying on clothes and going over some last minute music video things while also laying things out for a potential tour in the next few months. Not necessarily laying things out but just pitching some ideas. I still have a whole album to release.

A knock on my front door interrupted us and she gave me a stern look.

"Who is here? We have work to do." "Work you didn't give me a heads up on. Also, can we wrap this up? I need to shower." I said as I walked to the front door.

I opened it to see Harry standing there with a smug smile and a Starbucks coffee that he had drawn a heart on with a sharpie. In his other hand he had a plastic bag that I assumed had food in it.

"Good morning rockstar. It's video shoot day." He said and I chuckled. "Oh my gosh Harry." I said with a smile as the site in front of me tugged on my heart strings.

He smirked and walked in, swiftly wrapping an arm around my waist and kissing my lips.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled into the kiss.

"You look gorgeous." He complimented and I laughed. "I look like shit. But thank you."

He pulled away and closed the door shut with his foot before handing me the coffee.

"This is for you. And then I got us breakfast from Toast." He stated and I smiled so big that I was trying to hide it. " didn't have to do this." I said and he shrugged before walking towards the kitchen with me following.

"It's an exciting day for you. And since I can't come-" He said and side eyed me while he sat everything on the counter because i'm the one who told him he can't come. "i wanted to at least be here before you go. Video shoots are always big and exciting days. Well, they are for me atleast." He shrugged and I smiled.

He loves the creative process of the music industry. As do I. But most people in the industry, i've come to realize, care more about how far their song will go in terms of numbers. They all seem to just want a number one song and don't even really put their heart in the songs they're writing. I've seen some of Harry's videos as well and they're extremely thought out and they all have very unique concepts. It's beautiful to see how he takes it so seriously and really enjoys it at the same time. So to hear him say he gets really excited on video shoot days just makes me smile.

"Yeah, it's exciting for me too." I agreed and he smiled as he opened the bag of food.

"Oh shit!" I whispered yelled and he gave me a concerned look with knitted brows. "What?" "Candice is here. Like in my living room."

His eyebrows furrowed as if he didn't know what that's supposed to mean for the current moment.

"Alycia!" She yelled from the living room and Harry smirked.

"Well, I didn't bring her food but she can gladly have mine." He stated and I shook my head. "Cruella Deville has been up for a while and already eaten. But that's nice of you." I said and he laughed. "Can I meet her? It'd be kinda awkward if I didn't considering she right in there." He said and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Fine. C'mon." I said as I grabbed my food and coffee to walk into the living room.

"Who was at the door?" Candice asked as I entered the living room but she didn't look up from her Ipad.

I stayed silent and when she looked up, she noticed Harry and he smiled at her while I sat back on the couch.

"Oh..." She trailed off and I smirked at her reaction. She obviously knows who he is.

"I'm Harry. Your Candice right? It's lovely to meet you." He said as he bent down to give her a hug and she chuckled shyly.

I knitted my eyebrows together as I sipped my coffee at this interaction. Since when is Cruella Deville shy? Does she have a thing for Harry? I mean I know she's like late 40's but that's never stopped anyone before. It could just be her thing.

"You too. I'm just a bit confused." She said with a chuckle and looked at me but I was already biting into my egg toast Harry had gotten me. I've never gotten this before but it looked fucking banging and I was so excited just at the looks of it.

I took a bite out of the toast and Harry came to sit near me on the couch. I looked back at Candice and she was raising her eyebrows in curiosity.

Harry offered her some food in which she politely declined but she still looked so confused.

"So you two know each other?" She asked and I nodded with a mouthful. "And I just didn't know that?" She asked again and I confirmed her question with a nod again.

I swallowed the food and sipped my coffee.

"Look Cruella, I love you but when have you ever asked me about who I hang out with?" I asked her and she rolled her eyes.

"Okay true. But I usually know at least who your friends are. You usually mention them at least once. So i'm assuming this is...a music friendship? Do you two write together?" She asked and I nodded. "Yeah...among other things." I said with a shrug and I didn't look at Harry but I knew he was smirking. He wanted me to say something along those lines more than just, 'he's a friend.'

She smirked herself but just nodded.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Harry. Are you coming to the shoot today?" She asked him and he shook his head as he swallowed his mouthful of food. "Due to her wishes, no. It'll be a nice surprise for me when it comes out though. I'll be excited to see." He said and I couldn't help but smile.

'It'll be a nice surprise for me', as if this was something he was really excited about. Fuck, he's really making my heart swell today.

"Well that's nice. I think you seem more excited than her." She said and he chuckled but I just glared at her. "I am excited. I was just woken up from a great sleep to you calling and pounding on my door at 9am telling me that I was late for a video shoot that's not for like 5 or 6 more hours." I said with raised brows and took another bite of my toast.

"If you can't already tell, she's a handful." Candice said to Harry and he shook his head with a smirk. "Oh trust me, I know."

