The Naagin's Revenge


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Neelima's love for Anvay was selfless and pure, she gave up everything to become his bride. However she hid o... More

Cast and characters
Chapter 1.1
Chapter 1.2
Chapter 1.3
Chapter 2.1
Chapter 2.2
Chapter 3.1
Chapter 3.2
Chapter 4.1
Chapter 5.1
Chapter 5.2
Chapter 6.1
Chapter 6.2
Chapter 7.1
Chapter 7.2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Announcement #2
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Author's Note

Chapter 4.2

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As Shashi's body landed on the ground near the main entrance, the front office staff immediately take notice where one of the female staff begins to scream out loud in horror causing a stir. Soon people gather around the casualty including the Singh's and the Rai's.

As Anvay reaches the scene, he approaches the bleeding body lying on the ground and turns it around sending him and the rest of his family in shock.

"Lakshya call for an ambulance" he told his son who immediately dialed up for one.

"How did this happen? He said he was going out for a client meeting, then how did he end up like this" Shipra cried at the sight of her husband lying unconscious and bleeding right before her.

"Get a hold of yourself Bhabhi, he'll be fine" Shipra consoled her while Chandrika faints and nearly falls until Abhay comes into hold and support her, "Dadi!" Abhay panics and then takes her back inside to let her rest.

The ambulance soon arrived and Shashi was driven to the hospital along with Anvay, Shipra and Soumya while Lakshya took his car out to head there along with Rani leaving the rest back at the hotel.


The red serpent slithered it's way inside a glowing cave which had several glimmering jewels embedded within it, as the serpent reached the end of the cave it entered a hole and slithered through the passage all the way to the other end of the cave which led to a hidden temple whose presiding deity was lord shiva.

The red serpent then assumes it's human form before the shivalingam bowing her head to honor the deity. As she stands up her stoic facial expression turns into a triumphant smile.

She is then greeted by the temple's head priest Mr. Kailash, "I see you've returned and judging by the look on your face it seems you've achieved what you wanted"

"That's right panditji, I did........." she paused recalling how she had taken down her target earlier and began to revel in the moment "it's sure feels good punish a sinner that deserves it" she admitted before breaking into laughter for a brief moment.

"The fear in his eyes at the thought of dying was really satisfying" she thought out loud

"So did you kill him Ashlesha??" Kailash asked her, "Kill him? Of course not, he deserves worse than death. However I can't exactly guarantee he'd survive what I did to him" she chuckled

"Fair enough" the priest nodded in agreement

"I will never forget that night when those vile people came at us like the scum they happen to be" the rage within her began to brim up as she recalled the dreaded night when her world fell apart, "they thought I was dead after thrashing and stabbing me several times......... they just left me there like I was nothing after all that.....they underestimated me and they were wrong which is why they will pay" Ashlesha swore to herself

"They will, but let's call it a day before you're back to carrying out your plan to make them suffer" the priest told her, "Also it's almost time for the veneration, are you ready for it?" he asked

"More than ever!" she answered, "then let's begin" the priest then brought the aarti plate and began with the veneration while all the other icchaadhari serpents joined in and began dancing along with Ashlesha in honor of the Lord. As the veneration was nearing its end Ashlesha began to spin around the Shiva linga until she fell to the ground right before it.

(This is the song they dance on for the veneration from Naagin 4 & 5)

"Are you okay?" The priest asked out of concern, "I've never felt better" she tells him with a smiling face expressing her delight, "please rest for a while before you resume carrying out your plan"

"Don't worry Panditji, Exhaustion would be the last thing to get in my way" she assured him
Shashi was shifted to the ICU one the doctors were done treating him. The doctors then go and inform Anvay, "the patient had a really harsh fall, however it seems he had other injuries besides that as well, I guess he got into a tussle with someone making this an attempt to murder case hence we'll need to inform the police about this"  to which Anvay agreed

"How is his condition now?" Anvay asked the doctor, "Not really good given that he's slipped into a comatose state, also even if he wakes up his body is going to be pretty more or less useless owing to the fall, I'm sorry" the doctor answered with regret leaving everyone of Shashi's family there devastated. Soumya and Rani began to cry while Shipra and Lakshya tried to console them.

"How could this happen? Everything was going well then why this all of a sudden?" Soumya sobbed, "I can't believe dad won't wake up and even if he did he wouldn't be normal anymore" Rani added as she grieved along with her mother, "Dad won't be there for me anymore" she cried as Lakshya held her close and hugged her, "Even if he isn't, you have me, Abhay and your Uncle, so don't you worry as you aren't alone" he told his cousin

Back at the hotel, the police had arrived an hour after they were informed by the doctors. They carried out their investigation including the inspecting the office from where Shashi fell off.

Abhay was at the lobby tending to Chandrika who was still unconscious on the sofa . Srishti and her family stayed over as well. She approached Abhay placing her hand on his shoulder, "Are you okay? How are you holding up?"

