The Bad Boy is Back (Book 2)

By Jenleighna

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(Book 2) *Contains spoilers below* "I needed more closure than what you gave me." I half lied. "It feels... More

Chapter 1: Nine Months
Chapter 2: Just Shut Up For Ten Seconds, Okay?
Chapter 3: What's it to You?
Chapter 4: Just This Once
Chapter 5: I Think We Should Ask Her
Chapter 6: When it Comes to You
Chapter 7: Are You Going to Kill Me This Time?
Chapter 8: I Want You There
Chapter 9: Say My Name Again
Chapter 10: I Couldn't Save Him
Chapter 11: Prepare To Be Disappointed
Chapter 12: He's My Brother!
Chapter 13: He Knew
Chapter 14: Figure It Out
Chapter 15: Normal
Chapter 16: She'll Be Next
Chapter 18: You Did What?
Chapter 19: Why'd You Do This To Me?
Chapter 20: 13 Months Earlier
Chapter 21: We're Going To Need You.
Chapter 22: I Didn't Plan On Getting Caught
Chapter 23: I Should've Made Her Stay
Chapter 24: She's Changed Everything
Chapter 25: I Need To Heal
Chapter 26: Doubtful

Chapter 17: This Is What I Need, Please?

46.7K 1.2K 321
By Jenleighna


Today was the first day of school. I was excited only because I get to do something to keep my mind of of things. Even though Noah has definitely taken care of that. Still no updates from Larson after five days, but Noah always calls and checks.

                We have two classes together. I know Noah isn’t excited about starting his senior year over again, but he knows it’s something he needs to do. Ash decided to wait until spring to actually make the biggest move, so I’ll have Ashley at school with me at least until then. I was happy to have Noah in school with me though. I needed him there.

                Noah was sitting at the breakfast table when I came downstairs. Carrie and Leo talked me into taking the Nanny Job full time. Another thing to be excited about. I can watch Noah and make sure he doesn’t run out of the house. And having him only a few feet away helps ease my mind. We know when we need space and other times we don’t even want an inch of space between us.

                I poured myself a cup of coffee before sitting down beside him. He looked exhausted, but better than he has in days. “You decided to leave the ring in I see.”

He looked at me like I’ve gone crazy, but nodded his head. “My mom and I made a compromise. I go back to school, I get to keep the lip ring.” He grinned, satisfied.

I snorted and took a sip of my coffee. “She must love the tattoos then.”

                “Oh, she loves them.” He exaggerated.

I laughed. “At least you don’t have that ridiculous eyebrow piercing anymore.”

                “You’re never going to let that go.” He fought the smile on his face.

                “Probably not.” I smirked, taking the last drink of my coffee.

I brought my cup to the sink and I felt a strong pair of arms around my waist. Noah pressed his face into the side of my neck, “We’ll finally have time alone after school.”

                “And we’re probably going to have a lot of homework to do.” I bit down on my bottom lip when he kissed my neck. His lips brushed against my jaw, stopping above my ear.

                “I think we better make use of the time wisely. And I can tell you now that homework will be the last thing on my mind.”

My breath caught in my throat. “I’m pretty sure that’s what’s always on your mind.”

He kissed my temple and dropped his hands. “Very true. But let’s go before we’re late. We’ll be continuing this discussion when we get home.”

                I just rolled my eyes and walked off. I grabbed my bag beside the steps and walked outside. I got into the car and Noah joined me soon after. The ride to school felt weird. Maybe it’s because Noah’s with me again. I never thought I would see him again and it just felt odd knowing that I have him back. And I know it sounds bad, but it’s a good odd. I like the feeling again.

                We arrived at school and Noah just stood by his car like he’s already regretting this decision. I threaded my fingers with his and he gave my hand a gentle squeeze. “It’ll be okay. It’s just school.” I pulled on his hand to lead him to the front of the school.

                Inside was chaos as always. Kids rushing and locker doors being slammed. Noah and I were still locker neighbors, another perk of having him back. He didn’t even open his, but I did long enough to just put my bag inside and pull out a notebook and pencil. I’m sure I’ll be making more stops throughout the day.

                Noah walked me to my first class, lingering outside with me. Girls passed by to go into class, giggles being shared among them. He smirked and I had to pinch his arm. “Be careful and don’t let your head get too big.” I started walking into class but he grabbed my arm to pull me back.

