Obviously Me

By AmbrosiaRose

994 75 53

A Japanese twenty-something girl. A cupcake shop. A stranger. A little girl who thinks everyone is a princess... More

Chapter 1: Japanese Princess
Chapter 2: Library Horoscopes with Haimi and the Pumpkin Spice Cupcake
Chapter 3: The Party
Chapter 5: #TBT on a Friday
Chapter 6: The Call
Chapter 7: I Love You
Chapter 8: Pros and Cons
A/N :/
Chapter 9: Her and I
Chapter 10: The Plane Ride

Chapter 4: Him

68 6 4
By AmbrosiaRose

Chapter 4

I never had a thing for fashion, fads, or any of it. I always thought it was stupid to dress like everyone else.

But today was different.

I get a shower at 2pm, then put some ringlets in my hair. I go in my closet (aka death trap) and attempt to find some clothes. After 30 minutes, I give up and call Haimi.

Haimi is over at my apartment in ten minutes flat. She disappears in my closet and doesn't come out for twice the time it took for her to get here.

She lays a loose-fitting white top, skinny jeans, and a light brown belt on my bed. For shoes, I have light brown flats. I put small gold hoop earrings in my ear piercings and bobby pins in my hair.

Haimi does my makeup: A little bit of pale pink blush, mascara, and light pink lipstick.

"Perfect." She steps back after I'm dressed and ready. "You look beautiful, Mi."

I look in the mirror. "You think so?"

"Oh, I know so, little Japanese girl."

"Do you think he'll like it?"

"I know so, little Japanese girl." She blows a kiss. "I will see you tonight at Applebee's."

"See you then."

"And Mirai?" Haimi pauses before leaving my apartment.


"Do not be afraid to make a move on him," she says. "I am a Cough Drop - a pep talk in every drop."

"That sounded weird, but thanks, Cough Drop."

"Of course, little Japanese girl." Haimi smiles and leaves.


I arrive at Applebee's. I'm nervous, though I shouldn't be. This isn't a date-date, it's just dinner with some friends. But I'm still shaking.

Ozzie arrives soon after I do. We are all seated at a table for 4 a few minutes later.

"Can I start you off with some drinks?" the waitress asks.

"Water," says Haimi.

"Two waters," adds Ranesh.

"Coke," I say.

"Two Cokes," says Ozzie, and I almost blush.

"They'll be right out." The waitress walks away.

"So, Ozzie," says Haimi. "Tell us about yourself. Give us five facts."

Ozzie raises his eyebrows. "Sure. I'm a toxicologist. I have three sisters, two nieces, and four nephews. I'm the youngest of my sisters. Umm . . . that's three?"

"Two more," demands Haimi.

"I suck at wrapping presents."

"One more."

"I dunno," mumbles Ozzie.

"Hmm . . . you single?" prompts Ranesh.

Ozzie looks surprised at first, then relaxes. "Yeah. Just recently broke up with my girlfriend. She wasn't my type. I mean, I thought she was at the time. After almost a year, I finally realized that she wasn't who I thought she was. So I broke it off. She keeps calling me. I don't care." He shrugs. "She's two-faced."

"Oh," I say softly. What else is there to say?

"To recap," interrupts Haimi abruptly. "You study poisons, you are one of four kids. You have two nieces and some-odd nephews. You are the worst at wrapping presents, and you are single."

He nods.

The waitress brings us our drinks. "Ready to order?"

"Give us a few more minutes, please," Ranesh says.

"No problem." She disappears in the kitchen.

"So, Ozzie." Now Ranesh is asking the questions. "You mentioned your last girlfriend, who happened to not be your type. What is your type?"

"Uh, I dunno." He shrugs.

"C'mon, Ozzie. Adjectives." Haimi leans forward, sipping on her water.

Ozzie and I make eye contact for a brief second and my heart rate speeds up. "Someone who is really sweet. Nonjudgmental. Kind and willing to compromise. Accepting. Loving. Compassionate and passionate. Can bake, cook, whatever. But I really like girls who respect others and don't . . . don't . . . care about whether they're accepted or not. Bold but shy. Unafraid to try new things." He looks at me again before shifting his gaze back to Haimi.

"Really?" Ranesh smiles. "Was not expecting a large speech, but ok then."

I feel my face flushing. Bright red. I look down, avoiding eye contact from Ozzie, Ranesh, and Haimi altogether.

"I'm going to step outside for a minute," I say suddenly. "If the waitress comes back, just get me a Caesar salad." I get up from the table and walk outside into the cool, October night air.

I sit down on a bench outside and cross my legs. Maybe I'm not ready for dating. But who said I was going to be in a relationship with Ozzie? Or anyone, for that matter? I'm not ready for commitment - but who said I was going to be committed to someone? I'm jumping to conclusions; it's a bad habit.

The sound of cars driving on the highway slowly starts to die down. Applebee's begins to get more packed. I take some deep breaths, wondering why I'm getting so overwhelmed about someone who doesn't even like me. My mind is a whirlwind of thoughts. Why am I letting my mind wander? Why am I getting stressed out? I consider leaving Applebee's, using the excuse I wasn't feeling well. It seems likely. Feeling suddenly sick and -

"Are you ok, Mirai?"

I jump, looking toward the door. It's the person I least want to see right now. Ozzie.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I sigh. He sits down next to me, and I feel my stomach twist into knots.

"No, you're not fine. What's up?"

I swallow. "I have a little bit of a migraine." At least that was part truth.

"I'm sorry," he says. "Do you carry meds in your purse or something that might help it?"

"Yeah." I pull a medicine bottle out of my purse, open it, and pop two pills in my mouth. I dry swallow them.

"The waitress came back. I told her a Caesar salad for you. Grilled chicken ok?"

"That's fine." When I'm nervous, I use the word fine too much. "Thank you."

"Your friends sure ask a lot of questions," Ozzie laughs. "I think they know me better than my family knows me."

"They like to find out about people." I smile, pushing my hair behind my ears. "Stalkers, sort of."

Ozzie gently touches my hand without making eye contact. He keeps gazing straight ahead. "They're nice, though."

I relax. "I don't think I introduced them to you. Did I?"

He shakes his head.

"The girl is Haimi. Ranesh is her boyfriend. I've known Haimi for a hell of a long time. Ranesh and her have been dating for . . . a year, I guess."


"Yeah. Haimi is an avid Hindu, and Ranesh is Muslim. It's weird how they can agree on things, but neat. Compromise."

"I agree," Ozzie says. "Your headache wasn't the reason you came outside, was it?" He is sitting closer to me - we're maybe a few inches apart. His left hand still lays on top of my right hand. And I'm still trying to keep from freaking out.

I'm quiet.

"Do you need alone time? Just tell me. I mean, I barely know you. I'm sorry if I'm invading your space or something. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"Honestly, I'd rather be alone than be with another person," I admit finally. "But there's a few people I can stand."'

"Same here."

"My dad, Haimi, and Ranesh; my brothers - but their wives, not so much." I can't believe what I'm about to say. "And you."


I bite my lip.

"It feels like I've known you forever," he whispers. "That sounds weird. Really creepy and awkward and very cheesy. It's . . . it's true."

"I know," I say quietly, smiling a little. "Have we met before?"

Ozzie chuckles. "I don't think so."

"Never mind, then." I shrug.

His fingers lace inbetween mine. "I think it's a nice night."

"Me too," I agree. "Not too hot . . ."

"Not too cold." He smiles. "Tell me when you're ready to go back inside, Miss Japanese Princess."

A smile tugs at the corners of my mouth. "It might be a while."


Is it okay?

Peace and potatoes.




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