She's One Of The Boys

By lilly-rain

24.5M 392K 55.2K

Secrets do not stay hidden for long. Have you ever had a secret that you would do anything to keep from your... More

Chapter 1 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 2 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 3 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 4 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 5 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 6 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 8 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 9 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 10 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 11 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 12- She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 13 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 14 - Shes One Of The Boys
Chapter 15 - Shes One Of The Boys
Chapter 16 - Shes One Of The Boys
Chapter 17 - Shes One Of The Boys
Chapter 18 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 19 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 20 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 21 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 22 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 23 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 24 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 25 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 26 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 27 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 28 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 29 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 30 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 31 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 32 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 33 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 34 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 35 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 36 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 37 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 38 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 39 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapte 40 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 41 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 41 - Eva's POV (extra bit)
Chapter 42 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 43 - She's One Of The Boys
Chapter 44 - She's One Of The Boys
Finale - She's One Of The Boys
Letting ya all know what's going on....

Chapter 7 - She's One Of The Boys

528K 8.9K 534
By lilly-rain

~ ~ Chapter Seven ~ ~

Scrunching my eyes shut tight I waited for the pain to come but it never did, in fact, I felt his whole body fly right past my face with a gush of air. In shock I opened my eyes and looked around for him, a small snarl came from my mouth as I saw a red russet wolf standing there, ears pinned back, teeth baring and growling.

Saxon was standing in front of me in an almost defensive manner, snapping his teeth like a wild dog and not a teenage boy who happens to be able to change into a wolf. I'm not sure if he was just protecting me as his darn kill or what but he was scary looking, the red wolf took a few calculated steps back but he didn't stop the growls.

Rolling over so I was now laying on my belly, I moved my back leg slightly and yelped instantly, both of them heard me and growled louder. Saxon didn't turn to look but the red wolf did though, it’s cold hard eyes boring straight into mine and I knew he wasn’t going to offer me any help and it now knows I'm injured. Crap.

So the million dollar question of the day is - which one is going to kill me first? I'm not sure who I would prefer either because they both seem like the ‘straight for the throat kill’ kind of wolves.

My leg did still hurt just not as bad as when that idiot first bit me. It hadn't taken me long to figure out that I'm a fast healer, especially in my wolf form. So I knew it shouldn't take too long for my leg to be healed enough to make a run for it. Hopefully these two idiots will fight each other long enough and distract themselves with one another for me to make my escape.

Then I will run home as fast as I possibly can – to heck being naked when I sneak back in, I don't care, anything is better than the situation I am in right now but damn, if I get busted by any of my brothers or Dad, then I am so dead. Just not as dead as what I am going to be in this situation.

Moving my back leg a little as I blocked out what the other two were doing, I could have grinned, it hurt, yes, but I could move it better now. Turning to quickly look at Saxon's back just as he lunged at the red wolf, teeth snapping loudly in the quiet forest , they fell back down to the ground in a small heap but it didn't stop them from each moving. Their teeth snapping furiously and their growls thundering all around us as they were each trying to get the upper hand over the other one.

Dead leaves and dirt were being kicked up all over the place as they snapped and spun around each other, both just staying out of reach but I could see the way Saxon was getting in closer than the other wolf was while keeping himself covered at the same time. This was my chance to escape. Standing to my feet with little effort, I cringed as I put my back paw down, and then lifted most of my body weight off of it.

Without looking back I darted off into the trees, biting my tongue to stop the yelps as I hobbled along on my light jogging pace. I needed to pick up speed if I wanted to get away, hell, I didn't even know where I was going or if this is even the right direction but it was better than sitting around and waiting to be attacked.

I’ve never lain down and given up before and I'm not about to start now – at least I know I would have done my best right now.

Closing my eyes for a second I tried to sniff my surroundings, searching for my own trail or anything that would guide me back but it was like my nose was useless, in other words - human.

After a while of jogging, the sun started to slowly go down and I knew I was in so much trouble when I got home but then panic swirled in my chest slightly. I had been out in this forest for far too long, so I must be going in the wrong direction.

My leg wasn't healing fast enough because I was using it, so that was still giving me grief. Stuff it. I collapsed to the ground, landing on my side and resting my head on a mossy tree root while panting heavily. I needed to rest my leg.

I'd like to think I didn't fall asleep out here in the middle of the forest like a loser, but I did.

Soft footsteps woke me up and opening my eyes I watched Saxon carefully as he approached me in human form wearing only jeans and he didn't look happy - what else is new? But this time he had a bundle of clothing in his hands.

As soon as he was right next to me, he crouched down and poked my leg - the one he had bit before, my instant reaction was to snarl and snap at his hand, which he quickly yanked back but my leg was fine. It was completely healed and I got up to my feet - only to be pushed back down.

