
By NikolaJ_03

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In this AU of black clover our protagonist Asta will have anti magic and ??? magic. In this AU many things w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
Asta and Liebe theme
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
When's the next chapter?
Black market
Asta's Power
Saussy Village

chapter 18

2.3K 52 5
By NikolaJ_03

Liebe is 14+ and Asta is 15+

Time(8am) place(Black bulls)

No one POV

It's been 5 years since the brothers started training with the captains but in 6 months there will be the magic knights exam.

The magic knight exam is a series of test where young magicians tries to prove themselves to enter in a Magic knight squad.

Asta:"Liebe, do you want to go to the grimoire tower in Hage to see what happens?"

Lieve(Happy):"Yeah, but first let's play a visit to our mother!"

Asta(happy):"Fine! "

Asta:"Finral can you please give us a ride to Hage?"

Finral (opening a portal to Hage):"Alright kids, let's go"

Asta:"We'll inform you later when you need to pick us up!"

Finral:"Fine kid, just let me know"

Time skip (30 minutes) place(grimoire tower)

Asta:'This place is really big'

??:'Why that boy looks like Asta? Could it be him? After all this years only now he decided to come back'

Then the master of the grimoire tower introduced himself and after some seconds many grimoires started coming down, like always there were comments like:
"My grimoire is bigger than your!"
"Mine has more spells"
" Mine is more beautiful"

Asta:'Why do they have to be like that?'

Liebe:'I don't know but I don't like it'

Then a bright like blinded everyone and it was a 4 leaf grimoire and it went towards ??? and that person said:"I'll become the wizard king"

Everyone started cheering him but another light this time even stronger than the last and it was a grimoire but on the Clover it had a star and that one went toward Asta.

The grimoire had blue clover with a White Star on it.

Liebe:'Well now you really did the most impossible thing'

Asta:'I guess now I posses Anti-magic, devils and magic'

Everyone were speackless about the strange Gromoire and the fact that they couldn't feel  mana from him.

Asta:"I'll become the Wizard King so you should watch your back Yuno!"

Yuno:'So it's really him, but how did he get a grimoire?'

Then Asta got the fuck out of the tower and went into the forest to stay in a quiet place.

After a while he sensed some fighting near the grimoire tower.

Asta:'Did you felt that little brother'

Liebe:'Yes,let's save someone ass'


*If you're wondering, they used ki*

When Asta and Liebe(in the grimoire) arrived they saw Yuno chained and his grimoire was in the hand of the criminal Revchi of chain magic.

Asta:' let's capture him and give him to the Wizard King'

Liebe:' Alright, do you want to make a challenge?'


Liebe:'You need to put him out with one shot it doesn't matter how.'

Asta(Sadistic smile):'Challenge accepted, I'll hurt him so bad that even after days he would still feel the pain '

Liebe:'Alright now it's your time'

Asta then with a sprint breaking the floor in not even a blink of eyes  was in front of the thief  and punched him in the face with so much strength that he sent him in the wall breaking hit.

Asta then takes Yuno grimoire and gives it to him and says:"If you want to be the Wizard King always keep your guard up"

Yuno:"Wait it's that really you Asta?"

Asta:" The one and only"

Yuno:"Where have you been all this years?The church was and still very worried about you!"

Asta:"Let me tell you something, people will only truly care when you're already gone, so when it's too late.
But if you want I can visit the church and for where I've been the past 5 years I've been improving myself."

Yuno:"Do you still remember the way?"

Asta:"I've been in Hage some time in the past years"

Yuno:'Wait what and how did I never notice him?'

Asta:"Let's go"

Time (10 am) place (Hage church)

Yuno:"I'm back and I have someone with me!"

Sister Lily:' he sound more alive then the other years, who may be that person?'

Nash:"Hey big brother Yuno who is this?"

Aruro:who is this boy?"

Hollo:'Hi mister!"

Asta:"I'm Asta Sukehiro your older brother."

Yuno:"Sukehiro? Asta the last time you didn't had a surname"

Asta:"I got adopted by a man who truly loved me and respected my dream even if it was impossible he still believed in me.
You may ask, what's so different about him and us?
Simple he helped me like a real parent should do and not almost neglect his not blood related son."

Asta:"I hope I was clear"

The three kids:"Why can't we feel mana in you ? Are you magicless?"

Asta(lies): "I have a body malfunction that can't let the mana out of my body.
That causes the others to not sense or feel any magic in me when I truly have it.
The prove is my grimoire."

Sister Lily:"ASTA?!?! Is that you? Where have you been all this years?"

Father Orsi:'Asta?!? He's back? I need to apologize to how I behaved when he was a child'

Asta:" Yea it's me Sister. I came back to visit you all but I didn't expect the numbers to grow and hello there Father"

Father Orsi:"So it's really you Asta, I know it won't be much but I want to apologize on how I behaved when you where just a child."

Asta(smiling):"I can't forgive you right away both of you , but we can try to start again"

Sister Lily:'So years ago I was right, he really did notice'

Sister Lily:"It's alright I understand"

Father Orsi:"it's fine"

Asta:'Liebe can you advise mom that I won't be able to visit here today?'

Liebe:'Like you wish brother, now I'll go'

Father Orsi:"Do you want to stay for dinner?"


Time (eating) place (church in Hage)

While they were eating Father Orsi asked Asta:"Asta will you take the entrance exam?"

Asta:"Yes, do you need something else father?"

Father Orsi:"At the grimoire tower did you receive a grimoire?"

Asta(showing the grimoire):"Yes and before you ask I know you want to know how it's possible but I can say I'm not magicless.

After some time I found out that my body has a malfunction and it doesn't let the mana be felt or can be released."

Father Orsi:"That's great! I'm happy that you have a grimoire and for the fact that we found out what was the problem about the mana."

Time(7pm) place(outside the church of Hage)

Asta has got the chance to know better about his new siblings.

While they were talking suddenly the same chains from before chained all the people of the Curch.

Yuno:"You again?"

Sister:"Why can't I use my magic?"

Revchi:"My chains blocks you from using your magic and in all of you I can tell how much mana you have and the one with grey carbon hair doesn't hav- "

Then suddenly Revchi thanks to his chains ability felt a tremendous amount of mana coming in Asta.

Revchi:"What is that absurd level of mana? It's too much for a teenager to have !"

Asta then breaks his chains and Revchi got kicked from behind and he was trow in Asta way.

Asta the with another kick kicked the thief in mid air, after Revchi got another kick in the stomach that put him even more off from the floor, after Asta used his ability fly to go above the thief and punch him on the cheek sending him into the ground creating a shockwave.

With that the chains got broken and they noticed the black figure.

Asta:"Hey Liebe why did you try to steal my pray?"

Liebe:"You were chained so I took your part"

Asta:"Alright, I think we need to give some explanation"


Then Asta and Liebe started telling a part of their story mostly like that they were adopted by a man and that man truly love both of them and helped them in their hard time.

Asta:"Now if you don't mind I'll be going or my father will go on Mom mode and I'll be taking the thief to the royal capital."


Finral:"Hey Asta, need a way back home? Then come and we need to put him in prison so let's move on, I already informed Yami."

Liebe:"Good bye, have a nice day!"

Asta:"See you on 6 months."

*I hope you liked their reunion and in the next chapter I'll explain how Asta magic works.
Thanks for reading till now !*

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