To Deceive A Duke

By vickitickitoria

185K 11.9K 1.1K

{Shortlisted for the Wattys 2022} It's 1798 and The Lenoir family controls a significant part of London's dre... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 21

2.8K 196 9
By vickitickitoria

Clarissa spends the rest of Sunday in her room with her mother attached to her hip. She doesn't do much but Marie is a welcome distraction as she prevents Clarissa from retreating into the prison inside her mind. She begins to feel better after she is fed properly, and manages to rationalise the last 36 hours by talking through the events with her mother and Alice. She leaves out the specific details related to the fires, but simply discussing what was reported in the newspaper helps her to work out what to do next. Also, Wyn's name becomes banned in the Lenoir household as Clarissa begins to patch her the mess that is her feelings. 

On Monday she drags herself to interrogate Rupert Topson. It's a messy process, but between her and Jack, the poor traitor spills all he knows and reveals the true extent of his betrayal. Apparently, he had been trickling information to Baines and Lestrade for over a month in return for a pretty coin, and then was paid a handsome fee to set up the structure for the fires. 

Once he is dealt with, Clarissa talks to Anne, who is a whimpering mess, and after a few hours of interrogation, she lets the whore return to her house and work in The Strand. On Tuesday she and Peter discuss their next moves, during their meeting he informs her that Lord Wellesley has agreed to see her on Saturday for tea. Then she visits Florence in the afternoon and spends time with Chuck and Iwan. Construction of the new ports has already begun at her insistence and by the time Wednesday rolls around Clarissa is feeling more like her normal self.

On Friday afternoon she is sitting in The One-Eyed Duke, a glass of water in front of her. Her fingers run up and down the glass, deep in thought about tomorrows ball. Florence sits next to her, a borrowed book open in front of her and Iwan is studying on the floor nearby. Clarissa looks up as Peter comes out of his study. 

"You are still going?" He asks, not looking up from the papers in his hands. She rolls her eyes at his attempt at sounding casual. She told him about the ball on Monday and he immediately disapproved but she managed to convince him to see the lack of danger. 

"I have little choice, the dowager invited me personally," She reminds, spinning on her stool to watch him sit down at a table. 

"I don't like it," He says, finally looking into her eyes. 

"Neither do I, but I cannot hide from my peers," She reasons, hopping off the stool, "I cannot have them thinking that I am weak." 

"Do you feel ready? I would feel much better if you took one of us with you, Wyn..." He pauses when the temperature in the room drops below zero. Flo and Iwan share an uneasy look before glancing at her warily but she doesn't react, although her stomach and fists tighten. She forces a smile, ignoring his suggestion. 

"I will be fine with my sister, nothing will happen," She says, "I have been to many balls before and they are always dull and uneventful." 

"Hmmm," Peter doesn't continue to argue but tension still wracks his body. Iwan and Florence turn back to their books and Clarissa takes a seat next to her godfather so she can see what he is looking at. She notices that his documents are the construction plans for the new ports, she slides one of the drawings to her and examines it. Rather than rebuilding the ports which were a few years old, they are making improvements to the design so they can increase the capacity of boats that dock per day. 

"I've diverted our business from Victoria North and Strada to St George and Millbank, they should be able to handle the extra ships until the other two are in working condition," Peter tells her. 

"That's good..." She stops speaking as everyone's attention is drawn to the door as a mass of yellow taffeta frills bursts inside. She swaps a confused glance with Florence as Peter jumps to his feet and approaches the stranger. 

"Excuse me miss, but we are closed..." He says politely, his hand curled at his sides, ready for an attack. The person behind the frills grumbles in frustration and they lower the fan that hides their face. 

"Dammit, Celeste!" Clarissa sighs, recognising the soft face and golden brown curls, "What on earth are you doing here of all places?" 

Celeste skirts past Peter, her head held high as she looks around the pub with disgust.  She passes her critical gaze over Florence and Iwan before focusing on her sister and beaming, "I am here for you darling! We have a ball to go to," 

Clarissa squints in disbelief, "The Ball is at seven, it's half two, I told you to be at the house at 6:20." She looks at the clock behind the bar to confirm her words. The hands show that is indeed only 2:33 pm. 

Celeste shrugs guiltily, "I thought we could have some tea and get ready together. My carriage is outside, my word it took some convincing to get them to take me here. They were positive I'd be robbed." She laughs a little and then stops when Peter folds his arms threateningly. 

"How did you even know where I was?" Clarissa asks. 

"Father told me, I visited the house first," Celeste admits, ignoring the curious looks she is receiving from Florence and Iwan. Clarissa groans.

"You aren't leaving until I come home are you?" She asks, dreading the answer. 

Celeste shakes her head, her curls bouncing. 

