In Another Life

By Randon_Lil_Person

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---Just a book idea I had after watching a Tiktok POV of the viewer visiting Draco in jail. ---- Allyson was... More

Before you read.
Year 1- Diagon Alley
Year 1- Train
Year 1- Sorting
Year 1- First classes
Year 1- Hospital Wing
Year 1- Roanna
Year 2- Late night stroll
Year 2- Petrified
Year 2- End of Year

Year 1- Awkward talk

37 0 0
By Randon_Lil_Person

I sat in my room, bored out of my mind. It was late at night on Harry's birthday, well almost early morning on his birthday. I hadn't got my letter around my birthday, so it was a safe bet I wasn't going to Hogwarts. Which meant I was stuck going to a school with Dudley and his creepy friends. I guess I'm not Harry's sister.

"Allyson, why are you still up?" Harry said tiredly.

"Nothin', Harry. Just thinking about the upcoming school year."

"Is this about your letter?"


"I'm sure you'll get it. I bet it'll be brought by a professor. You know, because of what happened with my letter."

"I suppose so. It just doesn't make sense. Aunt Petunia has made it clear I'm a witch. She even wants me to go. Said something about how I need to discover my true life's story."

"The school probably thinks you're treated the same as me. Just get some sleep."

With that we both settled down. I got situated in my bed preparing for sleep. The room was quiet, the silence of the house swallowing the room whole. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon had gone to bed forty minutes ago, and Dudley an hour before that. We were made to go to bed thirty minutes before Dudley. It was now nearly twelve in the morning, according to my alarm clock. Just as I was about to close my eyes and fall into sleep, the sound of a car motor started to grow near.

"Harry? Harry?! Wake up!" I yelled in a whisper.


I jumped out of bed and rushed to the window. A set of headlights literally flying towards the room window. I was completely baffled by the sight, and I think Harry was as well. Soon the car pulled up to our window and Harry's eyes lit up like Dudley when there's cake. I just sit there even more confused. I was so confused I buried it into my mind trying to figure it out. I was brought out of thought by a loud crash.

"What the bloody hell?"

"It's okay, Ally. We're going to go with my friends. We'll be safe there."

I didn't question it, as he was already done throwing several outfits into a suitcase. I didn't have a trunk like he does because, well obviously, I haven't been shopping for Hogwarts. I quickly grabbed my emergency overnight toiletry bag and threw it in before he closed the suitcase. Suddenly the locks on our door were being messed with. I could hear Vernon going through the fifty thousand keys he had on his key ring.

"We have to hurry, Harry."

With that he was shoving all our stuff out the window to the car with three red headed boys in it. I was shoved through the window and into the awaiting car. I sat in the back with Hedwig and one of the older redheads. As Harry was about to get in the car, our uncle, aunt and a terrified cousin rushed into our room.


Harry rushed through the window and was halfway into the car when Uncle Vernon grabbed Harry's ankle.

"Harry!" I exclaimed in terror.

"Get off!" Harry yelled while trying to kick Uncle Vernon's grip.


"Drive!" The younger looking of the three redheads exclaimed.

The one in the driver's seat shifted gears and pressed the gas. Uncle Vernon was pulled from the window and he let go of Harry. He fell and landed on the bars he had on the window that were on one of Aunt Petunia's bushes. Aunt Petunia and Dudley hung out the window staring in horror at Uncle Vernon. I looked at Harry.

"Don't ever scare me like that again Harry James Potter!"

Hedwig hooted in agreement. Oh, I didn't mention this. While Harry can talk to snakes, I understand all animals, I just can't speak to them. I have a feeling mine and Harry's abilities are for very different reasons, though.

"I couldn't help it! It was our stupid uncle."

"I don't care! I've already lost my parents. I can't lose my brother too."

"I'm sorry, Allyson."

There was silence for a bit until the youngest redhead spoke up.

"By the way. Happy birthday Harry."

"Yeah. Happy birthday, dingus."

Harry rolled his eyes at me. The rest of the ride, to what I assume is the three redheads house, was quiet. The driver stopped us by the door, letting us out before he went to park the car. He came back, probably not knowing my age, carrying my suitcase. The two older boys led us into the house with a wonky add on on top of it. It looked as if it was constantly added onto over the years.

"It's not much, but it's home."

"It's amazing." I said in awe as I drank in every detail I could.

Suddenly a woman came round the corner and into our faces.

"Where. Have. You. Been? Car gone. Beds empty. No note. You could've died. You could have been seen!"

"They were starving them, mum. Put bars on their window."

"You best hope I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley."

Her attention then snapped to Harry and I.

"Harry, dear. Of course I don't blame you, dear. Who's the girl?"

"I'm Allyson, ma'am. Allyson Severa Potter."

"Nice to meet you, darling. Time for a spot of breakfast."

I sat at the table after helping Mrs. Weasley, who insisted I call her Molly, set up the table. She wanted to use magic, but I insisted I do it for her, because I wanted to help if I was going to be staying here. She assumed I was roughly a year younger than Harry, but she also knew the story of our parents so she was confused. After I explained that I hadn't gotten my letter she hugged me and I cried into her shoulder. She asked me if I wanted to cook breakfast with her, and I happily agreed. I loved to cook, it was my favourite chore at the Dursleys.

