Date with a death eater

Galing kay ph0ebevines

2.4K 30 16

He leant into my ear, his hot breath tickling my neck, "They seem pretty busy," he whispered, mischief lacing... Higit pa

- chapter 1-
-chapter 2-
-chapter 3-
- chapter 4-
-chapter 5-
-chapter 6-
-chapter 7-
-chapter 8-
-chapter 9-
-chapter 10-
-chapter 11-
-chapter 12-
-chapter 13-
-chapter 14-
-chapter 15-
-chapter 16-
- chapter 17-
-chapter 18-
-chapter 19-
- chapter 20-
-chapter 21-
- chapter 22-
-chapter 23-
-chapter 24-
-chapter 25-
- chapter 26 -
-chapter 27-
-chapter 28-
-chapter 29-
-chapter 30-
-chapter 31-
-chapter 32-
-chapter 33-
- chapter 34-
-chapter 35-
- chapter 37-
- chapter 38-
- chapter 39-
- chapter 40-
- chapter 41-
- chapter 42-
- chapter 43-
- chapter 44-
- chapter 45-
- chapter 46-
Some time in the future

-chapter 36-

27 1 0
Galing kay ph0ebevines

" so let me get this straight. He's your uncle?" Blaise said, whipping the froff form his top lip, and placing his empty glass on the table.

I shuffled uncomfortably in my seat, burying my the tips of my feet under his legs. "Apparently so."

" explains why you were out in slytherin, if you were a Weasley relative you should of been in Gryffindor."

" it doesn't just explain that."

" y/n Snape."

I hung my head as I thought about the name, how wrong it sounded. " y/n Riddle."

" as in?"

" Tom riddle. Yes."

" why did you tell me."

" because being the dark lords daughter isn't something I want to scream from the rooftops."

He looked at me, clearly understanding my point, then dropped his hand on the top of my legs, running it up and down gently as he turned away and shook his head. " your unpredictable."

" and you aren't?" I laughed, leaning back against the cold stone wall or the three broomsticks.

" again you hold a point."

" I always do."

We order another round of drinks, time I chose to get my Butter beer hot, the snow outside wasn't doing me any favours. I held it in my hands like I was cuddling a baby, letting the heat seep through the glass and warm my ice cold hands.

———————— Blaise's POV —————————-

I couldn't help but watch her, look at her, the simplest things she did put a smile on my face. The way she was cradling the mug, using it to warm her hands, because she was independent, refused to ask for gloves or a jacket.

I kept my hand on the top of her shins, I knew she felt comfortable with it and that's how it would stay. I loved she was comfortable around me, confident enough to tell my her secrets. She's the type of person that helps keep your world together even when it's falling apart.

She's had her fair share of boys that have found her attractive, probably more that never confessed, I mean who could blame them, she was a very pretty girl, despite her heritage. The genes must of come from her mother.

I watched her from the corner of my eyes as she took small sips from the steaming hot cup. She wasn't looking at me, that's good really, but it only made her that little bit more pretty. The fact she didn't even know people would watch her, she was oblivious to her own beauty.

Draco was lucky. Emphasis of the was. He let the best part of him go. I don't know how he did it, he was noticeably more happy with her, everyone saw it. She made him the person he was inside. Like I said she's that type of person.

The pain and sadness that kept growing in her eyes everyday does make me worry about her. She needed her happiness back, she was sick with worry, you could tell.

" Y/n, Slughorn's Christmas party, would you like to go with me?"

The built in the pit of my stomach as she pulled the mug away from her face.

————————Y/N'S POV—————————

I took a deep breath, contemplating my answer to his question. Going as Blaise's date to a party. I would normally agree immediately, but I couldn't stop thinking about the way Draco had broken down in-front of me. The way he still trusted me. The way not all hope was lost.

I glanced at him, ready to answer the question, but he had zoned out, staring over in the direction of the door with a soft smile.

I snapped my fingers in-front of his face and he flinched, shaking his head and smiling at me, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

" I'll come with you Zabini."

