The eyes of the innocent hold...

By -Shi_Qingxuan-

513K 15.1K 13.4K

Curses. Not everyone can see them. Only those who possess cursed energy themselves or are in a near-death sit... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Authors Note
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29 - ⚠️Spoiler warning⚠️
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 28

5.6K 189 260
By -Shi_Qingxuan-

"My type of girl? Why would you ask that now?" Yuji says, confused.

"Don't worry I'm just measuring you." Toudou says.

"What is with this guy?" You thought to yourself.

"I don't really get it, but if I had to say... a tall girl with a big butt I guess... like Jennifer Laurence." Yuji replies.

"Seriously? He answered. I hope that guy doesn't ask me." You thought to yourself.

"You. Girl in the tree. What's your type?" Toudou asks, looking up.

"Shit." You mutter. "My type? If you are asking about my ideal man then they'd have to have a kind personality. Kind and caring and strong too. Looks aren't important. At least to me they're not. I don't care about height either. Just personality." You reply.

"Is she describing me?!" Yuji thought to himself.

"It seems we both are best friends." Toudou says, tears falling from his eyes.

"Even though you just learned my name?!" Yuji says.

"What is with this guy?!" You muttered.

"Yuji! Company! There's a sorcerer from Kyoto flying above. I think she's scouting." You shout.

"What?! How does she even know I'm there?" Nishimiya thought to herself.

"Yuji~ we have more company. All the sorcerers from Kyoto. I sense 4 people. And one above." You say as the Kyoto members come out from behind trees.

"We're surrounded?!" Yuji thought to himself.

"Tsk. Who knew they'd have the cheek. I know why you're here!" You say to the them, slightly annoyed.

Miwa drew her sword and went to use her cursed technique when Yuji jumped and avoided it.

"Miwa! I thought we had a deal!" You declared.

"I'm sorry." She says. "Trust me on this." She mouthed.

"Oh I see her plan. She's making her team think she's siding with them. Don't do anything rash." You thought to yourself.

"A beam?!" Yuji says as a robot-looking sorcerer aimed his hand at him.

"Yuji move! I'll use my sword." You said, making a sword and blocking the attack.

"Huh? Could it be that these guys... are trying to kill me?" Yuji thought to himself.

Shortly after the rest of the Kyoto school arrived, Toudou clapped and swapped positions with one of the Kyoto members. He was perched in a tree where the Kyoto archer was previously.

"Hey. I told you, right. That I'd kill you if you got in my way." Toudou said, striking at the archer.

"Wrong. You said you'd kill us if we ordered you around." The archer replied.

"Same difference. Piss off." Toudou said, slightly annoyed.

"Note to self. Don't get on his bad side." You thought to yourself.

"Seems we're retreating." Mechamaru said.

"So lame." Mai added.

"Do kill him though." The archer added.

"That will depend on him and his friend. After all, I'm not the kind of boorish man who would hold back against his friend." Toudou said, activating his cursed energy.

The Kyoto school retreated and you stayed perched in the tree, watching Toudou and Yuji closely. Toudou and Yuji soon charged at each other and began fighting. Eagerly throwing punches at each other. Both dodging and attacking. Landing strong hits on each other while using the full advantage of the space around them.

Toudou clearly was watching Yuji's moves and analysing his cursed power.

"Is he... watching Yuji's cursed technique? I mean, it's delayed. Wonder if since Toudou sees him as a 'friend' that he's going to teach him? Nah. That's absurd." You thought to yourself.

"This tremendous power..." Toudou thought to himself.

"Is wrooooooong!" Toudou shouted.

"Nani?" You said.

"My friend! That curse power that hits with a time lag! That's a bad habit of yours, right?" Toudou said.

"My divergent fist?" Yuji asked, confused.

"As long as you're satisfied with that, you can't beat me! If you can be satisfied with something like that, then we won't be able to stay best friends. Are you ok with that? Are you ok with being weak?" Toudou says to Yuji.

"No, I'm not!" Yuji says with determination.

"That's right! My best friend!" Toudou says with the same level of determination.

"What the actual fuck? Aren't we enemies? Why are you helping us?" You shout from the tree you were perched on before jumping down.

"Because he's my best friend and I don't want my best friend to be weak." Toudou says.

"You know what, I'm not gonna get involved. You can handle this, right Yuji?" You ask.

"Hmm? Yeah. You go help the others." Yuji says.

"On second thought I'll stay in case you get overwhelmed." You reply, sitting under the tree.

Yuji and Toudou began sparring again and you released now would be a good time to get back in the tree. You jumped up and climbed the tree, sitting on the perch you were at before. They kept going at each other before it looked like Yuji had landed the final blow. But Toudou blocked with his forehead.

"This isn't what I want you to eat. Your "divergent fist" is born from adding curse power to your superhuman strength in a speed that one normally wouldn't. It's tricky. A common shaman would be confused without even understanding what happened. It also has got enough power. If your opponent is inferior, that is. This won't work against high classes. What will you do best friend?" Toudou says.

"What the fuck? This guy is actually teaching him?! Not expecting that." You thought to yourself.

"... Pour a bunch of curse power with all my might." Yuji answered.

"Good. Then why does the curse power get lagged? This is because you're "flowing" your curse power." Toudou explains. 

"So I gotta speed up the flow, right?" Yuji asks.

"Sort of. Flowing curse power is like chi. You have to focus on it. Focus on flowing it through your entire body." You explain.

"Yeah. She's right. "Flowing" curse power is something a lot of shamans do consciously. You "flow" curse power from your belly, to the chest, then the shoulder and the arm to the fist." Toudou explains, adding on to your explanation.

"The mindset of dividing ones body causes the curse power to delay or be late. "Flowing the curse power" isn't wrong in itself. But that's the first step. One you can't get too caught up in. The flow of ones curse power is a lot harder to read in a first class shaman." You add on.

"Do we think with our stomachs? Does anger come up from your head? Listen, Itadori. We exist in the world with our whole body and soul. It's so obvious that everyone forgets it." Toudou explains.

"Thanks Toudou. I more or less get it. So we don't need more words." Yuji says, even more determined.

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