                He pulled me against his chest and left an attentive kiss on my lips. “I’ll be here after class and we’ll walk together.”

I nodded and gave him another quick kiss.

                I was surprised to find Ashley already in class. It was kind of crazy how we used to be inseparable but now we only see each other like once a week. She waved me over, gesturing to the empty seat next to her. “I’m pretty sure I haven’t seen you in two years.” She sighed.

                 “It feels like it.” I agreed.

                “How’s Noah?” She asked, her tone laced with excitement. “Ash told me he was back for good so that’s got to mean something.”

It definitely means something. “Yeah, he’s here and not going anywhere.”

                “Ash is still on the fence about it. But he’s your brother and no one is good enough for you.” She mocked his voice and I started laughing.

But it was true. “Noah’s something else.”

                “If he treats you like the princess you are, then I think he’s perfect.” She grinned.

                Talking about boys with Ashley was something we used to do before everything happened. And it seems so normal for us. Like there was nothing else to care about except if our boyfriends are treating us properly.

                After class, Ashley and I parted for our next classes. Noah was waiting outside my class for me like he said. He held onto my hand as we walked to our next class together. He told me about his first class and I told him about mine. He seemed to be okay so far. Nothing out of the ordinary, but I still worried about him a little.

                Instead of taking the seat beside me, he decided to take the empty seat behind me. It would probably be easier for him to poke me and annoy me if he wanted. And I’m sure that’s exactly what he wanted.

                Lunch was even more eventful. Since Noah was too cool to make friends, he sat with me and Ashley in the courtyard. No talk of Scott or why Noah left never came up in conversation and that was more than okay.

                I felt myself falling for Noah more and more each day again. The feelings were stronger since last year. Much stronger. And I don’t know if the feelings scared me or made me happy. They were something though. Something I couldn’t share with Noah.

                 Not yet anyway.

                Noah was waiting for me by my locker at the end of school. Well, he could have been just going to his locker. I grabbed my bag and the text books I needed for homework before closing my locker and following Noah out to his car. When we were on the main road, I finally spoke. “Was your day okay?”

He gave me a half shrug. “Can’t complain, I guess.”

                “Anything from Larson?” I asked slowly.

He flashed me a look and shook his head. “Nothing. I’ll call when we get home.”

 I left it alone after that.

                The house was empty as expected. Alex should be home in an hour or so. I followed Noah up the stairs and up to his room. I dropped my bag on his bed and sat down on the edge. “Told you I would have enough homework to last me a year.”

Noah dropped his backpack by his desk and sat down. “It’s not a first day without teachers being a pain in the ass.” He muttered, leaning back in the chair.

                “Regret going back?”

He hesitated but shook his head. “Not yet.”

                He turned around in his chair and leaned over his desk with his phone in hand. I’m assuming he was calling Larson. I situated myself on my stomach and pulled out my English book from my bag along with the five page packet. No such thing going easy on us on the first day.

                Noah was muttering into the phone while I concentrated on my homework. I couldn’t make out any of what he was saying and he wasn’t talking in full sentences. The only words I could understand were ‘yeah’ and ‘okay’ about twenty times. Their phone calls last no more than five minutes and it’s been well over. Either they found something or Larson decided to tell him what he had for lunch that day. I’m aiming for the first one.

                The bed dipped a little on my side. “What did he say?” I asked, scribbling down one of the answers.

Noah pressed his hand onto my lower back. “I had to talk him out of calling my dad because…you know.”

                “Well I mean…” I lost my train of thought when Noah’s fingers poked under the hem of my shirt.

                “You mean what?” I could hear the glorified smirk in his voice.

He pushed the fabric of my shirt higher up my back and I was in no position to form coherent words. I let out a small whimper and knew then he was victorious.

                He pressed a kiss to the small of my back, leading a small trail. He took his time, knowing I was already melting under his touch. With a small gasp, my eyes closed without much fight. I opened my eyes again, trying to focus on the homework, but it was all scrambled letters and blurry pages. “Noah.” I wanted my voice to sound stern, but it shook.

                “You’re so easy to distract.”

I let out a laugh, more like a giggle. “I’m never going to finish if you don’t stop.”

He continued his assault on my back, not even caring about my protest. I wiggled under his grasp, another laugh escaping my throat. He hovered over my back and leaned down to kiss the crook of my neck. Another part Noah knows will drive me crazy.