" what? Oh yeah! Ok."

I couldn't figure out what had distracted him, but it was clearly interesting as his eyes were back on the door, watching everyone who walked in and out.

" who you watching?"

" what? Who? Pardon?"

" ok blaise, what's going on?"

Just as the words came out my mouth the bell above the door tinkled, and Harry Hermione and Ron walked through, Blaise's eyes darted between the trio then back to me.

" Ah so Hermione Granger."

" shut up."

" y/n Granger-Zabini, perfect name for a child!"

" shut it."


Is good in the mirror, I was sick to death of wearing preppy fancy dresses, it's all I ever seemed to do. This time my dress was a black velvet, long sleeved, square neck, showing off just enough cleavage I looked classy. I grabbed my heels, then wandered into the common room with them swinging around my finger.

" incredible as always."

" dapper Zabini."

I held his shoulder as I slipped my heels on, then took his hand.

" ok let's go."

—————— DRACO'S POV—————

I saw them. I saw them walking down the hall, hand in hand. My girl. My y/n. But of course she wasn't mine anymore, because I was too weak. Too weak to ask for her help. Because I was scared. Scared for myself. For my mother. For her. For me.

She looked happy with Blaise, like she did with me. I knew he would look after her just from the way he held her gently, held her with grace, made her laugh, made her smile.

The window next to me, glowed as the harsh moon shine through it, illuminating me face, making some part of me seem evil. But it wasn't just a part of me. It was all of me. Right down to the threatening black arm on my weak pale forearm. I finally did it. I was finally like my dad. Like I said to her.

I sick of black, sick of wearing it reminding me I was no longer a human, no longer had my insanity. I didn't feel capable of loving her again, seeing her sage with Blaise drew the last piece of out me. She was safe, safe from me, safe from her father, safe from the danger she would be in staying with me.

I sat on the window sill, watching her smile at Blaise as the disappeared around the corner. My beautiful girl, forever and always.

——————- BLAISE'S POV—————-

Just thinking about how Draco would feel knowing I had her in my hand, made they guilt eat me from the inside. She was oblivious to the fight going on in my head.

No matter how bad I tried to fight the guilt, it wouldn't leave. But something made it worse. Them. They way they came in to the three broomsticks, their pretty face, outstanding smile. Just them. But y/n. Another battle I had to fight. Keep her, keep her happy, safe, my best friend, the girl keeping me whole. Or some stupid love for the golden trio, something that could result in danger. But I loved the risk.

I held the door open for her and she walked into the party, staying close to me. The room was full of people with there dates, kissing, dancing, holding each other. Something I missed. Isla.

I shook the thought and walked her into the party, hesitantly parking my hand at her waist. We went over to the other Slytherins, standing with our 'own kind' so we didn't didn't disgrace our house by socialising with Gryffindors. But of course, y/n was different. She went straight to Harry who was his behind a curtain.

——————— Y/N'S POV———————

The perfect time for me to talk to Harry, see what he knows, what he found out, what he's heard. I slipped behind the curtain, to join him, noticing he was holding a plate of greyish brown balls. I just shook my head, clearing my throat to get his attention.

" Y/n."

" What have you heard about me."

" nothing? What should I know."

" nothing out of the ordinary?"

" your out of the ordinary y/n."

I shot him a sarcastic smile as Cormac wormed his way in the curtains, standing between us, scoffing down the plate in Harry's hand and mumbling words about Hermione that I could barely understand. Harry and I exchanged a confused look, and he shrugged, then nodded over to the approaching Snape.

" shit."

I attempted to sneak out, avoiding Snape at all costs, and leave him with Cormac and Harry, I was almost back to Blaise when I heard my name.

" Back Here Miss Prewett."

"Double shit."

I walked backwards so I was in line with him and shot him an awkward smile.

" Professor- Draco?"

Draco was shoved into the room, held tightly at the collar by flinch. He was seemingly struggling to break free, his hands held behind his back also stuck in the grip of flinch.

" I found this boy loitering in the upstairs corridors. He claimed he was invited to your party."

