Draco Malfoy Imagines

By hogwartseclipse

90.1K 1.4K 553


i put a spell on you
he's in love (part one)
he's in love (part two)
record player
put up with my bullshit (part one)
put up with my bullshit (part two)
everywhere but me
authors note :(
drunk dray
tradition (part one)
tradition (part two)
tradition (part three)
a sunday kinda love
pleasure over treasure
what are you looking at?
spending the years together (part one)
spending the years together (part two)
whatever happens, i love you
dating draco would include

guilt & regret

5.7K 79 11
By hogwartseclipse

House: Doesn't Matter
Bloodline: Doesnt Matter
Year: Half Blood Prince
WARNING ⚠️: slight mentions of torture & blood and a whole lot of angst, feel free to click off if this triggers you
Y/N Y/L/N and Draco Malfoy had been dating since their third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which was three years prior to this occasion.

Y/N knew that dating Malfoy wouldn't be like any typical relationship, for she knew Draco came from a very demanding, dark family who would stop at nothing to get closer to the dark lord.

Despite this, Y/N loved Draco, and Draco loved her too. They did everything together, from dancing in the rain to spending breaks at each other's houses. They were at their happiest when they were together. Their relationship was an escape for Draco

Being part of the Malfoy family, Draco was bound to become just as dark as his father Lucius. His father had always been controlling and demanding, causing Draco to feel uncomfortable and uneasy while at his house, The Malfoy Manor. Draco knew he could never disappoint his father.
His mother on the other hand, Narcissa, was the opposite. She cared for Draco like a mother should. She knew Draco was put under an immense amount of pressure from his father and that she hated. She wanted what was best for her only child, but the matter was out of her hands..
Entering their sixth year, Draco and Y/N's relationship had taken a turn for the worse. Whenever Y/N would try to make slight conversation with her boyfriend, it was as if his mind was somewhere else. He so desperately wanted to take Y/N into his arms and kiss her face all over...though he knew it would be far too dangerous.

For over the summer, Draco had been set a task from the Dark Lord himself. Of course he didn't want to accept, but Lucius being Lucius, he had no choice.
Draco was ordered to push everyone he cared for away, and focus on his task. He knew this would be difficult because he could hardly bare an hour without speaking to Y/N. But he had no choice. Once the task was done, he would be able to spend as much time with Y/N as he wanted, they could do all the things they used to do...things would go back to normal again. Or so he hoped
For the first few weeks of term, Y/N accepted that Draco might just be tired from the vast workload they were receiving. But as the weeks turned into months she got tired of being pushed away by the love of her life and decided to take the matters into her own hands.

"Draco please! Just talk to me! Whatever is happening inside your head we can talk this out...I want to help you...please....This isn't the Draco i know and love at all" Y/N pleaded as she followed Draco through a dimly light corridor hours after curfew.
Draco tried not to look at her....he could tell by the slight cracks in her voice that she was hurting. And it was all his fault.
The blonde boy could no longer bare seeing the girl he loved in this state and so he turned around to face her

"I'm sorry....I really am. I have no reason for acting like this....I promise you. From now on my full attention will be on you...I love you sweetheart"

Draco pulled Y/N close and they both shared a passionate kiss in the corridor.

Draco had been sent letters from his father warning him to stay on task, the silver eyed boy replying with lies. Of course he wasn't going to tell his father that he would rather spend his time with the girl he loved dearly. He knew that would worsen the situation more.

Over the coming months, Draco had completely ignored his task. Draco knew that this was not a very good idea but he would sacrifice anything just to make Y/N happy. She was the most important thing in his life and he was not going to let her go because of some silly task he didn't care about. Draco was definitely pushing the limits when he started to ignore the threatening letters his father was sending him. But he couldn't care less, instead he sat in his dormitory with Y/N sleeping peacefully in his arms. He felt content like this. Just how we wanted to stay forever.
One night, Y/N had been totally brainwashed by the amount of homework she had been completing. She placed her textbooks down onto the wooden floor of her dormitory and slipped her trainers and a hoodie over the causal clothes she was already wearing.

As it was a spring evening, it was a perfect evening for a stroll. Y/N decided to go alone, and not bring Draco, thinking he probably had just as much homework to be getting on with as she had- she didn't want him to get behind.

Her shoes echoed the halls as she made her way through some corridors and down the pumpkin patches until she reached the forest. She was planning on seeing some thestrals. Yes, she could see them. For Y/N had witnessed her own parents die, right in front of her in a muggle car accident.

Y/N walked a fair way into the forbidden forest before she reached a clearing. She threw a piece of meat onto the ground and waited for some thestrals to come swooping down and eat it.