"I'm okay, it's Dadi that I'm worried about" he told her, " it's been a pretty eventful day I'd say, first Lakshya's near death experience, then us almost getting crushed by those boulders and now this" she pointed

"I agree" he held on to his grandmother's hand hoping she'd wake up soon.

"Did you notice anything unusual about your uncle, like anything?" Srishti asked Abhay which led him to recall his brief run in with Shashi, "I mean he did leave out of the blue earlier when we were dining saying he had an urgent meeting with his client, who does that really given everyone knew he'd be occupied with the inaugural function?"

"Actually, earlier he did stop by but he looked really anxious for some reason as if he had seen a ghost" Abhay told her, "he was looking for Dad as if it were pretty urgent"

Srishti then switches sides to that facing him, "Maybe he'd know something" she suggested

"I guess he would, but I can't ask him at the moment given he isn't here at the moment and second we still haven't heard from him" he told her expressing his reluctance, "yeah I get it" she sighed.

Mahima was wrapping up things at the main hall along with her crew members where she had to carry some components of the sound system that was set up earlier back to her van. She walked through and across the lobby where both Abhay and Srishti were till she dropped one on the floor getting the latter's attention. Srishti then heads over to her to help her pick it up "Here you go" as she hands over the mini speaker to Mahima.

"Thank you" Mahima appreciated her help, "Do you need any help carrying all that, it kind of looks heavy for just one person" Srishti asked, "No it's okay, I'll manage" Mahima insisted

"Even if you say that, watching you like that sort of makes me nervous, moreover I could keep myself a little busy for a while" Srishti told her, "so please allow me"

"Okay then" Mahima agreed handing over some of the components as they headed towards her crew van and placed the same inside it.

"Is there more?" Srishti asked, "No that would be all" Mahima confirmed, "and thanks for the help"

"Don't mention it" Srishti told her, "I'll need to get going now" Mahima informed

"Sure" and then Mahima heads inside the Van and drives away as Srishti watches her leave and heads back inside to the lobby area.

Chandrika had just regained consciousness, and Abhay was right next to her, "Dadi are you okay?" he asked her worried over her delicate condition at that moment.

"Where is everyone?" Chandrika asked as she tried to sit upright

"They're at the hospital" Abhay answered giving her a hand to support her.

"Take me there" she tells her grandson, "Dadi you're not in a state to go there right now, let's go home instead" Abhay reasoned

"I need to be there with my son, I need to see him" she pleaded, "I'll take you there, but not right now... so let's go home Dadi, please!"

"He's right Dadi, I think you need to rest and going home would be better" Srishti joined in as she also tried to calm Chandrika down leading her to agree following which they head outside to their cars and leave for home, Chandrika with Lakshya and Srishti with her family.
Back at the Singh's mansion Ashlesha was back and was administering the medicine on Kamalraj to ensure he stays asleep.

Lakshya was back with Rani and Shipra while Anvay and Soumya stayed back at the hospital. Abhay too had returned with Chandrika much earlier allowing him to put her to rest.

As Lakshya was about to head back up to his room to retire for the night, Abhay came to see him, "What happened? How's Uncle?"

"Not good, in fact terrible" Lakshya answered as he leaned against the railing of the staircase

"How bad is it?" a worried Abhay asked, "He slipped into a coma and even if he woke up he's as good as being dead" Lakshya revealed to him

"Well....we can't tell Dadi about this right now....she's in a pretty fragile state" Abhay cautioned Lakshya, "Of course not! What do you take me for?" Lakshya shot back

"I said 'we', unless you weren't paying attention" Abhay pointed, "now that you know we're on the same page, I'll go and get some sleep" Lakshya told him and then left for his room following which Abhay did the same.

The next morning Anvay had returned home while Soumya decided to stay back at the hospital. Shipra had set the table for breakfast and had asked Ashlesha to join them to which she agreed.

"How is Shashi?" Chandrika asked Anvay which he was reluctant to answer afraid that she might not be able to handle the truth, "he is recovering" Anvay answered

"Yes Dadi, Uncle is recovering" Lakshya added to assure her, "then I want to go see him" she told them putting them in a difficult position.

"But—" Rani tried to tell Chandrika the truth but was given a nudge by Abhay who was right beside her to keep mum.

"We will take you there, but the doctor have kept him under observation and haven't permitted many visitors around, right now Bhabhi is there looking after him" Anvay explained

The doorbell rings and the house staff opens the door to find the police.

"Is Mr. Anvay here?" The police officer asked

"Yes he is" the house staff answered as they cops barge in, Anvay walks towards them, "What's the matter officer?" He asked

"You are under arrest for attempting to murder your brother" the police officer answered.


That's the end of chapter 4, if you liked it please share it and vote for it as well.

Thanks :)

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