I nudged him with my knee and kept eating. I don't even want to look at Candice because I know she's going to have a lot to say about this later. More like, she's gonna ask me a million and one questions about this.

"You two are the handfuls actually." I said and sipped my coffee. I watched her eyes go to my coffee cup as I sat it down and she was looking at the heart he drew.

I looked at Harry nonchalantly and he gave me a cheeky smile and I couldn't help but smile back with a laugh. We just smile a lot around each other. He genuinley brings out the best in me. I hate it. I love it but like fuck I hate it. You know?

I looked back at Candice and she was looking at us with pursed lips smile and I could tell she knew something was up.

After I finished eating, I tried on my last outfit which fit perfectly and Harry loved watching us. He just looked so content with watching me try on these clothes and talk about business.

Soon enough Candice left and I was left dressed in my pajamas again, laying with Harry on the couch.

We were watching The Golden Girls on the living room tv and his hands were stroking my hair lightly as my back was pushed up to his front on the couch.

"Have you showered?" I asked and broke the comfortable silence. "Not today. I did last night." He said and I nodded. "Why do you ask little one? Do you think I need one?" He teased and I shook my head. "I just need one..." I trailed off and his hands started lightly massaging my neck.

"Mhm...and.." He questioned with a calm but teasing voice. "And I was gonna see if you wanted to join." I asked quietly and suddenly I felt his lips press to my neck in a soft kiss.

"Absofuckinglutely." He whispered in my ear and I bit my lip to hide my smile. "Now?" "Yeah. Now." He mumbled into my neck with a chuckle and I grabbed his hand as I stood up, leading him down the hall to my bathroom in my room.

I let go of his hand and turned on the water in the shower to a warm setting.

I turned around and Harry was looking at me with a very content look again. He just looked at peace in this moment and it put me at ease. I'm nervous about today because I don't like being the center of attention and obviously starring in your music video makes you just that; the center of attention. But right now, seeing him look so peaceful, calmed all my nerves.

He stepped forward and put his fingers on the bottom of my t-shirt and looked me in the eye as I lifted up my arms, giving him permission to pull it over my head. He smirked lightly and pulled it over my head, throwing it on the ground in the corner and I followed his moves when I grabbed the ends of his shirt.

He gave me a toothless smile and lifted his arms over his head and I laughed as I pulled it up over his head. I laughed when I struggled to get it over his arms before I tossed it on top of my shirt on the ground.

He stepped forward again and pecked my lips sweetly before he grabbed my shorts and pushed them down my legs. I had put on shorts when Candice was here so I wasn't just in panties but usually I just sleep in a big t-shirt.

Before I could grab his pants to undo them, he hooked his fingers in my underwear and slipped them down until they fell down my legs and I tossed them to the pile of clothes on the ground with my foot.

He took a deep breathe as he glanced over my naked figure entirely until his eyes met mine again. I let my fingers go to his pants and I undid them before pushing them down. I crouched down to push them all the way down and he lightly chuckled, making me smile.

I looked up at him and he sighed with a smile. I reached up for his boxers now and pulled them down completely as he followed my actions when he tossed them to the pile of clothes with our others.

I stood back up and his hands pushed against my lower back so I was pushed right up to his naked body and he leaned down to kiss me.

His warm and plump lips melted into mine so perfect. It wasn't a long kiss but it wasn't a rushed kiss either. When he pulled away, he opened the shower door and stepped in before lending his hand out, which I took and walked in after him.

"I'm really happy I met you Alycia." He said in a quiet tone and his eyes searched mine as if he was trying to find something inside them.

My body felt warm when he said those words to me and I sighed.

"I'm happy I met you too Harry...really happy." I said quietly back and he suddenly leaned down to connect our lips again and my arms wrapped around his neck. Our lips moved against each others while water streamed down between us, mixing in with our kiss but we couldn't care less. In this moment, we were both just happy to be here.

After about three hours we had showered, dried our hair, done a face mask together, played with Jasper, laid on my bed making out like teenagers and just sat in each others company watching Drake & Josh before I had to fully get ready and leave for the video shoot.

"So i'll see you tomorrow?" Harry asked as we stood in the lobby of my apartment building. I sighed and nodded and he frowned a bit. "What's wrong? You're still coming with me tomorrow right?" He asked and I nodded.

I just wrapped my arms around his neck in a hug and he hugged me tight back.

"What's wrong?" "Nothing." I answered honestly because nothing is wrong. I just wish I'd be with him tonight. I like sleeping with him. Not like that. Just literally sleeping. I sleep better with him and it's unfortunate because I don't like getting used to things like that but it's been two days without sleeping with him and I just miss him. Ugh, I hate this. I'm really starting to like him.

"Call me when you get done if you find you don't wanna sleep alone." He said, startling me out of my thoughts and my eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Did he just read my mind?