"Fine," Clarissa gets to her feet, pushing her chair in, "Let's go," 

She takes her coat from the stand by the door and shrugs it on. Celeste looks pleased with herself as she waves goodbye to Florence and Peter. Clarissa just gives them fed up looks as they leave. Outside the pub is parked a fancy brown carriage, the driver sits in his seat staring straight ahead and a footman waits at the door. 

"My lady, Miss Lenoir," 

The footman bows his head as he opens the door and holds out his hand. Celeste takes it and is helped inside but her sister ignores it and climbs after her. Once he shuts the door Clarissa rounds on Celeste, fury in her eyes. 

"What the hell were you thinking coming here?" She demands, "It's dangerous! You could have been hurt," 

Celeste rolls her eyes as the carriage starts to pulls them away from The One-Eyed Duke, "You come here." 

"Yes," Clarissa says, painfully slow, "Because it belongs to me! Everyone knows who I am, they wouldn't dare touch me, but no one knows who you are, they wouldn't hesitate to harm you...or worse..." She lets the warning hang in the air. She has never brought her sister's here and she never will for that exact reason. 

Her words have their intended effect as Celeste grows white and raises her hands to her mouth in shock. "I am sorry, I just...." She shakes her head, "I wanted to see you," 

"Then send a servant! God knows you have enough of them," Clarissa cries, "Don't come wandering  around here, this isn't a nice place." 

"I am sorry alright!" Celeste snaps, "I didn't think, I just needed to get out of the house." 

Clarissa's serious expression falls away when she hears the desperation in her sister's voice. She sits back in the leather seat and sighs. 

"How are the boys? How's Rufus?" She inquires gently, dropping the subject. 

"He's distant," Celeste admits, "And the boys are a handful," 

"It sounds like you need a bit of a break then?" Clarissa asks softly. While she might not understand her sister's life, she knows that Celeste has her own hardships to deal with. 

"I was so delighted when I got your letter, I have never been to The Richmond Summer ball, it's a very exclusive dance, you have to have a title or be a family friend." Celeste says, "How have you secured an invite?" 

"Recent family friend," Clarissa says vaguely. Celeste regards her suspiciously but luckily the carriage pulls up at the house a moment later, sparing her from being pestered. The footman opens the door and helps the two sisters out. Alice opens the front door for them and the elder girl waltzes in first, Clarissa follows reluctantly, giving Alice a disgruntled stare as she passes. 

"I presume my dresses are in my old room?" Celeste asks, taking off her gloves and handing them to a maid waiting by one of the cupboards. 

"Indeed my lady, they are all hung up and your accessories are on your bed," Alice informs her, shutting the door. 

"And what time is the afternoon tea?" Celeste takes off her coat and hat, passing them to the scullery maids. 

"3:30 as you requested, your mother and father are out and will not be returning till early evening," Alice says, taking Clarissa's coat and hanging it up. 

"Excellent, it will just be us girls then. I will be up in my room," Celeste gives her sister a playful glare, "I expect to see you for tea," 

Clarissa nods, resisting the urge to make a sarcastic comment. Her sister looks her up and down, and grimaces. 

"You should clean up first and then we can discuss dress choices!" Celeste suggests before turning and walking up the stairs. Once she is out of earshot the atmosphere in the hall visibly relaxes. Clarissa turns to Alice, her mouth open in disbelief. 

"Just how many dresses has she brought with her?"

Alice pales sightly, "About six...." 

Clarissa groans and heads up to her room to wash. 

Afternoon tea is a tenuous experience for her, she nibbles on her food as Celeste talks her ear off about ribbons and jewels. She barely says a word the entire time, focusing on her steaming cup of tea rather than the array of shoes her sister has brought over. Once the tea is finished the maids clear away the plates and dishes and Celeste then drags Clarissa up to her room to view all the dresses. Clarissa manages to slip out of the busy room around 4:30 as Celeste starts to have her hair and makeup done and becomes distracted by selecting the right jewels and rouge for her neck shape. 

She wanders down the corridor to her room but the door is already open. She peers around the frame to see Alice laying out a dress on her bed and matching it with a pair of shoes.  She coughs, grabbing her maid's attention instantly. 

"I've laid out your dress and picked some shoes, and with your permission, I would like to find some jewellery to match it," Alice says, stepping away to give her a clear view of the outfit. 

"Of course, I trust your taste," Clarissa says, walking over and sitting down on the bed. She runs her fingers over the expensive gown, the material feels rich and thick under her skin. Alice smiles and starts to sort through the many rings and necklaces. 

"When did you buy this?" Clarissa asks her, marvelling at the silky fabric and heavy stitching. She was surprised when her maid told her that she had a new gown that would be perfect for this summer ball. 

