One Smile Please

By XxGoldfishxX

181K 6K 742

Meet Charlie Rae. Charlie is a photographer, she's the type of girl who doesn't let her past define her. Well... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thiry Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine

Chapter Thirty Five

3K 111 29
By XxGoldfishxX

One Smile Please

Chapter Thirty Five:

"Charlie!" Cameron hollered yet again from downstairs. That was the twenty-seventh time. I was on the verge of killing him. "Charlie!!" he stretched the 'e'. No dude, resist murdering him. You've got to resist killing him and letting killer bees loose on him after covering him with radioactive honey! Or poking a hole through his belly button with a spoon and watching him bleed to death as you eat popcorn.

I had even tried looking for my headphones to put in, and block him out, but I couldn't find them.


"What the actual fuck do you want Cameron!" This time I stormed out of my room and thundered downstairs, with murder in my eyes. But as I walked into the living room, Cameron was sitting there on the floor next to the TV. And the TV had pasta - spaghetti - stuck to it, and the spaghetti spelled out: 'Sorry'. The idiot had a goofy little smile on his face and hope in his eyes. Hope that I'd like what he had done.

I took a deep breath and gave him a glare. "You put burnt pasta on my TV?"

"Yeah... I couldn't actually think of anything else to do with it. I mean after I'd made you dinner I was going to do this in your plate, but that didn't actually work out as you can see."

"So you put it on my TV?" he nods. I give him a tired look and slump down on the sofa. "Cameron. Please leave. I've seriously had enough." My heads in my hands and I'm trying not to show any emotion.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow then." That was easy... I look up in confusion and see Cameron give me a small smile whilst putting on his jacket. "Bye." With that he was off. Huh. I look back up at the TV and smile to myself. How did he even manage to stick it on there?

The next day I had decided that in order to avoid Cameron I was going to go grocery shopping.

Which was why I was in Asda at nine in the morning with my trolley, talking to the vegetables. They seemed fruitly friendly. I started laughing to myself at my rubbish attempt at a pun. Wow I was bad at this. And yes I was laughing randomly, and the staff were giving me odd looks.

As I turned the corner into the bakery isle, I examined the bread and cakes. Mainly the cakes. They looked good. Ugh. Really good. Especially the Victoria Sponge Cake.

"I'd suggest the Victoria Sponge Cake." a hell of a familiar voice said from behind me. I groaned. Not even trying to hide it.

"What? It's Mission Redemption Day Two. You didn't expect me to not show up to our shopping trip did you!? Anyways so what are we shopping for?"

"A life. For you. You are in great need of one." I say sarcastically without even looking towards him. I pick up a cheesecake from the little refrigerated area and put it in my trolley.

"But my life is standing right in front of me." he says innocently. This makes me look at him with scrutinising eyes.

"Seriously? Seriously? That was way too cheesy, even for you." he smirks and looks in my trolley.

He takes out the cheesecake and holds it up. "Was it really though? Was it cheesier than this cheesy cheesecake." Cameron asks with a deadly serious expression. I couldn't help but let a smile slip out. But I hide it and look away.

Cameron puts a Victoria Sponge Cake in the trolley and puts the cheesecake back on the shelf. I don't comment and move onto to get some bread.

As I reach for the white bread the idiot makes an inhaling sound. "Bad idea. I mean it's not healthy for you." I bite on my lower lip to refrain from swearing a twenty page essay at him.

"I'm shopping, so I decide what I want to buy," I tell him sternly. He puts his hand up in surrender and then pretends to zip his mouth. The white bread plonks into my trolley. After doing another round, with Cameron following me around like a lost puppy, I decided to head go to the checkout.

Although out of nowhere someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around to see Cameron on one knee holding a rose up to me. That's twice in two days that he's been on his knees. The idiot had a goofy smile settled on his face and he was beckoning me to take the rose. I was almost about to, too. "Go out with me? Just one date?" Okay that came out of nowhere. I gave Cameron a bewildered look and I pivoted on my heel back to my trolley and started pushing it to the self service.

"Charlie!" Cameron called after me, but I didn't stop. "Hey I didn't mean to upset you." He shouts as he jogs up to me. "I'm sorry." I felt like he was apologising for more than one thing.

I stop pushing my trolley and turn to look at him. "Cameron, do you have like an off button?! Like can you not shut up? And to be honest I never ever thought that talking endlessly would be a problem with you ever. Seriously, you were like I don't know the bloody silence from Doctor Who when I first met you and now you're like the doctor on one of his rambling sprees."

He was about to interrupt but I put my hand up, "No, let me finish. I told you I didn't want to see you around, but you're everywhere I go. And now you're asking me to go out on a date with you. Cameron, firstly it hurts to see you because all I can think of is how you don't trust me. Secondly when you know there's no future here, why keep wasting your time?"

He looked around hesitantly. Then he quirked an eyebrow whilst picking up a potato. "Because potato?"

"Are you fucking serious Cameron is that all you have to say for yourself, really? You know what?" I put my hands up, in a dramatic gesture, "Fine!" I turn back to my trolley, then, "I will keep that in mind for when I plan your murder!" I seethed.

My feet start moving again. "I just didn't want to have another argument with you Charlie, or explain to you why I'm following you, begging for your forgiveness. I mean come on Charlie, we were friends, you may be willing to throw that all away but I'm not." My glare at my weetabix doesn't wither.

"Hang on a second how did you even know I was here? I only told Jenny?" Realisation dawns on me. No, no, no. When Jenny wants someone to happen, they happen. That bitch. "I'm going to murder the both of you!" I hiss and then angrily shove my trolley to self checkout. Of course Cameron follows.

