Lin Beifong x Fem Reader [Hea...

By SpicyH

41.4K 1.1K 717

Hi this is the author of Toph x Fem Reader [Do it for her], since there are 0 Lin X reader books on Wattpad I... More

Chap 1
Chap 3
Chap 4
Chap 5
Chap 6
Chap 7
Chap 8
Chap 9

Chap 2

5.3K 167 113
By SpicyH

Yo welcome to the second chapter, I got bored so I'm uploading this and so I hope you enjoy

My Other book:

Toph x Fem reader [Do it for her]


Everyone at the station could tell that Lin was in a horrible mood, therefore she was the talk of the officers to the detectives. (Y/N) had to take the brunt of it with many, many requests from Lin herself and complaints about not finishing her paperwork.

Currently (Y/N) was at her desk just filling in many, many, reports and Lin constantly checking in made it even worse. To the point where she couldn't even respond to any requests to help out in the field. Soon another one came through the radio saying "BACKUP NEEDED, Major Robbery in turtleduck road heading towards town hall. Backup is needed!!" (Y/N) groaned quietly to herself while rubbing her temples increasingly more aggressively and after a couple more agonizing reports filled, there was a sudden knock at her door and a fairly new officer entered saying "I'm sorry for interrupting you but you're needed."

With a knowing sigh she ushered the officer into her now even messier office which was mainly stocks of paper and some other items spread out on the floor, the man took a seat feeling almost bad for the clearly stressed and tired (Y/N) "Chief has requested that you go integrate the criminal from the crime earlier and to report directly to her office afterwards" (Y/N) let out a huge sigh and finally looked up at the officer "Thank you, assure her that i will exactly as ordered."

The man let out a swift nod standing up to give a respectful bow towards (Y/N) as he left the room with the last sound heard was the click of the door, (Y/N) on the other hand just started quietly at her desk for a minute pondering how much longer of the day she had left to work. With a quick sigh she pushed herself out of the chair and walked towards the interrogation room where the criminal was supposed to be passing by the front desk to pick up the case report from the receptionists.

The main lady of the front desk was Jade, a quiet, polite and remarkably short woman who was the granddaughter of a famous blacksmith named Panzo, back in his time he had made many now famous and rare jewelry, but had been lost for many decades. Jade because of her grandfather leant and even excelled at Earthbending to the point where multiple people have begged her to be a part of many gangs,activist groups and even the police force.

Her and (Y/N) were very close friends ever since Jade began working for the station, with her and a select few other people knowing of her and Lin's relationship. But even if they worked in different departments and were of different rank they respected eachother even if (Y/N) was a non-bender and Jade an Earthbender.

As (Y/N) strolled by the counter she made a quick stop in front of Jade's desk with a tired groan, the short woman stopped her writing and softly dropped the pen to the side of the paper "Let me guess? Chief giving you trouble?" The woman raised an eyebrow to the still stressed and tired officer in front of her "Yeah, ever since the avatar came she's been doing my head in with so many reports, commanding me around and blah blah blah, you know." The short woman chuckled, placing a hand over her smiling mouth "Yeah my husband is the same at times but I'm sure she'll cool down.....eventually."

(Y/N) gave Jade a doubtful look as she turned away "Hopefully"she mumbled out before walking away lazily throwing a hand in the air to wave goodbye, the woman smiled, giving (Y/N) an eye roll before peacefully lowering her head and going back to work.

Meanwhile with (Y/N) she walked through and long echoing hallways between the interrogation rooms, looking down at the report and who exactly this criminal was only stooping when she met up with a high ranking officer. When (Y/N) looked up at the officer with a serious face slowly melted into a face of resentment as she realised it wasn't someone in particular she liked.Commander Ren. (Y/N) with a resentful sigh said "You lead the team didn't you Commander?" He didn't even respond and wasn't even looking at (Y/N) which made her even more resentful towards him, leading her to puff out her chest and get loud "Commander I expect you to speak up when a higher Rank is speaking with you."

The Commander looked down at (Y/N) with a disgusted scowl responding with a quiet grumble "Yes I did", (Y/N) looking a little mad still left it at that and looked back at the clipboard "Can you please allow me in, Chief asked that I do it myself." The commander crossed his arms and grumbled to himself loud enough for (Y/N) to hear, just as he allowed (Y/N) in and opened the metal door "Damn Non-bender."