                He continued down his path along my jaw, brushing the hair to the other side to get better access to my neck. I tilted my head without thinking about it and I felt another smile on his face. I couldn’t fight my smile and I was so ready to just give in. But I kept what little focus I had on the textbook. The words still didn’t make any sense, but Noah doesn’t need to know that.

                Another five minutes have passed and Noah’s lips were still sliding against my jaw. Taunting me. Begging me to give into him without speaking a word. I tried keeping a straight face, but every time he kissed my sweet spot, a smile slid onto my face. I accidently let a moan slip and that only made Noah more determined than he was before. “I can tell you’re so close to giving in.” He whispered, a low chuckle erupting from his chest.

                “You wish.”

                But Noah wasn’t having it for another second.

                He flipped me onto my back, pushing my stuff to the floor. I grinned up at him and tugged at the collar of his shirt. “Hmmm. Talk about impatient.” I hooked a leg around his hip and cradled his face in my hands. I brushed my lips lightly across his only to tease him more because he deserves it. He met my eyes, knowing exactly what I was doing. I gave him a smile before giving into him.

                My hands traveled down his torso, gripping on the hem of his shirt. As I was about to pull it over his head, someone cleared their throat in the doorway. Noah lifted his head and my cheeks turned to fire. “Hey, Dad.” He smiled.

Oh god.

                I pushed Noah off of me and sat up straight. “Hi, Leo.” I smiled nervously.

He sent a nod in my direction and looked at Noah. “The door’s opened.” Noah said.

                “I can see that.”

                “I didn’t even know you were home.” Noah stood up off the bed and walked up to his father.

                “I was in the office. Took the day off, god knows I needed it.”  He laughed.

Leo was so easy going when it came to Noah. I’ve barely spoke to Leo because he’s never home, but he’s always happy and him and Carrie never fight.

                   Well, if they do they don’t do it in front of me.

                Seeing Leo was like seeing what Noah was going to look like when he got older. I never saw Scott in Leo. Except the eyes. All three of them have the brightest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. It’s very enticing. Something that drew me to Noah in the first place.

                “So, Carrie will be home soon and wants to take you to dinner. I guess for going back to school and just having you home.” And then he looked at me. “You’re invited too, Willow. If you don’t have any plans or anything.”

                “No plans.”

                “Good.” And then he looked back to Noah. “I don’t think I need to tell you—”

                “Nope.” Noah said quickly. “I know all about the birds and the bees.”

Leo gave Noah a smile. “Be ready to leave when your mom gets home.”

                Noah closed the door after his dad left the room. My cheeks are still burning and I was completely embarrassed.

Noah started laughing.

                “It’s not funny!” I complained, placing my hands over my cheeks. “Out of all the people to walk in on us, it had to be your dad.”

Noah was still laughing when he sat down next to me. “My mom would’ve screamed.”

My eyes widened when I looked at him. “And that’s supposed to make me feel better?”

                “I’m saying it could’ve been worse.”

He was right, in a way. “They didn’t know we were even together, Noah.”

                “They aren’t stupid.”

I did tell his mom she had nothing to worry about. It’s not Leo I’m worried about.

                Hopefully this will be a hint to Noah that we need to be more careful. As if that’s the only thing we had to worry about right now. “There’s something I need to tell you.” His voice was low.

                   “W-what is it?” I tried to remain calm, but my voice is telling me something else.

                “Last week, Larson told me something and I didn’t think you should know.” I opened my mouth to speak but he held up his hand. “Before you get mad, I did it for a reason.” To protect me. It’s always his excuse. “There was blood found at Jesse’s apartment. A lot of it.”

My heart was beating faster. “Was it Scott’s?” I choked out.

Noah hesitated and then nodded. “It was. But they’re saying it’s possible he’s still alive and they aren’t going to stop looking for him.”

Instead of getting mad that he didn’t tell me, I just nodded. There wasn’t anything else I could say except everything I’ve said before.

“What were you saying earlier? Before I interrupted?” He grinned now, hoping to change the subject quicker.

I sent him a glare and focused on my hands. “I was going to say that Leo is Scott’s dad as well, I would understand why he wanted to talk to him.”

Noah let out a sigh and frowned. “It’s only going to cause a fight, so it’s pointless.”

                “But he could help—”

                “Drop it!” He said quickly. “I’m not going to either of my parents.”