"I thought you needed something bright and bold for when you came out of mourning," Alice says, hunting deep in the jewellery boxes, "Ah! This will do perfectly!" She exclaims, straightening up, a thin gold necklace in her hand. 

"Really?" Clarissa walks over to her and takes the necklace and examines the faded gold. It's not a fancy chain, in fact, it is quite old and hasn't been polished in a while. 

"I thought you could wear your grandfather's signet ring too," Alice says, picking up a black velvet box. Clarissa takes the box from her, handing her back the dainty necklace, and turns it over in her hand. She opens the box. An oval onyx stone is surrounded by an entwined gold edge that's been fashioned so it looks like gold rope. The band is a wide gold band that thins out at the bottom and then gets thicker as it goes back around. A tiny circular ruby glimmers, set into the bottom right of the onyx stone. Unlike the pocket watch, she was given this ring on her 18th birthday to celebrate her becoming the official heir to Roderick's empire. 

She snaps the box shut, "I'll wear it," 

"Excellent," Alice takes the box and puts it on the vanity table with the necklace, she then pulls the puff out from under the vanity table, "Sit, it's time to do your hair." 

After an hour of teasing and toiling, Clarissa's hair has been styled into a high sleek voluminous bun, with a few chocolate-brown curls framing her face. A few strands of hair come out at the bottom of the bun and fall down her back in shiny riglets. Alice has placed a gold and black jewelled hairpin into the side of the bun so that the jewels sit in the centre of the hairdo. Clarissa leaves most of her face bare, but she allows her maid to darken her eyelashes and she wears her normal rouge on her pouting lips. 

Then Clarissa is helped into the dress by Alice, it takes a lot of tugging and complaining before she is at last laced into the ballgown. Unlike her mother's borrowed dress Clarissa can breathe normally in this gown. This dress is the same colour as her bright and fierce lipstick, the corset fits her curved waist and hips, hugging them and emphasising the flare of her body. The blood-red gown nips in at her waist and flows out into a long skirt. The sleeves stop at her elbows and the curved neckline dips into a small v in-between her breasts. Gold stitching lines the hem of the dress and outlines the neckline and sleeves, it glitters in the light as the heavy skirt swishes. 

Alice hangs the simple gold chain around Clarissa's throat and holds out the signet ring. Clarissa takes it and slides it onto her index and studies at the heavy jewel.  Since her birthday she has never worn this ring before, her grandfather used to wear it when he needed to present himself as the unrivalled leader of The Strand. It's a simple statement that says, don't try me. Roderick used to wear it on his pinky finger so it fits perfectly on her index. It's beautiful but she has also seen the pain it can cause when raised to someone's face.  

"Shoes," Alice holds out a pair of basic black small heels, Clarissa takes them and sits down on her bed to put them on. 

"Oh my!" 

Celeste stands in the doorway, staring at Clarissa with a startled expression. 

"You look pretty," Clarissa says, feeling a twinge of self-consciousness at the sight of her slender sister in a pastel blue dress and cream heels. Celeste's dress shows off her petite frame, her make up is perfectly applied and beautiful jewels hanging from her neck and ears. It makes her look like the type of doll you give a child. She radiates pure beauty and innocence, like some kind of angelic figure. Compared to her, Clarissa feels like a chunky harlot in her red gown. 

"Thank you," Celeste says, entering the room, a cream fur shawl on her arm, "You look very red," 

Clarissa looks down her dress, waves of anxiety hitting her, "Maybe I'll change...."

"No!" Celeste says quickly, she smiles reassuringly, "It suits you, you look mature." 

"Is that a good thing?" Clarissa asks warily as she stands and takes a black velour cloak from Alice.  Celeste tilts her head, searching for the right words. 

"You look desirable," She says at last, "Which will be fun for both of us, and you haven't got time to change either," 

Clarissa glances at the clock, her sister is right, there are only 10 minutes before they have to leave, not enough time to change into a different dress. She nods and fastens the cloak around her. 

"Don't forget," Celeste picks up a bottle of perfume, spraying a little onto her neck and then showering Clarissa in the rich vanilla scent. 

"Great," Clarissa says dryly, the thick scent tickling the back of her throat. Celeste sticks her tongue out provoking a scowl from her sister. 

"My carriage is ready, let's make haste," 

Clarissa pauses as she follows her sister out of the bedroom, "Your carriage? But I have already asked father for his," She has to pick up her skirts to hurry after Celeste who has already disappeared down the stairs 

"I told him there's no need, we can use mine," Celeste calls over her shoulder, nodding gracefully as one of the maids opens the front door. Clarissa lets out a low groan. She knows the only reason that Celeste wants to use her carriage is so that she has control over what time they leave. It looks like this night is going to be longer than she had previously thought. 

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