Saxon held one hand firmly flat against my furry neck and the other on my hip to stop me from getting up and boy did that tick me off! He can’t be that damn strong! Seriously! It should be illegal!

"Stop snapping at me!" he growled, "I found your jeans and brought you a spare shirt of mine."

I pointedly looked away and after a moment he sighed loudly in annoyance and let go off me, then walked a few steps back and turned around. Jumping to my feet I snatched the clothing up in my mouth and made a run for it.

I still didn't know where I was going but I could feel her inside of me, she was leading me in a certain direction and I just hoped she was on my side and not Saxon's still. If she wasn't then I'm going to....well, I don't know what since she is some kind of subconscious form inside of me but I'll find something to get her back with.

Without an injured leg I ran like a bat out of hell and soon enough found myself at the start of the trail but it wasn't the one I first entered in from, it was one that was right behind my houses huge ass fence.


Shifting quickly back to human form with no problems at all I yanked the clothing on and scaled the wall, landing with perfect balance on my feet. I quickly glanced around the big yard and noticed it was vacant of anyone – about time something went right for me today. Then I took off in a slow run along the tree cover that grew along our fence, right up to the side of the house where my bedroom window is up on the second level.

Thank the heavens my Dad loves his privacy because there is a giant tree right outside my window still and it made it perfect to get up there without having to use the front door. Within seconds I was nimbly climbing up the side of the tree and swinging from one giant branch to the next until I had reached the one closest to my window.

The second my feet touched the thick carpet on my bedroom floor and I had just sat down on the window seat, my door flew open and Travis came barging in along with the others all right behind him.

My eyes went wide as saucers as I gulped, looking away from their furious faces, "Where the hell have you been!" Travis hissed, making me jump a little. Crap. I don't think I have ever seen them this angry apart from the time I got lost at the showgrounds playing hide and seek when I was eleven years old.

"Out," I replied in a meek voice.

"With who?" Stevie demanded, arms folded over angrily but I could tell his fists were clenched just like Travis's.

"No one!" I snapped back, finding my voice as anger surged through me, who do they think they are? Yeah, they are my brothers but they’re not my Dad and have no right to be yelling at me because honestly, I'd rather be facing Dad right now and not five furious brothers.

"You’re lying!" Travis hissed, taking a step closer.

I jumped to my feet and backed away from him. I know I have an upper hand with the whole wolf thing but I did not want to ever use that against them. I could cause them some real serious injuries and then not to mention the guilt I would feel over ever hurting one of them like that or the fact they would realise I'm a freak and kick me out.

"Back off Travis, you're scaring her," Harper hissed at Travis.

Travis closed his eyes and took a few deep calming breaths before opening them again and looking at me with less anger now, "Sorry Eva. I was just so worried about you.....I thought something happened."

I nodded slowly, "Um, yeah, it's okay, I'm sorry for running from school like that but I just needed to get, um, away, it was a really long, um, day for me," I mumbled, stumbling over my words as I lied about why I took off but hoping they would buy it.

I couldn't let them get caught up in my mess. This was my problem and I would handle it.

"It's okay Eva, just next time - run home instead," Stevie smiled but I could tell it was forced.

I gave him a smile back, "Sure."

And just like that, the blow up was over and done with. Me and my brothers were never good at holding a serious grudge against one another and could never really stay angry for long periods of time. Immature grudges - no problem, I still hold it against Brody for the time he changed the water for my goldfish and killed it.

Falling backwards on my bed I sighed loudly and covered my eyes with my arm; today had been too long a day for me. So much had happened, Saxon the jerk now definitely knows my secret but he is also the same as me.

So maybe there are more out there? Maybe he can answer all my questions but that would involve speaking to him which is something I don't plan on doing, I plan on ignoring him with everything I've got!

"Eva! Get up, chop chop, time for school!" Grant was shouting from my bedroom doorway.

Groaning I rolled over, bringing the blanket up and over my head, I didn't want to go today, I was exhausted and just wanted to rest - which would have happened if some insensitive douche bag didn't tip me off my bed onto the floor with a loud thud!

"Grant!" I shouted as I stared up at him in shock, he grinned down at me and then backed off real quick.

"What can I say? I'm an awesome alarm clock," he laughed as he ducked from the pillow I threw at his head and ran out my door.

After my shower and I had got dressed into a pair of light coloured cargo pants, my sneakers and Stevie's school top that I snuck in and stole since the one I wore yesterday is shredded to pieces out in the forest.