Though before she could place herself down beside a tree, a horrid, dark hand grabbed Y/N's neck from behind causing her to yelp out in fear. Her scream was soon muffled by the same ghastly hand. Y/N couldn't see who was attacking her so she wriggled around trying to escape the grasp. She failed miserably. The girls face soon became wet with tears and her whole body shaking violently. Her breathing soon became heavier and heavier as she struggled to get the monstrous clasp off her. She was completely and utterly terrified.

The figure who stood over her, their face she couldn't identify, clutched onto Y/N's wrist. Y/N knew she was in trouble. The figure had managed to apparate them into a dark, cold room with no windows. Y/N was grabbed harshly and thrown against the wall and tied to it with a tough piece of rope. Y/N screamed as loud as she could though no one seemed to help. The girl winced and as she looked down she saw blood trickling down her wrists, then to her fingertips and finally down onto the stone floor beneath her. She shouted for Draco....

That's when the horrifying figure emerged from the darkness...there stood Lucius Malloy

"Don't bother calling for him now" Lucius said in a deep, snarky voice "he has other things to be getting on with my dear" He smirked and tightened the ropes grip around Y/N's ankles and wrists until she could barely take it anymore.
After months of being kept in the same dark room, Y/N came to a realisation that she was in the dirty dungeons of Malfoy Manor. The "M.M" engraved on the door gave that away.

Lucius had kept Y/N down there and made sure to keep her alive, for he wanted to wait until Draco returned for his break to punish him with her deafening screams.

He knew Y/N was distracting Draco from his task and so he took her away from her.

Draco was still at Hogwarts, obviously worried sick to death about Y/N...though he had an idea of what happened to her...he just so wished it wasn't true. He was totally blaming himself for her disappearance.
Soon, break had arrived and Draco made his way home to Malfoy Manor.

Y/N was severely injured but was still able to move around slightly, though only if she kept in the dungeons, as the door was always locked

Draco was utterly furious when Lucius questioned him about his task

"I expect you have completed your task, Draco. You should have no distractions after all" Lucius said coldly

"Of course i haven't done it! My girlfriend has been missing for months!! You really thought that this would make me focus on my task? Well you're wrong! You clearly have no idea what love is!"

"How dare you speak to me like that! You disgusting piece of filth!"

Before Draco could argue back to his father, he was interrupted by screams. Screams that were enveloped with pain. Those screams sounded like they came from deep, deep inside someone. That someone? Draco knew exactly

His body erupted with fear and his figure started to shake. He ran for the door but was stopped with a push against the wall.

"Leave her!!! You did this to her! You!! Maybe if you decided to respect your father, your stupid girlfriend wouldn't be in this situation. It's all your fault! And i want you to feel every inch of pain possible. You have disrespected the Malfoy name and I am absolutely disgusted! How dare you make us look like filth to the dark lord?" Shouted Lucius, his voice loud, but not nearly loud enough to disturb Y/N's deafening screams and cries.

Draco knew there was no way to help Y/N. He collapsed onto the floor his body shaking as he sobbed his heart out. If only he had resisted her company for a few more months...Guilt flew through Draco's blood as he covered his ears trying to drown out Y/N's screams. He so badly wanted to help her and pleaded at his fathers feet for him to stop it, but it was no use. Draco was just seen as a piece of dirt at his fathers feet.

Weeks later, Y/N's screams were still apparent. She cried out for Draco, this only put the boy in more pain. Draco wasn't sure wether she was actually screaming, or it was just an echo in his mind which was haunting him as he laid in his double bed alone, wishing he could have Y/N beside him...he knew that if he went down to help, Y/N would get killed right there in front of him....though at this rate that was probably the better option...Y/N's suffering would be over but he would then live the rest of his life with guilt and regret...He just wanted things to go back to normal..

One day though...the screams stopped...The heart broken boy knew that Y/N's body had eventually failed on her. She couldn't cope with the constant pain. Draco was slightly more content knowing that Y/N was finally at peace and was no longer suffering because of him...though he wished he could do more....he wished he could tell her how much he loved her and how much he wished he could've put an end to all this. But that was impossible.

Draco spend the following days, weeks, months and years drowning in sorrow. He was miserable, barely ate and became very anti-social. Never leaving his room for anything, thankfully his Mother brought him some food at meal times along with a sympathetic look plastered on her face. Though she knew she couldn't help him...she tried her best at least.

Y/N never left his mind. He wandered if she still loved him, or maybe she hated him for not helping her. He'd never know. She wandered if they would've had a future together...gotten married...had a family. Again....he would never know

Sometimes Draco could've sworn he was going mad....he saw her everywhere he went...but only for a split second...this made him feel the slightest bit better...just seeing those perfect features he knew and loved again and again...despite it being for only a split second...he savoured those moments...
ew this is the ugliest thing i've ever wrote, anyway i hope you like it! ❤️

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