We now sat at the table. I was sitting between the twins from the car ride, who I now know as Fred and George. There were a few other people around the table as well, and man can I just say, this family is huge. I'm pretty sure I heard them talking about two kids that don't live at home anymore, meaning there's like six kids and the parents. At least that was what I thought, until a little girl that looked to be around my age came around the corner.

"Um, mummy, have you seen my jumper?"

"Yes, dear, it was on the cat."

The girl's eyes got to the size of saucers when she saw Harry. I held back laughter and my exclaims of how cute they would be together. She then backed away until she ran off.

"Uh, what did I do?"

"Ginny, she's been talking about you all summer. Bit annoying, really."

"Morning Weasleys."

"Morning dad." Chorused out of the boys around the table while Molly said, "Morning Arthur."

"What a night. Nine raids. Nine."

"Raids?" Harry and I asked together.

"Dad works for the Ministry of Magic. In the Misuse of Muggle artefacts department. Dad loves muggles. Thinks they're fascinating."

"Well, I think they're barbaric." I mumbled.

"Well, now," Arthur started as he sat down, then he saw Harry, "Who are you?"

"Uh, sorry, sir. I'm Harry, sir. Harry Potter."

"Good lord. Are you really? Well, Ron's told us all about you. When did he get here?"

"This morning. Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night."

"Did you really? How'd it go?"

All of us that were in the car, minus Harry, went to go on about how amazing it was. Harry was just about to join in until Molly hit Arthur's shoulder and we stopped.

"Very wrong boys. Very wrong indeed."

"Now, Harry. You must know all about Muggles. Tell me, what is the function of a rubber duck?"

I answered, "It's a bath toy, sir. Not much else to it than that. Although they are quite a collector toy for those who are obsessed with rubber ducks."

I got a weird look that was cut off by an owl hitting the window.

"Oh, that'll be Errol with the post. Fetch it will you, Percy. Please."

Percy got up and went to the window. I found it odd how everyone was in clothes except Percy. I didn't say anything about it, of course. It was probably because Arthur just got home from work, Ron and the twins had fetched Harry and I from the Dursley's and Molly was probably up all night trying to figure out where her three youngest sons were.

"Oh, look. It's our Hogwarts letters. And Harry and Allyson's as well. Annie also got her first year letter, I'm a bit shocked honestly. I didn't think she'd been on the list of magical students. She's not really learnt much from us over the years, she can barely get a broomstick to fly to play quidditch with Fred and George."

I was in shock. My mouth hung open and a gasp escaped my throat. I had gotten a letter. It was almost a month late, but I still got my letter. I was also a bit shocked that Percy wouldn't be very proud of his sister getting accepted into Hogwarts.

"Dumbledore must know you're here, Harry. Who's Allyson?"

"She's his sister, dear."

"This lot won't come cheap, mum. The spell books alone are very expensive."

"We'll manage. There's only one place we'll get all this. Diagon Alley."

"Diagon Alley?" I questioned, finally out of my shock.

"It's amazing, Ally. You'll love it. I'll have to take you to Gringotts first though."

"Harry, what's Gringotts?"

"Geez, Harry. Did you tell her nothing about last year?" Ron piped up.

"No, our aunt and uncle wouldn't let me. Aunt Petunia wanted her to find out all on her own."

"Harry, do you think my dad will be there?" I asked.

Yes, Harry knows I'm only his half-sister. Doesn't stop us from loving each other any less.

"I don't know, Ally. I don't think Dumbledore said who he was in the letter left with us on the doorstep."

My body slumped into my chair. Only reason I was so excited for Hogwarts was because Aunt Petunia said I'd find my dad. I had no clue what else I would learn there. I just knew my father was there and that was all I really cared about at the time. Now, I'm overwhelmed by all the supplies and such I will need. All the books, the caldrons, the scales, a pet. It all was a bit overwhelming, especially seeing a lot of the books I would need were all by the same guy and they all felt more like autobiographies than actual learning tools. Plus, I don't think I could trust a headmaster that wouldn't even tell us my basic right of knowing who both my parents were.

"That's stupid. Why wouldn't he tell our legal guardians who my father was?"

"Wait, you have a different dad than Harry?" Ron questioned.

I looked around at everyone. They all had sympathetic looks in their eyes, except Harry.

"Yeah. All that was said about him was he was great at the wizard equivalent to chemistry. As well as he was really good friends with my mother in school. Aunt Petunia always had a knowing look in her eye, but she always said it was a journey I had to make on my own."

That same knowing look appeared in Molly and Arthur's eyes. They glanced at each other and talked to each other in hushed voices, but I heard them.

"If she is meant to find out on her own. We can't tell her. Arthur, do you think it could be Severus?"

"Severus? As in our professor?" Harry asked.

"Severus would make sense. My middle name is Severa."

After that silence fell upon us. We ate breakfast and Ginny and Annie soon after the conversation joined us. God, I hope my school year won't be ruined because supposedly my father is a teacher.

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