Draco and I locked eyes, they were dark and pleading, like death had ridden them. I felt terrible, the room was silent, I could hear the guilt thumping in my head, and before I knew it I had opened my

" he's with me."

I felt all the eyes in the room burn through my skin as I walked over and slid my fingers between his and walked over to the crowd to 'rejoin' the party. As soon as everyone has returned to their business, I let go of his hand and left him stood alone as I walked back to Blaise.

I watched as Draco stormed out, Snape following very closely behind, then turned all my attention back to Blaise who was shaking his head in disappointment.

" why?"

" because part of me still hates to see him in trouble."

" I hate to say it-"

" but I need to let him go yeah yeah whatever. But he's not right Blaise. Something is up."

I walked away, out the party, following Snape and Draco. The corridors were dark and empty, just the faint glow coming from the candles on the wall.

I stood just out of sight, watching the pair as Snape threw him against a wall, keeping him there just by an elbow.

" maybe I did hex that bell girl maybe I didn't."

Katie Bell. I had heard what happened to here, luckily I had just missed the incident. It happened on the way back from Hogsmeade apparently, someone said she had been cursed.

" I'm trying to protect you. I made the i breakable vow."

True. I witnessed that.

" I don't need protection! I was chosen for this. Out of all others! Me! And I won't fail him!"

" your afraid Draco. Have you attempted to consider it's obvious? Let me help you."

" No I was chosen! This is my moment."

In that moment I had to resist the urge to ask them both, shout at them, find out what was going on. All I knew is my dad craved power, picked Draco to do something for him because he couldn't risk his own life. And that power had to come from Dumbledore.
I was piecing it together slowly, but something was missing, something important. What exactly was the task.

Snape came waltzing around the corner, stopping in-front of me and just staring before continuing on without a word. I pressed my back to the wall, and let out a long sigh. Trying to figure out what he was suppose to do was stressing me out, undoubtably a lot less then the task in his hands, but never the less, I know I shouldn't but I cared to much. For his safety mainly, I had done so much to try and protect him, risked so much.

Suddenly it hit me, Slughorn had mentioned someone had to kill Dumbledore to revive the wand that gave him the power.  Something my dad would refuse to do, he didn't want the effort, just the wand. It all made sense. After Lucius being shut in Azkaban  he was furious, demanded revenge and payment from Narcissa and Draco to fix what Lucius lost. What more of a perfect opportunity.

Task Draco to kill Dumbledore. It just made sense.

I peered round the corner and draco had collapsed in a pile on the floor his head hung between his legs, his hand rest on his knees. He was breathing heavily, I couldn't see his face but I could hear his faint cries.
I walked over, sitting on the floor opposite his, resting my hand on his knee.

" Draco," I whispered, running my thumb across his hand gently.


" I know what you have to do Draco. I know what my dads trying to make you."

" how?"

" Research and common sense."

He leant his head into my chest and I wrapped my arms around him, rubbing his back trying to comfort him as best I could. I couldn't begin to imagine how he was feeling.

" I did it for you. He spoke to me, told me if I didn't you would have to. He knew you were my weakness. You and my mother."

I froze, lifted his head so his eyes met mine, and shook my head.

" Draco."

" I love you. I would do anything. But I ruined it all."


" y/n where's you stuff?" Blaise asked, whilst dragging his suitcase down stairs and dropping half the contents on the floor where he hadn't packed it properly.

" I can't go home. Plus I have family here."

" ah yes uncle Snapey."

" shut the fuck up."

" lovely Christmas dinner with uncle Snapey."

I whacked him over the head with the book in my hand the dropped onto the couch as he turned to rummaged through his bag.

" this is for you. Merry Christmas y/n."

I took the small brown parcel off him, and put it on the table in-front of me, saving it for Christmas tomorrow.

" merry Christmas Blaise."

I returned a small gift I had brought a few months back. It was nothing special but I wanted to get him something.  He took it with a smile before leaving the common room with the rest of Slytherin house.

