
By Jkieeeee

82.6K 1.9K 513

Y/n didn't agree to be married with someone that she didn't know that she didn't even meet,what is going to h... More

Sold pt.1
Sold pt.2
They almost got me.
I miss you
WAR pt.1
WAR pt.2
I finally found you
Vocation pt1
Vocation pt.2
Fin pt.1
Fin pt.2


2.5K 67 12
By Jkieeeee

Author pov

After a few days of staying in coma Y/n finally wakes up,she felt a little bit dizzy but then she realise that she is in the hospital.

She looked at her surrounding and sew Jaehyun on her left side holding her hand while sleeping.

She just looked at him till he wakes up.

Jaehyun:"you finally woke up"
Y/n:"for how long was i here?"
Jaehyun:"almost 3 days,we need to call the doctor and tell him that you just woken up and after that we need to make a serous discussion"

The doctor came in the room,checked you and then he said something that will shook you.

Doctor:"miss i need to tell you something"
Y/n:"what is it?"
Doctor:"you lost your baby miss"
Y/n:"w-what?"she said with a very sad and disappointed voice.

Y/n kept her pregnancy from everybody becouse she was scared,

when she knew it,it was before any of these mess happened.
She just wanted to protect the baby.

After her conversation with the doctor,he checks for one last time her condition and then left.

Soon after the doctor left,Jaehyum came inside the room,they made an eye contact and he sit down on the chair.

Jaehyun:"why didn't you tell me anything?"
Y/n:"i-i was just scared"
Jaehyun:"why darling"
Y/n:"i....."she was very shocked of the new nickname that he gave her.
Jaehyun:"just leave it,we will talk about this when you feel more comfortable but for now i want you to concentrate on resting and healing"

Jaehyun just sitted on the chair while doing his work and looking out for Y/n while

Y/n was watching the tv and still thinking about her lost child.

The next day

I woke and the nurse was alreday in the room checking me,we said good morning to each other and she asked me how i was feeling.

When she left i sew Taeyoung on the sofa on my right side.

I trown a piece of paper towardd him to wake him up and to let him know that i just woke up.

Taeyoung:"can you please let me sleep more"
Y/n:"i don't think so,i'm hungry oppa"
Taeyoung:"fine here i go,what would you like to eat?"
Y/n:"some cereals please"
Taeyoung:"okay i will go and get it just stay here don't try to stand up or Jaehyun is going to kill me"

Speaking about Jaehyun he came inside the room as soon as his name got called.

Jaehyun:"ohh you're awake,good morning"he said walking towards your bed with roses on his hands.
Y/n:"yeah,for who are those roses?"
Jaehyun:"they are for you,by the way my mum wants to see you since she heard about you going in the hospital"

You,Jaehyun and Taeyoung eat breakfast while they were discussing about work specifically of Bangchan.

Taeyoung:"so what are we going to do to that bastard?"
Jaehyun:"right now that we have Y/n i think i will just kill him"
Taeyoung:"umhh"he said in agreement.

If i have to be honest i feel very bad for him,even if he hurted me i still believe that nobody should be treated like this.

After breakfast they both left,Jaehyun told me to stay in bed and if there was something i want i can call one of the bodyguards outside.

After that he did something that was unexpected,he gave me a kiss on the cheek and then he left.

Taeyoung sew the scene and he gave me one of those teasing faces,i know that he is going to says this to the boys.

After 3 houres of watching the tv i heard the door open

i thought that it was the nurse but there were 5 girs dressed as nurses,

I was going to scream to let the guards know that these were not nurses but then i took a better glance at them and it was Irene with the girls.

Joy:"omg don't scream Y/n"
Yeri:"you are just going to riun this perfect plan"
Y/n:"omg girls i missed you!"
Wendy:"we heard that you got hurt,are you fine now?
Y/n:"yeah but much better now that you are all here"
Irene:"we missed you too,here this is a gift that we bought just for you"
Y/n:"you didn't have too"

I proceed to open the gift and inside of it there was a very pretty bracelet,just like what they have.

I said thank you to them and they helped me put it on my wrist.

Imagine this is the bracelet:

After that they had to leave before they got caught,they said that i can call them any time and that i need to take a rest.

We hugged each other and said good bye the nurse finally came in after they got out.

She checked me and said that i could leave the hospital tomarrow,i smiled just by hearing it becouse i feel very sad and lonely here.

After that my food came and Jaehyun's mum visited me it was very awkward at first but we got along by talking about gardening.

Jaehyun's Mum:"I am very happy that you are healthy and you took a rest i just wanted to ask you something before i leave"
Y/n:"what is it mum?"
Jaehyun:"i want you to........"

What is Jaehyun's mum going to ask Y/n?
Will he accept?

Hi love👋!!i just wanted to tell you that if you liked this chapter don't forget to vote it and to follow me to be updated for my futer books.
Bye and take care💚

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