I nodded a little hesitantly because I can't believe he just said that when that's literally what i was thinking.

"I will. Thanks for today Harry. I had fun." I stated and he gave me the most genuine smile and pecked my lips. "Me too." He whispered.

"Kill it today. You're gonna have a blast. Don't let the nerves get you. Okay? You'll enjoy it. Don't forget, you can call me tonight." He said as he slowly unwrapped himself from me.

I had told him I was a bit nervous about this video earlier and he tried reassuring me all day that it'll be great and i'll have fun. It was just nice to hear him really trying to help me.

"I will. Bye, be safe." I said to him and he returned the same last words before leaving.

Why do I feel like crying? What is going on? Fuck i'm so emotional. I was doing fucking facial masks with him and drying his hair this morning. We laid on my bed and did nothing but make out. We didn't even take it anywhere sexual in the shower. We were just so content with being with each other all today and I haven't felt that in...well, I don't know if I've ever truly felt that. I feel like I can't even focus on today because now all i'm going to think about is this. Fuck feelings. This is such a bitch. But's also such a warm feeling.

He was extra calm and collected today. I hope everything is okay with him. He was also clinging to me like he really hasn't before. I adored every minute of it, but now looking on it, I hope he's okay.

I drove myself to the studio where part of the video shoot is and parked my car. The other part is going to be tonight at a carnival that they rented out for this specific reason so that's actually exciting. I love carnivals.

I took a deep breathe before grabbing all my things and walking in.

As soon as I met with everyone and the girl who's going to be in the video with me, I instantly got more comfortable. I actually got excited. Harry was right, I think I just might have a blast with this shit.

Once we got started with the video, I was actually having so much fun. Sammy, the girl playing in the video with me, and I were hitting it off so well. I literally feel like we've been friends forever.

It was now midnight and we had moved to the carnival. We still had a few more clips to film but they were wanting to save them for a different day. So basically the video shoot would take another day.

"How about tomorrow?" Candice suggested and I shook my head. "I can't tomorrow."

I have Harry's thing I promised him i'd go to.

"I can Sunday though." I said and Candice gave me a strange look as to why I couldn't do it tomorrow but we sorted it all out and decided to finish on Sunday.

After getting all of my things, we shut it down for the night and I headed home. I looked at the clock on my radio and it's now 1:25am. I feel like I can't call Harry now. I checked my phone for the first time since getting to the shoot and I only have one message from him but it's from an hour ago.

from: harry styles
hope the shoot is going good love, i know you're killing it xx

I smiled at the message and tried to decide if I wanted to call him. I don't want to wake him up and honestly I feel like it's too late to call him over. I didn't know it'd be this late.

to: harry styles
i just finished for today & i'm heading back to my apartment! i'm sorry it went so late. i was hoping to see you after but i know it's late so i don't wanna wake you with a call. so i'll just see you tomorrow harry, goodnight <3

I drove into my apartment garage and parked. My phone started ringing as I walked into the lobby and I saw Harry's name on the screen. I literally couldn't help but smile.

"So you're awake." I said softly as I answered. "I wasn't gonna fall asleep on you little one...are you still up for some company?" He asked over the phone and I sighed as I pressed the elevator button. I stepped inside and watched it close.

"Yes. Very much so." I answered honestly.
"Thank God. Haven't gotten to go to sleep with you in what feels like ten years. I'll be there love." "Becareful. I'll see you soon." "Be there soon baby." He said and we both hung up.

I suddenly felt a weight off of my shoulders that I didn't even know was there. It's obviously still stressful for me to sleep in my own place sometimes since knowing Dylan used to come in without me knowing. Probably while I was sleeping on top of that.

The fact that Harry is driving all the way over here just to sleep makes me think that maybe he doesn't wanna sleep alone either.

Harry's Pov.

I stepped into the elevator in Alycia's apartment building lobby but a hand quickly stopped the door from shutting.

A guy about my age gave me a smile, which I returned, and walked in beside me. I immediately smelt alcohol on him. Can't blame the guy, I probably would've gotten drunk tonight if I hadn't of thought i'd be coming here. Being here is much better than being drunk though so i'm doing anything but complaining. I'd rather be here.

"Sorry about that." He said and I shook my head. "Ah no problem." "Late night?" He asked and I chuckled. "Yeah I guess so. You?" I asked and looked over at him, but he stayed looking at the door with a smirk. "Yeah, definitely." He said and we both chuckled.

The elevator beeped and I realized, he never pressed a floor number, but the elevator had just reached Alycia's floor.

"Ah...forgot to press my floor." He said as he eyed the fact that we had stopped on this floor.

I laughed and he pressed the next floor up.

"Have a good night mate." I said and walked out. " too." He said as the elevator closed and I walked to Alycia's door.

A few seconds after I knocked, the door was opened and I was met with a freshly showered, wet haired angel standing in front of me with a smile on her face.

Oh i'm so fucked.



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