I always felt weak when Noah yelled at me. Only because it was rare and when he did yell, he was really mad. And I just hit Noah’s red button. “Sorry. Won’t mention it again.” I walked out of his room without another word between us.

                The basement was still my sanctuary. Carrie offered me the guest room, but I politely declined because I would rather her use it for actual guests. And I liked the basement. It was there when I needed some quiet to do homework or read a book.

                And the room is right next to Noah’s. Too tempting, is what he says.

                I changed my blouse for a sweater and I attempted to do something with my curls. I settled on making a messy knot on the top of my head. My hair was already messy, so it was kind of an accident. There’s a lot of accidents happening lately.

                Noah made me so angry sometimes. His stubbornness over powers mine by a mile. His dad could help, I know he could. I don’t know if he would want to help, but I’m sure he would. It is his son and sometimes I think Noah is still in denial about it. He calls him his brother but I know he would rather Scott be an enemy without sharing blood.

                The sound of Carrie’s voice echoed from the top of the basement stairs. I put on my boots before making my way up the stairs. Carrie was all smiles and it was definitely something rare to see when Noah left.

                Alex was in tow behind her and Noah came trudging down the stairs. He looked at me first but I quickly looked away. He was most likely going to get the silent treatment. If he can do it, I can do it too. Now look who’s being the childish one. Or the one that’s stubborn and too high on my pride to apologize. But for once, I did nothing wrong. I just tried to help and he yelled at me like I was a two year old that picked up a piece of expensive glass.

                The care ride was even more fun.


                Alex wanted me to sit in the middle, which means I was stuck sitting next to Noah. He didn’t say anything, just stared out the window. Alex was talking my ear off about this kid at school and a new TV show he started watching. I didn’t realize how little I’ve spent with Alex and I had to admit I miss hanging out with the kid. Absolutely no drama. And he never got mad at me.

                At the restaurant, Leo reserved a booth. I sat on the inside and this time, Noah was in the middle. The waitress came and took our drink orders and when she came back, we gave her our food orders. And once she was out of sight, Carrie started asking Noah about school. Noah has always been a guy with one word answers. Especially with his parents.

                Noah gently rested his hand on the top of my thigh. His way of apologizing rarely involved the words ‘I’m sorry.’ Says he’s more into showing then telling.

                It was a relief. I hate being mad at him and I hate when he’s mad at me. I placed my hand on top of his, which was an apology of my own. I intertwined our fingers and gently squeezed his hand. He drew circles around the top of my hand and more relief washed over me.

                Our dinner came shortly after. The food smelled amazing and my mouth was watering before I even took the first bite. Noah loosened up more, started laughing with Alex, and talking to his parents about today. In some ways, Noah has changed. And I know I won’t even have him back fully. He’s not the same as he was when he was with me.

                And it broke my heart.

                It’s easier for him to just completely shut down than actually talk. I know it would be wrong to be mad at him for not telling me about Scott. There’s so many things I wish I could take back. Tell him absolutely nothing was his fault. The thought of him carrying the guilt that I made him feel made my chest hurt. Part of the reason he’s like this is because of me.

                Now was not the time to start crying.

I nudged Noah with my elbow, “I need to go to the bathroom.” I whispered.

He laughed and nudge Alex out of the booth.

                The bathrooms had to be on the other side of the building. I checked the stalls, making sure no one was in them before I locked myself in one. The first tear fell without warning and then they wouldn’t stop. Noah has carried all of this guilt, and not once did I stop to realize that. He was carrying way more than the guilt I made him feel.

                He was carrying the weight of his missing brother.

                And I had the nerve to be selfish.

“You okay in there?” A female voice made me jump. I didn’t even hear the door open.

                “Uh, yeah. I’m fine.” I answered back, my voice a little raspy.

I ran my sleeves under my eyes to swipe away any stray tears.

                I stepped out of the stall and the girl was standing at the sink, touching up her lip gloss. “You don’t sound fine.” She glanced at me and looked back at her reflection.

Her blonde hair was in the perfect ponytail and her eyes were a familiar blue. She looked oddly familiar. “You’re Willow, right?”

                “Do you go to Los Angeles high?” I asked.

She shook her head. “No. But I know who you are.”

I tried to make a run for the door, but her long fingers wrapped around my wrist. “I’m not going to hurt you, Willow.” She smiled.

