A Wizarding Romance

By Quinn5Hudson

833 28 15

A crossover between Glee and Harry Potter. Quinn is still same old same old Quinn. But Finn is a player who h... More

Your what!?
Permission to marry her
I love you
Marry you
Im leaving
Wake up
Im a father
8 Years later (background)
8 years later
I love you
3 years later
Ring shopping
Running Home To You
I Swear My Life


66 3 0
By Quinn5Hudson

After Finn and Quinn's activity:

Finn:Your like the best I ever had

Quinn:I would say the same but your my first. We used protection right?

Finn:Shoot Quinn I'm sorry. I just didn't expect you I swear this is the first time I didn't

Quinn:(kisses him)(thinking)What am I doing (end of thinking)Ughh Finn


Quinn:Can you please just leave I need some time to process what just happened



Finn:(gets dressed)No problem (leaves

Quinn:(thinking)Did I just with my best friend I can't believe I just why did I I don't even love him in that way I just with my best friend

The next day common room:

Finn:Hey Q whats up

Quinn:Don't talk to me

Finn:Q c'mon everyone knows we're friends

Quinn: What we did was a mistake Finn

Finn:You were the one who wanted it

Quinn:I was weak finn you should have stopped us

Finn:I tried

Quinn:You took your shirt off


Quinn:Shut up I don't want to talk you leave me alone


Quinn:Bye(walks to syltheyin common room and waits for Santana)Hey

Santana:Hey what's up

Quinn:Finn and I it happen we


Quinn:I regret it


Quinn:Were not friends anymore He was just trying to do that with me

Santata:He's your first Quinn he will be your first so you might want to have a relationship with your first

Quinn:I rather not

Santata:So Christmas and Thanksgiving want to come with my family and celebrate

Quinn:Yeah that would be nice if they agree

Santata:Q your like the sister I've never had of course it's okay


Santata:Im sorry for everything that happened

Quinn:Yeah me too

Santata:If you need someone I'm here

Quinn:Thank you

Santana:No problem

Quinn:So when are we leaving

Santana:Tomorrow at 4

Quinn:Got it see ya soon

Santana:Talk to him

Quinn:When we get back


Quinn:It's fine this is my problem not yours

Santana:Alright see ya

Quinn:See ya (walks to the Gryffindor common room)


Quinn:Leave me alone

Finn:Quinn please


Finn:I like you and I'm sorry I didn't have protection you just go on top of me and I didn't know you were going to do that

Quinn:I can't accept your apology Finn I like you too but I can't maybe one day we can be friends but for now it's best if we go are separate ways

Finn:How soon is that

Quinn:I don't know yet

Finn:Can I get a hug

Quinn:(hugs him)Bye Finn (kisses him) Bye


Quinn:(runs to her room and packs)

2 days later at Santana's house sitting by a fire:

Maribel/Santana's mom:Quinn you okay

Quinn:Yeah No I don't really know

Maribel:That sounds like it's a boy

Quinn:I don't know it's a lot

Maribel:Are you seeing anyone

Santana:(crosses her arms)

Quinn:No I'm not

Maribel:Ohoo what happened




Quinn:No it's my family


Quinn:(covers Santana's mouth) I'm actually tired

Maribel:Sure well you guys can go to bed don't stay up to long

In Santana's room:

Quinn:Don't tell your mom about Finn and I

Santana:Did you guys talk

Quinn:Yes we did


Quinn:We're not friends right now we're going to discuss this when we get back


Quinn:No what I've realized you and Brittany have became a lot closer lately like when I walked into the bathroom and I think I saw your shoes in the stall with Brittany like really close

Santana:I can't believe you

Quinn:I've known since we were 13

Santana:Your okay with it

Quinn:Im your best friend of course

Santana:Thank you (they hug)

Quinn:How long

Santana:After are talk we kissed and then snuck out of class the next day

Quinn:Are you dating

Santana:I don't really know

Quinn:I'm happy for you

Santana:I'm sure one day your going to find someone maybe even Finn


3 days later the morning:

Quinn:(throwing up in the toilet)

Santana:Quinn are you okay

Quinn:(throws up)(coughs)Probably a bug

Santana:Did you use protection


Santana:Are you

Quinn:No no I can't be. (Cries)

Santana:(pulls her in a hug) Quinn we need to check.

Quinn:I'm scared

Santana:I'll go to the store for you

Maribel:(walks in) Ohho Quinn are you alright

Quinn:I'm fine how long have you been there

Maribel:Enough to pick up what's going on since the Quinn we need to check. Did you with someone

Quinn:It was a one time thing and I regret it so much it was with one of my friends and I'm the one started it

Maribel:I'll buy it for you

Quinn:Thank you I'm sorry

Maribel:It's okay (joins the hug) Just wait here I'll go now it's best in the morning

Quinn:(shakes her head)

20 minutes later living room waiting for results:

Quinn:(still crying)

Maribel:It's been 2 minutes want me

Quinn:I got this were all going to smile when this is negative (picks it up and turn it over) No no I can't be with his. I can't be carrying his kid

Santana:It's going to be okay

Quinn:I'm 16 how am I going to do this

Maribel:I'm here

Quinn:Thank you. But I can't tell him

Maribel:He's going to want to know

Quinn:I don't know if he can support me financially what if he doesn't support me

Maribel:Hey (walks over) If he doesn't want to be apart of your kids life it's his loss

Santana:Finn is a good guy from what Kurt told me he cares about his family

Quinn:I'm not his family I'm just some girl

Maribel:Who's Kurt

Quinn:Step brother

Santana:Your a girl who's carrying his baby

Maribel:I'll book an appointment for you

Quinn:I want to tell him first

Maribel:Quinn you should go to the doctor as soon has possible

Quinn:I know I'll text him to come over (they have phones because I feel like it and after the whole Voldemort thing I think phones would be aloud)

Maribel:San how about we go to the kitchen

Santana:Yeah (walks to kitchen with Maribel)

Quinn:(Text Finn)I now we said we wouldn't talk but this is important meet me at (Santana's address)

Finn:(text Quinn)Ya sure I'll Floo network there

Quinn:(text Finn)Thank you

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