I even lost my favourite hat, so I ran my hands through my hair like a hairbrush and pulled it up into a messy bun at the top of my head and walked downstairs. The second I passed the kitchen door, someone shouted out, "Catch!" I spun around and caught the black lunchbox, then grinned up at Brody, "Cheers bro'."

The ride to school was eventful; everyone had seemed to forget about last night’s event which is what I had expected so here we are, in the middle of a group 'push around' on the floor of the limo. It all started because Brody said that he had the best car in Need for Speed Carbon, which we all totally disagreed on. We all know I have the best car.

"You’re full of crap," I snapped playfully at him.

"Your neon green piece of crap doesn't even count for anything!" he protested.

"My piece of 'crap' has bet your stupid car in every race," I argued.

"Enough!" Travis shouted, and then grinned slightly, "We all know my car is the best."

"Pigs can fly it is!" Harper shouted, pushing Travis off his seat - which is where it started from and kept on going until we pulled up out the front of our school.

Standing with Stevie at his locker, I leaned against the one next to his and waited for him to be ready to go to food class with me. I still haven't found a use for the lockers because all I have in my bag is a notepad, a pen and pencil and my lunch.

"Miss Eva Thorn to the principal’s office," a voice crackled over the loud speaker.

Stevie and I both looked at each other at the same time, I groaned loudly, "I bet it's for walking out yesterday."

"Good luck, but then again, you are on first name basis with the principal," he teased as he pushed me in the back into the direction of the office.

I shot him daggers, "We're not good enough friends to get myself out of trouble just yet mister," and then I started to slowly make my way down the hall.

"I'll save you a seat!" Stevie shouted out after me.

"Yeah! Just don't start no food fights without me though!" I called back and heard him chuckle.

Dragging my feet along the floor through the office door, the lady who had smiled so welcoming at me yesterday could barely even look my way now, wow, nice to know her opinion has changed so much. She stood to her feet and walked over to a glass door with 'Mr Nelson' printed on it in black lettering, knocked once and stuck her head in.

I heard his muffled voice then she opened the door even more, stood to the side and motioned for me to go in. Groaning loudly as I tilted my head back for a moment and stared at the ceiling, I eventually walked over.

"Why the hell is he in here?" I demanded the second I saw Saxon sitting in one of the chairs in front of Grug's desk, "This is my meeting, not his," I added as I grabbed the back of my chair and pulled it as far away from Saxon as I could.

My plan of avoiding him is not going so well already.

"Eva, Saxon is here because of an incident that involved the two of you in last class yesterday," Grug was all deadly serious and professional right now, "Do you know what I am referring to?" his gaze locked onto mine.

I didn't look away, "Yes," I smirked, "I punched him in the face for being an idiotic tool."

"Did he provoke you?"


"And how did he do that Eva?" Wow, Grug is stricter than what Jack was, this is going to be annoying and I also get the feeling he is speaking to me like I am a five year old child right now – which is never cool.

"He told his friend to cheat during a game of dodge ball and I take my sports seriously, so it ticked me off," I replied in my calm manner.

"What? Dodge ball isn't even a serious sport," Saxon was now looking at me with slightly amused eyes as he scoffed at my reason for punching him. I turned away from him quickly.

"It is to me. Which isn't even the damn point, you told Chris to go easy on me for who knows what reason and I didn't need it! I can handle myself in a stupid game of dodge ball; there was no need for you to butt your ugly face in! You weren't even playing!" I half shouted, waving my arms about like a mad person as I lost control of my 'calm manner'.

"Eva, calm down," Grug said sternly.

Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes and exhaled slowly; and then opened my eyes but making sure to not look at Saxon again. That boy gets me so worked up it's not funny and then there's the fact he freaking bit my leg yesterday! I have to get revenge for that at some stage and still with those damn butterflies in my stomach! Man, will they just go away already! I don't want to feel anything but hatred for Saxon.

"Alright, next question - who broke the front door? I know it was one of you two,” He added impatiently in case we both tried to deny it but this is one question I wasn't going to answer.

"I did," Saxon spoke up.

My head snapped in his direction, shock all over my face as Grug nodded slowly, "Well, it seems you both will have weekend detention with me this Saturday, all day," he filled out two slips of paper and handed us each one, "I will be calling your parents to let them know," I glared at him quickly, "Off to class now."

"I hate this freaking school," I grunted as I grabbed my bag off the floor and stormed out.

I was half way down the hallway when I heard the office door open and close again, "You're welcome," Saxon called out with an amused tone.

I didn't look back, "Go to hell idiot!"


A/N - THANK-YOU to everyone for all the comments, votes and support! It means a lot to me to know ppl like this story! and a big HELLO to all my new fans, I love you all!! xo


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