Chapter 3: The Party

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Chapter 3

Lately, I've been sort of sad. I don't know why.

I think I like Ozzie, but I don't think he likes me. As cheesy as it sounds, it's true.

I kick myself for obsessing over someone who I've only seen twice. How can I be so stupid?

Maybe it's not me that's stupid.

Maybe it's love?


Ozzie swings by Yum-Yum Cakes to pick both me and the cake up for Asia's birthday party. He is wearing a gray t-shirt, ripped jeans, and flip flops.

"Ready to go?" Ozzie asks, leaning against the counter.

I shut the register closed. "Yep."

"Are you leaving?" my sister-in-law, Pamela, says, coming out of the back of the shop. When I nod, she smiles slyly. "Have fun on your date, Mi."

"It's not a date," I hiss.

"You're right. It can't be. You're not dressed nice enough." Pam grins.

I'm in comfortable clothes - a Nirvana t-shirt, skinny jeans, and sandals. My hair is back in a messy bun.

"I'm just going to a little girl's birthday party, not a formal dinner party," I retort.

"Call me if stuff happens." She winks.

"Whatever, Pam." I turn to Ozzie, who is checking his phone. "I'm ready now."

"Great - I need to make one, real quick stop before we go to my sister's house. Is that ok?"

"It's fine," I reply. "Where, exactly?"

"We're out of juice boxes. Camilla just realized that. You mind?"

"Nah. Bye, Pam."

"Bye, Mi."

I hop in the passenger side of Ozzie's rusty Ford pickup and he gets in the driver's side. We drive to Publix, grab two packs of juice boxes, and go to his sister's house.

The house is filled with little girls and their parents. There's a huge bouncy castle in the back, beside a trampoline with three girls squealing and jumping. A woman - blonde-haired-blue-eyed - is serving drinks to the parents. Most likely some sort of booze.

"Camilla, this is Mirai," Ozzie says to his sister the one serving drinks.

"Oh. Is she the princess?" Camilla looks at me. She doesn't seem pleased.

"According to Asia, she is," he replies. "Is there a problem, sis?"

"No," Camilla says quickly. "I was just . . . expecting someone in a gown with a princess hat. Not someone in a nineties' band t-shirt." She sighs. "Well, at least she's actually Chinese."

"Japanese," Ozzie breathes.

This is going to be a long day.


I get to meet a lot of people at Asia's party. I also get lots of hugs and giggles from little girls. Some of them called me Mulan, even though Mulan is Chinese and I lived in Tokyo until I was 3. I don't mind. Apparently I have a resemblance to Mulan?

I help Ozzie serve cake (which, thankfully, everyone enjoys) and drinks. Never before have I had to pour champagne at a little girl's fifth birthday party. But I've never been to a five-year-old's party. First time for everything, right?

"Thank you for all the help," Ozzie says before I leave. "They all loved you - Mulan in a Nirvana shirt."

I laugh. "It was fun."

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