That made (Y/N) stiffen up but continued to walk into the room only illuminated but a single hanging light, the criminal sat in a metal chair being held down by some cuffs on the table as Korra had been when she was at the station. As (Y/N) walked slowly towards the criminal with her footsteps echoing in the room. The criminal looked over his shoulder with a wicked grin plastered on his face, (Y/N) sat across from him tapping the pen in her hand onto the clipboard "So robbing a top of the line security bank, running away from capture, man slaughter and many, many other crimes.." she said just reading down the list only glancing at his face which was hanging down looking towards the floor.

She leant back in her seat and tapped the pen repeatedly on her table just watching him cautiously, even if he was cuffed to the table something He was hiding something that he was just waiting to get out. (Y/N) grunted softly to herself and lened forward on the table glaring at him "I don't see why you're smiling so much but I can tell you're just dying to tell me something, so go on." This piqued the interest of the criminal and in a low gruff voice said "I did everything, the robbery and even killed a couple people on the way, but what you don't know is that I'm not the prisoner are an officer."

In one swift movement cuffs on the table broke and the man began to metal bend "A Metal Bender!!" (Y/N) dodged out of the way of his attacks and he let out a slow but delirious and crazed laugh, he bent the table and wrapped it around (Y/N)'s mouth and body before she could do anything. He tried metalbending her weapons away but they didn't even move a centimeter, she let out a muffled laugh 'Platinum the only metal that can't be bent"' she grinned to herself and the man gave up after a while.

He slowly walked towards (Y/N) with a crazed look in his eye and made the metal stick to the wall, "listen here officer, you are going to be my ticket out of here" He wrapped an hand around her throat and grinned more pressing down, the sensation of not breathing hit hard on (Y/N) of course she'd been in many situations where she had been choked but this guy was different. He eventually let go, making (Y/N) breathe deeply from her nose glaring at him, she noticed that only her arms and legs were metalbent together so she did the best she could.

(Y/N) quickly banged her head against the wall causing Commander Ren to open a couple hatches with his metalbending "The hell is goi-" He quickly took note of the situation and called over some other metalbending officers quickly sliding the door open " Don't move!! We have you surrounded" He called out to the man who had swiftly taken the dagger from (Y/N)'s belt and unsheathed it holding it up to her throat, The criminal let out a long breathy chuckle "Let me through or the Officer gets it."

(Y/N) looked Commander Ren dead in the eyes and quickly glanced down at her bindings as if signalling him to restrain her, he had the same look in his eye and told his men to stand down and let him through. Slowly the criminal walked out with (Y/N) in tow and so Ren quickly unbinded (Y/N) causing her to pin the criminal down, disarming him and knock him out with one punch to the back of the head.

Quickly she got off the criminal allowing the other officers to take care of him, she walked towards the Commander and looked him dead in the eyes. He looked back with the same emotion and the both nodded silently thanking each other before (Y/N) departed quickly to the bathroom to check for any injuries, she stumbled into the bathroom and locked the door slowly walking towards the mirror and man she looked bad.

Her neck was already bruised with a handprint being predominantly seen, there was a red mark where the metal stayed tightly around her mouth and a couple more bruises from the metal around her arms and legs. (Y/N) sighed to herself while placing her hands on the sides of the sink, she decided just to report to Lin's office and be done with it.

(Y/N) slowly dragged herself past the other officers and she could feel the staring even if she was looking at the floor and slowly but surely she made it to the door of Lin's office. With the back of her hand she gently knocked on the door and the all too familiar voice let out a muffled grumble with Lin's voice calling out "Come in." (Y/N) squeezed the door handle tightly and slowly pushed it down and opened the door, she looked at Lin who had not yet looked up from the papers on her desk and silently closed the door.

She didn't bother taking a seat since this time it was for a quick report on the criminal instead of the long talks they would usually have together on lunch breaks, she stood there silently waiting to be told to speak and the now annoyed Lin looked up half glaring at (Y/N) "Well what's the report!?". Only then noticing the marks on (Y/N), mostly staring at the big purple on on her neck, (Y/N) trying to sound confident puffed up her chest and rolle her shoulders back "I found out the criminal is a metal bender and that we do have the right guys, he seemed to have no remorse for killing those innocent civilians."