"You know what go ahead and murder me. You know what, I'll help you with the planning and everything, because maybe if you do kill me, then at least that way I can haunt your puny little ass everyday and night and make you realise how easier it would've been to just forgive me." I start scanning my shopping. Well, Fraser starts randomly passing it to me, I scan it and then put it in a bag. All while huffing like two year olds.

"Firstly, you're already haunting me, secondly my ass is anything but puny, and thirdly this doesn't sound good coming from a guy who almost committed suicide last year!" I whisper-shout at him, aggressively snatching the next item.

"For your information Rae, I was never going to jump of that bridge."

"Oh back to second name bases are we? Well then Fraser you keep telling yourself that okay!" I put cash into the thing whilst Cameron put the bags back into the trolley.

"You know what Charlie? No matter how much you push me away I'm not giving up. And be ready for that date. I'll be picking you up at six tomorrow." We were outside now at Simon's car, which he lent to me.

"And you know what Cameron? No matter how much you try, I will not forgive you!" I huff and shove the trolley to its hut thing after slamming my trunk.

"Oh really?" He says in disbelief.

"Really." I reply adamantly.

The next thing I know is that the idiot has jumped up on top of Simon's car.

"Cameron get off the bloody car!"

He shook his head, "Nope, not until you agree to go on a date with me." I scowl at him.

"Where is this even coming from?! I thought you were on a redemption mission, and now out of nowhere, you want to take me out on a date?" I questioned in aggravation, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Its the last part to my mission."

"Last part, so you expect me to go from this," I wave my hand over my expression, "To forgiving you? In two days?"

"Pretty much, yeah, I'm just too irresistible," he says cockily.

"You and irresistible? You're as irresistible as I dunno, chuckie?!"

Offended, Cameron looks me dead in the eyes, "Did you just compare me to chuckie?!"

"So what if I did?"

"You know what, I can prove that I am in fact more irresistible than chuckie on this date."

"I'm not going with you Cameron."

"Well, I'm not moving from here until you say yes, and I'll sing cheesy pop songs until you do."

Nonchalantly I say, "Go ahead," little did I know that that was one of the worst mistakes I had ever made, because for the next twenty minutes I had to stand there listening to Cameron sing in an eardrum puncturing voice, and trying to reach all the high notes from random one direction songs.

Before agreeing, I thought it through. Did I want to go on this date? Yes. Did I want to see Cameron in a hella sexy suit? Do you need to ask? Did I want to see what he was planning on doing? Of course.

But I couldn't. I couldn't go to this date.

Cameron's screeching broke my trail of thought. And I made an impulsive decision.

"Okay! I'll go on this fucking date with you! Just shut up!" That shut him up and he genuinely looked surprised as to how his plan had actually worked.

But he tried playing it cool, "I knew you'd come around."

"Yeah sure. Now get off the bloody car," I hiss at him.

He shakes his head, feigning disapproval. "Such anger." My eyebrows shoot up and I'm about to give him a lecture on why I had 'such rage' as he had put it. However I thought better of it, and just shoved him out of the way to get into the car.

But stopped and turned, "Cameron, if this doesn't work, then you have to move on. If this doesn't work, you have to promise me, you'll stop doing this, whatever this is."

In response Cameron just gave me a salute, served with a perfect smile, and walked off. And to think this guy was incapable of smiling, laughing, joking and feeling a couple of months ago. Now that I think about it, this was all really out of character for Cameron. He'd never been like this before. But people change right? I sighed whisky starting the car. Oh, how I'd missed driving. I seriously needed to save up for a new car.

I thought about what I had just done. Agreed to go on a date. With Cameron. Wow, uhm... Stupid much? Going on a date with this guy wasn't going to help issues. It was going to make them worse. What if I broke down, and gave in? I shook off all these feelings and drove out of the parking of the shop.

*Vincent's POV*

The strong stench of bleach wafted into my nose as I walked into the prison meeting area, waiting for my prisoner to turn up. Cameron Fraser's father.


"Why did you bring me here?!" I growled through my teeth. "Do you even know who I am!? I could kill you, all of you. You don't know who you're messing with!" Anger surged through my veins, fuelling me for a fight.

"No Vincent, you don't know who you're messing with." A deep husky voice called out from, I assume, behind me. A blindfold covered my eyes, disabling my sense of sight, yet heightening all the others. I could hear the silent steps of this guy, walking in circles around me. I could smell alcohol from each corner of the room. And I could taste the stale air which had also been locked up in here, for longer than I'll ever be.

"What do you want?" The screeching of a chair sounds from in front of me.

"Exactly what you want." The guy replied. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, did he want Charlie!? Was that what this was about?! Suddenly the blindfold was ripped off my eyes. It took a while for me to adjust but, slowly, the room within which I was captured started to fade in. I looked around and saw a couple of men. And then in front of me I saw saw him.


He cuts me off, "Yeah, but let's get down to business. I want to destroy my son, and you want to destroy my son. So I guess we have something in common."

"I don't understand..."

"You don't need to. All you you need to know is that by the end of this, you'll have that girl in your arms. And my son far from her." That perked my interest. I glanced at the man once more.

"You should've started with that," I say smiling coldly.

Two of the man's men, come and untie me at just the mere gesture from him.

"Hello Vincent."

A/N: And hello readers ;)


Anywhooo hope you likeeeee :) thanks for reading, please commote? (comment and vote, coz y'all loooove me ;))

Looooove you guys :) Next upload, next week, let's say Sunday? So 22nd March... But if you guys give me 15 votes, then I'll try for this Monday :)

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