Chapter 8: Pros and Cons

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Chapter 8

On my break at 2pm, I sit down in the back of Yum-Yum-Cakes with my phone. I type pros of living in Italy in the Google search bar.

Good food.

Rich culture.

Amazing architecture.

Pretty convincing, especially the food part.

Now for the part that I dreaded. The cons.

High crime.

High taxes.

Bad public transportation.

Ok, so the high crime really scares me.

I really only fear being away from Ozzie and flying. Those are the only two factors that stand in my way.

Stupid flying.

Stupid, stupid flying.


Sorry, this is an extremely short chapter. Couldn't really think of anything. The next chapter will be a lot longer, so I guess I'm prepping you for that?

I guess that's it . . .


Should Mirai go or stay? (Should I stay or should I go? Sorry that song always pops into my head.)

Thank you for reading and all that jazz.

I am going to go now and eat mints because that is all I do with my life.



(The author of this love story :L)

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