I jerked my wrist from her grip. “What do you want?”

                “I just need you to give something.” She pulled a neatly folded piece of paper from her pocket and handed it to me. “But don’t read it until you’re alone.”

                “What is this? And how do you know who I am?”

She smiled. “Let’s just say Noah and I have a mutual friend.” She placed her lip gloss back into her purse. “I’ll expect an answer no later than midnight tomorrow.”

An answer?

                “What kind of—”

                “No more questions. Just read it when you’re alone.” She turned on her heals and walked out of the bathroom. I didn’t realize I was holding my breath until I let it go.

                The note sat in my hand and I wasn’t able to move it. I just stared at it, wondering if I should just open it now. But I couldn’t. There was no way I could walk out of here with a straight face. I put the note in my back pocket and proceeded to look at myself in the mirror. My eyes were only slightly red and I know it’s not going to go unnoticed.

                After a few minutes, I walked out of the bathroom. I slowly walked back to our table and I was lucky when no one even mentioned my red eyes. I slid back into my spot and forced a smile. Their conversation didn’t falter when I arrived and I was grateful for that. No one questioned me, but it could be because the lighting was dark in this place.

                My mind started to wonder. I had to know that girl. She looked like someone I knew, but I couldn’t place it. And what the hell does she want with me? If she and Noah have a mutual friend, then she should’ve went to Noah. I already know he’s not going to like this. I want to read the note before I go to Noah about it. Anything to keep him out of trouble.

                When we got home, we all went our separate ways. Before Noah could walk up the stairs, I tugged on his hand. He followed me down to the basement. When we got down there, he immediately grabbed my face, brushing his thumbs under my eyes. “Why were you crying?” He whispered. “Because of our fight?”

I quickly shook my head the best I could.

                He led me to the couch, pulling me down into his lap. He wrapped an arm around my waist to secure me to him. “Talk to me.” He used his free hand, brushing his thumb across my jaw.

                “I just…I know I haven’t been making things easy for you.” I started, but my voice was already wobbling. “I haven’t taken into consideration everything you’ve been through. I know you feel guilty, Noah. I can tell when you look at me.”

He opened his mouth to speak but I quickly stopped him. “If I don’t get this out now, I never will.” He nodded and I continued. “I know things have changed. Not necessarily for the better. I’m sorry I ever blamed you for any of it. I’m sorry you had to go through what you did and you had no one.” I don’t remember when I started crying, but he started wiping my tears. “I’m basically the only person you have and I was making things hard for you and that’s the last thing you need.” I sucked in a breath.

Noah’s hands were on my face again and he was shaking his head. “It was hard, I’m not going to lie. But I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere. And you’re not either. You’re the only person making things easy for me right now. If it wasn’t for you, I would be in even more trouble. Don’t think for a second I don’t appreciate what you’ve done and what you’re doing. You’ve given up so much—”

                “I would do it again.” I interjected and dropped my voice to a soft whisper.  “I would do anything for you.” And that terrifies me.

His lips were on mine in a flash. I squeezed my eyes closed, letting the warmth of his kiss envelope me. I gripped his face between my hands, hoping to bring us closer together. The intensity of this kiss was almost overpowering, but I couldn’t get enough. This kiss was hungry yet passionate. Noah did show better than he could tell.

And I wasn’t complaining.

He pulled away, resting his forehead against mine. “You’re crazy.” He laughed lightly.

“Tell me something I don’t know.” I teased and kissed him again. When I pulled away, I just stared into his eyes. I wanted to tell him I loved him. That I still love him and always will.

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks.

But it couldn’t be, could it?

That girl…her eyes…the familiarity…

She looked like Scott…


SOOOOO did ya expect that? HAHAHA. Just kidding it's late and I'm getting weird, haha.

Vote and comment if you liked this chapter!! I spent a lot of time on it and it's like almost triple what I usually write. I'm gonna try and start replying to your comments as well! :)

There's quite a few things going to be revealed in the next chapter. And I've seen a lot of your theories about who the 'Boss' is and they're so great, honestly. But no spoilers!!! There will probably be maybe four more chapters? Hopefully I can do that many, but it's possible there could be more. And once this story ends, I'll post my new one! :)

Song: My Heart by Paramore (I know I've used it before, but ehhh it's their song, haha.)

PS. Tyler Posey's band tattoos inspired Noah's :)))) I just really like them.

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