I found you Bakugou x F!Reader

By Swordmage21

19.7K 584 151

Y/n died during the olden days. Her and her lover were pulled away by death. She was awaken once again to lif... More

Oh shit


2K 50 9
By Swordmage21

This new life had been strange. For the past fourteen years, I had learned many of things. Firstly, magic or quirks were very common and accepted here. Second, these people called heroes fought villains. Being a hero is a legitimate job in this time and age. Somehow my memories from before this life were still intact with me. I have no clue why, but I will use them as a reminder of my quest: to find my lover. I truly miss him. All the times we spent together made me sad that our lives changed because of my slip up of words.

There are days that I see the younger versions of the villagers who killed me and want to exact revenge, but knowing my last life's husband, he would have killed them himself. Though I knew not of what exactly happened after my life passed, I could distinctly remember the burning of my flesh. because of that, I made sure to stay away from fires.

Oh yes, my quirk. My quirk is what I like to call witchcraft, in spite of the villagers. My quirk is a combination of shifting and plasma quirks. While my father was a stay-at-home dad, my mother was the hero, ranking in the middle of the top 100s. Her quirk was a plasma-based quirk. Unlike most heroes who want to beat up villains and gain fame, she was more of a rescue hero. The way she worked was if a civilian was caught or stuck under debris, she could blast it away or use it as if it was acid, dripping it into the debris and saving the victim. Not only that, but on occasions, she works to bust underground gangs and groups.

"(Y/N)! If you keep spacing out and wasting time, you won't make it to the exams in time!" I heard my father yell. Jumping out of my bed, I put on a (f/c) tank top with some basketball shorts. Sticking on my (b/n) (brand name) sneakers, I run out of my house. Using a spare hair tie around my wrist, I tie my (h/l) hair back so it's out of my face. I had since from my last life had cut/grown my hair. Panting as I made it to the auditorium, I took a seat where I was assigned to.

"WHAT'S UP UA CANIDATES? THANKS FOR TUNNING INTO ME, YOUR SCHOOL DJ! COME ON AND LET ME HEAR YA!" he turns his ear to the crowd with no response in return. I kind of zoned out for a bit while he was explaining things about the exam, but was brought back when an uptight kid stood up, his hand raised. "HIT ME!"

"On the printout you listed four types of villains when you told us three. With all respect, if this is an official UA materials, it is shameful! As notably students, we expect the best of UA." He faces back to a few rows behind him, pointing at a green haired male. "Additionally, you with the unkept hair, you've been muttering this entire time. So stop that. If you can't bother to take this seriously, then leave; you're distracting us."

"Pffft- someone's got a stick up their ass," I mutter to myself.

"Alrighty then. Examinee number 7111, thanks for calling in your request. The fourth type of villain is a zero-pointer. He's just an obstacle, so I advise you avoid this one instead of taking it out." With that, we were taken to our assigned arenas.






"I'm home!" I yell when I step in the house. There was no response. "They most likely went somewhere for a date." Huffing, I make my way to my room. In there was my sheets with many(or one) blankets. Without any energy, I lay onto my bed, passing out.

The next two weeks had passed and I got my acceptance letter. I was ranked tenth and was going to be attending class 1-A. Maybe I could see him there. The thought cause my to softly smile to myself, the feeling of longing creeping in.

"I can't wait to see you again, Katsuki," I mutter.

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