Lin quietly cursed to herself and stood up from her seat slowly pacing towards her, her hips swing rhythmically as she stood in front of (Y/N) with a now soften look "At ease (Y/N), I can guess how you found out how he was a metal bender." (Y/N) sighed softly and nodded towards Lin slowly letting her guard down for Lin "Spirits it hurt, Commander Ren assisted me in espacing and I neutralize the threat so he'll be out for a while" Lin reached up towards (Y/N)'s bruised neck and rubbed over it gently with her fingers to which (Y/N) flinched in pain letting out a small hiss, Lin slowly turned more angry than calm now "I suggest you go home and treat your wounds, I'll come home early okay" She said through her teeth getting them together hard.

(Y/N) smiled at Lin softly and pressed a hand to her cheek tring to somewhat calm her down "Hey Lin, look at me" The other female look into her eyes and seemed to already calm down a little before (Y/N) continued "I'm okay, the man who did this to me he is insane. You had no idea on what he would do but that's all in the past okay" (Y/N) smiled gently towards Lin causing her to let out a deep and clearly troubled sigh "I know and you're right, but I can't help it you-" (Y/N) quickly cut her off and a simple peck to her lips with a small laugh to follow "You talk to much. I'm going to go home, chief. I'll see you then."(Y/N) patted Lin's cheek with a chuckle and quickly left the room leaving a almost confused but flustered Lin in her office.


It was pretty late now (Y/N) had treated all of the bruises and cuts she'd gotten from the metal and was now just chilling on the couch sipping a cup of coffee and just waiting for Lin to get home. She enjoyed listening to music on the radio but also enjoyed tuning into the pro bending matches wondering if someone would ever make something like that for non benders, as she was about to get up to refill her cup of coffee she heard the door unlock and the silver hair woman she lived walked through the open door looking a little worried.

Her eyes darted over to (Y/N) and she let out a small sigh to herself and slowly closed the door "I'm a little later than i wanted to be but I'm home early non the less" she smiled and headed towards the stairs that lead upstairs to their shared room, (Y/N) sat back down on the couch and shrugged having one arm resting on the back of the couch and looking behind her towards Lin "As long as you're home, I'm happy. Now go and take your armour off and come join me the pro bending is on soon."

Lin smiled towards (Y/N) softly before walking up the stairs missing every other step as she walked while (Y/N) just turned back towards the radio and listened to the music playing waiting for the pro bending channel to come live, she hummed softly to the music and sang softly to it knowing the tune off by heart. All (Y/N) life was surrounded by music, her father played music and even owned a small music bar in the city but it had grown to be quite large and popular over the past couple years.

The thoughts of old memories had swept (Y/N) into dream land so far that she didn't notice that Lin was already on the couch and had moved (Y/N) to be leaning against her, she looked up at Lin's face with a small smile plastered on her face with Lin trying to look serious but gave up and smiled back but their small moment was interrupted by the radio "Ladies and gentlemen let's give a round of applause to our two teams tonight, The platypus bears and the fire ferrets!!!." (Y/N) smiled happily letting out a small cheer which made Lin laugh a little "You're so stupid." to which (Y/N) let out a small shrug "I try."

As the game went on (Y/N) had gotten really invested into it and didn't notice at all she was getting slowly closer towards the radio and Lin just looking at her so amused at the situation, as soon as the bell was heard for the final round (Y/N) cheered as the reported said "The Fire Ferrets come from waaay behind and steal the win! What an upset, folks! The rookies, Avatar in tow, have nabbed a place in the championship tournament! I can not believe it!." Lin smiled and quickly turned off the rado making (Y/N) pout towards her "Hey what gives?"

Lin sat down on the couch again and (Y/N) couldn't help but admire how good she looked even without the armour, she was fit and anyone could tell when she had her uniform on but without was a completely different story. Only having a tanktop and baclk pants on (Y/N) had completely blanked out anything Lin had just said "Hello (Y/N) are you listening to me or staring again" Lin teased towards the clearly distracted (Y/N) who just shrugged and said "And what if I am chief, you going to arrest me?" She played back and leaned against Lin a bit "Maybe." was her only reply before the two went silent again just enjoying the moment. The moon was full, the night was silent and they just had each other to comfort and enjoy the night together in each others arms.....

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