lover of mine // mgc

By whoreforsierra

6.3K 74 6

Alexandria has a very big secret: she's in love with her best friend of six years, Michael. And even if she d... More

lover of mine
change your life
here for you
had to happen
drunk confessions
the story of another us
it was always you
if it's not one thing, it's another
tear in my heart
don't you leave me brokenhearted
goodnight and go
got a secret, can you keep it?
eye for an eye
the only reason
you make me crazier
birthday presents
pink or blue
cool uncle cal
the break-up
messy exes
all the blame
lunar moon
you're my best friend
i think i wanna marry you
boiling point
heal it or break it all apart
i miss the me before you
tried and failed
it's alright, it's ok
give your heart a break
last name
is love completely off the table?
over time
lunar eclipse
i'm ready to run
home sweet home
so you thought
goodbye for now
check on those you love
friend or foe
take a toll
somewhere you call home
just another reason
who do you love
what a surprise
made-up family
it's not a bad life
wedding bells
honeymoon avenue
fate has a funny way of showing itself
make or break you
i hate you
what even is normal?
feel the love
growing pains
then there was four
baby steps
one year
can you be less predictable next time
all i wanna be is done
who's side do you take
what to do
it's what brings you back
tainted getaway
good moments
love you like a love song
onto you
you win some and you lose some
there's no shame in getting help
baby shower blues
liar liar
broken home
too little, too late
baby, i love you


42 0 0
By whoreforsierra

"i'm so tired."

i groaned as michael unlocked our front door. the 15 hour flight home from australia was not any easier than the one heading there. thankfully luna was fast asleep for most of the flight and stayed asleep the whole car ride home. at least there wasn't any fans there today so we were able to head out smoothly.

"i know. let's just get the bags in here and we can unpack later."

michael said as he opened the door. he grabbed the bags that sat by our feet as we both walked into the house. luna is still fast asleep, her little head resting on my shoulder. my poor baby is so jet lagged. i know she's gonna sleep the rest of today away.

"sounds great to me."

i said as i headed towards the bedroom. i carefully took luna's shoes and jacket off of her and placed her in our bed.

"she's sleeping with us?"

michael asked as he walked into the bedroom.

"yes. i want to keep her close."

"she laid on you for an entire 15 hour flight."

"i don't care. i just want to hold her."

i said as i laid down in bed next to luna. thankfully i was smart enough to wear sweats on the plane ride home so i didn't have to change.

"your pregnancy hormones make you so clingy."

michael laughed as i rolled my eyes.

"shut up."

i said as i wrapped my arm around luna and held her close. michael crawled into bed beside me and i felt his arm wrap around my waist. we don't have a lot of time left where it's just the three of us and that makes me sad. i'm so excited for the baby to be here but i'm scared luna will feel left out. i want her to get as much time with her mum and dad as possible before she's not an only child.

i was almost asleep when i heard michael's phone ringing. he groaned as he removed his arm from me and reached over to grab it.


i heard him ask as i tried to close my eyes and fall back asleep. that's was until i felt the bed shift and shoes hit the floor.

"luke, calm down. i'll be there in a few minutes. i'll see you then."

michael said.

"what's going on?"

i asked michael as i shifted my body to look at him.

"sierra's water broke and luke's car won't start so i'm gonna go take them to the hospital. do you wanna come with?"

michael asked me. i sighed as i looked down at luna.

"i better stay here with luna. she's so tired and i could use some sleep myself. just give them my love and tell them i'll be up once the baby is born."

"will do. love you."

michael said before placing a kiss on my lips. he raced out the door as i sighed. of course luke's car wouldn't start in a moment like this. i'm sure he's probably freaking out more than sierra is in this moment.

i looked down to see luna was still fast asleep in my arms. i pulled the blanket over us and cuddled myself into bed with my little one.


"you disrespectful little bitch!"

my dad yelled as he slapped me across the face. i think my pride hurt more than my face did in this moment. my own father hit me. and over what? loving someone? choosing someone to be my forever? was it because he didn't choose him for me?

it hurts knowing how far my parents would go to keep me from michael. sure, he's done some shitty things, but he's a great guy. he's a good father and husband. he loves the kids and i so much. what does he have to do for my parents to accept him?

"don't you ever fucking lay a hand on her again. don't even fucking come near her or my children again!"

michael slat at my father as he got in between us.

"and what the hell are you going to do about it? all you've done is ruin her life!"

my father yelled at michael. that's when michael shoved my dad out of the hotel room. the damage was already done. my dad could've sat there and screamed at me for days but it wouldn't have worsened the damage he did when he slapped me.

i shot up in bed, my body covered in sweat, as my body tried to recover from the nightmare my brain produced. to be honest, i've been having nightmares ever since that night occurred. and the more i have them, the most details i remember.

i don't wanna tell michael about them. i don't know if they really mean anything and i don't want him to worry. whenever they happen, i just try to sneak out of bed carefully and rinse my face with some cold water. it just feels like the nightmares have become more and more vivid.

i looked down at luna and sighed. thankfully she slept through my nightmare and sweating. there's no way i'm gonna be able to fall back asleep. i carefully moved her over to michael's side of the bed and grabbed my phone. i smiled as the first text i saw was a text from michael.

mikey 🖤:
he's here. they named him leo and luke can't stop talking about how luna and him are going to date when they're older. i might kill him.

i laughed as i read the last part. michael is so overprotective over luna already. i can't wait to see him in her teen years.

be nice to him.

mikey 🖤:
i am nice. i just want his son to stay away from my daughter when they're of dating age. it's not like luna is dating until she's 25 anyway.

this is why you won't be in charge of when she's dating. i'll see you soon. give them my love.

mikey 🖤:
will do. love you.

i sighed as i put my phone down and sat back on the bed. i need to get these nightmares under control. but is it worth talking to michael about? is there even a point in bringing them up? i don't know.

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