It was peaceful, just being sat alone in the common room but then Draco emerged from his dorm, with no suitcase looking like he had no intentions of going home for Christmas. He sat next to me, resting his head on my shoulder with no word whatsoever.

" aren't you going home to see your mum?"

" nope. I have to sort this god awful thing out."

" can I help?"

" know anything about vanishing cabinets?"

" no but we can figure it out."

" I've been doing it since we got here y/n I've made hardly any progress."

I stood up, leaving him baffled as I walked over to the shelf of books by the fire. Somewhere in here was a book of spells, undoubtedly carrying the spell to fix a cabinet. I grabbed that, along with the history of magic and magical objects, the tossed them of the floor along with myself.

I scanned each contents, looking for the right page and opened each book so I had the array of information in front of me. 

" my Christmas present to you is to help you figure this shit out."

A weak smile appeared on his face and he sat next to me, his hand behind my back propping himself up, his chin tucked in just by my shoulder.

" ok so where do we start?"

" how far have you got?"

" I can transport objects, just not living ones."

We spent the rest of the night, studying books and spells, trying to figure out how we can mend it. Occasionally, one of us would run down to the great hall to get some hot chocolate from the Christmas Eve feast. We took pages of notes, Draco split the hot chocolate over one of them, but luckily we found a spell for that.

It got to midnight and both of us were still wide awake, however we were now sat, cradling our hot chocolate, watching the snowfall outside the window surrounded by pages of notes and half an idea of how to proceed.

" merry Christmas y/n Prewett."

" merry Christmas Draco Malfoy."

I leant my head on his shoulder and he wrapped us both in a blanket. It wasn't how I expected to be spending Christmas Eve, but it was still perfect.

————— Christmas Day ————

I wandered down to the Greathall with Draco and for once he was in something else other then a black suit. The hall was practically empty apart from a couple of students and the teachers. We sat in the middle of the Slytherin table, and helped ourselves to some toast and warm pumpkin juice.

Snape approached the pair of us, carrying a black package. I just assumed it was from Narcissa to Draco, it was her first Christmas without him after all.

" Y/n."

He hand the the black package, and there was a note on top. I took it off him with a confused smile and watched as he waltzed away.,Draco looked up at me and I just shrugged and unfolded the note attached at the top.

' to my darling girl, for the Christmas you are 16, love mum.'

" well shit me," I blurted out, tearing the corner of the paper with my finger.

There was a black book and another black parcel. I continued to rip the paper off and took the second parcel this time the writing was distinctly Snape's.

' to my niece when she finds out.'

" oh fucking hell."

I tore open the parcel and inside was a small silver necklace with an emerald on the end. There was a small engraving on the back reading, ' truth and bravery just like your mother.' I glanced over to him with a small smile, this was one of the things I least expected this Christmas. I hooked it around my neck then picked up the black book turning it over in my hands.

" Well open it then."

I opened the book, and traced my fingers over the first page. It had matching writing to what was on the note, the same extravagant swirls on the tails of letters.

" Delilah Snape. 1972-1979."

" I think it's her diary, Draco this could help us."

" read it then!"

' 1972. Delilah Snape Age 11.
This place is magical! Never did I think I would get such an opportunity! I'm just glad mum let me attended this year, after my big brother came home and told me all about it last year I couldn't wait! Severus said that Slytherin house was the best the best and that I would be put in there with him, however that wasn't the case. I was out in Gryffindor. I didn't think it was bad, but mum said otherwise. She told me she couldn't accept a Gryffindor. I don't know what I did. I met these people in my house, they are a year older four boys and a girl. Lily Evans her name is, she's different to the boys. She helps me a lot, got my settled in helped me unpack then played a game of cards with me! She's really nice. The boys are loud, Severus said not to talk to the one named James Potter as he's a 'bully and a swine' I think he's just very loud and obsessed with Lily. SEV IS JEALOUS!! And as his little sister it's my duty to annoy him about it by talking to James.
Wish me luck,
Delilah Snape
( well not anymore apparently)

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